Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is urging the audience to pray for the anointing, atonement, and an altar. He references a passage from the book of Ezekiel about dry bones coming to life and compares it to Jesus breathing on his disciples to receive the Holy Ghost. The speaker emphasizes the importance of God breathing life into humans and encourages the audience to ask God to breathe on them. He talks about the power of God's breath in pushing people to make decisions and pulling at their hearts. The speaker also mentions the pastor's challenge to save 50 souls and emphasizes the need for the breath of God to compel people to come to the altar. He encourages the audience to pray fervently for the breath of God. If you love Jesus, can you shout amen? Amen for being the house of God. Please grab your Bibles. Let's go to the book of Ezekiel tonight Book of Ezekiel Hope you're not done having church already. I believe God wants to do some more things in the house tonight. I Do believe God wants to do some more things in the house. I Told God in prayer this morning. I stopped praying three things. I want the anointing I want the atonement and I want an altar. Those are three things. I pray I said I want the anointing I want the atonement poured out But then I want an altar and that is my prayer Ezekiel chapter 37 verse number one verse number one The hand of the Lord was upon me and Carrying me out in the spirit of the Lord and sent me down to the midst of the valley, which was full of bones And caused me to pass by them round about and behold there were very many in the open valley and Low, they were very dry and he said unto me son of man Can these bones live and I answered O Lord God thou knowest Again, he said unto me Prophesy unto these bones and say unto them. Ho ye dry bones Hear the word of the Lord look at verse 5 thus saith the Lord God unto these bones behold I will cause breath to enter into you and ye shall live verse 6 And I will they sin use upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you of skin and put breath in You and ye shall live and ye shall know that I am a Lord. I'll put breath in you John chapter 20 John chapter 20 verse 21 Then said Jesus to them Again, peace be unto you as my father hath sent me again, so send I you and when he had said this he breathed on them and Sayeth unto them receive ye the Holy Ghost and when he had said this He breathed on them and sayeth unto them receive ye the Holy Ghost before I give you my title I just want to do this real quick was I get you all in here with me I want you to repeat after me. I want you to say God Breathe on me Do it one more time all together God Breathe on me one more time God Breathe on me That's what we preaching on breathe on us You can raise your hands and ask God to help me as I try to preach this message God. I need the anointing I need the power of the Holy Ghost to help me Jesus Breathe on us to not Jesus breathe on us to not Jesus I pray at the Holy Ghost would breathe across this congregation and that she will breathe the mighty Russian wind Into a heart into a valley of proud bones that you would breathe life Into a valley tonight I'm praying God breathe on me breathe on me Jesus. I'm praying I'm asking in the name of Jesus Amen, amen It's in the book of Genesis that we read that God did breathe into man It was Genesis 2 and 7 and the Lord God formed of the dust of the ground Him breathing to his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul What caught my attention was when we catch God breathing into something the first time it was you It was a man just like you. That's the first time God breathed I found it interesting that God put emphasis When he breathed into them the first time we read that he breathed into something It was a man It was a man after his own image and he created from the ground What God has brought me and what God began to deal with me is that we need a pouring out of the Holy Ghost We need God to breathe on us We need God to send the wind Across this church at this night to have these praying with me breathe on me breathe on me Jesus tonight I don't intend to be long. We can read over there in the book of Joel It's the 28th verse of chapter 2 and it says you come to pass Afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh I believe that symbolizes that God's gonna breathe on somebody God's gonna breathe into somebody. I find it interesting that God brought a sequel Into a valley of death Into a valley of dry bones Into a valley of brokenness all there was was scattered about a bunch of bones a bunch of fragments of skeletons of Bodies that were decayed years ago. I don't know how long it was been since those bodies have died But it's been a while. They were dry bones But what man looked at it was hopeless. There is no hope for the answer. They're dead and gone They passed by them like it was nothing. Huh? But God said son of man Can these bones live? He asked him they live Can they live and he said prophesy Unto them and I will breathe life Into them and I've come to tell somebody who are the authority of the Holy Ghost He's been dead for too long. I'll come to let somebody know God wants to breathe some life back into you Hallelujah, let's go down here. I Believe If any man passed by that valley, they didn't give it much thought Walk by and said well look at that. That must have been a massacre years ago of all these men just slain out and dead But God carried a sequel in the spirit It said and he brought him to this valley and he asked him can they live? Can these live huh? He said down lowest huh? I don't think they can I mean, I don't know But now No, we're stuck. I will let somebody know that you don't know if you can live Huh, you don't know if you