Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of defending Christian doctrine and the need to live a righteous life. They mention how some people have infiltrated churches and spread false teachings about God's grace. The speaker also talks about discipline as evidence of being a Christian and emphasizes that God's blessings are dependent on living in His will. They use examples from the Israelites' journey from Egypt to illustrate these points. The transcription also includes a prayer to ask for forgiveness and restoration of fellowship with God. It will look like we are on good deal once in a while You know somebody won't have Facebook and they'll want to hear the message on like Spotify that's usually we put on Spotify. I think Spotify springs it out to three or four other services So if you ever are out of town on vacation or something, you know You can still you can still get the service or you can get some older ones It's a great ministry is how I came to the Lord Actually, I I was kind of too pride prideful to go to church. And so my brother threw me a cassette tape You remember those cassette tapes? He threw one to me and I'm like, I don't want that old thing, but I listen to it every day On the way to work and back and it's it was a it was a great great ministry people that work the sound back there They they reach more people than we reach. So it's a great ministry But yeah, so we're still in the book of Jude. You just preaching me to death man. I thought one chapter I'll be done with that in a week. Maybe two. We're already this is our fifth week in Jude Because he keeps bringing up all these controversial things I think he was a conspiracy theorist, I don't know But so we're going to be And we're going to start with a little recap because we've only made it to seven through seven verses and in that many weeks So we're gonna do a real quick recap to kind of catch ourselves back up before we do that We always do like to go to the Lord in prayer. So let's let's go ahead do Dear Jesus, we come to you again Knowing that we sin against you every day every hour maybe of every day and we know that that's tough for you to teach us When there's sin in our lives unrepentant sins, we're asking this morning that you would please forgive us of the sin We've committed against you We know that you already gave us eternal life but we know that there's there's the fellowship to be considered to please restore our fellowship so that we can Receive your holy word in a clean heart. We ask this in your name. Amen Okay, so recap of Jude you get into some of the spooky stuff angels and demons and you know battles between them and things like that So it's a it's and it also it spurs a lot Jude spurs a lot of jumping into the apocryphal books which are books that are not biblical books There's hundreds of them books that were just written by people And then sometimes people want to pull them in as biblical books because it suits their purposes a lot of times That's the reason and Jude talks about a lot of things that spur that subject We'll talk a little bit about that today, but we're gonna do is kind of a quick recap When we started with Jude in the early parts of dear friends I have eerily planning to write to you about the salvation we all share But now I find that I must write about something else urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted Once for all time to his holy people, so we know right off the bat that Judas talking to Christians He already he just said that he was talking to Christian people He's telling us that part of our job is to defend the doctrine You know that we we should make sure we know that what we believe is true, you know again It's not true because you believe that you're supposed to believe it because it's true And so the context is Christians is to Christians and it's about defending the doctrine And he also said that the Christians already this early in the church We're already starting to slip away. The enemy is always looking for a way to get in Now everybody else thinks the enemy is the devil with his horns and his tail and his pitchfork That he's running around poking people and that's not so much the case I mean our flesh the scripture says that our natural part of us is is of him You know, we are we are our natural part of us is trained by him And then when you become a Christian Holy Spirit takes up residence in you, but he doesn't move out the flesh doesn't move out So Satan has a representative right in every one of us the little angel and devil on the shoulders is Very a very good analogy because every time any decision comes up both The holy part of you and the unholy part of you are at battle and it's up to you your spirit To decide which one you listen to Jews trying to get to that. He said I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches Saying that God's marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago for they have denied our only Master and Lord Jesus Christ now There's an old expression that when you become a Christian you don't get a license to sin and that's true You don't get a license to sin Now if God doesn't break his word because when we do, you know a person who becomes a Christian is saved eternally I mean eternal life would be pretty dumb name for somebody who's not eternally saved, right? But but that doesn't mean that you can just do anything you want to do and live any way you want to live and that's going To please your God that you know If you try that I guarantee you you're going to have a miserable life here on earth You may go to heaven one day But you can have a miserable life as a Christian on earth if you decide you're going to take advantage of his grace and this Little expression here's his grace isn't a license to sin. It's a license from sin So we talked a lot about eternal security on that message if you remember and how God's promises are true No matter whether we keep ours or not We also talked a lot in that message about discipline how God loves you And he says I discipline those whom I love and so if you're going through tough discipline in your life That is great evidence