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Surest Prophecy

Surest Prophecy




In this message, titled "Surest Prophecy", we are directed on how to identify God's true Word of Prophecy in the midst of several prophecies.

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This is a morning devotion session led by Joshua from Harvest Chapel International. The main focus is on the importance of the word of God in discerning true prophecy. The speaker references the book of Jeremiah and how false prophets opposed Jeremiah's message. The Apostle Peter's writings are also mentioned, emphasizing that the scriptures are the benchmark for judging prophecies and supernatural experiences. The message encourages listeners to rely on the word of God as the surest prophecy and to be discerning in their beliefs. The session ends with a prayer for wisdom and guidance. Shalom, wonderful family. You are warmly welcome to today's Morning Glory Devotion. God bless you for being a part of the just and dead prayer time. My name is Joshua from Harvest Chapel International, Alkmaarsee, and it is a privilege to be facilitating today's Morning Glory Devotion. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for another wonderful day. Lord, we pray that as we go into your word this morning, you will reveal yourself and cause the light of your word to shine brightly and illuminate every dark area of our lives. Father, through your word, bring clarity and direction to our lives. In the name of Jesus, we pray, with thanksgiving, Amen. Let us take our confession from Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. This book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth, but I shall meditate in it day and night, that I may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then I will make my way prosperous, and then I will have good success, Amen. The theme for today's devotion is Surest Prophecy, Surest Prophecy, and our scripture reading is from 2 Peter chapter 1 from the verse 19 to 21. I will be reading from the World English Bible. We have the more sure word of prophecy, and you do well that you heed to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts, knowing this first, that no prophecy or scripture is of private interpretation. For no prophecy ever came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke, being moved by the Holy Spirit, Amen. I recently finished reading the book of Jeremiah again, and I was struck once again by a strange phenomenon. The phenomenon was that some of the greatest opposition that Jeremiah faced in his prophetic ministry was from the priests of the temple and other prophets, people that should least expect to oppose the work and move of God and the lives of his people. Maybe not too different from our days today, those were turbulent times in Israel and Judah. There were rumors of war, and things were volatile politically in that entire region. The Lord's people maintained a facade of godliness, but had long gone astray and were following other gods and doing all the things that God had commanded them not to do. The corruption in Judah extended to the priests and prophets also, and God had only a few voices left that he could use to call his people to repentance. Jeremiah was one of those chosen voices. Unfortunately, whenever Jeremiah delivered a message from God, calling the people to repentance and warning them of the destruction and trouble ahead, the other prophets stood up and prophesied also. But they prophesied things in direct opposition to what God had sent Jeremiah to prophesy, and they boldly declared that they were prophesying in the name of the Lord. Many of the people who heard them were led astray. They remained in their sin and continued in their iniquities because their prophets prophesied peace and prosperity to them. They prophesied God's deliverance to them, they prophesied that God would restore and vindicate them, and they completely remained quiet about the lifestyles and activities of the people which were contrary to the commandments and statutes that God had entrusted to them. Beloved, if you were in Judah at such a time, how would you judge between these prophecies? Actually, you don't even need to be in Judah to face a similar situation. At the beginning of each year, we hear various prophecies flying about left and right. The Bible is not silent about the fact that there are false prophets who prophesy falsehood in the name of God either for personal gain or to lead people astray. So, what can the believer do in order not to be deceived? The apostle Peter gives us the answer in today's passage. He talks about the sure word of prophecy and how it is like a lamp shining in a dark place. The apostle was referring to the holy scriptures as he makes clear later on. The scriptures are the benchmark against which all other prophecies must be judged. The scriptures are a lamp that shines to reveal what is truth and what is deception. But the scriptures are not limited to judging what we receive from others as prophecies, but also our own supernatural encounters and experiences, the dreams and visions, the impressions of the heart and the intrusive ideas, the audible voices and the little whispers. The word of God, the scriptures, is the light that shines on these and reveals where they stand, whether truth or deception, whether from God or from the enemy. Because every word that God speaks today will be consistent with what He has spoken in the past. This is the very reason why He moved holy men in times past by His Holy Spirit to pen down the scriptures that these words would serve as a guide for later generations. Beloved, what has been your guide so far in judging prophecies and your supernatural experiences? Is it simply based on liking what you hear or is it based on the word of God? Is it based on mysticism and euphoria or is it based on the word of God? Beloved, the word of God is the surest prophecy. Like Apostle Peter advises, let us do well to heed to it as to a lamp shining in that place, so that we will not be led astray or stumble and fall. Amen. Let us take our memory verse from Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12. For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joint and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Amen. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for your word that has come to us today. Lord, we pray for grace, wisdom, and discernment to judge accurately by your word which you have made available to us. Help us to heed to your word at all times and let it be a bright lamp shining in every dark place and area of our lives. No matter how attractive and enticing any opposing voice may be, through your word, keep us in your fold always. In Jesus' name, we pray with thanksgiving. Amen. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more spirit-filled content on Radio HCI today. Until we come your way once again tomorrow morning at the same time, do stay blessed.

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