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The transcription is a guided hypnosis session focused on regrowing hair and slowing down the aging process. The speaker instructs the listener to relax and imagine their eyes rolled up, inducing a state of hypnosis. They then guide the listener to imagine descending a staircase, deepening their hypnotic state. The speaker suggests that the listener's hair bulbs are healthy and vibrant, and instructs them to communicate with their hair cells to act younger and regenerate. The listener is encouraged to tap into the network of intelligence within their body and activate the rejuvenation process. The speaker emphasizes the power of the mind in influencing the body and encourages the listener to think positive thoughts about their hair cells. The session ends with the listener being pulled back in time to their body's original state. Claire, just make yourself comfortable with your hands and feet not quite touching. I want you to roll your eyes up as if you're trying to look into your own eyebrows. Just fix your eyes on a real or imagined spot overhead and just for a few seconds keep your eyes glued to that real or imagined spot. Just breathe in and breathe out. Your eyelids are becoming heavy, droopy, drowsy. Keeping your eyeballs rolled up, again just breathe in and breathe out. Each time you blink that is hypnosis coming upon you. One more time, breathe in, keeping your eyeballs right up, just close your eyelids right down. That fluttering sensation is the first sign that you're responding wonderfully and perfectly. Your eyes are sealed shut, closed tight and you can just forget all about your eyes and allow a drifting, floating feeling to develop in your body. You don't need to do anything. Now all I want you to do is simply imagine that you are looking down ten steps. You can drop your chin just a fraction so you get that same looking down feeling that you might get as you look over a balcony or down a flight of stairs. You're looking down ten steps and as I count you'll move on to each step and you'll see and feel and hear your feet taking each step. You're moving on to step ten. As each muscle, every nerve turns loose, lets loose and you go deeper. You're taking step nine as you go deeper. You're taking step eight and you can see your feet, hear your feet, feel your feet taking each step. As you move down, drift down, travel down to an even deeper level. You're taking step seven. You're going deeper into an awareness of yourself. You're taking step six, drifting way down deep. You're taking step five, going even deeper. You're taking step four. As each muscle, every nerve turns loose, lets loose and you go deeper. You're taking step three. Every sound around you is carrying you deeper into hypnosis. You're taking step two. As you gently, calmly, easily move on over into an even deeper level. You're taking step one. Just sleep deeply. When I say sleep deeply, this is a sleep of your nervous system. You're not actually going to sleep. As I click my fingers, you go deeper, drift deeper and float deeper. And deeper just means going deeper into an awareness of yourself. Go deeper, drift deeper, sink deeper. Being in hypnosis does not mean being asleep, but being in a strong state of suggestion. And now I want to show you how extraordinarily suggestible you are. So I just want you to place your attention to the tips of your fingers and think only of your fingertips. Concentrate on your fingertips. And you are starting to feel a tingling sensation. You do not have to do anything. Just think of the tips of your fingers and this tingling increases by itself. It expands to all the fingers. It expands to the hand all by itself. And now you can just shift your attention to the tip of your tongue. As you concentrate on the tip of your tongue, you feel the same tingling feeling. It's activated right on your tongue. And as you are thinking of your tongue, putting your attention there, this tingling increases and expands. And all this is to show how suggestible you are and that you are responding very well to hypnosis. Now let this floating sensation spread into your whole head. And as this feeling expands, you let yourself go deeper and deeper into hypnosis. And as this energy expands throughout your head, throughout your skin, you can feel the difference in your scalp between the areas where the hair grows and those where it doesn't. Feel how it feels so energizing, revitalizing and full of life where the hair grows and how it feels heavier, dull and itchy where the hair does not grow. Now using the extraordinary power of the inner eye, imagine that you are looking at your head from above and you can see these energies around your head. So you can see the colors of the energies surrounding each area of your scalp. See vibrant colors and energies where the hair grows while everything is darker where it doesn't grow. And now using the extraordinary power of the inner eye, I want you to go under your skin, under your scalp to look at the hair bulbs, the roots of the hairs. Start to see the healthy ones. You see them big, bright, beautiful, healthy with big roots, well anchored, just like the roots of lenin trees, perfect. Now I want you to look at the bulbs in the other areas. They are small, dull, fragile, stressed, sick. And now I just want you to simply let go of this image. As you let go of this image, let go from your mind, you go deeper and deeper into hypnosis. As you go deeper, you are listening and responding easily, effortlessly, perfectly with your subconscious mind. And while you are listening to your subconscious, your conscious mind is drifting away and you can remember everything. And you are remembering that you have a strong desire and a powerful motivation, an ability to regrow your hair and feel younger, to become younger and have younger hair and a younger healthy complexion. You are ready and able to motivate your hair cells to act as younger hair cells do. And you have power to influence your cells to communicate with any part of your body and to have that part respond to your instructions. You are now using the power of your mind, directing and commanding your hair cells to act and behave like younger hair cells. Because your body is controlled by a network of intelligence that is influenced by your mind. You are able to relax deeply enough to influence your own mind and to change patterns