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The transcription is a deep dive into Psalm 27, discussing the importance of faith, patience, and seeking God's presence in all circumstances. It teaches us to choose faith over fear, to call out to God in prayer, and to trust in His timing. The key takeaways are to trust in God's protection, develop a consistent relationship with Him, be vulnerable in prayer, and have hope and patience while waiting. Overall, the psalm provides a roadmap for living with confidence and trust in God's plan. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Hello and welcome to Consecrated. Today we'll be taking a deep dive into Psalm 27, the psalm of David. I hope that you can embrace the words in this psalm and title it a psalm of yourself, a psalm of consecrated, a psalm of holy. Psalm 27 offers a profound lesson in faith and reliance on God, especially during times of fear, uncertainty or adversity. This psalm teaches us about confidence in God's protection. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? These verses emphasize trusting in God as a source of light, guidance and hope, salvation, deliverance and strength, and is a strong declaration of how faith pushes away fear. How then does this apply to us? In times of personal challenges, whether it's stress at work, family struggles or financial insecurity, these verses remind us to shift our perspective from our problems to God. Instead of letting fear control our decisions, we can choose to place our trust in God, knowing He is our protector. In practice, this might mean pausing in moments of anxiety, remembering this verse and realigning our thoughts with faith over fear. Verses 4-6 remind us to desire God's presence. The psalmist says, One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in a pavilion, in the secret of which the barnacles shall hide me, He shall set me up on the rock, and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me, therefore will I offer in His barnacles sacrifices of joy, I will sing, yes I will sing praises unto the Lord. In these verses, we see David expressing a deep desire to dwell in God's presence, highlighting the importance of seeking God continually rather than just in times of trouble. How does this translate to us? Instead of only turning to God when life is hard, Psalm 27 encourages developing a consistent relationship with Him, and this can be done through daily prayer, meditation on His word or moments of stillness where one seeks God's presence. By intentionally cultivating time with God, much like David, we learn to draw peace, joy and strength from Him on a regular basis, making it easier to handle life's difficulties when they arise. Verses 7-12 Show us David calling out to God in prayer during difficulty. Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice. Have mercy also upon me and answer me. When Thou said, Seek my faith, my heart said unto Thee, Thy faith, Lord, will I seek. Hide not Thy faith from me, put not Thy servant away in anger. Thou hast been my help, leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. Teach me Thy will, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path because of mine enemies. Deliver me not over unto the will of my enemies, for false witnesses are raising up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. These verses show us how the psalmist has great faith. These verses show us vulnerability, acknowledging the need for God's help. Because even the most faithful can experience fear and distress, and it's important to cry out to God in those moments. In our own life, when we feel overwhelmed, anxious, or lost, it's important to remember that it is okay to be vulnerable in our prayers. Like David, we can pour out our worries and doubts to God, trusting that He listens. Practically, this means taking moments during stressful situations, whether during an exam, a health care, or a relationship issue, to pause and pray, giving the burden to God and asking for His guidance and help. The last two verses, 13-14, show us how we can be hopeful and patient in the Lord. I have fainted unless I have believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of believing. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and if your strength seems dire, wait, I say, on the Lord. David concludes the psalm with a call for patience and hope, and even though we may not see God's hand immediately, the psalmist assures us that God's goodness will be experienced in due time, and we must stay strong while we wait. Patience in today's world is often challenging, because we live in a society that values quick fixes and instant results. However, Psalm 27 encourages a mindset of long-term trust in God's timing, especially when we are going through extended periods of waiting, whether it be for a job, a health improvement, or personal clarity. This verse reminds us to stay strong and keep trusting. We can apply this by practicing patience in daily frustrations and embracing periods of waiting as opportunities for personal growth and remembering that God's timing is perfect. What then are the key takeaways that we can apply into our daily life? The psalmist invites us to choose faith over fear. We should repeat the words, The Lord is my light and my salvation, The Lord is my light and my salvation, The Lord is my light and my salvation, Whom shall I fear? These words can serve as a powerful mental reset when we are faced with even the most threatening of circumstances, fear, or anxiety. Let us be calm knowing that God is always with us. It's also easy to get up in the busyness of life, the goals we have to meet, the deadlines we have to meet, the tasks we have to complete. However, the psalmist calls for a deeper connection with God and this should be in every season of life, making time for prayer, reflection, and reading scripture daily helps to nurture that connection. Just as David called out to God, so should we. It is often said that prayerlessness is the hallmark of pride. Whether we are feeling overwhelmed by daily life or in a specific crisis, we should turn to prayer as our first response and only this can bring peace and clarity knowing that we are not alone. So, we must be all so familiar with the fact that life's waiting periods can be frustrating, but Psalm 27 reminds us to stay strong and have faith that God is working behind the scenes. Even when we don't see exactly how it is going to happen, or exactly what He is doing, or when we don't see results immediately, we should trust in God's plan knowing that we will eventually see His goodness. Summarily, this psalm teaches us the importance of faith, patience, and seeking God's presence throughout life. Whether you are dealing with fear, waiting for answers, or simply trying to grow in your relationship with God, this psalm provides a roadmap for living with confidence and trust in God's plan. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for our time in your presence. We thank you for a time like this. We thank you for being our God and our Father. We thank you because in the chaos of life and of this world, we have you as our anchor, deadlessly holding onto us, being faithful through every circumstance. Father, we thank you for this psalm that encourages us to love, make time for you, and trust you through all circumstances. To trust in your working and the things that we can't even see that you are doing to bring us to the fullness of our eternal destiny. We trust you, God, that you are working in us and through us for your glory. We thank you because you do that in us that only we can do, all to the praise and glory of your name. We thank you, Father, that as we go today in our various endeavors and life journeys, you will go with us. Your presence should be powerful in the midst of our life. We will see you as our strong and ever-solid rock. We thank you because you never leave nor forsake us. Father, we ask for grace to put our trust in you through every situation and to always love you with the entirety of our life. We thank you for having heard our prayer. In Jesus name, Amen. Thank you for being a part of Consecrated today. Whether you're listening in the morning on your way to work or in preparation for work or in the afternoon or in the evening, whether you're driving or sitting, studying, eating, whatever activity you might be involved in right now, thank you for making our time to be a part of today's devotion. We trust that you have been blessed. And if you truly have been touched, please like so that this can reach more people of like mind. Share to your friends, family, contacts and subscribe to the channel to help it grow. We thank you and we love you. May God bless you. We'll see you in the next one. Bye-bye.

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