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Intro Trailer wolf sanctuary

Intro Trailer wolf sanctuary


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The speaker discusses wolves and shares interesting facts about them, such as their speed and daily travel distance. They mention that wolves have instinctual fear called neophobia and how wolves make Yellowstone Park better. They also mention an upcoming episode featuring Lauren Gaulding of St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary, where she shares exciting stories and facts about wolves that may challenge our previous beliefs about them. The speaker is excited for listeners to hear this intriguing episode. 3, 2, 1. You're walking through the forest. Suddenly, you hear the unmistakable sound of a wolf howling in the background. Should you be scared? Did you know wolves can run over 40 miles an hour and they travel over 120 miles a day? Did you know that wolves have instinctual fear? Yeah, you heard me right. Fear. It's actually called neophobia. Do you just love Yellowstone Park? Guess what? Wolves make it better. In this week's episode, Lauren Gaulding of St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary, she joins me. And when you hear her exciting stories and facts about Canis lupus, you know all those things about wolves we were always afraid about? Well, maybe, just maybe we were wrong. You're really going to find this episode interesting and it's really intriguing and I just can't wait for you guys to hear it.

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