can come out of the answer, but God It is mercy. Huh? It is love Wants to let somebody know I'm gonna breathe some life Back into you. I'm gonna need your help for a little while I want to preach three simple things right now on the push when God breathes The pool when God breathes and the power when God breathes when God breathes He pushes people to a decision I've been in church services Where I felt the breath of God come in and the wind it was at those moments that conviction begin to fall And it pushed somebody to a decision. Huh? They had to make a decision Am I gonna live in death or am I gonna live in life? And I'm gonna let somebody know that the breath of God wants to push you to make a decision Tonight's the night You want to live in the valley or do you want to come out and say breathe on me God breathe on me Send the fire Send the power and breathe On me When God breathes he begins to pull and begins to tug at the hearts of men in the same context of conviction God pulls at a man's heart and he reveals things unto them But they didn't know we're really wrong until God breathed on me. I'm thankful I got a God who he breathed on me one day and he told me you don't gotta live in the valley Huh? I want to tell you you ain't gotta live in the valley Do you want to live in the valley of dry bones all your life God's got interest in you. It's an amazing that God took interest in this valley I won't be very much longer God wants to offer us freedom Just like our pastor preached this morning because there is a way and there is a truth and there is life hallelujah When he breathed into Adam in the book of Genesis he brought life into him I should be honest with you I don't feel like God just drew in the dust a little stick man And what came out was a lot more detailed and he thought it would have turned out I believe God took some time He said yeah, it's just gotta be like this. These things gotta be like this. The skin's gotta be right He took time with it and he breathed his own breath into man God wants to breathe his own breath Into you so that you can live and you ain't gonna die in the valley You can live again Cuz God wants to breathe life into you. I Believe at times we know that if we inhale something it bothers us I've been at places where you walk by and someone lit up a cigarette you inhaled that and oh it just it gets you right Here you've been a cough. It affects you as you breathe that And when God breathes it's going to affect you church How many felt God got to get a hand huh? How many felt God breathe on you a couple times, huh? How many felt the breath of God huh fall in this house? Huh, I thought it just now when we were singing about heaven Huh, I felt the breath of an almighty God Huh, and I've come to tell you you can inhale the breath of God And rise up in the valley of the dry bones You ain't gonna die in the valley cuz God's pulling you out God wants to pull you out What came from this valley? Wasn't exceeding great army God didn't want God didn't design you to die God didn't design you to stay dead all your life God wants to use you in his army I said God wants to use you in his army the Bible said it comes upon and a man wants to die We're all going to have to die one day But God didn't design you to stay in the graveyard Not leeching the answer God did not design you to stay in the midst of dry bones He wants to use you house when I come slow down here and talk for a minute about this Our pastor as we all know has given us a challenge he wants to see 50 souls saved Praise God for it. I believe God wants to do it more than we want to do it I believe God wants to see 50 souls saved. I'm just going to be very honest with you church. It won't happen Until he breathes upon the anointing in you You must have the breath of God to compel a soul Into an altar Well at the nurses conference, huh? John brought preached huh are making a persuasive preacher. Oh, I'm telling you We've got to be some people huh that can persuade somebody. Yeah, it can't be just well Huh, but we have a church up in Clarkson. Huh? No, we gotta have an anointing. Huh? That makes them say I've got to make Hallelujah, we've got to be a people that says I'm gonna get on my knees I will pray until he breathes in me and I can affect the life to make decision Raise your hands real quickly. Huh? That's got to help me here for a moment I'm trying to get on some uncharted waters here. I'm trying to help somebody here. Holy ghost of heaven help us I'm gonna be honest with you Five minute prayers ain't gonna cut it. Oh, come on here. Huh? You're looking at me, huh? We got to get on our knees until he breathes in us Until we feel the wind of God come down So where we can leave a different man a different young lady a different woman Huh? I got the breath of God. It's inside me. How many wants to feel him breathe on us tonight? Hallelujah, hallelujah We live in a world It takes a lot to convince somebody Now some things it doesn't take a lot I mean You got to be kind of out there if you don't think bottom is kind of going a little that way if you know what? I mean, there are some things That you're going to have to convince somebody of there are some things that's not going to be easy to persuade Somebody Who are closed-minded and your intellect and your Me right here your intelligence. It's not going to persuade them. I don't care how many books you read I love books just as much as you do. I don't care how smart you are It's gonna take the anointing of the Holy Ghost That makes somebody make an decision about heaven or hell God asked Ezekiel. Can they live? I believe God's asking us. Can we persuade somebody? Make a decision. Oh God. I need your help right now, Jesus We have got to get down the business with God So where