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2024-06-09AM- Look What The LORD Has Done

2024-06-09AM- Look What The LORD Has Done


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The speaker is giving a message based on Psalm 139. They express their excitement and hope that their message resonates with the audience. The speaker emphasizes the greatness and knowledge of God, and the need to honor Him and love others. They remind the audience of the wonders of God's creation and the significance of His works. The speaker encourages the audience to appreciate and reflect on what the Lord has done. They mention specific examples of God's power and presence. Psalm 139, praise the Lord. I was excited preparing this message, and I sure hope it comes out like it was at home, as I felt like the Lord dealt with me on this message. Psalm 139, we'll read one verse together. Verse 14, I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. Marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. Lord, here we are in this time. I thank You for what I have felt here. I thank You for reminding us that we shall see You. You've been there. Oh, You've been there. Sometimes I didn't know You were there, but You were there. And sometimes You gloriously and marvelously manifested Yourself to me. And I thank You for that. But God, I'm asking You this morning to touch this vessel that I may preach Your Word. And I pray for inspiration. I pray for anointing that Your church may be edified. That is my goal today, that I may lift up the name of Jesus and that Your church be strengthened in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. I will praise Thee. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. I want to try to preach this morning this title, Look What the Lord Has Done. And Michelle, if you wouldn't care that when we make an altar here, to be prepared to sing that song, Look What the Lord Has Done. In 1 Peter 2 and verse 17, it's just kind of wrapping things up. And the instruction of Peter here under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost says, Honor all men. Period. And I think it's a good thing to understand and to know that there are people who are worthy of varying degrees of honor. The people who sign my paycheck, I think it's a pretty good honor for me. There are those who have risen to positions of leadership and they deserve a certain amount of honor. So the Bible says that we should honor all men. And I don't think everybody deserves the same amount of honor. Some people have lived wickedly. But honor men in how they are worthy to receive it. Love the brotherhood, it says. Period. Fear God. Period. Honor the King. Fear God. Honor men. Love the brotherhood. But fear God. And honor the King. Now when I stand before you here today behind this pulpit trying to preach this message, I am well aware that I am not addressing a congregation full of atheists. I know that I am not up here talking to some agnostics and that I have to convince you like Daniel had to go before Nebuchadnezzar and convince you there is a God in heaven. I'm not looking out on a people today that is a bunch of skeptics with arms folded and eyebrows raised. Your arms are folded but your eyebrows aren't raised. But I'm not feeling like I have to have a hard time here today to convince anybody in this place that the things that are written in this Bible are true. I'm not coming up against a wall of confusion or doubt or contrary spirits. And I may not have to convince you that the Bible is right, but I do want to come today and remind you of a few things. I want to preach, look what the Lord has done. And I hope in this message that I might be able to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and the commandment of the apostles of the Lord and Savior. I'm just simply wanting to remind you of things that you already know. And I hope by the time I'm done that I can inspire you to respond appropriately to the things which we already know. I want to remind you concerning things about who God is and the things which God has done. I want to appoint your attention to look what the Lord has done. Now, in this 139th psalm that we read from, the superscription above this psalm is to the chief musician a psalm of David. And it identifies David as the author of this psalm that said, Marvelous are thy works! And that my soul knoweth right well. It was David who said that. You go through this psalm and you'll find that there are things that David has declared that God has great knowledge. He knows my down-sitting and He knows my uprising. He said, God, You know my thoughts afar off. And as David would sing this psalm, he would say, God is surrounding me and He knows every word that comes out of my mouth. That's why he finally gets to that place of where I read there in verse 14. He says that God knows where I am, whether I am in the darkness, if I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, if I ascend up into heaven, and if I make my bed in hell. God! Almighty God knows exactly where I am. And in verse 6, He says this here, 139 and verse 6, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It is high. I cannot attain it. He's saying this is just overwhelming me. Everything that my soul knoweth right well, the things that I understand about God, I can't absorb it all. I can't take it all in. It is too wonderful for me. I can