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This Time, Double

This Time, Double

Frampton PaulFrampton Paul



God's promise to His people. Through Jesus Christ, a change of season is upon those who are in Him.

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True Life Radio presents a discussion of Isaiah 61, where God promises to give his people a double portion instead of shame and humiliation. This message is meant to encourage listeners to reflect on their past mistakes and trust in God's ability to bring deliverance and joy. The speaker emphasizes that through Jesus Christ, believers can experience a radical transformation and rewrite their stories, just as God did for the Hebrew people in the past. True Life Radio True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents True Life Radio Presents This time I want to share from Isaiah 61. And um... And we'll go into... 7 of Isaiah 61. I want to read it from... I want to read it from the... ...Berean Study Bible. Isaiah 61. It says, instead of shame... ...my people will have a double portion. Instead of humiliation... ...they will receive... ...they will rejoice in their share. So they will inherit... ...the double portion in their land. Everlasting joy... ...will be theirs. I want to read that... ...just one more time... ...but this time from a different translation. I want to read the English Standard Version. It says, instead of your shame... ...there shall be a double portion. Instead of dishonor... ...they shall rejoice in their lot. Therefore in their land... ...they shall possess the double portion. They shall have everlasting joy. To give you a little bit of context for this scripture... ...for that of Isaiah... ...for that of Isaiah... ...the prophet Isaiah... ...speaking to the Hebrew people... ...and the divine inspiration... ...he's sharing with them the heart of God... ...he's sharing with them God's intention... ...God's purpose. Isaiah 61 opens up... ...it tells us... ...one on whom the Spirit of the Lord is. Isaiah 61 brings us to understand... ...God's love... ...is so immense... ...so grand... ...so powerful... ...that... ...he extended that love to his people... ...in the extension of that love... ...even after Israel had... ...fallen away... ...even after the people... ...the Hebrew people... ...had gone back... ...turned back from him... ...even when they had forsaken God... ...the word of the Lord came to them... ...God says, instead of your shame... ...there shall be a double portion. I want to... ...speak to you today... ...as I speak I want... ...you to... ...say to yourself... ...this time... ...double... ...this time double... ...the people of Israel... ...had gone through a lot... ...their... ...condition worsened... ...when they were in Egypt... ...but God brought them out... ...after 400 years... ...and rescued them... ...he led them by the hand of Moses and Joshua... ...and they came into the Promised Land... ...they settled there for some time... ...after they transgressed against the Father... ...they did what was right in their own eyes... ...they were excommunicated... ...expelled from their own land... ...they were brought into captivity... ...even when they were in captivity... ...even when they had been a disobedient people... ...God's love towards them... ...never failed... ...and it tells us that God's love never runs dry... ...never... ...never... ...so... ...this week I want you to think about... ...some things perhaps that you're not proud of... ...this week I want you to reflect... ...not so much on the past... ...but I want you to see... ...if God was able... ...if God is able to... ...bring the people of Israel... ...from their enslavement... ...from their captivity... ...from their rebellion... ...from their brokenness... ...from their embarrassment... ...from their shame... ...how much more... ...can God do that for us... ...through His Son Jesus Christ? Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 61... ...that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me... ...because He has anointed me... ...these are the exact words that Jesus spoke... ...which is recorded of Jesus... ...in Luke chapter 4... ...the Bible says... ...when He showed up in the temple... ...in Luke chapter 4... ...He was given the scroll... ...He was given the scriptures... ...and He read from that... ...very passage... ...He read from that place... ...where the people who sat in darkness... ...the people who were mesmerized... ...the people who were abused... ...the people who were ridiculed... ...the people who were the laughing stock... ...the people who were embarrassed... ...the people who were left for dead... ...the people who were once on top... ...and... ...hey... ...for whatever reason... ...at the bottom... ...Jesus said... ...I am anointed... ...to bring deliverance... ...liberty... ...those in captivity... ...and Isaiah... ...raised this word... ...to the Hebrew people... ...He was saying to them... ...whatever you may have... ...experience in the past... ...whatever loss... ...whatever deficit... ...whatever deficiency... ...whatever loss... ...whatever