as our pastor said a while back It's an everyday thing in my heart. I'm crying out and I'm moaning Save me my Whitney God pull it Brad and Sarah God save Jesse God pull them in God save Becca Glory and hope it's got to be a burden an uninsistable burden Consumes us and it covers us where my heart is. Oh God I've got to see them saved Are you helping me here tonight church you ought to be we have got to get to a place To where it's just there. I've got to see a soul saved I've got to see a soul and an altar Oh God There were great men Have on they've gone on now but these men Such man's with LL Collins Eldie Moore, but Claudia Lee who have already gone on and I never met any of them, but these men When they said they were going to pray I'm talking they prayed I Destroy their day About a woman who need a healing But a cloudy we sound going up on the mountain and I won't come back down until she's healed And he prayed on that mountain and fasted for 20 days 20 days Until she got healed How I've been praying lately I'm not telling you what you had to pray what you got to pray. I'm a student for myself. I'm praying God Give me such a burden Give me such a burden That I can't go a day. I can't go a week without the souls of men and the souls of women tugging at my heart I Gotta see I'm saved. We have got to have God breathe on us We have got to have the anointing of the Holy Ghost to pull Souls in I'm gonna have to get past that now The point number three and we'll be done just a minute on the power that the breath of God brings When God breathes on somebody and God breathes in a congregation Things happen I said things happen when revivals break loose In 1906 when William Seymour in Los Angeles led the famous revival of Azusa Street It rocked the world and it shook America when the breath of God came down I'm talking a gospel out here. We can have the same things Happen in this hour and in this day God has not changed. It's the same today yesterday He wants to breathe on us and revive us, but we gotta say breathe on me Breathe on us for the power out and yes, so last day we're living in oh Yes The word says perilous times are coming There will be perilous times. I will say in the last days. Oh God help us here Jesus We have got to have God breathe on us To pull some souls in out of the fires of hell Do you mind if I tell you a little testimony that happened to me about a year ago? Well, no, it wasn't a year ago a couple months ago several months ago. I was uh out in town With brother Austin actually and they noticed I was acting a little funny And we got back to the house and no one was there and I literally felt such a I can't explain it such a Heavy thing on my heart and I told Austin. I don't know what what's going on here He said well, okay, so I went and prayed And as I prayed and I've never had this happen to me. It's only happened once but I literally had a soul. I Literally had somebody Right on my heart right there, and I literally felt me fighting for their soul In that prayer closet and I'm talking to the Holy Ghost came down and for about an hour So I was in that prayer closet and I literally felt as if I was fighting for that man's soul I don't know that's ever happened anybody here. But after that happened it stirred my heart And I've been asking God I want that to happen again I want such an anointing to come upon me to where I'm fighting for a man's soul Don't let them go down to hell Don't let them go down to that place where the worm dieth not This wasn't in my notes your church But we have got to get to a point where it's a burden where we feel as if we're fighting for their souls God help me here. We have got to lay aside the things of the world. It was just a couple days ago I lay aside some things that were in my way And I said I can't let it get in the way Sanctify us Purify us So that we can pull a soul we had out of the pits of hell and revive them and get them out of hell Raise your hands one more time across the house Ask God to breathe upon us I want God to breathe on us tonight I'm asking for God to breathe on us About done a couple more things to say When the power comes it will equip you He'll give you stabilization and he'll give you power to go ye into all the world Some of Jesus last words to the disciples when he interceded into heaven Huh, he said go ye into all the world Go ye into all the world And I've come to tell gospel right to go. I said go I said go I said go ye into all the world And preach the gospel Tell them about hell Let the breath of God get in you And pull a soul out of hell And in the mire And compel a soul To come out alive After living in Stand across the house tonight Oh God help us Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us Jesus God led me this afternoon to this And I just want to read it real quickly In the storm, Heraklion That Paul was in The ship was compassed And it was just, the wind was controlling it Acts 27 and 15 I know this is kind of a different example But I feel like I need to do this And when the ship was caught It could not bear up into the wind We let her drive And I'm asking for gospel light And you quit driving your ship And you let God breathe upon the ship And you let it drive it You let God drive this ship You let God direct us Look here I've tried to do things on my own And every time I failed But when I gave it to God Oh God help us When I gave it to God He directed me to the island of Melita He directed me to that island And I was able to pull some souls And make an impact Let God direct your ship Tonight Breathe on us God If you could raise your hands Pray for a moment with me As I try to pull this in here I believe God Wants to breathe on us Breathe on me God Breathe on me God Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us