Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Just make yourself comfortable lying with your feet not quite touching and your hands not quite touching. I want you to look up as high as you possibly can, as if you're looking into your own eyebrows. Fix your eyes onto a real or imagined spot overhead and just breathe in and breathe out. And take another deep breath, breathe in and breathe out. And just one more time, keeping your eyes glued and riveted to that spot, just breathe in. And as you exhale, keeping your eyeballs up, just close your eyelids right down, right now. Just quickly close your eyelids down and as your eyelids shut down, you can just allow a drifting floating feeling to develop in your body. You don't need to make anything happen, just let it happen. Just let that drifting floating feeling take over. And now I want you to get that same looking down feeling that you might get as you look over a balcony or down a flight of stairs. You're looking down 10 steps, you have that looking down sensation right now. We're moving on to step 10. As each muscle, every nerve turns loose, lets loose and you go deeper. We're taking step 9 and you can feel your feet treading each step. We're taking step 8, you can hear your feet making contact with every step as you go deeper. We're taking step 7 and you can see your feet moving on every step as you go deeper, into awareness of yourself. We're taking step 6 now. As each muscle, every nerve turns loose, lets loose and you go deeper. We're taking step 5, you're halfway down, drifting way down deep. We're taking step 4, going even deeper. We're taking step 3. As each muscle, every nerve turns loose, lets loose and you go deeper. We're taking step 2. As you gently, calmly, easily move into an even deeper state. We're taking step 1 and just let yourself go deeper. You don't actually have to do anything. Your inner mind will do everything for you. Just let yourself go deeper. And every time I click my fingers and say the words sleep deeply, you'll find yourself letting go more and more. So just go deeper, sleep deeply, just drift deeper. That's perfect. So as you go deeper into an absolutely relaxed state, you're able to turn your eyes inwards. You're able to look at your baby, your full grown baby, that is filling up your womb, that is getting ready to be born. Your baby is almost ready to be born to you and you talk to your baby all the time. You can see your baby smiling and laughing and you can just think about how much you want this baby and how much love you have to give to your baby. And you're directing all that love to your baby and you can see this baby kind of surrounded by a white light which is your love. And you're saying to your baby, I love you. I'm so excited about you being here. I can't wait for you to be born. And you're practicing and imagining and rehearsing with your baby exactly what it is going to do. Very shortly, your baby's head will engage. Your baby knows what to do. It gets into the right position, head down. Your baby's head engages and your baby's journey to be born to you begins. And this is an exciting journey. It is a wonderful journey. It's something you have wanted and now it's about to be here. When you participate in your baby's birth, you find it exciting and thrilling and wonderful and magical. Giving birth to your baby is the most empowering, wonderful thing. And you are so very relaxed. And because you're relaxed, you are a brave, confident mother. Because you're so relaxed, you're going to give birth so easily. Your baby's head engages and then the long muscles begin to contract to push your baby out of your body and into your arms. And as the long muscles contract, the round muscles that have held your baby securely in place relax. The long muscles contract and the round muscles relax. Your baby begins to move out of your body and your skin stretches perfectly. And this is the most wonderful teamwork. The long muscles are contracting and the round muscles are relaxing. Your body is working as a perfect team. The muscles are working together and you and your baby are working together. You're telling your baby that you're ready for it to be born and your baby's birth is quick. It is swift, it is easy, it is wonderful. You have a rapid, quick, easy, wonderful birth. You and your baby are working together. Your body and baby are working together. You and your body are working together and you tell your body to deliver your baby swiftly, safely. The round muscles relax, the long muscles contract and you go from the first stage to the second stage easily. In the first stage of delivery, you know that something is happening and you're so excited and you're able to move around a little. And in the second stage, where your baby's birth is imminent, it takes a very short time. Your baby so quickly travels down the birth canal and your baby is as eager and as ready to be born to you as you are to hold it, to nurse it, to love it, to see it. And your baby travels down the birth canal so quickly. The head engages perfectly. You dilate perfectly. You have perfectly stretchy skin and you can see the baby's crown. You can hear yourself being told and you see the baby crown. You can hear yourself being told the baby's head has crowned and you put your hands down and you are there to feel your baby's head and you know exactly when to push. You push when you need to push. You breathe when you need to breathe. And all the time you are in your special place, so very relaxed. And you can listen to this recording as many times as you want. And you play this recording so many times that by the time your baby's birth