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The speaker welcomes listeners to the Chill Spot and talks about their recent trip to the beach. They reflect on the importance of rest and the problem of youth wasting time at bars. They discuss the idea of breaking free from routine and the value of trying new things. They mention the benefits of spending time alone and appreciating one's own space. They also recognize the support and honesty of the people around them. Lastly, they reflect on the challenges faced by men as providers and the importance of gaining perspective on one's own problems. Good afternoon. Welcome to the Chill Spot. And this is our 5th episode. Yes, I must get something. I think, when we edit this, we must get something. That's when I say, you know, the 8th, the 3rd, at least, you know. But yeah, man. Welcome to the Chill Spot. I'm Hamidi Yaseen. Yeah, I titled this, I just came from the beach, and I have a lot to say. I had a lot to say. I had a lot to say, and yeah, it's still there, you know. I actually, I took myself out, you know, yesterday, which was Saturday. I took myself out, and I saw a lot of things, you know. I saw a lot of things. I learned a lot of things from that outing, you know. I learned a lot of things about myself, first and foremost, and I learned a lot of things about the environment that we're in, you know. PE is a nice place, you know. PE is a nice and very peaceful place, I would say. So, for me, you know, I think, I don't know if I'm out of the box yet, in terms of, because they say PE is actually in the dark clouds, you know. You know, everything is happening in PE, you know. So, yeah, someone here, someone around here keeps on plugging something that is not compatible with the plugs. So, the Wi-Fi keeps going on and off, and the plugs also themselves. So, I just unplugged my laptop now, just to, you know, not damage it further, or not damage it, because it's, you know, I don't know why would they do that on a Sunday, but yeah, that is people. Yeah, so, yeah, as I say, I learned a lot, you know, about myself on the trip, and I learned a lot about the people that are around us, and actually, I realized that first and foremost, there's a lot of time wasting amongst youth. I know it's not going to land properly, you know, in terms of the youth that is forward listening to the conversation. There's a lot of time wasting amongst youth, you know, in terms of, you know, spending your days, and your afternoons, and everything else, you know, at a bar somewhere, you know, instead of, yes, you know, by all means, rest is necessary. Rest is, you know, is the main thing that you actually need to get, you know, so that you can actually power on and soldier on with whatever you're doing, you know. So, actually, I looked into some stuff in terms of South Africa having a drinking problem, you know, and it's sort of rife amongst youth, and actually, it's actually interesting to look into that, you know, you find, you know, a young person actually sort of, you know, throwing themselves into that kind of spectrum, and it actually made me think, you know, while I was sitting there, that, you know, if maybe, you know, we could invest our time, you know, our talents, you know, our sort of brainpower to things that made sense, maybe we would have been far as a country, I guess, because I was speaking to someone the other day, and I said to them that I want to get to a point where I am going to get off the working world and do something that can, you know, obviously, I can sustain me and keep me going, but do something for myself, you know, in a way I won't be hired by anyone, you know, but now, whilst we were speaking, I said to him, or rather, we were speaking, and a topic came up of everyone wants to sort of break free, and everyone wants to sort of break away, and do their own thing. So, if everyone wants to do their own thing, who's going to be left to work for the other people? It's very interesting, you know, how that came, because, you know, everyone is looking for a way out, you know, everyone is looking for a way out of this sort of hula hoop of some sort, because I looked back, you know, into my sort of, I would say radio days, or radio, yeah, it sounds like I've been out of radio for decades, no, you know, and when I look back into when I was still doing, you know, when I was still, you know, involved in radio, I looked, there was once a week where I woke up, and I was like, you know, it's actually boring, it gets boring to a point, to do the same thing, you know, the whole time, you know, where you are sort of, you have this sort of set week, you know, where you know that on a Monday I'm doing this, on a Tuesday I'm doing this, Wednesday I'm doing this, and there's nothing that's going to change, you know, unless there's a slight change, you know, that actually excites you, because actually you're looking at the challenge now, which is actually nice, you know, but if you're going to get the standard week, that's going to, you know, just be there, and you're just going to be doing the same thing every week, it can get to a point where you are like, this is, I don't think this is for me, actually, I don't think this would work, and this is another thing that I actually felt, you know, when I was actually, you know, working for a radio station at some point, and I was like, you know, I do the same thing every week, you know, and it's interesting, but you know, with any habit, you know, even if you get home and you actually come through by the front gate, you know, maybe