of the body and to slow down the ageing process. You are able to accept only positive ideas about your hair cells and to imprint them into your physical body. You are communicating with the intelligence of your hair cells, directing each cell to function as it did when it was younger and perfect now and always. As you go deeper and deeper, you are listening and responding perfectly. As you go deeper, you understand that there is a network of intelligence that influences you, your mind influences your body. You influence your mind. Your body is run by a network of intelligence that is completely influenced by your own mind and every cell in your body is connected to this network of intelligence which your mind influences. And as you hear my voice, you are able to drift back, to go back, travel back, to go to a deep level where you can communicate with your own DNA. You are going to a deep level where you can tap into the network of your body. You can make it perfect. You can make it extraordinary. You can make it healthy. You can make it younger and you can make it well. Imagine and know that you can influence hair cells renewal so that it speeds up and becomes more efficient. As a result of this, ageing slows down and rejuvenation starts. Your ability and willingness to talk to your hair cells is slowing down ageing right now and starting the process of rejuvenation. When you were younger, your hair cells repaired and renewed themselves with top efficiency and you had perfect hair cells and your hair cells have an excellent memory of this. You are able to activate this memory and to set off changes in your hair cells just by thinking about it. Think of your hair cells becoming younger now. Imagine your hair cells doing their perfect job at the top of their performance. Imagine and feel your hair cells performing more effectively so the hairs on your head are strong, healthier, just like the young hairs and will continue to do so. Every time you think these thoughts, each hair cell is renewing itself, replacing itself with a younger, healthier and stronger hair cell. You are responding wonderfully to direct mental commands and enabling each hair cell to replace itself with a younger, healthier hair cell. Activating the rejuvenation process by communicating with your hair cells and increasing hair cell renewal and regeneration. Your thoughts are commanding your hair cells to perform at the top of their efficiency as they did in your youth. Even now your mind can remember exactly what it was like when your body was perfect and as your mind remembers it, it is about to reactivate it, to re-manifest it, to regenerate that memory and to begin healing you back to being healthier. Your mind can remember what it was like when everything worked perfectly and as your mind remembers this, it is absolutely able to recreate it, to regenerate it, to manifest it all, all of it, so you go deeper and are able to communicate with the intelligence of your own body. You are going to communicate with the energy of every single cell in your body and you are going to communicate and command your cells to work perfectly. Your muscles, your skin, your scalp, everything is going to be perfect. So just allow yourself to go deeper, just allow yourself to drift deeper. Every time I click my fingers, you are going to go deeper and deeper. Just drop deeper, drift deeper, sink deeper, go deeper and deeper. And of course, even if you know you are going deeper, you also understand that the depth of the trance is not related to the results. Whether you are in an extraordinarily deep state or in a very light trance, you will get phenomenal results. So just go deeper and as you go deeper, I would like you to go back to the initial image of your head and scalp, the one you saw with your inner eye and the colours and the energies. I want you to think about the areas where you want to regrow your hair. And as you go deeper into an absolutely relaxed state, you see you are constantly producing healthy, strong hair cells. As you see new bulbs growing faster, I am commanding, directing and instructing every cell to go back. You are drifting back, travelling back, going way back. You are going back in time. Just like you are in a time travel, being pulled back, drawn back. You are going further and further back. You are going right back. Your body is going back to its original imprint and coding. And as you drift back, travel back, pull back and as you are drawn back, as you move back to your original imprint and coding, you are instructing, directing your body to heal alopecia. As you direct, command and instruct your body to heal all your hairs, the bulbs that need to be healed, to be perfect, all your hairs that need to be perfected, to repair all your bulbs and hairs that need to be repaired. And every time I use the word command, every time I say command, I direct you and you will think deeper and go deeper. So right now I'm commanding, I'm instructing, I'm directing every cell, every hair cell to go back, back, back, way back to its original coding, back to its perfect template, back so that you function perfectly, exactly as nature intended you to. I'm commanding, instructing, directing every cell, every hair cell to go back, drift back, travel back, so you are able to function perfectly, exactly as nature wanted you to. You're going back to your perfect template and your body is already working better, healing faster, becoming stronger, exactly as nature wants it to. Every time I repeat these commanding words and use this commanding voice, you just go deeper, you drift deeper, think deeper, you're going back. I'm commanding you, instructing you, directing you, directing your mind, directing your body, directing your psyche to go back to your original coding and to function more perfectly, to be well, to be strong, to be healthy and to be happy. Your mind is influencing your body and you are influencing your mind in the most perfect way. You are developing a clear mental image, visualising your hair and your hair cells as young and healthy, knowing that the more you imagine it, the more rapidly it will occur. Your ability to think these thoughts, to see these things and to accept these suggestions about your hair is having a powerful effect on your hair cells right now. You are able to stimulate your mind and body into action. Remember, you don't need to see it specifically, just thinking