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cover of Zoom H2n Recording of Construction Area II on December 5, 2013
Zoom H2n Recording of Construction Area II on December 5, 2013

Zoom H2n Recording of Construction Area II on December 5, 2013




In this audio recording titled "Zoom H2n Recording of Construction Area II on December 5, 2013", you're immersed in the soundscape of a bustling construction site located within a university campus. The date is December 5, 2013, and the recording device used is a Zoom H2n, known for its high-quality audio capture. As the audio begins, the distant hum of heavy machinery sets the backdrop. As the listener, you're in the heart of a construction area, surrounded by the rhythmic clatter of hammers, the metallic clang of scaffolding, and the grating roar of concrete mixers. Intermittently, the sharp beep of a reversing truck punctuates the symphony of construction sounds, while the crisp crunch of gravel under heavy boots brings a sense of proximity and immediacy. Conversations between workers float in and out of the foreground. Their words are indistinct, but their tones convey a sense of purpose and concentration.

Sound Effectsuniversityconstructionarea

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