at some point if there's going to be one day where you're like, I've been doing this for two years, you know, let me just, just for the fun of it, just go through the back gate, you know, and I mean, just get a fresh perspective, you know, that fresh sort of outlook in life, where you actually excite yourself, that you did something actually new for the day, and yeah, I mean, I actually, this is one of the things that I was thinking, you know, when I was sitting there, and I sat and had coffee, and I had coffee by myself, and there's a second thing, there's a second thing that I actually, I would say I'm proud of myself with, because I actually won myself over from, I'm actually slowly, I would say, so winning myself over from doing stuff in a crowd, you know, because, you know, at first, it used to always be this thing of, you know, you text that guy, you text that one, you text that one, like, okay, you know, on a Saturday, let's go there, let's do this, and, you know, let's make a Saturday of it, you know, and now, I realize that I'm at the point where I actually won myself over from those things, you know, I'm certainly starting to embrace being alone, and I actually learn a lot of things, you know, with being alone, I learn a lot of things, I get to see a lot of other things, you know, that I actually wouldn't pay attention to, you know, when I am in a crowd or when I am with people, you know, so, actually, I'm actually starting to appreciate, you know, sort of, you know, being in my space, you know, having my space, and also, not taking, you know, away the fact that someone needs to put in a Q40 at their door, I don't know why I just mentioned this, but, yeah, yeah, as I was speaking, I was speaking about being alone, let's move on from the Q40, I'm certainly getting to a point where I actually realize, yes, you need people around you, you actually do need people around you to actually, you know, just be one with them, you know, they can assist you, you can assist them, you know, and you can, you know, sort of, as our great, sort of, ultimate street guy, if I can call him that, Monga said, you know, you sort of be with the message, you know, on a regular basis, you know, regardless of the circumstances, you know, kind of thing, you know, I realize that I've got to a point where instead of needing friends, you know, I'm just trying to embrace that thing of do things alone, and you may learn a lot, you know, and besides, you know, I feel like, you know, where I am now in terms of a working environment of some sort, I have very amazing people, you know, that are around me that actually are very supportive, very friendly, you know, very, very, I would say, honest, I would say, so I would call them honest, to some extent, you know, people, fathers, you know, brothers, you know, husbands, you know, that are actually trying to make a living, you know, trying to make it out there, you know, and they are just for that, you know, they're just for, you know, making it, you know, they're actually striving through whatever is happening, you know, and I got to speak to one of them, and I got to speak to one of them that actually works, you know, at the company where I am working, and I actually, not really got into deep into what they're there for and whatever else, but I actually realized that, you know, men go through a lot in terms of being the providers of a home and being there, you know, just being there, you know, and the effort they put, because looking at these men and what they deal with on a daily basis of, you know, you know, customers, first and foremost, that are actually sometimes being difficult, you know, sometimes they face backlash from the management, sometimes they face different things, you know, they go through a lot, you know, and you actually look at them and you say to yourself, hmm, do I even, you know, even reach, you know, the point of need that they're in, you know, because you may look at your situation and think that, you know, you're the only guy that has troubles in the world, you know, and someone said once that people had troubles, you know, since the Pope actually was an altar boy, you know, and since the Dead Sea was only critical, you know, so sometimes we actually, as I said in the beginning, that we have to actually just look with, look at someone's box from the outside and then you actually realize and get a perspective that, you know, my one is actually a bit better, you know, because of you have nothing much to lose, you know, because I was looking at the few options, you know, when I was sitting here, I sometimes sit and think of stupid stuff, so I was sitting here the other night and I was like, okay, look, if I were to say to myself that I am quitting the working world and I am to be unemployed, you know, what is the first step that I would take, you know, and I actually told myself that the first step that I would take is to do a few things, obviously in PE, but eventually I would actually fulfill my promise of going back to Cape Town, you know, because Cape Town, I feel like I have unfinished business, you know, in Cape Town and there's a lot I need to do, there's a lot I need to sort of work on in Cape Town that actually can benefit me and, you know, my future, you know, in terms of academics and sort of in a religious aspect also, you know, in terms of finishing my Quran and all of those things that actually need to be done that have been put on pause because obviously joining the working world, you know, sort of disturbs you from your goals and in the promise or in