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Artifact 02 Patch from BBD

Artifact 02 Patch from BBD


In the audio titled "Artifact 02 Patch from BBD," you are immersed in an evocative soundscape crafted from an intriguing mix of drum beats and sub-bass rhythms. The audio begins with a raw and deep synthesized drum beat that forms the backbone of the piece. It's not any ordinary drumbeat, but something more analogous to a heartbeat, pulsing low and regular, providing an undercurrent of life to the audio. Soon, the modular synthesizer comes into play, introducing a variety of synthesized sounds that weave in and out of the rhythm. The beat, consistent and insistent, is overlaid with these synthesized patches, creating a complex and layered auditory experience. The audio has a unique texture, a rawness that speaks of samples being used to their fullest potential. As the audio progresses, the deep, resonant sub-bass adds an additional layer of depth, enhancing the overall feel of the audio. Despite the multitude of sounds, there is a sense of cohesion

Sound Effectsdrumsubmodularbeatsynthesizeddeepsamplerawlowheartbeat

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