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cover of Making a Call 3
Making a Call 3

Making a Call 3


In the audio titled "Making a Call 3", the listener is introduced to the process of making a phone call using a mobile device, specifically a cell phone. The audio begins with the sound of a dial tone, indicating that the phone is ready for dialing. Following this, there's the distinctive sound of numbers being entered on the cell phone's keypad. It's a familiar series of beeps that varies in pitch depending on the specific number being dialed. After the appropriate number has been dialed, there's a slight pause, then the sound of the call being initiated. This is represented by a steady, rhythmic tone that continues until the call is answered or ended. The audio realistically represents the experience of making a call, providing a relatable scenario for the listener.

Sound Effectsdialcell-phonemobilecellphonecalldial-tonedialing

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