exchange for a piece of paper that has value when it's together, but if you tear it apart, it doesn't work for you anymore. That's the worst part about money because I find myself speaking about this, I know I'm just going through the phases of stuff here, but I spoke to one of my Bolt drivers, you know, I requested a Bolt, I don't request Bolt much, please, if you see me on the road, I don't have money, I don't request Bolt much, but when I request Bolt, I have conversations with the Bolt guy, like, I spoke to him and when I spoke to him, we spoke about money, right, and I was actually saying to him that, Ish, you know, if you're looking, if you look deep into the concept of money, it's actually a scam, you know, because, I mean, it's a piece of paper and it has value of some sort, you know, someone actually told or sort of indoctrinated, you know, the human species, I would say so, to think that, okay, this thing has value, so to get this thing, you must do certain things and then you get a certain amount or a certain portion of this thing, you know, not all of it, depending on the rank that you're in, wherever you are, you know, and yeah, it actually interests me that, you know, a piece of paper that somewhat has value, but when you tear it apart, there's no value anymore, but eventually this piece of paper makes the world go around, you know, it actually contributes to a lot of things, you know, it may help a family, it may build a family, you know, it may also be a sort of breaker of a family, you know, in terms of breaking the family literally, emotionally, physically, or whatever, or, you know, causing separation in the family, or breaking the family in terms of death, yes, death, there's something that is called a hitman, and yeah, and a hitman gets paid with money, you know, so it contributes to a breakage of a family or a family getting broken, you know, so I looked into that, and I was like, okay, this is very interesting, and I actually looked into how long can I myself live without money, needing money, you know, and I looked into my life, and I was like, I don't think I'll make it a week, but I think I would, actually, I think I would make it a week, I think I would, but it's very interesting, yeah, I think I would make it a week without money, because I really don't need much, if I have my data, and I'm connected to the internet on the go, that's it, that's me, you know, I'm done, I don't need much, and actually, it took me to a conclusion of money really makes the world go around, even if we don't want to admit it, you know, money really makes the world go around, and speaking about money, people are going to be buying stuff today, because it's so-called Mother's Day, apparently, in South Africa, and I don't know if it's, yeah, I think it's South Africa, I think South Africa, it's a South African thing today, and yeah, I had yearly conversations, I would say, with a friend of mine about this, because he always feels like I'm too harsh, in terms of this Mother's Day concept, and I want to know from you, you know, do you think, is it feasible, you know, to actually look, or look into, or celebrate Mother's Day, because I feel like, you know, if you're looking at it in Islamic aspect, you know, I actually understand, you know, I actually, it actually makes more sense to me, because I was looking at a saying by Sheikh Uthaymeen, Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Saleh Al-Uthaymeen, which he stated, and the mother is far more deserving than being commemorated for one day in the year, rather the mother has the right upon her child, that they take care of her, and are concerned with her, and that they establish obedience to her, and that which doesn't involve the disobedience of God, which is Allah's order, in every time, right, and this was translated by Abu Humaid Salim Ahmed, and actually, this resonates, because, I mean, I feel like, you know, women or other mothers, you know, women in general, let's say women in general, have to be honored, you know, have to be sort of seen to, and it actually adds more weight if it's mothers, in this sense, they have to be seen to, they have to be, you know, taken care of in, you know, all days of the year, you know, every day, you know, 365, you know, 24-7, and not just one day where you actually show this sort of overwhelming love and care, and then tomorrow, you just, okay, continue with life, and that being, you know, sort of cruel, and hurtful, and whatever to your mother, it makes no sense, you know, there's people, you know, there's the good ones excluded, you know, there's people who are actually good to their mothers, that I've seen, you know, and they take care of their mothers every day, you know, I feel like that's the way, you know, we should strive to take care of our parents every day, not, you know, sort of once in a blue moon, when the day comes that the government dictates that you must take care of your mother today, and buy a gift and stuff, and then after that, you continue with life, you know, I just opened something here, and yeah, I hope it didn't make much of a noise, yeah, but yeah, let us know, let us know what you think, do you think it is, is it a feasible thing to actually, actually take time to actually celebrate Mother's Day, why, you know, why do, why do you say so, you know, because, I mean, I feel like, do it every day, you know, so that you don't have to feel like it's a special day, you know, you do it every day, strive every day to make it a Mother's Day, you know, and yeah, man, I feel like, I, if you're