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The speaker invites listeners to join a 5-minute Bible study titled "Follow the Plan." They discuss how people often have great plans and visions but sometimes fail to follow through. They emphasize that even great ideas from God can go unrealized. The speaker encourages listeners to remember that biblical figures like Elijah, Moses, and others were not perfect, yet they accomplished great things. They highlight the importance of sticking to the original plan and following through, as it is God's master plan. The speaker concludes by praying for success and directing listeners to visit their website for more messages. Hello, we invite you to join this chariot for a 5-minute Bible study. This episode 33 on A Step of Faith is titled Follow the Plan. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. I've had people tell me their wonderful plans, their aspirations, their visions and their wishes, ranging from starting their own business, starting a new project, looking for gainful employment, going back to school. How they will go about raising their children to become successful in life, relocate abroad, start their church or ministry to serve the Lord, or even how they intend to renovate a house, the interior decoration and how everything will look glorious. Some tell me their plans on how to restructure and reorganize a place or an organization when they ascend to the position of power and leadership. Fantastic ideas and honestly, some of these ideas are genuinely from the Lord telling them what to do. While some other ideas are great ideas from a sincere heart, but down the road, some of those great visions and plans, including even some God-given visions, never happen. Some started up, life happened, and they dropped out. They started well, but here we are, we are not where we thought we would be. There will be no blames to go around, from blaming other people, to the economy, or blaming the devil, or even end up consoling ourselves that maybe it was not the will of God originally, or feeling guilty that maybe it is our sins that hindered our progress, or even a generational curse that limited us. So here we are, to avoid possible failure or blaming anything for causing a setback in future, let us remember what James chapter 5 verse 17 says. It says Elijah was a man subject to like passion as we are. The Good News Bible puts it this way. He was the same kind of person as we are. The message translation says Elijah is human just like us. The New International Version says he was a human being even as we are. The lesson, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Moses, and several other people were not perfect neither. They were ordinary people like us. They had their challenges, their personal shortcomings, yet they accomplished great things. Now here are some vitally important things that we should know that would help us. Here this particular one, Hebrew chapter 8 verse 5 says, Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle. God said, Forsee that thou make all things according to the plans should be in the mount. My point, deviation from the original plan can cause failure. Question, Dennis, do you still remember the original plans? Now here are some more valuable lessons. One, before the idea came to your mind, the Lord had already thought it through. Heaven already knew it would work out. Heaven already had the master plan. Second lesson, if it was not going to be possible or doable, God himself would not come up with the idea. Third lesson, God did not set you up for failure. Fourth lesson, Moses was not the eldest in the family. Aaron and Miriam were older. He was not the only Levite that hears from the Lord. Yet the vision and the project was given to Moses. The lesson, the Lord probably bypassed several other competent people to select you for this task because there is something God saw in you to qualify you. My point, in God's eyes, you have what it takes to do what he has put in your heart. Here is the fifth lesson. God told Moses, follow the plan that I showed you privately. The lesson, stick to the original plan. Follow your plan. You want to take a step of faith to go back to school, challenge an exam, complete a project, restructure an organization, relocate abroad, get married, start your own business like Moses. Follow that plan. Be focused. Each day is important. Use each day to do something that is relevant to where you are going. Use each day to accomplish something on your to-do list. That plan is called a master plan because it came from the master. He planned it. The master gave you the plan. Acts chapter 26 verse 19, Paul said, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. I pray that the Lord will give you grace to follow through and become successful. In Jesus' name, Amen. I invite you to visit our website, Look for the podcast. You will find the previous and the current messages there. God bless you.