that you're a Christian because God disciplines people who are out of his will And many times the enemy will tell you that the reason you're going through the depression and you're going through the anxiety Is because you're not a Christian. That's what the enemy will tell you that little voice inside of you That's a liar that will tell you that but really the discipline is great evidence That you are a Christian and God's trying to get you back in his will so that he can bless you more and he can Give you more things and give you a happier life He says next so I want to remind you that though you already know these things that Jesus first rescued the nation of Israel from Egypt, but later he destroyed those who did not remain faithful. So Jesus saying the same thing I kind of just said that you can be a Christian They didn't call them Christians back then but that's that's essentially what they were you can be one of God's children and still be disciplined very harshly as the when he brought the Jews out of Egypt they've been they had been enslaved for 400 years so many generations of Jewish people never knew freedom and when he brought them out of Egypt and Split the Red Sea and brought them over He had a promised land some great land with great farming and great agriculture and you know wildlife and everything But he was trying to say just because you're my children doesn't mean I'm just going to give you stuff when you're not living, right? That's what he could we talked a lot about that How you can be a child of God who is out of his will and you can be a child of God who he? Has to deny things from you. He can't give you everything He wants to give you just like your own children You know if you have a child that's very irresponsible that everything that they you get them They break or lose or sell that's a child You probably won't buy a car for you know, because you know that they can't be responsible with a bicycle They certainly are not going to be responsible with a car or you're afraid they'll run over somebody or something like that Even in your own family, even though you love all your children equally There's some children you can entrust with more things than other children There's some children you can bless more than other children because of the way they behave and it's the same with God He loves us all equally, but sometimes you know, if we're living against him, he can't bless us No, we talked a lot about that on that chapter And up and then in the in the wilderness outside of Egypt Only the young ones 20 years on down actually got to see the promised land because of that they were so Rebellious the only the older ones all they did was complain complain complain You guys ever hear the expression the squeaky wheel gets the oil you ever hear that expression? I hate that expression because I hate that the people who go crying and to the boss They're the ones who get the raise or they're the ones who get the best job But I like this next expression better the squeaky wheel and they get the most oil But it's also the first one to be replaced right and that's that's what I wish more bosses would consider instead of you know, just I had one boss and and Whoever would come crying to her was who got the best money and whoever would come crying to her. I need more money They make more money in my job in another town and all this kind of stuff and and though so they would get the money And the people who were working jobs even harder than theirs wouldn't get the money because they didn't come in and cry You know, and that's kind of kind of what that I always hated that Then when they when they brought the people out of Egypt that we see a lot of complaining Numbers 20 14 26 said then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron How long must I put up with this wicked community as it complains about me? Yes, I have heard the complaints the Israelites are making against me now Tell me this as surely or tell them this as surely as I live declares the Lord I will do I will Not I'm sorry. I will to do to you this very things. I heard you say he's so they're saying they're complaining about What's going to happen to them because he brought them into the wilderness. He said, okay I'm going to make those things happen to you since you complained He said you will all drop dead in the wilderness Because you complained against me every one of you who is 20 years old or older and was included in the registration will die You will not enter and occupy the land I swore to give you the only exceptions will be Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun Now we think Joshua was was an orphan because it says right there that he was the son of Nun Right, so wouldn't that make him an orphan? No, I Seen the eye roll Shelley Yeah, he still kept his promise but but they were not going to be included in the promises He has a lot of promises of Christians, too But if you're very rebellious against him, which you know again you guys are coming to church so you're you are Immediate to him but Christians who are not obedient to him He can't give the promises, you know, because they they didn't do what their part It was the earthly blessing they lost. He never said these people didn't go to heaven never said that He just said that they were not going to get those earthly promises because those promises were contingent on faithfulness And that's how it is as Christians to our eternal life is not contingent on faithfulness You you become a Christian because you believe Jesus you trust him with your eternal life The word believe in the grief is pastoral. It means to put your trust in and to be convinced of I always say that if you if your eternal life was an object that you could pull out of your body like Iron Man's little thing in his chest Becoming a Christian would be handing him your eternal life That would be trusting him with your eternal life the word believe trusting him with your eternal life at that moment You become a Christian no works. No faithfulness involved. Just trusting Jesus Christ for your eternal life, but After you become a Christian It's a whole different