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Final unlv project audio

Final unlv project audio

Heather Sorensen



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The speaker discusses various perspectives on college success, including healthy eating habits, social connections, and academic performance. They share their personal view, emphasizing the importance of making connections and being self-aware. They also mention their research process and experiences at UNLV, highlighting the resources and support available. The speaker discusses themes such as time management, healthy lifestyle, and study techniques. They conclude by discussing the impact of UNLV connections and their own definition of college success. Hello. UNLV. Understanding Non-Stop Learners Victors. I thought this was a great description of all of us. We are UNLV. In discussion of college success, there are many differing views on the matter. Here are a few that I have heard or read about. Being successful in college means having healthy eating habits, attaining social connections, such as sororities, clubs, or other organizations. The just get in and get out view, where you put your head down and just get the grade to pass the class or get the diploma. Going to class every day, getting good grades, getting plenty of sleep, managing your time correctly and being able to learn something from every class. My personal idea of college success is making connections and being self-aware of your abilities and limitations. I feel that these two main components will make my college experience a successful one. What does research suggest about the ideal first experience for me? This is my research process. Academic Research Process. Eating Habits Influence Academic Performance in Higher Education article. I chose this article because my need, based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, was safety. It was one of the shorter articles and I have been intermittent fasting lately, so I wanted to see what the statistics involved. My next article was Social Networking in Higher Education Has an Impact on Teaching Learning Activities. I picked this article because it was in line with my connections statement for a successful college experience. Also, we are all online learners and it talked about the benefits of connecting and networking. The last article was on Balancing Between Work Life and Home Life. This is a shorter article and I was really struggling with this work-school-home-life balance that week, so I chose this article and I really enjoyed her tips and advice. My UNLV experience processes first started with a Zoom meeting with our instructor, Dr. Hawkinson. Next was a UNLV Rebel Star Zoom meeting, learning about the Rebel Hub resources. And the last was a classmate phone call discussion with Frank Hawley. Image 1 depicts breakfast and fast food. This is relating to the article on eating habits. And image 2 is a screenshot of my phone call with Frank for my UNLV experience number 3. Moving up to the top for student success research, psychosocial skills research. Students who ate breakfast every morning for 7 days had a substantially higher GPA than those who did not eat breakfast. Students who consumed 7 times or more fast food during 7 days had a span of .38 points different GPA of those who consumed 0 fast food. These statistics were taken from the article eating habits. Academic skills research. Dominant purpose of social networking in academic activity was to publish or communicate the task assignment. Social media has changed the way that students and lecturers can interact. Teamwork is critical in service learning and civic engagement. Participating in service learning and civic engagement activities will help with life and academic success. Life skills research. The information from this section comes from the article balance between home and work. Keeping balance between home and work is hard but doable. She gave some great advice about being your own advocate, having grace for yourself, and not feeling shame for your dual roles. Supporting others that are in the same position. And finally, realizing that you are replaceable at work but not at home. My UNLV experiences started with a Zoom meeting with Dr. Hawkinson. It was great to be able to make a connection with our instructor. We talked about how the class will run and discussed my view on first year experiences. Second UNLV experience was a Zoom meeting with Rebel Star and Rebel Hub Advisors. It was great connecting with campus resources, campus support, and IT. And the third was a classmate phone call making connections with fellow student Francis or Frank Hawley. We discussed upcoming projects, classes, and life. I found out that we have a lot in common, the way we think, our tech savviness, or lack of, and experiences. And we are in the same generation gap. So that has a lot of commonalities in itself. Image three is a picture of our Zoom meeting with Rebel Hub for experience number two. And image four is a funny little meme talking about networking leads to success. It's Willy Wonka saying, tell me again how you think you can succeed without a good network. I felt it went really well with my view on college success. Discussion of college success themes. Theme one, managing time and priorities. How to manage time. We all have the same amount of time. So how do you choose to use yours? Procrastination. When we put things, especially unpleasant things, off, we get really stressed and cramped for time. I really like setting small goals for specific chores and homework activity as it really helps me with my procrastination. Prioritization. Saying yes to one activity means saying no to another. Goal setting and motivation. What motivates you during the day? It could be different from day to day. The activity of tracking our time was really an eye opening experience for me. Theme two, engaging in a healthy lifestyle. Physical. Sleep. Are you getting enough productive sleep? Healthy eating. In the article of healthy eating, do you eat breakfast? How much fresh fruit and produce do you consume and how often do you eat fast food? Emotional. Managing stress. How can you control your stress? I tend to use gratitude, deep breaths, and I really like to connect the environments around me. I usually go for a walk or look at my animals. Mental. Anxiety disorders, eating disorders, depression, and suicidal behavior are all effects of mental health. Maintaining a healthy relationship. Self-care. Any activity that nurtures and refuels you is self-care. What is your favorite activity? Community and family. What groups are you a part of? There are physical, mental, and emotional health benefits for maintaining healthy community and family relationships. And last is safety. Being conscious of what you put into your body. How does it affect you? The third theme that I chose for the textbook is study, memory, and test taking. Studying. Avoid distractions and have a good study environment. Memory. How is your memory working? We have three types of memory. Working, short-term, and long-term memory. We also have obstacles that keep us from memory. The obstacles are lack of sleep and cramming. Test taking. Preparation versus actual test. Image number five is my favorite meme. It's funny yet fitting. It conveys all three textbook themes. Managing time, stress, and studying. It states, finishing homework the day it's due. Go, go, go! I assume we've all been there and at times I'm still there. The last subsection is my conclusion. UNLV connections. Connecting with the UNLV community has had an impact on me by helping me know where to go for help. One of the biggest tips was learned through my second UNLV experience. If you don't know who to ask for help, ask a Rebel Hub advisor. If they can't answer your question, they will know who to send you to. Sometimes I have a question and I really don't know who to direct it to, so this was really helpful to me. My personal connections. My own view of college success is that it is very personal. What one person may view as success is not necessarily the same for another person. My personal idea of college success is twofold. First, making connections. I feel the more connections you make, whether in school, community, or work, will help you be more successful. In school, connecting with advisors, classmates, campus support, etc., allows you to work smarter, not harder. I also believe that being self-aware of your abilities and weaknesses, or as Dr. Hawkinson likes to put it, opportunities to learn, is key to success. I personally am not a techy person, so I know that I need to schedule more time if I'm working on a computer or using a different format or tool than I'm used to using. I also know that I have great room for improvement when it comes to time management and priorities. Knowing these can help you manage the balance of college and life to make you thrive at both. I feel that these two main components, connections and self-awareness, will make my college experience a successful one. Thank you.

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