deficiency... ...whatever place that you... ...experience hopelessness... ...lack... ...darkness... ...confusion... ...rejection... ...however you may have experienced hurt... ...in... ...isolation... ...if you became... ...a discussion... ...of those who criticize... ...if everything that you did... ...turned out... ...the wrong way... ...if your good is being evil spoken of... ...God says... ...through His Word... ...for your shame... ...I... ...I have changed the measurement... ...I have opened my mouth and... ...this time... ...you're gonna receive double... ...I want you to think about it, beloved... ...because many times it's very easy... ...for people to focus... ...on what... ...does not work... ...does not work... ...what you tried... ...and what failed... ...what showed a limit of success and... ...unbeknownst to you... ...the success vanished... ...the Word of God... ...is true... ...the Lord says... ...every ounce... ...of anxiety... ...every ounce... ...of pain... ...every ounce... ...of shame... ...that will be replaced... ...by a double portion... ...a double portion... ...of goodness... ...now... ...a double portion was... ...the portion that... ...the firstborn receive... ...and you may say... ...how does this apply to us... ...how does this apply to us as... ...the 21st century Christian people... ...it applies to us... ...through Jesus Christ... ...what Jesus Christ did for you and I... ...erased... ...mishandled... ...has taken away... ...taken away everything... ...everything that is... ...stamped captivity... ...everything that is stamped failure... ...everything that is stamped defeat... ...what Jesus did... ...for you and I... ...and in all lives... ...He has removed... ...now because of... ...Jesus Christ... ...we are partakers... ...we are dissipators... ...we are those who inherit... ...double... ...double portion... ...it's not in our own strength... ...it's not in our own self... ...it's not in our own doing... ...you cannot erase your shame... ...as a matter of fact... ...the more we try to fix... ...the things that we can't fix... ...it's a greater mess... ...that we make from them... ...there is one who has... ...and who is fixing... ...the unfixable... ...there is one who goes... ...and he erases... ...there is one who enters darkness... ...and when he enters darkness... ...there is light... ...there is one who enters a confusion... ...and what comes out of this confusion... ...is the blessing of the Lord... ...when Isaiah spoke to the people of Israel... ...to the Hebrew people... ...he said to them... ...there is something... ...that is waiting for you... ...and it's change... ...there is a radical transformation... ...that is waiting for you... ...it's you... ...people have not seen... ...the transformation... ...those around you who know you... ...have not seen... ...the spiritual change... ...they are yet to see... ...the physical change... ...there are some things that God... ...is going to reveal through your life... ...that will leave others speechless... ...it's going to be a testimony... ...a great testament... ...of the goodness... ...of the power... ...of the mercies... ...of the love of God... ...God will rewrite... ...history on your behalf... ...Lord God Almighty... ...is the one... ...who often... ...rewrites... ...history on your behalf... ...often... ...rewriting your story... ...Israel... ...was a nation... ...which became... ...a laughing stock... ...Israel... ...had become a people... ...many nations around them... ...were literally... ...pointing fingers at them... ...the Hebrew people... ...they had left Canaan... ...and they ended up in Egypt... ...at first it was beautiful... ...after a while... ...it went from bad to worse... ...until God sent a Deliverer... ...He made it into the Promised Land... ...decisions and choices of their own... ...they were exiled from their own land... ...they were brought into captivity... ...sometimes the decisions that we make... ...will create burden... ...will create hardship... ...will create all sorts of chaos... ...and dilemma... ...however... ...there is one thing that I want us to remember... ...that is God... ...sees us... ...in our chaos... ...God hears us... ...in our dilemma... ...God... ...rescues us... ...from our confusion... ...God... ...rescues us... ...from our confusion... ...make no mistake... ...God rescues us... ...from our confusion... ...people may not rescue you... ...people may not want to rescue you... ...as a matter of fact... ...people may... ...leave you in... ...your situation... ...let me break it down for you... ...as long as you're winning... ...you will have friends... ...as long as you're on top... ...people want to connect with you... ...people will want to know your name... ...people want to associate with you... ...when things are beautiful... ...when things are good... ...moment that things are not so pleasant... ...moment when your name is soiled... ...moment when it seems as if... ...you have lost your testimony... ...moment when it seems as if... ...some poor choices or bad decision... ...has landed you in a situation... ...or in a state... ...that other people