story You see in order to be rewarded and to be blessed and to get the things that God wants to give you like this promised Land he wanted to give these Jewish people There there are things they had to do they had to be faithful to get these blessings and they were just big Complainers God goes on. He said you said your children would be carried off as plunder Well, I will bring them safely into the land and they will enjoy what you have despised but as for you you will not that you will drop dead in this wilderness and Your children will be like shepherds wandering in the wilderness for 40 years in this way They will pay for your lack of faith until the last of you lies dead in the wilderness So imagine if you were one year old when God Gave this judgment that meant that you were going to be 41 years old before you were going to be allowed to go into the Promised Land He was going to wait for every single person to die Who was 20 years or older and part of the registry at that time? So so they just they just wandered around in that wilderness. They weren't very far from the promised land at all They just wandered in circles for 40 years because they would not trust God with what he promised them They just kept complaining. You're gonna let us die out here. I can't believe you brought us out here to suffer I can't believe this. I can't believe that and Their sin had to be partially paid for by their children That's sad, but it's still true to this day. If you're not a faithful Christian your children pay God is long-suffering but just like Popeye God has his limit. Remember what Popeye said? I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more Yeah, then right before he popped the spinach in his mouth. These younger guys are saying who's Popeye He actually was a real man But if you don't know who Popeye is go on YouTube and watch Popeye's got some good lessons for you I still don't eat spinach though He goes on to say because your men explored the land for for 40 days You must wander in the wilderness for 40 years a year for each day suffering the consequences of your sin Then you will discover what it is like to have me for an enemy You remember they sent 12 spies to look at the land God didn't say go look at the land and see if you can take it God said go look at the land and see what I'm giving you go look at it and decide how you're gonna do it But I'm giving you that land. I'm giving you that you're gonna those the enemy is gonna fall to your feet Well 12 of them went out and 10 of the 12 come back and said oh, they're too big We're like grasshoppers in their sight. There's no way we can take them We're you know, we're wimps compared to them and they come back like that except for Joshua and Caleb Joshua and Caleb said no God said we could have it. So it's ours to have let's go get it But the other ones complained He says I the Lord has spoken I will certainly do these things to every member of the community who has conspired against me They will be destroyed here in the wilderness and here they will die Then 10 the 10 men that Moses had sent to explore the land which would be everyone except Joshua and Caleb the ones who incited rebellion against the Lord with their bad report were struck dead with a plague before the Lord of the 12 who had been Explored the land only Joshua and Caleb remained alive So even though the rest of them had to live the remainders of their life in the wilderness the rest of the older people These 10 died right away. He put a plague upon them right away Because they had come back and tried to tell everybody that that God's wasn't his promise was unkeepable There's no way we can have that land. They're too strong. They're too big. And so those 10 he took their lives much quicker Which is funny. It's a The 20% was all that even less than 20% is all that's all the truth And we have experienced that same thing the last few years with all the medical lies that were told us all all the conspiracies that were told us and and I looked up the percentage of people who didn't fall for that and it was just about the same as the percentage of people who didn't fall for this I thought it was kind of neat Those spies lacked the faith and they were punished swiftly And many times if you are a ringleader in a rebellion If you're one of the people that started the problem and stirred the pot and caused people to sin You are held at a much higher Punishment a much higher level like these men were even teachers the scripture said let not many of you become teachers my brethren Knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment So even when you decide to teach you got to make sure that you know that you to the best of your ability You teach what you believe is the trip is true and then God will be kind to you Jude will back to Jude again He says and I remind you of the angels who did not stay within the limits of authority God gave them but left the place where they belonged God has kept them Securely changed in prisons of darkness waiting for the great day of judgment Remember during that message we talked about the abyss that place that that bottomless pit That's what the word of this means and we know there's must be fire in the abyss because in Revelation when they open the gate To the abyss smoke rolled out of it. We talked about the theory of demon procreation how demons Procreated with women which we looked at all the proof in the Bible and there was nothing that backed that in the Bible But it is a big thing. You'll hear a lot of times Easily proven wrong with the Bible. We looked at Hades. We looked at the abyss and we looked at hell all three different places Hades is going to be thrown into hell one day But we looked at all three are different places and those demons were imprisoned in the abyss. We looked at that on that message Verse 7 he says and don't forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns which were filled with immorality Remember that word is pornea means sexual immorality Every kind of sexual perversion those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God's judgment See what I mean? Jude he just stirs the pot