is here, my voice is so embedded in you that even without this recording, you can see yourself giving birth, directing so much love and energy to your baby. Motivating your baby to move down the birth canal swiftly. Your baby is so wanted and you can see your baby moving out of your body and into your arms and you are so relaxed. When you feel the baby moving, you talk to it. You tell it, well done. You encourage it. And you are so calm and relaxed. You are a natural. When your baby is born, you know that you will naturally do all of those things like rocking, speaking in a soft voice. Just as you naturally know how to rock and soothe your baby, you naturally know how to deliver your baby. You breathe deeply and properly. You are so relaxed. You apply all the lessons in breathing. You are calm and relaxed. You are breathing correctly. Keeping your attention on the baby, feeling wonderful. And you know exactly what to do. You know when to push. You know when to stop pushing. And you can see yourself giving birth, pushing when you need to, breathing deeply, talking to your baby, feeling so excited. You interpret every feeling. A wonderful head excitement. You are so relaxed and your delivery is successful in every way. You deliver the most perfect baby and when your baby arrives, it is healthy, it is strong, it is so connected to you. You are a natural mother. You are an instinctive mother. You instinctively know how to rock and soothe your baby and you instinctively know how to deliver your baby. You are a natural mother and you have a wonderful birth. And you can see yourself feeling so good about yourself. You are such a capable mother and you can see yourself coping with your birth, enjoying this birth, feeling good about yourself, feeling so proud, feeling elated. Giving birth to you is empowering. You feel elated as you push your baby out of your body and into your arms. You feel elated. You feel elated as you push your baby out of your body and into your arms. You are there to lift your baby onto your chest. You are able to feed your baby and you can see yourself pushing out your baby, holding it, hearing all of those gorgeous baby sounds, feeding your baby, seeing it, touching it, muzzling it. You have a wonderful birth. When you feel the signs of your baby moving out of your body and into your life, you breathe perfectly. You breathe properly. You use all the breathing and relaxation techniques that you have learned and you have a quick birth, a swift, safe, wonderful birth. You talk to your baby and you are always in control, breathing when you need to, breathing properly, pushing when you need to, then relaxing. You have a perfect sequence of breathing, pushing, relaxing. And although one part of your mind is busy giving birth, the other part is so far away, talking to your baby, soothing your baby. You are so very relaxed. When it's time to push, you push your baby out. It simply takes a few short pushes and you are elated. Your baby comes quickly because you are ready for it. Your baby is as eager to be born to you as you are to birth it. You deliver that most healthy, perfect baby and you are relaxed and happy. So just let yourself go deeper. You are lying down somewhere listening to this recording. You know that in a short time you will be lying somewhere else and pushing out your baby and the very thought of that thrills you and excites you. You are absolutely ready and your mind is locking on to these words. Your mind controls your body and you are able to go to such a deep level. You are pushing out this baby and you feel so strong and every part of your body is responding. Your body knows how to give birth. All you have to do is breathe, push and talk to the baby and all these things. You do these things perfectly, willingly and happily. You deliver the most perfect baby and your ability to think these thoughts, to hear these words, to see these images, to fully accept and absorb these suggestions. To fully accept and absorb these suggestions is enabling you to deliver a perfect baby and you will always talk about your baby's birthday as such a wonderful day. You can see yourself in years from now when your baby can be taught telling you about the wonderful day when it was born. You can see your baby's birthday and you go back to that wonderful day, one of the very best days of your life when you pushed this wonderful baby out of your body and held it. Your body has made the most perfect, beautiful baby and your body easily, quickly, rapidly, wonderfully delivers the most perfect, healthy baby and you are alert to enjoy the birth. You are so strong. Everything is in the right place and every time you hear these words and think these thoughts and see these images, your mind pictures and manifests them. Your mind and body work together to give you a wonderful birth. Everything is in the right place making it happen and you are able to take this recording with you. You play this recording in bed every night leading up to the birth. Every night as my voice stops speaking you drift into the most wonderful sleep. You dream the most healing dreams and come to your full awareness. Should you be playing this tape and not intending to sleep you are able instead to come to your full awareness. You are able to play this recording in the delivery room. You are having a perfect birth delivering a perfect baby perfectly and you are excited. You interpret every feeling as excited. You are excited. You are in control. You feel wonderful. Knowing it, feeling it, believing it you can now return to your full awareness and drift into a deep sleep and you can do either of these things right now.