are not proud of... ...they will disassociate... ...disconnect... ...they will leave you... ...they will run away from you... ...they will... ...they will abandon you... ...that's not like God... ...God says to Israel... ...and God says to His people... ...and God is saying to us... ...and this time... ...it's going to be double... ...this time you will have double portion... ...you will experience... ...a blessing... ...you will experience my blessing... ...in ways that you have not experienced... ...I want to pause for a minute... ...and I want you to think with me... ...it seems as if God allows... ...some people... ...some people... ...some of His strongest people... ...to be brought so low... ...so that He can... ...get the glory... ...in exalting them... ...high above... ...the highest pinnacle... ...of the earth... ...I was giving it some thought the other day... ...and as I thought about it... ...I realized... ...that the people that God lifts up... ...those that God exalts... ...those that God gives... ...or releases unto them... ...a double portion... ...if you were to... ...listen to their story... ...if you were to pay... ...close attention to their history... ...if you were to investigate... ...their background... ...if you were to walk... ...with them on their journey... ...you would quickly discover... ...I would quickly discover... ...I would quickly discover... ...there was a time... ...that they were on... ...the wrong side of the tracks... ...you would quickly discover... ...that they were not always winning... ...you would come to see... ...that they may have failed... ...many times over... ...you would come to know... ...that they had tried... ...they had put in all... ...they could into what they were doing... ...but it seems as if... ...nothing... ...worked... ...but then as you pay attention... ...you would realize... ...there came a time... ...where the hand of God... ...slipped the switch... ...where the hand of God... ...turned the table... ...where the hand of God... ...allowed mercy... ...to come running... ...where the hand of God... ...opened up a window... ...where God himself... ...gave them access... ...into his grace... ...and into the door... ...and their present state... ...defy... ...their present state... ...make their past state... ...look as if it had never happened... ...I want you to think about this... ...because there are too many people... ...so many Christians... ...that are burdened... ...there are so many... ...who don't even know Christ... ...that are troubled... ...because of what they've been through... ...because of what they are facing... ...because of the guilt... ...because of the guilt... ...because of the setback... ...because of the detours... ...because of the burden... ...because of the losses... ...because of the rejection... ...because of the betrayal... ...because of the confusion... ...the list can go on and on... ...one day... ...they were up... ...the next day... ...the next day... ...they were down... ...you could pull... ...files upon files... ...of their failures... ...you could find so many... ...so many... ...ah... ...so many... ...documents... ...which tells of... ...how things did not work out... ...and shame is all over... ...shame is all over their life... ...and as you look a little closer... ...there comes a time... ...or there came a time... ...when God said... ...enough is enough... ...I am going to remove that shame... ...I'm going to give you double... ...and instead of humiliation... ...I want you to hear this beloved friends... ...instead of humiliation... ...you're going to have everlasting joy... ...I've discovered there are so many people... ...yes... ...Christian people... ...going through life... ...in perpetual sadness... ...in perpetual sadness... ...it's sad not because they don't believe God... ...it's sad not because they don't have faith... ...it's sad not because they don't have friends... ...but it's sad because of how... ...things have been handled... ...it's sad because how they have been handled... ...and I'm not trying to tell anybody... ...that you should be entitled... ...of how people should treat you so well... ...don't believe that as Christians... ...we should live with a mindset of entitlement... ...but one thing I can share with you... ...that you can... ...be rescued from your sadness... ...what if God says... ...instead of humiliation... ...instead of embarrassment... ...instead of humiliation... ...instead of everything that did not work... ...instead of living... ...being left for dead... ...instead of being betrayed... ...God says... ...I am going to give you everlasting joy... ...and I am going to give you double... ...not just one portion... ...but what rightfully belongs to a first born... ...what rightfully belongs to a first born is now yours... ...you're going to have two parts... ...two parts... ...I don't know about you... ...but every now and then... ...I remind myself... ...and I remind those around me... ...I remind myself... ...and I remind those close to me... ...sometimes... ...just sometimes... ...the things that we have to endure... ...the things that we