and Jude is not politically correct of any way We went and we looked at that story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember how the people were very sexually perverted and and there the whole place had just gone crazy. It was like Las Vegas and God rained down fire and brimstone. I even showed you pictures how when they go excavate that area They still find the brimstone You can still crack it open with a lighter and light it and it will burn like a candle still to this day and it Burns hot really hot. It'll if you burn it on the spoon, it'll actually melt the spoon Eventually, it's just it burns super hot and that that has that was excavated by Ron Wyatt In that same area where the scripture tells us that happened We looked at how God hates that kind of behavior As well as the proof so now we're finally up to verse 8 where we left off He says in the same way these people who claim authority from their dreams live immoral lives Defy authority and scoff at supernatural beings Okay. Now we see all through the scripture that God does sometimes speak to people in dreams. We know that's true He gave a lot of good men and women dreams that were from him But he also warned in the Bible not all your dreams are from me So be careful which ones you pay attention to Which means if you have a dream if you're the dreaming type some people dream some people don't seem to dream as much I think everyone does but as far as remembering them Before you act on that dream like it has authority. You got to first make sure that it's not contradicting any of God's Word if it's contradicting God's Word then you know You just ate something wrong before you went to bed or something. You had a weird dream weird dream But certainly God can speak to you that way That's one of the tools that he used all through the Bible But you got to make sure that you're not interpreting it in a way and spinning it in a way that suits you There was there used to be a guy my dad went to church with and he was he would always dream himself the winner of every debate He would always come and tell the other people the next God gave me a dream and basically I'm right and you're wrong again So my dad said after a while, he's like, I don't even want to hear your dreams anymore But he also talked about how these same people who were always dreaming authority on themselves They underestimate the spiritual powers around them, you know they remember the Bible says that our that our battle isn't with flesh and blood but it's with evil spirits and leaders of our countries that Allow themselves to be used by evil spirits. Well, see they just scoffed at that, you know They just acted like that was a bunch of fairy tales But the scripture tells us that many of our leaders, you know, we take a look at this picture of our of Congress That how many of the world leaders are not working in our best interests But we're actually working in the best interest of evil I think we have seen that very clearly very clearly in the last four or five years We've we've seen these this person who seems to be a good a good person runs for an office and as soon as they get sworn in and they join the Congress immediately they become just like them that's why we we had the you know for the we had the Speakers come and tell us, you know How you can make amendments without Congress because it may have to come to that We might have to exercise that eventually so that we can you know, otherwise, they'll keep taking our religious freedoms from us He also said they did that they don't even fear God. They don't respect God's power They don't respect the power of the angels or the demons and and both are very powerful They don't have God in them and they became fools. I like this this Caption it says professing to be professing themselves To be wise they became fools and you notice the guy's picture on there Remember Bill Nye the science guy remember that we lost him as kids. We thought he was cool, you know Had all kinds of little fun experiments and then he come out like super anti-christian said that we were all idiots because we believe in God and Had actually debated Ken Ham and everything and he thinks he's so smart, but one day he's going to have to face his God Psalms 141 David wrote this he said Oh Lord Rescue me from evil people Protect me from those who are violent those who plot evil in their hearts and stir up trouble all day long Their tongues sting like a snake and the venom of their of the viper drips from their lips Oh Lord Keep me out of the hands of the wicked protect me from those who are violent for they are plotting against me The proud have set a trap to catch me. They have stretched out a net. They have placed traps all along the way but Luckily, we have a God who can spring those traps So that they don't we don't get caught in them. Have you ever set a trap for somebody that backfired on you? That's what I want to happen to them. That's what David wanted to happen Here's one that I'll give you an example. I get this on this first picture. You guys ever do this to your wife This is really funny. You take the sprayer on the sink and you aim it where she likes to stand, right? Now this person's an amateur. They use the blue rubber band You don't ever use a blue rubber band use a black rubber bands, right? You want to blend in our black tape and you aim it right where your wife steps, you know And you need and then you wait you just sit and wait, but you know what happens to me every time I forget I set the trap And then I go to the sink and I turn it on and in the second picture I think we can say then I get sprayed with the water That has happened to me several times. So I had to I had to abandon that practical joke. It just wasn't working out That's kind of what God does when Satan sets those traps for us and the enemy Sets those traps for us. God will go spring it on them and it'll turn around and bite them. It's really sweet to watch David goes on to say I said to the Lord you are my God listen To my cries for mercy Oh Sovereign Lord the strong one who rescues me you protected me on the day of battle And he says Oh Lord Give me