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Tag Jesus

Tag Jesus




In this message, titled Tag Jesus, we are admonished that since we are in a tag-team partnership with Jesus, we can call on Him anytime, especially in times when we feel anxious. For more spirit-filled content, kindly listen to Radio HCI Today by downloading the RadioKing app or following the link https://bit.ly/hci-radio

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In this transcription, Amanda Badu leads a prayer startup session and encourages listeners to trust in Jesus and not be anxious or worried. She emphasizes the importance of prayer and surrendering our problems to God. By shifting from worry to prayer, we can experience God's peace and trust in His control over our lives. The message is to rely on Jesus and invite Him into our worries and concerns. Praise the Lord, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. Amen. Precious ones, thank you for being a part of the Just Ended Prayer Startup. Facilitating this morning glory devotion is Amanda Badu from Harvest Chapel International Denyamikumasi. Please let's pray. Thank you so much Heavenly Father for the gift of today. We pray that even as we open your word that you shall help us understand the truth, help us meditate on your word, and grant us the grace to abide by it in our lives in Jesus name. Amen. Beloved, please let's take our confession from the book of Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. This book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth, but I shall meditate in it day and night, that I may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then I will make my way prosperous, and then I will have good success. Amen. Our topic for today is titled, Tag Jesus. And our scripture reading is taken from Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 to 7. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Amen. Our second scripture is taken from Psalm 94 verse 18 to 19. When I thought, my foot slipped. Your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations share my soul. Amen. Tag Jesus. Beloved, what a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. We have a Savior on our side who is ever ready to help us at every point of need. Many are the worries and unrest that grip us in the course of our life. In response to the troubles of life, we often allow the legitimate worrying thoughts to grip our minds and take over, leading us to anxiety, despair, and distress. At the base of our worries is usually fear, the fear of the unknown, the fear of not being in control, the fear of death, the fear of crisis, and the fear of need among others. The reality is that God wants us to live a worry-free life. We will never be able to control everything, but we have a God who is in control of all the affairs of men. The scripture says we should be anxious for nothing, but rather we should pray and offer our petitions. Beloved, when you are in a state of anxiety or worry, your thoughts will often overwhelm you and lead you away from God. In worrying, you tend to focus on the problem and your inadequacy or inability to bring solutions to it. But brethren, we are in a tag-team partnership with Jesus. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. So in states of anxiety or worry, all we have to do is to tag Him or invite Him in. We tag Jesus by committing our issues to Him in prayer. When we pray, we are surrendering the problems to Him for solution and choosing to rest in His power to take control. In prayer, you get to exchange the worry for peace. You won't be able to access His peace if you don't turn from worry to prayer. By shifting into the gear of prayer and petition, you are then giving Him permission to intervene. It is like getting out of the driver's seat and handing over the wheel to Him saying, take control Lord, and believing in His power to do so. The state of anxiety, worry and fear isn't desirable, beloved. We must rather be in a state of peace where we know and believe that God loves us, that God is in control and that all things will work together for our good when we leave it in His hands. When we do not know how to pray, He helps us. When we are weak, He is our strength. When we are overwhelmed, He comforts us. He is always with us and He is ever ready to bear us up with His righteous hand. We may not know which way to go, but if we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our path. Proverbs chapter 3 verse 6 Beloved, in whatever situation you find yourself, do not be anxious and do not worry. Shift into prayer, thank Jesus and receive peace. Shalom. Our memory verse is taken from Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 to 7. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, we thank God. We thank you for this reminder that you are always on our side. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We can shift into prayer and commit all those issues to you. We thank you for this reminder that you are always on our side. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can always tag you. We thank you for reminding us that whenever anxiety, worry, and unrest grips us, we can

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