have to go through... ...working in our favor... ...it's fine when people say no to you... ...it's fine when doors are closed in your face... ...I suppose it does not feel that way... ...think about it... ...when you are placed on the rejection list... ...at first it does not feel pleasant... ...when you are discarded like trash... ...it does not feel good... ...when you are forgotten... ...when people make a promise... ...and they go back... ...and they change your world... ...I have lived through some of these things... ...and I share... ...I don't share from my experience... ...I share from the word of God... ...the word of God says... ...God will give you double... ...it's not about... ...what you and I have been through... ...because we respect the experiences... ...that the Lord has allowed us to face... ...God's word is sure... ...it cannot lie... ...God will give you double... ...this time... ...double... ...double... ...and it's the double in the good sense of the word... ...so wherever... ...there was negativity... ...wherever... ...things did not look the part... ...some of you have been really trusting... ...some of you have been really waiting on God... ...some of you have been praying... ...some of you have been praying... ...some of you have been praying... ...some of you have been praying... ...some of you have been fasting... ...sick and saying Lord when... ...how... ...why... ...and your list of questions continue... ...let me encourage you... ...shame and humiliation... ...and confusion are packed up... ...they are packed... ...and they are thrown out... ...and what comes in their place... ...is a double portion... ...and an everlasting joy... ...this is encouraging because... ...your shame has an expiration date... ...you may have been humiliated... ...this too has an expiration date... ...may say preacher... ...you don't know what I have been through... ...well maybe... ...you should sit with me... ...let me share with you... ...some of the things that I have had... ...to live through... ...not downplaying what you have been through... ...but I am telling you... ...if you have a conversation... ...with someone who has been... ...doing the will of God... ...I would tell you... ...it is only the mercy of God... ...that has kept them... ...at this point... ...I want you to hear me beloved friends... ...I do understand... ...you may be facing the problem... ...of the most brutal season of your life... ...I do understand... ...times may be tough... ...I do understand... ...that fools may be many... ...and friends may be few... ...I do understand... ...support may be something... ...that you have never seen... ...or have never experienced... ...I do understand... ...that instead of a surplus... ...you are actually in the red... ...I hear you... ...I hear you... ...you have done everything right... ...you have done your best... ...to please the Father... ...but it seems... ...you are drinking from the cup... ...of humiliation... ...it is like Samuel David which says... ...that I was brought low... ...I was brought low... ...but thou... ...but you Lord... ...has lifted me up... ...think about it... ...before you are lifted up... ...you've got to be down... ...you heard this... ...so every now and then... ...we've got to give thanks to God... ...for the times of humiliation... ...for the seasons of shame... ...I know a generation is trying to... ...move past... ...those building blocks... ...of life... ...a generation would try very hard... ...to dismiss and to... ...ignore... ...the lessons that we can learn... ...from the tough times... ...and the tough place of life... ...I am yet to find someone... ...God has raised... ...to the top... ...who had not been first... ...at the bottom... ...I am yet to find someone... ...who is experiencing... ...the God of all possibilities... ...who had not been in a place... ...where they actually doubted... ...their own reason for living... ...listen to me beloved friends... ...the word... ...from the book of Isaiah... ...is clear... ...the word from the book of Isaiah... ...I pray it reaches your heart... ...this week... ...tell yourself... ...this time... ...double... ...it does not matter... ...what you are dealing with now... ...I am going to say it again... ...it does not matter... ...what you are dealing with now... ...this time... ...double... ...it is not about... ...the last time... ...it is not about the times before... ...this time... ...this time... ...this time... ...it is a saying like... ...that was the last time... ...that the people of Israel... ...were going to be enslaved... ...it was the last time that the people of Israel... ...they were going to be displaced... ...that they were actually going to face... ...captivity... ...the Babylonian captivity... ...there are some things that God puts an end to... ...not us... ...not our friends... ...not man... ...God himself... ...puts an end... ...to certain... ...big things... ...in our life... ...when God gets ready... ...pardon the expression... ...when God gets ready... ...nothing... ...not your past... ...not your burden... ...not your disappointment... ...not your