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The speaker introduces herself as Ritali, a manager, physiotherapist, and health coach. She acknowledges that she doesn't have a perfect morning routine and is still figuring things out like her listeners. She talks about the challenges of balancing adult life and staying healthy, particularly in the UK where there is little sun. She shares her journey of taking control of her health and promises to dive into various topics related to health, wellness, and nutrition, offering brief and to-the-point episodes. She emphasizes that this podcast is different because she is a work in progress and aims to keep it real rather than showcasing perfect routines. She invites listeners to subscribe and join her in building a healthier, happier life. Hey guys! Welcome to the very first episode of Get Well With Me. I'm Ritali, a full-time manager, physiotherapist, and part-time health and wellness coach. Currently living in London but originally from the bustling city of Mumbai. Now let's be honest, this podcast isn't about perfection. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I don't have that perfect morning routine. I don't wake up at 5am and drink some fancy green juice while meditating in perfect harmony with the universe. Nope, I'm still figuring it out. Trust like you. I'm that girl who's battled fatigue, irregular periods, mood swings, acne, low energy, you name it and I might have added. Trying to balance adult life can be tough. Working a full-time job, managing social lives, cooking, cleaning, and trying to stay healthy, it can feel like a circus. Living in the UK has thrown its own challenges too. There's no sun, so of course I was deficient in vitamin D. Plus, my body decided to add iron and B12 to the list. I had had enough. That's when I knew it was time to take control of my health. In this podcast, we're diving into everything health, wellness, nutrition, from understanding basics to busting lids that need to be busted. Together, we'll explore what works and what doesn't and how to make it all fit into our beautifully imperfect lives. And just so you know from the beginning, I'll be keeping these episodes brief and to the point, making them easy to listen while you're on the move, whether that should be a commute, while cooking, or handling the daily grind. After all, it's about quality, not quantity, right? And why is this podcast different from thousands out there? Well, because I'm a work in progress, just like you. If you're tired of seeing those perfect Instagrammable routines and just want to keep it real, you are in the right place, because we are in this together. So hit that subscribe button and come along for the ride. We are going to laugh, learn and hopefully build a healthier, happier life, one episode at a time. Thanks for tuning in and I'll see you next episode. Stay curious, stay fine and most importantly, stay healthy.

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