the courage to pray the hard prayers and to be used for your glory, you know And David prayed those hard prayers even put them in song like the Psalms when you read your Psalms Those were all songs. They were actually saying in the Hebrew language usually and they were very poetic and they were very prophetic too and David he knew God was all-powerful and all-strong and he just asked him what he wanted I mean, that's a great strong hard prayer He said Lord do not let the evil people have their way and we should be praying this today We should really be praying this today Because evil is all around us. Do not let the evil people have their way Do not let their evil schemes succeed or they will become proud Let my enemies be destroyed by the very evil. They have planned for me Let burning coals fall down on their heads Let them be thrown into the fire or into watery pits from which they can't escape And I always tell David tell me how you really feel David Tell me how you really feel but that's how he prayed and God called him a man after his own heart He just prayed exactly how he felt you might as well. I guess he said don't let the liars prosper here in our land Cause great disasters to fall on the violent, but I know that the Lord will help those that they persecute He will give justice to the poor Surely righteous people are praising your name. The godly will live in your presence So I think we need to pray more like that. I think we pray too much of those King James prayers Oh dear Lord art thou with me today, you know all those kind of things. We're trying to sound all holy I think that God wants us just to tell him how we feel, you know He knows anyway, but he wants us to say it and just like prayers. He loves it when we pray for each other He let he wants to hear it, even though he knows all things. He still wants to hear it You know, you know your wife loves you, but you want to hear it. She knows that you love her She wants to hear it. You need to you need to speak to people and speak to God And he knows, you know everything we're thinking but he likes to hear it and Paul even agreed He said there is there is no fear of God before their eyes They they have been so fooled that they don't even fear God anymore but Jude says You're messing up if you don't understand the power of the spiritual world around you if you don't Understand that there's a spiritual battle going on right around us as we speak I mean if we could see it if God would peel that layer away from our eyes that we could see the spiritual battle it Would scare us all the death We'd probably all die of a heart attack if we could see what was going on right around us And he said they have they have underestimated that and Jude says but even Michael One of the mightiest of the angels did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy But simply said the Lord rebuke you this took place when Michael was arguing with the devil about Moses's body Now this is another one of those spooky things that Jude talks about right? You're like what? I mean, first of all, he says Michael who's the most strong angle angel I mean Michael would go in and just a whole army. He could take out by himself He was a super strong angel, but when he faced Satan He knew that Satan was very very strong and he respected that strength So he had to call the Lord to help him Lord rebuke you that even Michael did that he said these people don't fear Spiritual beings even Michael spirit spiritual beings. He feared the king of the demons He knew that he had to call God because we are no match for Satan. We are no match for evil without God We cannot defeat it But with God we can defeat it every time and for some reason Satan wanted the body of Moses when he died What the heck did he want his body for? Some people think that since the Jews loved for worshiping things other than God whenever given a chance Remember, they would always get sucked into worshiping other people's gods some people thought maybe if that if if they buried him somewhere public that the Jews would turn it into some kind of a False God of some sort some people believe that you know again with the Bible doesn't say Some people believe Based largely on those books. I talked about that aren't biblical books Some people believe that that since Moses killed that Egyptian when he was still in Egypt that Satan made claim on Moses body because of that sin again coming from these obscure books that are not biblical and We think well, where did you get that from? You know, because you know, where did he get that from? Where did he hear that from we know that it was inspired by God or it wouldn't have made its way to the Bible But did he get that from the Old Testament somewhere? So we're going to take a jump back at Deuteronomy 34 for the last years of Moses and We jump back here and said the Lord said to Moses This is the land which I swore to Abraham Isaac and Jacob saying I will give it to your descendants See, that's why we say that God did not break his promise by some of those people dying in the wilderness Because the promise was made to his descendants. So as long as one descendant moved over into the promised land his promise was kept He said I will give it to your descendants I have let you see it with your own eyes and he's talking to Moses, but you shall not go over there I'm thinking what why doesn't Moses get to go? Look at all the awesome things that Moses was part of remember the ten plagues of Egypt You know, he had the plagues that because Pharaoh wouldn't let them go. So God Executed ten plagues on them water turned to blood the frogs. Remember the frogs went everywhere That's where the Chinese culture started because they loved frog legs. So they would cook the frog legs the mats The flies diseased on the livestock This I mean that there's you can see that by locust darkness and the last most important one You know the death of the firstborn which represented that You know They had the Passover blood had to be spread over the door which represented Christ when you become a Christian It doesn't mean that you're righteous, but his blood is applied to you So when