setback... ...not your life... ...not your lack of achievement... ...nothing... ...nothing can stop God... ...or prevent God... ...from bringing you to the place... ...of double... ...nothing can prevent God... ...from bringing you to the place... ...of double... ...as a matter of fact... ...the Bible tells us... ...that the people who sat in darkness... ...they saw a great light... ...a great light... ...there comes a time... ...when God... ...literally... ...steps into your darkness... ...you heard it... ...there comes a time... ...when God shows up... ...and God calls you by name... ...and God says... ...I have seen you... ...you've been in this situation... ...long enough... ...I am about to lift you up... ...and when God lifts you up... ...you are not going back... ...you can never go back... ...not because I said it... ...not because you said it... ...but because God... ...does not lie... ...because God... ...numbers... ...tells us this so wonderfully... ...numbers 23, 19... ...God is not man... ...that he should lie... ...I am the son of man... ...that he should... ...disappoint... ...change his mind... ...there is something that God has said... ...in his mind... ...about you... ...about me... ...and that thing is done... ...through Jesus Christ... ...you heard me... ...through Jesus Christ... ...we experience God... ...on a whole... ...not a level... ...the dimensions in life... ...you have not experienced... ...but you are about to experience it... ...because... ...Jesus Christ... ...when Jesus preached... ...and when he spoke... ...he said that the spirit is upon you... ...when he said that the spirit is upon him... ...in the book of Luke chapter 4... ...it's because... ...he was about... ...to end the cycle... ...did you hear me... ...God will end... ...the cycle... ...I know we pray... ...I know we believe... ...I know we decree... ...I know we declare... ...I know we say certain things... ...and we affirm and reaffirm certain things... ...but I have discovered... ...I want you to hear me... ...I have discovered... ...when God... ...ends a cycle... ...no one... ...can stop it... ...when God... ...pushes the button... ...it's time for take off... ...nothing... ...absolutely nothing... ...has the power... ...to hinder the hand of God... ...nothing... ...can stop... ...the double portion... ...nothing... ...nothing... ...can stop... ...the everlasting joy... ...you heard me... ...nothing... ...can stop... ...the everlasting joy... ...some of you have been... ...hoping... ...some of you have been praying... ...some of you have been... ...even saying... ...Lord... ...did you forget me... ...well... ...it's apparent... ...that the Lord... ...has not forgotten you... ...may say put your... ...how can you say that... ...because if the Lord... ...has forgotten you... ...then... ...he will not allow you... ...to hear this word... ...but hearing this message... ...it is fine... ...that you remembered... ...that you are remembered... ...of the Lord... ...you are remembered... ...of the Lord... ...listen... ...your shame... ...has an expiration date... ...humiliation... ...has an expiration date... ...I'm speaking to somebody... ...I say shame... ...has an expiration date... ...humiliation... ...confusion... ...all of these things... ...have an expiration date... ...it's not when man says... ...you see the thing about... ...man... ...they will put you in a prison... ...and they will determine... ...when you get out... ...I want you to hear this... ...man... ...would put the chains on you... ...would cuff you up... ...and would hold you in their hearts... ...and they would not let you out... ...man would draw a line... ...and would say... ...guess what... ...I have contacted everyone in my circle... ...you are history... ...but God... ...has come... ...through this message... ...God is saying... ...what man has done... ...God will undo... ...gonna change this for a quick second... ...what man has done... ...God is undoing... ...I'm speaking from a place... ...the spirit... ...and I'm speaking from a place... ...of experience... ...time would fail us... ...if I would tell you... ...the things that man have done to me... ...the things that were done against me... ...but God... ...He still rise... ...and He still shine... ...and He still continue... ...because... ...like the psalmist declared... ...the Lord is on my side... ...He will not fear what man... ...will do unto me... ...if you live long enough... ...there will be scenarios... ...there will be situations... ...there will be conspiracy... ...there will be gatherings... ...against you... ...to stop you... ...there will be meetings... ...both on the natural level... ...and in the spirit world... ...yes... ...they will come against you... ...in many ways... ...but in the name of the Lord... ...the Bible declares... ...we shall... ...we shall... ...destroy them... ...I want you to hear this word... ...and I want you to take it to heart... ...there's too many people... ...living... ...in a place of sadness... ...too many people... ...are despondent... ...too many people... ...have courage... ...too many people have... ...lost their