The audio titled "Bike Wheel Rims" begins with the pleasant sounds of a quiet workshop, the distant hum of traffic suggesting an urban setting. The distinct clink of metal on metal takes center stage as the narrator begins to describe the intricacies of a bicycle wheel. The narrator's voice is calm and knowledgeable, explaining the various components of the bike wheel in a manner that is easy to understand. He begins with the wheel itself, describing its round shape and how it's the foundation for everything else. He goes on to talk about the rim, the outer part of the wheel, where the tire is mounted. The rim's purpose, he says, is to provide a surface for the brake pads to press against, slowing or stopping the bike. Next, he introduces the spokes, thin rods of metal that stretch from the hub, or center of the wheel, to the rim. The spokes, he explains, are what give the wheel its strength and flexibility. They distribute the weight of