God looks at you he sees his son instead and that's how the Passover was They paint the blood of the innocent lamb over the door and when the death angel came through It didn't go inside and see if anybody in there was worthy or not All it looked at was there's blood on the doorpost So I'm passing over the Passover and that was to represent that when Jesus died for us he painted his blood over our doorposts so that when God and Sends the death angel we get to go to heaven because they see the blood of Christ So he was part of those plagues. He was part of the splitting of the Red Sea Imagine that all kinds of evidence I met Ron Wyatt's group also found all kinds of chariot wheels on the bottom of the of the area and he studied the Red Sea and said okay What would be the best place to cross the sea and he found the place that he thought would be the best place to cross By the way, the mountains moved and it flattened out for a little bit and sure enough They sent divers down and found chariot wheels. You can find those pictures online. So we know that that happened for sure We know God's Word is true, but it's good for the people who don't know that He also was the one that God gave the Ten Commandments to remember that and there was more than just ten things I know Moses wasn't that slow of a writer to have to take him 40 days to wait for God to write those things But there was a lot more commands But those are the ten that we always think about so that was a great honor and then remember when God would go before them in a pillar of fire by night and A pillar of cloud by day to show them his presence that he was with them Moses got to see all that got to be part of all that So why did God not let him go to the promised land? Did he do some big massive murderous sin? We're going to take a look at that Why they passed over him? Numbers 21 and the sons of Israel the whole congregation came to the wilderness of his end in the first month and the people stayed At Kaddish now Miriam died. That was Moses's sister. She died there and was buried there There was no water for the congregation and they assembled themselves against Moses name. They wanted to complain So here they come I have a hit the sign at my work This is my complaint sign at work. If someone has a complaint, you know, they push the complaint button there That's actually a mousetrap and it snaps your finger Yeah, I was going to use the hand grenade one, but I thought that might be too violent, you know, pull the pin, you know So the people come to complain again. I mean, you know God rescued them from enslavement and they're complaining said the people thus continued with Moses and spoke saying if only we had Had perished when our brothers perished before the Lord and what some of them that had already died out there Why then have you brought the Lord's assembly into the wilderness for us and our beast to die here? So they're whining they forgot that they were slaves worked all hours of the day beaten starved at times Forced labor their children were taken from them whipped They even took their two-year-old or they took their babies They're the boy babies the young boy babies and threw them in the river because they didn't want Too many men to be born among the Jews because they thought maybe later there would be a rebellion they even took their boys their baby boys from them and threw them in the river and drown them and and God used Moses to lead them out of that and now they're complaining and Sometimes we do that as Christians. We forget don't we because the evil part of us Doesn't doesn't want us to remember all that God has brought us from we're in the richest country in the world right now I mean if you're a newspaper boy, you're one of the richest people in the world God has blessed this nation so richly. He has delivered us from wars and delivered us from all kinds of things and And sometimes we are as bad as these Jews complaining about the things we don't have instead of praising him for the things we do have We prioritize everything over him I always tell people go to the sports complex on a summer day in the summertime And there'll be a thousand people out there and you go to go to the local churches and a lot of them skip church So they can go to baseball games and soccer games thinking, you know, what must God think of that? You know, I mean, it's just so sometimes we're a lot like these Jews were they continue They said why have you made us come up from Egypt to bring us to this wretched place? It is not a place of grain or figs or vines of pomegranates nor is there any water to drink? So they started whining, I've got some pictures of them whining here You hurted my little feelings When Seth was little When Seth was little, my son, you'd take something from him or spank him and he'd say you made me sad We still use that against him, you made me sad I was gonna try to find the picture showed, you know back when the whole, you know, the when the New England, you know They said they blew the footballs too big There was a really great picture of a Colts baby in the little Colts outfit saying you put too much air in Yeah, but no, I couldn't find it. So But our kids also we always they all know one Mick Jagger song You can't always get what you want. We would play it loud on our on our Alexa or whatever. You can't always get what you want, you know, whenever they would start whining like that I don't think Mick Jagger was born back in the Jewish days or God may have played the song too But it's so depressing though when you serve someone when you and they complain, isn't it? Isn't it when you work hard? Maybe you make a good meal ladies and and your kids don't want to eat it because or your husband Does it taste like a sacrifice to the Lord but uh, I mean, that's what that's what that's what James told me I mean But uh But at home or at church or at work when you work hard and all people see is what you didn't do All they see is the thing you missed and this and they all they do is complain. That's what they were doing They were crying. We don't have no water. We don't have no water, you know And you know, we all