direction... ...they have lost their way... ...yes... ...they have literally thrown in the towel... ...they have called it quit... ...because the pressure... ...is too much... ...but I want you to hear this... ...I want you to hear it loud and clear... ...that when God... ...steps into your situation... ...and He says... ...that it's gonna be done... ...and He says... ...that it's gonna be double... ...no amount of shame... ...surpass that... ...did you hear me? ...no amount of tragedy... ...no amount of disappointment... ...no amount of mishap... ...no amount of difficulty... ...no length of time... ...I want you to hear this beloved friends... ...it could be 30 years... ...it could be 50 years... ...it could be 60 years... ...no length of time... ...He's able... ...to stop... ...His double... ...I'm gonna go back... ...I'm just gonna back up a quick minute more... ...I know someone is being encouraged by this... ...I know the Lord is speaking to somebody... ...listen to me... ...it does not matter... ...it does not matter where your name has been taken... ...it does not matter where your name was sent... ...does not matter how many times... ...meetings... ...discussions... ...were done against you... ...does not matter how many letters... ...were circulated against you... ...I want you to hear this... ...it does not matter how many times... ...how many letters... ...how many emails... ...how many phone calls... ...were circulated against you... ...this is not for everybody... ...because I know... ...that everybody may not be able to understand... ...and receive this... ...but I know that there are some of you... ...who can receive this... ...because you have walked... ...the alleys... ...the dark alleys of shame... ...your pillow has been your comfort... ...because you have drenched them with tears... ...but the Lord God Almighty said to Israel... ...to the people... ...it's expired... ...anything that's expired... ...in the eyes of God... ...it's gone... ...in the eyes of God... ...it's replaced... ...by something else... ...don't fight things... ...don't fuss... ...don't complain... ...don't murmur... ...you heard me... ...do not murmur... ...allow God to handle... ...let's say this... ...allow the Lord to handle... ...allow the Lord to handle your situation... ...allow Him to handle your fears... ...allow Him to handle your burdens... ...Israel could not do it... ...but God did it for Israel... ...God did it for Israel... ...say it again... ...God did it for Israel... ...hallelujah... ...God did it for Israel... ...mother... ...I thank you for your word... ...this time... ...Abba... ...I thank you for your people... ...I thank you for those... ...who have heard your word... ...and whose hearts have been touched... ...by what Jesus has done... ...it's not the preacher... ...it's what Jesus has done... ...when He came to earth... ...He came to earth to do one thing... ...and that is to undo the works of the devil... ...so it doesn't matter what kind of work... ...the devil has done... ...but we thank you... ...that Jesus... ...is undone... ...for what? ...we thank you... ...that liberty to abortion... ...we thank you... ...that those who were in captivity... ...is set free... ...I thank you that those who were laden with sin... ...bound by despair... ...they have now seen the light... ...they have now heard the light of the glorious gospel... ...and in the name of Jesus... ...I thank you... ...that you are... ...the everlasting joy upon their hands... ...I thank you... ...that you are the everlasting joy upon their hands... ...you did it for the people of Israel... ...you did it for the Hebrew people... ...you brought them out... ...you brought them out again... ...you delivered them once... ...you delivered them twice... ...and you delivered them again... ...I am convinced... ...that those who were left... ...those who were left in the dust of shame and humiliation... ...Mary in the Magnificat... ...she exclaimed that... ...my soul magnified the Lord... ...and my spirit rejoiced in God my saviour... ...for he has regarded the lowest state... ...as his handmaiden... ...I thank you for regarding us... ...for your son Jesus Christ... ...through that shed blood... ...the power of his resurrection... ...I thank you that you have looked... ...in our direction... ...and you have looked upon us favorably... ...you have looked upon us favorably... ...you have looked upon us favorably... ...thank you father... ...thank you for continuing to look upon us favorably... ...so this week... ...we pray your direction... ...we pray for your direction... ...we ask that you would give us clarity... ...those who are scheduled for medical procedures... ...those who have got sick... ...those who are sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...those who have got sick... ...we pray in the name of Jesus... ...that they would experience a peace that passes all understanding... ...you would work things out... ...you would work things out... ...for those... ...who need things to be worked out... ...those who are... ...to be in... ...room for surgery... ...those who are gonna... ...go for