of it is causing your inner mind to picture it and manifest it perfectly. So now with your inner mind, you go back to the image of your head, of your scalp and because your imagination has no limits, you can see and feel your hair's bold and strong. And now together, you and I, we are commanding, directing, instructing, programming your hair cells to go back, back, back, back to their original coding, to function perfectly and properly, exactly as nature intends it to. And as you go deeper now, your inner mind, the most driving, the most powerful, the most compelling, the most motivating part of you, is programming you, conditioning you, compelling you. It is motivating you right now to function better, to become more perfect, to become younger and your inner mind, the most driving, the most powerful, the most extraordinary, the most compelling part of you, is programming you, conditioning you, enabling you to function perfectly. Your energy is better, your self-esteem is higher, your sense of worth and sense of self-value and self-image are going up and up and up and you just feel amazing. Your inner mind is motivating you, conditioning you, programming you to function perfectly and my voice is going with you, staying with you, staying deeply embedded in you, having a powerful, permanent, all-pervasive, deep, extraordinary healing impact on you. This ability to heal yourself, this extraordinary, powerful, rapid ability to command every hair cell to heal itself is having a consistent, constant and ever-present impact on you now and always. So much so, this ability to heal yourself is overriding any old issues, it is overriding any old negativity in filling you up with positivity. You have a desire, an ability, a drive, you have the motivation, you have the commitment, you have a certainty, an unshakable, unwavering certainty that you are healing your hairs right now. And this healing is powerful, this healing is permanent, this healing is all-pervasive, this healing is coming from you. You remember I said the placebo, it means the physician that lives in you that can heal anything that needs to be healed. Right now you are healing yourself. This power to heal yourself in the most extraordinary way is to suppress, erase old issues, any physical element that must be removed, any emotional problem that must be removed is removed. Every old negative emotion is overridden by the positive ones. Since you have the extraordinary power to heal yourself, you have the extraordinary power to heal yourself, anything physical, anything mental, anything emotional, you're healing your heart, you're healing your emotions, you're healing your feelings. You're exploiting your own extraordinary power and you're using this power. Know that you have a phenomenal ability to heal yourself in the most wonderful way, in the most powerful way, and all you have to do is think about these thoughts, listen to these words, see these images, accept these suggestions, and of course, as you see these images now, of your healed heart, your alopecia is healed, your emotions are healed, your self-esteem, your sense of self-worth, and self-value, and self-image increasing. As you see these images, you know immediately that just seeing it is causing your brilliant subconscious mind to picture it and then to manifest it perfectly. As you see these words, even more important, as you hear them, as you hear my words, your brilliant mind is right now going to work. It is manifesting, creating, everything that you are seeing, everything that I'm describing is causing your mind to go into action, to manifest it. So you see how your hair grows strong, big, healthy, thick, shiny, lush, like a grassy lawn in the early morning where the grass rises in the sun, strong, healthy, lush, and thicker with every day that passes. So your hair grows thicker and stronger every day. So as you hear these words, as you see these images, you respond to these direct mental commands perfectly. You hear these words and your inner mind immediately pictures, manifests, creates everything you are seeing and that I am describing. You are changing your thinking and that means that everything is changing. You are changing your beliefs, so that means your very biochemistry, your very biology is changing. It is changing for the better. So go deeper, drift deeper, think deeper. And as you go deeper and deeper and deeper, just one more time, you are commanding, instructing, directing your body to function perfectly, exactly the way nature intended it to. So I want you to take a minute and go back to the initial image of your head and the parts you want to grow and regrow your hair. And together, we command every cell, every hair cell to work perfectly. We command, direct, instruct your hair cells to function perfectly, your hair to grow faster, thicker, and stronger. We are commanding your body to work perfectly. As you focus on achieving younger hair with confidence and your ability to make it happen, you can and will achieve it. This image of you with younger, lusher hair is becoming more and more real, more attainable, and more clear each time you hear this recording. Your inner mind, the most powerful part of you, is locking on to these words, hearing them over and over again, as they are becoming a powerful part of your memory. So for one last time, I want you to imagine looking at yourself in the mirror, and you can see how your hair grows lush, thick, and healthy. And you can see those areas that were dull and barren before now full of healthy, strong hair. You admire your thick, beautiful, strong hair as you run your fingers through them. You love looking at yourself, and you feel wonderful and proud of yourself. So just let yourself go deeper. And of course, if you listen to this recording many times, and each time you listen to it, you will go into a deeper level, and increase your healing more and more. Remember that change is instantaneous, accumulative, or retroactive. You are changing. And knowing it, feeling it, believing it, continuing it, with this wonderful work, you can now slowly, quietly, easily, effortlessly, return to your full awareness, feeling credible, feeling wonderful, feeling amazing. Or, if you are listening to this recording before sleeping, you can drift into a deep sleep. You can dream the most healing, reassuring, releasing dreams. And you can do that anytime, at all, including right now.