climb to the highest mountain of Jerusalem and I won't be able to attain unto it. And God knows a whole lot about me. David here says he is amazed by the power of God. He is amazed by the ability of God. He is in awe of the knowledge that God has. And so he declares, Marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. David said, I know a lot about God. I don't know everything about God. Think about that. Think about how much you do know about God and how amazing that it really is. And you don't know a fraction of who God is. We have what has been revealed in His Word. We've walked with Him in great relationship and we've had comfort from Him, but we don't know just a little about Him. And it's overwhelming. It's too much. It is wonderful. It is high. I cannot attain unto it the great things about God. Our Bible begins with these words, In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. That's a simple statement. A simple proclamation that just says God created the heaven and the earth. But I'll have to agree with David just in that little phrase. It's too high for me. It is above my understanding to think that God could speak and it be. That there was nothing, and now there's a heaven, and now there's the earth. But when we read that very first verse of the Bible, understand it is only the first verse of the Bible. It is simply the beginning of what we know. God is the Creator of all things. When we talk about intelligent design, He is the most high. He is the intelligent designer. He is the One who put it all together. He is the originator of all these things. The trees that we see. The stones that lay about on the ground. The mountains and the rivers. The cattle that roam on the hillsides. The birds in the air. The fish in the sea. God designed the giraffe. And God designed the firefly. That's too wonderful for me. That's more than what I can understand. God's idea was clouds. God came up with the idea and He created rain. He created snow. He made fire. He even took wind and threw it out upon this world. He made the sands. He made the stars. He spoke and there was light. God created heaven and God created hell. Look at what God has done! Look what the Lord has done! God is the Maker of all things. The Bible continues on in Genesis of all the things of nature that God is responsible for. In chapter 2 and verse 7 it says, that the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. He made the dust and then He took the dust and He created man. John 1 and 3 says, all things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. Colossians 1 and 16 says, by Him were all things created in heaven, in earth, visible, invisible, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers. All things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things and by Him all things consist. Well, maybe this gets old to us because I'm not talking to skeptics. We've got more arms folded. Maybe I'm not talking to skeptics. It's becoming an epidemic in this place. Maybe I'm not talking to somebody who says, really? Tell me more. No, because these are things that our soul knoweth right well. And so maybe this just gets old news to us. And you might say, well, of course I know that God created all things, and yet somehow miss the great significance of that God has made all things. But I challenge you today, how about you try it? Go ahead. Start with nothing and see what you come up with. I mean, even if you were supplied this big mound of dust, you couldn't form it into something and make it a living, breathing being. And no matter how artistic you are, you couldn't breathe hard enough into what you make to make it a living soul. But God did it all! He is the great Creator of all things. Would you just take a look at what the Lord has done? And think back to the time when God visited with Moses on Mount Sinai. And the Bible says that when God came down, the mountain was covered in smoke. The Lord descended into that mountain in fire. And the Bible says that the whole mount quaked greatly. That's God. You try it. Go ahead. Get up on the mountain and say, I'm here! And wait for the smoke. Wait for the fire. Invite the earthquake. You'll be standing alone until somebody comes along and says, Son, come on down. I think we need to take you back home. I think you've got some ideas that are bigger than you. When the Philistines came against the children of God in battle, the Bible says that the Lord thundered with great thunder on that day upon the Philistines. And they were discomfited. In John chapter 12, Jesus prayed, Father, glorify Thy name. There came a voice from heaven saying, I have glorified it and will glorify it yet again. And there were people around on that day. They heard Jesus say it. And they heard this voice from heaven. And the Bible says that when they heard it, they said, it sounded like thunder. That's the voice of God. We can crank the PA. I can shove this thing halfway down my throat and get as loud as I can. But it's not going to be like when God speaks from heaven and a voice thunders from the Most High. Ezekiel said that when he saw the glory of God, where he was, he said, his voice was like a noise of many waters. John had the same experience in Revelation. He heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters and as the voice of a great thunder. Overwhelming. Loud. Big noise coming. And according to the