know water is very important and those who run water departments are very important But and Moses nerd came in from the presence of the assembly of the doorway of the tent meeting and they fell on their faces They were so overwhelming yet get probably six million people We know there were six hundred thousand men of the fighting age We know that but the Bible doesn't tell it doesn't count the wives and the children and the people who are not a fighting age so there may we calculate it could been as many as six million people out there and They're all complaining and crying and you know It is the the people who know how to stir the pot and so they come Hearts broken to the Lord and the Lord appeared to them and this happened before like 30 years prior It happened before that they didn't have water and Jesus told them then He said to go strike the rock God said strike the rock with the rod and then water will gush out of the rock Probably that was symbolizing Jesus Christ calls himself the rock that was probably symbolizing that when he was crucified It was like smacking the rock and the water flowed out just like the water flowed out of Jesus side Water and blood flowed out when they pierced him. That's probably what this whole thing was about all through the Old Testament They just foreshadowed Jesus the whole time and so that he said strike the rock But there's one thing about striking Jesus. You just get to do it once That's it. And so that he said so they remembered that you know that they had to strike that rock but the Lord spoke to Moses saying take the rod you and your brother Aaron assemble the Congregation and speak to the rock not strike the rock speak to the rock again He only gets crucified once before their eyes that it may yield its water You shall thus bring forth water for them out of the rock and let the congregation and their animals or the beast some Drink, so Moses in there and they were ticked off, you know, because they these complainers were getting on their nerves I mean the men and the women alike were complaining now Do you guys know what month that woman complains the least while we're on the subject? Anybody have a guess? February because there's less days in February Sorry, I couldn't I couldn't let that one pass I'll tell you just one more story before I move on This one woman was complaining because she noticed that when she was peeing she would hear something fall in the toilet like and it and so she gets to look in and And it's pennies She's peeing out pennies. She's like, oh man, this can't be good So she went to the doctor and said hey, I'm peeing pennies and he said I have never heard of that He was you got to let me do some study. Well, then she called him about two days later. Hey, how's your study going? He was I haven't found anything yet. She goes because now I'm peeing out dimes She's like no way you're peeing dimes. She goes. Yeah, I'm peeing dimes now And then a few more days went by and she called she was listen doc You got to do something on p.m. Quarters now, and you know, these things are getting big I don't want to go with a half dollars or anything. He goes. That's okay. I he goes I found out I found out the problem. She goes. What is it? He goes. Well, you're just going through your change Okay, all right, we're gonna move on So Moses of Moses likely had a chip on his shoulder Because Moses is ticked because he's taking it personal if they're complaining even though they're really complaining about God, but he's taking it personal So God told him I'm going to fix this. So Moses has some confidence now He knows God is going to fix this so he's going to go confront these guys and he's going to be bold You guys ever buy that solder furniture You know the cheap stuff you have to put together it weighs a ton That guy was a very interesting character and what he used to give Christmas bonuses in cash He would get he would go to the bank He would tell the bank I want you know $50,000 in cash or whatever it was and they would and he would bring it in in a grocery sack Just imagine walking down the road with $50,000 in the grocery sack and he would have the men would walk by him and he would hand them whatever he decided that year That you know that well one year like these Jewish people They found out that their bonus was going to be a lot smaller that year like a lot smaller because they didn't profit much that Year, so they were complaining. Oh, he's ripping us off. We're not going to get the same as last year and that got to him and So he has the meeting they had the Christmas party and they all meet together This is a true story And he says I heard you guys are complaining that you're not getting this money And he said the first person who walks by this side door out here in the street Gets the whole bag and he walked out there and handed the whole bag to the first guy who crossed that door As a way to show them. I don't have to give you anything It wasn't a part of our deal that you got a Christmas bonus. That was from my heart That was out of my love for you, and you're going to complain and that's kind of what was happening here So Moses was ticked he was like the souter guy so Moses took the rod from before the Lord He and his and he and he commanded him as he had commanded him and Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly before the rock and Said to them listen now you rebels and he's like being real cocky Shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock? What we we bring forth the water like they're the ones you know That are doing the work God's not involved in this at all. We're going to give you water then Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock twice With his rod and the water came forth abundantly see God didn't withhold the water from them Even though Moses sins greatly here and the congregation and their beasts drank so God specifically said speak to the rock. It's already been struck once But instead they beat the rock they struck the rock they took the credit for themselves the scripture says pride comes before the fall Very true pride comes before the fall