going back to this thing of being alone, you know, I, I sort of go into this space where I call the submarine stage, you know, where I tell myself that I'm gonna just be absent, you know, from everything that is happening around, you know, I'm just gonna be absent and unreachable in a sense, and I feel like it, you must try it, you know, you guys must try it, you know, if you're listening, you must just try it and see how it works, you know, it actually gives you a break, because you actually don't understand until that point that how tiring being around human beings is, you're, it's actually very tiring being around people, you know, like in a sense, even if you are, because most of the time I commute, you know, to work in a taxi, like, you find that the interactions you have in a taxi is enough to tire you for the whole day, you know, just by someone sitting next to you and just sometimes breathing too loud, it gets like, come on, man, come on, but unfortunately, we cannot live without one another, in any way, shape or form, we do need one another, so unfortunately, it's a game we have to play, you know, but obviously, with every game, we need a half-time, sort of, some sort, so I actually refer to that as my half-time, where I actually just take a break, you know, from everything and everyone and, you know, when I feel strong enough, I actually just, sort of, resurrect, I would say so, and yeah, you know, and I found that I'm around people that actually don't take it personally, that I actually go on this disappearing, sort of, stance and, you know, I'm grateful for that also, you know, that there is people that don't take it personally, that, you know, I need at least two minutes to myself, so that I can, you know, function properly in this, sort of, peripherals, you know, that I, sort of, imposed on us of interacting with people every day, so yeah, let me know what works for you, in terms of dealing with stress of being around people, do you actually experience that or am I just being weird here? I don't know, but yeah, I think, yeah, I think next week, I think next week, if everything goes well, I should be sitting or having a conversation with a lawyer that has been in the justice system for about a decade and yes, he is, he is interested in, sort of, coming through and having a conversation, you know, in terms of how has the justice system been, you know, to him and how is he planning to, sort of, live his life after retirement because, yeah, he actually told me a lot, you know, he told me a lot about what he has experienced in terms of the justice system and it actually made me more interested in having a conversation with him because I feel like we don't actually get to meet those extraordinary people that make a difference in our community, you know, in terms of, you know, fighting for justice in this, sort of, unjust South Africa, I guess, so yeah, you know, when we get, sort of, opportunities with them, it is actually nice to actually just, you know, have a conversation with them and hear their side of the story and maybe we would understand, you know, and maybe they could give us advice as to from what they've seen, what steps or what direction does South Africa need to take in terms of fixing the mess, you know, or will politics be the take or will, you know, the people, you know, governing themselves, you know, being the, oh, speaking of people, you know, it looks like COVID is back so, yeah, please, you know, take those through medications and stuff. From what I've seen, I don't know if it's true or it is facts or whatever but, yes, it, from what is floating around on social media, it looks like the virus is back so please do protect yourselves, wear a mask if you need be and, yeah, stay away from touching people, you know, and don't touch where Uncle Hamid wouldn't touch, and, yes, man, this has been your episode for today, which is a Sunday, the 12th of May 2024 and the year is running, I don't know where it is running to but, yeah, man, it's been a beautiful, it's been a beautiful five months so far of 2024 and I've seen a lot, you know, I've experienced a lot but, you know, through all of that, you know, I've went through it and, you know, and I sort of came victorious, I would say so. So, yeah, man, thank you for, you know, for waiting for the episode and thank you for sort of coming through to listen to it and, yeah, do sort of like and follow us on Facebook on the Chill Spot. We're going to be popping up also on the other sort of channels, you know, YouTube, you know, our other presenter asked me about YouTube this morning, I was like, ish, ish, ish, we're going to get there but, yes, we're going to get there, man, we're going to pop up on Instagram, we're going to pop up on Twitter probably soon. So, yeah, man, we're trying to make this, you know, as big as it can, you know, and we'd like to say thank you to you also, you know, for your support and also for listening, you know, to all the sort of weird episodes and nice episodes, obviously, that we do post here and we're hoping that you're going to be continuing, you know, to support our movement as we sort of try to bring a sort of different spin to what is sort of spoken conversations. As we always say, it's conversations with the peoples, so let's make it peopleful. I'm out. Are you there? I can be the one, if you want to, and I'll talk to you, and I can do the things you need me to do. Because I love you, I'll do the things I need to do. Because I love you. Because I love you.

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