Niagara Falls Visitor's Guide, that if you get close to where the falls come down, the sound level of the water, the great water, they said, it's kind of like thunder. Is that where you got that from, Ezekiel? I highly doubt it. It's because he heard the voice of God. And God is so great that it came across like thunder. Revelation 1, John turned. When he heard the voice of Jesus, he said it was a great voice, like the sound as of a trumpet. That's how God is. That out of nowhere, He speaks and He cannot be ignored. In the 78th Psalm, we're reminded that God divided the sea and made the waters stand as an heap. Yes, it's an old story. Yes, our little ones can tell you all about it. You try it. You can go right on down here to this little place where we're baptized. It's not even very big. Go ahead. Hit it with a rock. Hit it with a stick. Put your feet into it and say, go. Roll back. You might be waiting a while. But God did that. He divided the waters and they stood as a heap. He put a cloud in the sky and told them, follow this. He put a pillar of fire in the sky and said, I am with you. The Bible tells us how that He opened the doors of heaven and He sent down manna for their food. He brought streams out of a rock that flowed like a river. Now, I remember hearing estimates of the children of Israel coming out of Egypt. I've heard estimates up to three million people. I think sometimes when we hear the miracle of Moses striking that rock and water comes out, we're just thinking, cool, there's a fountain. It had to water three million people. So it came out like a river. I mean, it wasn't like, hey, I must have found me a rock that's got a spring up under it and I must have knocked it loose a little bit. No, the water gushed out of there and made a river enough for all of those people. The Bible says that He caused an east wind to blow and brought in quail for all the multitude of those people. Can you look at what the Lord has done? Can you get a glimpse here of what God has done? Jeremiah 51. He made the earth by His power. He has established the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heaven by His understanding. He uttered His voice and there is a multitude of waters in the heavens. He makes lightnings and He makes rains. He brings the wind out of the treasures. That's what the Bible says. That's what Jeremiah said. There's a storeroom in heaven apparently. And in that storeroom is wind. Because He said, out of the treasures of heaven, He brings forth the wind. You need a clearing? Let that door swing open. God reach into it and swing that wind across this world and watch what God can do. Look at what the Lord has done. Now not only does God have this unlimited power to do what He will, but you know that He utilized His omnipotent power to redeem mankind from His own sins. God stepped up and did what no one could previously do by giving His only begotten Son to take care of all of our sins. And it prompted the Apostle Paul to write to Timothy, this is a faithful sage and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Jesus healed many people while He walked on this earth. One day after He had healed a deaf man, the crowd looked around and said, He hath done all things well. I mean, He hasn't like, well, that was alright. Everything He did was perfect. He made it right. He didn't halfway do it. He hath done all things well. And so I would hope that when we get to the understanding of the majesty of Almighty God, if we can begin to grasp just the things we already know about God, it should prompt us to ask, what can I do for Him? What can I do for God? David kind of felt that way. I felt like it. One day he looked around his own house and he said, I dwell in this house of cedar. Beautiful. Beautiful place. But the ark of God dwelleth within curtains. I mean, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are the works of God and that my soul knoweth right well. I mean, David was the one who acknowledged the Lord is my Shepherd. He said, I consider the heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars. When I consider that His mercy endureth forever. David made up in his mind, I've got a pretty nice place here. But I think I'm going to build God a house. God replied to David's thought and his concern, His desire to do something. And He asked the question, Shalt Thou build Me a house to dwell in? Solomon, David's son, would come along later and say, The heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain God. God replied back to David's desire with this, No, I shall build you a house. I don't know how that must have felt to David. Here I'm wanting to do something big. God turns it around on me and now He says, No, I'm going to do that for you. Well, I recognize how God is. I recognize who God is. I'm looking at His greatness. How the heavens are the work of His fingers. The Lord is my Shepherd. His mercy endureth forever. I'm trying to figure out what I can do. God says, No, it's alright, I'll do that for you. You remember when Jesus went up to the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter was one of the disciples who was up there with Him. And after all that happened, Peter saw the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had a grand idea. He said, How about we make a tabernacle here for you? He must have felt like David did. In so many words, let me build you a