But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron Because you have not believed me to treat me as holy and the side of the sons of Israel Therefore you shall not bring the assembly into the land which I have given them Those were the waters of Meribah because the sons of Israel Contended with the Lord and he proved himself holy among them and the word Meribah means strife or contention Since so Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab according to the word of the Lord and he buried Him in the valley of the land of Moab opposite Bethpere But no man knows his burial place to this day Although Moses was 120 years old when he died his eyes were not dim and his vigor abated So he was just as strong as the young man when he died God let him have his strength his whole life Even though he was very old But but he didn't get to go across he didn't get to cross into the promised land because he insulted God By taking the credit for the water and striking the rock. So God did not let him go So we just seen the history of Moses and his death, right? Didn't see anything about Satan fighting him, right? So we know that that you didn't get it from the Old Testament story He didn't get it from there. Not that it's not true because it's in the New Testament That's still inspired by God. So it's still true, but he didn't get it from there So where did he get it? We'll jump back to Jude 1 10 But these people scoffed at the things they did not understand like unthinking animals They do whatever their instincts instincts tell them so they bring about their own destruction And this is where he said but even the Archangel Michael When he disputed with the devil over the body of Moses did not presume to bring a slanderous charged against him But said the Lord rebuke you so Where did you get this from? The Holy Spirit for certain in the New Testament is where he got it, but Maybe it was passed down, you know passed down that story might have been passed down Also in addition to God giving it to him when he wrote the book of Jude Because we just were back there in the death of Moses. We didn't see anything about that We only saw that his body was hidden So when we take a look at where they got that we see that a lot of people think they got it from an apocryphal Book and remember that word apocryphal means hidden and there are hundreds of them They're not biblical because they don't they don't normally use the expression thus saith the Lord In other words, the people who wrote these apocryphal books didn't even claim that they were biblical They didn't even claim to be biblical They talked to their ancestors in many cases said did your grandpa say that was a biblical book and they'd say no He never claimed that he just wrote the book like a history book or you know A book of details now the books that they think that this came from was called the Assumption of Moses It had three titles the Assumption of Moses the Ascension of Moses and the Testimony of Moses, but it was all three the same book now there's only one ancient copy left and And it's not complete now claimant of Rome and origin if I'm saying those words, right those names, right? They are both historians. They both claim that they read in that book the thing about Satan fighting with Michael and it's a true either way whether it was in the book or not but they said that they read that in the book, but The book that we have left doesn't have that in it and we don't have a complete book and it's not a biblical book Anyway, but but the Testimony of Moses or the Ascension of Moses, whatever title you want to use Doesn't doesn't say that anywhere. So we don't know For sure, it's real easy to get caught up into those conspiracy things where you know, because there's a there's so many apocryphal books The Gospel of Thomas the Gospel of Enoch the Gospel of Mary. You just it goes on and on and on People who are trying to write on the coattails of the Bible because it was the best-selling book of all time So a lot of times people would try to write on the coattails of it So they could sell a lot of books and some of them were good historical books of men who were just recording history We have Josephus, we depend a lot on Josephus Clement of Alexander, Clement of Rome Erasmus and we have a lot of books that do help us because they're people who had no blood in the game You know that they had no they had no reason to support Christianity A lot of them had lots of reason to defy Christianity, but they still talked about this guy named Jesus They talked about how you know people were talking about his death burial and resurrection It helps our cause a lot of those old books helps our cause but they're not biblical books The Apostle Paul would quote poets sometimes he would quote little chunks of books like Jasher like the book of Enoch They would quote little things but that didn't mean that the whole book of Enoch was good Just because I quote the the Kennebale News Sun because they made one true statement doesn't mean I think the whole newspaper is true Matter of fact, the reason I quit getting is because I said I don't like reading fiction You know because I go to these meetings, you know Because I'm involved in the city and and we'd have this meeting about a new store work that's being put up and And then I would read the article later and it would be totally 100% different than our meeting I'm like were you at the same meeting? I was that because that is they would even quote me sometimes saying things I didn't say although they would usually be good things. So I take the credit for it What the heck, you know, but uh, but I didn't say it though, you know And so that's why I say when when Judas Judah or Moses or somebody quotes another another source That doesn't mean the whole source is being validated. It just means that that part part of it is So that if we will actually take your word and apply it to our lives that it would bless us all so much We'd ask Jesus that you'd give us the courage to do that That's what you just keep us safe as we travel bring us back here again soon to worship you because you deserve that We ask these things in your holy name