Jesus Sanctify us Jesus Breathe on us Jesus Purify us God Jesus help me here God yes Jesus Oh God Breathe on me Breathe on me Put your breath in me Let me not speak what I want to speak Breathe on me When we read that Jesus breathed on them He said receive you the Holy Ghost I believe God wants to breathe the power of God Into somebody's life It was Acts chapter 2 It was the day of Pentecost was fully come We were all in one accord in one place And suddenly there came a sound from heaven As of a rushing mighty wind I believe God breathed I believe God wants to breathe On somebody tonight And to fill you With this breath Once more And once again Jesus help us here God Jesus Breathe on us Jesus Jesus I wonder if I can get somebody I feel like I'll be needless here I can come up here And you can raise your hands And you can ask God breathe on me I want God to breathe on me Who wants God to breathe on them tonight Who wants to feel the breath of God Breathe on me Jesus I wonder if I can get the whole church To stand up here with their hands raised And say I want God To breathe on me Breathe on my life Breathe on my mind And my heart and my soul Breathe on me Jesus Jesus Have your way Holy Ghost I gave you what God gave me Here in the altars Until God breathes on somebody I know it's not fast But it don't have to be fast For the Holy Ghost to come down Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us Jesus Come on young ladies Come on young men Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Come on deacons Oh come on Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the breath of God Come on Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the breath of God Come inside you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you As I danced I felt heaven's melody When he said sing I heard redemption's song And he gave me the strength to carry on That's right! That's right! Come on church! Let the Holy Ghost breathe on you! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Let the Holy Ghost breathe on us tonight Breathe on me God! Breathe life back into me I see some people To breathe some anointing inside them I see some people That want God To breathe some life into them And I say Let it be God Breathe into us The breath of life Breathe inside me The anointing Breathe in me Jesus Breathe on me God Breathe inside me Breathe in me Jesus When he said live When he said live I had to breathe I had to breathe When he said dance I felt heaven's melody I felt heaven's melody When he said sing When he said sing I felt redemption's song I felt redemption's song Then he gave me the strength to carry on Then he gave me the strength to carry on When he said live When he said live When he said live I had to breathe I had to breathe When he said dance I felt heaven's melody I felt heaven's melody When he said sing When he said sing I heard redemption's song I heard redemption's song Then he gave me the strength to carry on Then he gave me the strength to carry on Oh when he said live Oh when he said live When Jesus took his last breath On the cross of Calvary He conquered all of sin He conquered all of sin He conquered all of hell And when he cried it is finished He won the battle He took the last breath church He took the last breath He paid the price He paid the price Let's show the world That God Paid the price Put breath in us Jesus Breathe on me God Breathe on me right now Jesus Breathe on me Jesus Pour it out God Pour it out Where your sons will prophesy Pour it out Where your handmaidens prophesy To where The young men see visions And the old men have dreams God breathe on us Pour it out Jesus Pour it out When God breathes Healing happens When God breathes Documented miracles take place When God breathes Somebody gets filled With the Holy Ghost When God breathes Somebody gets saved When God breathes Sanctification happens When God breathes Miracles take place When God breathes When God breathes Addictions are broken Chains and bonds are loose When God breathes When God breathes Oh Jesus Jesus Oh Oh When God breathes Souls come through that back door When God breathes Healings take place Documented miracles happen When God breathes On a church With powerful sparks Hallelujah Breathe on us Breathe on us Jesus Oh yes When God breathes I feel God breathing in the house Can the church raise your hands Let's make a place Where the spirit of the Lord Can inhabit I feel him breathing on us I feel the wind I feel the Holy Ghost Breathe on me Breathe on me Fresh of God Fresh wind breathe on me Wind of God breathe on us Hallelujah Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe upon us tonight Jesus Oh Jesus My prayer Jesus Breathe on me Hallelujah Can these bones live Can those souls live Can that woman make it Can that woman make it Can that lost soul really live I say they can When God breathes When God breathes Tribals take place Souls are saved When God breathes Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God In the breath of God In the breath of God In the breath of God In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us Breathe on us Jesus Breathe on us Jesus Holy Ghost of Heaven Jesus In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Breathe on us In the breath of God Oh, he ain't never Done me nothing Done me nothing but good Oh, he ain't never Done me nothing Done me nothing but good Oh, he ain't never Done me nothing Done me nothing but good Now, Job was a righteous man Devil, he couldn't have doubted He surely loved his Savior There was no doubt about it Cain cursed his body From his feet to his head He came and told him All his children were dead Job's wife said Why don't you curse your God and die Job said, woman You speak like a foolish child He ain't never