house. But it would be Jesus in John chapter 14 who would say to His disciples, I go away to prepare a place for you. Oh, I'd love to do something great for God. I'd love to be able to plow on through and build a great work for Him. But He keeps turning around on me. And He says, I'm going to take care of you. Well, I hope you're looking at what the Lord has done. It's written in Psalm 126. Our mouth was filled with laughter. Our tongue was singing. And even among the heathen, they said, The Lord hath done great things for them. And then we said, The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad. So when we get overwhelmed by the power and the grace of God, we would likely think that it's appropriate for us to somehow try to match the greatness of the power and the grace that has been bestowed upon us. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 10 and 14, Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord's thy God, the earth also with all that therein is. Okay, so He made all this and He owns it. What can I do? God told Asaph the psalmist, If I was hungry, I wouldn't tell you, because the earth is mine and the fullness thereof. So then we just might get to the place where we ask like the psalmist did, What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me? Well, fortunately, we're not left hanging. Deuteronomy 10 and 12, What doth the Lord thy God require of thee? But to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord. What does God require? So I don't have to build a shrine that's bigger and better than somebody else's. I mean, I don't have to work to come up with the perfect sacrifice to just get God's attention. What God says, Here's what I want. I've got all this under control. You give me You. You serve me. You love me. You keep my commandments. Micah chapter 6 says, Wherewithal shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the High God? Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, and ten thousands rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, and the fruit of my body for my sins? He hath showed thee, O man, what is good, and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? So I'm reading this, and I'm thinking, I believe I can do that. I believe I can do justly. I can love mercy. And I can walk humbly with God. David said in his repentance, Psalm 51, Thou desirest not sacrifice. Or I'd have given it. I'd have done it. You just name it. For what you've done for me. You told me you took away my sins. Whatever you ask, that's what I'll do. But he said, Thou delightest not in my sufferings. But the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. A broken and a contrite heart thou wilt not despise. I can do that. Jesus said, If you love me, keep my commandments. I think I can do that. And John would come along and say, His commandments are not grievous. So I think I can do that. I can keep his commandments. I believe I can do that. So I want to wrap this all up with the words of Solomon, the son of David. At the end of the book of Ecclesiastes, he says, Be admonished of the making of many books there is no end. Much study is awareness of the flesh. But let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep His commandments. For this is the whole duty of man. I think we can do that. Gospel Light, Holiness Church, I want you to look at what the Lord has done and then look at what He requires of us and what He desires of us. So I want our musicians to come. I want you to get that song going here. Look what the Lord has done. I'm going to ask Gospel Light, Holiness Church, right here today, to respond to the greatness and the redemptive power and the willingness of God to save lost souls and be grateful that God has not required something that is too far out of our reach. God has not asked you to pay for something that you cannot afford. It is not too big, because otherwise the rich would beat us out. Otherwise the greatly talented would overshadow us and we'd be left behind. But it's something that every one of us can afford that we can come humbly before God. We can worship our God. Look at what the Lord has done. My text says, I will praise Thee. I acknowledge I am fearfully and wonderfully made. How great are Thy works. Marvelous are Thy works. And I know it. And I know it. And I know it. And I know it. So I will praise Thee. I'm not calling folks into an altar today, but you can get in the altar if you feel like it. But I ask, let's find our places up around here and let us celebrate in the manner that He desires and worship Him for He is worthy. Come on, take your place. Fear God. Honor the King in a way that He's already said will be acceptable to Him. Look what the Lord has done. Praise Him. Look what the Lord has done. Oh, won't you look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. He healed my body. He healed my body. He touched my heart. He saved me. Just in time I'm gonna praise His name. He saved just the same. I'm gonna praise Him. Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. He healed my body. He touched my mind. He saved me. Just in time I'm gonna praise His name. Each day He's just the same. I'm gonna praise Him. Look what the Lord has done. Put down my chains of darkness and sin. I have no hope, no peace of mind. My friends are red as starlets, but He won't let me down.

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