treatment... ...need a healer that you are... ...those who... ...need a friend... ...six closer than a brother... ...and that you would be that counselor... ...those who are seeking advice this week... ...they've got some major decisions... ...some are facing major roadblocks... ...some are asking... ...that you would speak on their behalf... ...we pray in the name of Jesus... ...that you would hear from heaven... ...that you would respond... ...show yourself mighty this week... ...show yourself strong... ...those who ride the train... ...those who go by air... ...those who take the boat to sea... ...those who travel... ...by different means of transportation... ...let your hand be upon us... ...let your hand be upon us... ...those who will be confined to remote work at home... ...and those who are already at work... ...we thank you that you will give wisdom... ...may their skill be sharpened... ...may their intellect be clear... ...I pray in the name of Jesus... ...for those who educate our young... ...I pray for those who minister the gospel... ...that you will continue to give us opportunities... ...beyond what we know... ...beyond what we see... ...help us to use the sword of the spirit... ...the word of God... ...the way that you want us to use it... ...I pray for those that... ...in the space of creating content... ...content creators... ...Lord, speak to them... ...minister to them... ...guide and direct them... ...I pray for those that are changing profession... ...taking a new career path and career goals... ...I pray in the name of Jesus... ...for relationships that are in the balance... ...and I pray for those that are strong... ...I pray for those that are seeking life partners... ...I pray for those that are trying to decide... ...how they are going to utilize their property... ...in the name of Jesus... ...I pray that you would speak... ...I pray for those who are venturing out... ...into ministry and missions... ...and doing kingdom work... ...let your spirit lead them... ...connect the dots... ...send laborers... ...we pray that you would raise up... ...kingdom minded people... ...people who are not easily moved... ...but people who are steadfast... ...people who are steadfast... ...people who would give their word... ...and their word would be their bond... ...I pray in the name of Jesus... ...for those people that have given themselves... ...for years... ...to your work... ...I thank you Father... ...that you would continue to encourage them... ...I pray that you would not be unfaithful... ...to forget the labor of love... ...we pray that you would speak to people everywhere... ...speak to those that are connected to... ...True Life Radio, Facebook... ...speak to them... ...those who continue to pray for me... ...and pray for that which you have called me to do... ...I thank you for them... ...I pray for them... ...I pray that we will continue to be... ...a viable ministry... ...to spread the truth... ...in difficult places... ...and to open... ...various spaces for us... ...and I thank you for doing it... ...I praise you Father... ...that you will help us to... ...align ourselves with... ...the things and the people... ...that you will help us to align... ...this week I pray for divine alignment... ...let us see those that are not with us... ...and those who are not for us... ...let us know those who labor among us... ...we pray this prayer for every person... ...we pray for the troubled children... ...troubled young person... ...a teenager that is struggling... ...with all kinds of stuff... ...and I thank you Father for touching... ...limbs I thank you for touching... ...hands and feet and... ...and back... ...touching the entire body... ...how I praise you for touching the souls... ...touch the souls on St. Thomas... ...St. Croix... ...St. John's... ...touch the souls on Antigua... ...Guadalupe, Martinique, Dominica... ...St. Lucia, Barbados... ...Trinidad and Tobago... ...touch people in Canada... ...touch in Kenya... ...touch in Mauritius... ...touch in South America... ...touch our people Lord... ...touch those who are part of this... ...True Life Radio audience... ...touch those in Jamaica... ...I pray in the name of the Lord... ...you touch from the tip of Florida... ...to the top... ...of this great land... ...remember those in... ...in Latin and South America Father... ...I pray for them... ...that you continue to use... ...your people mightily... ...we surrender to your will... ...where you lead we will follow... ...we will take up that cross daily... ...and we will follow you... ...we thank you Father... ...that you are literally... ...blowing our minds... ...you're blowing our minds Father... ...today... ...today you're blowing our minds... ...this week... ...you're gonna give us an evidence... ...of this word... ...this week Father... ...you're gonna give us an evidence... ...of this word... ...what was once shameful... ...what was once humiliating... ...what once made us feel so terrible... ...you have replaced it... ...and you're replacing it... ...you're replacing these things... ...double... ...I double... ...you're double... ...and you're everlasting joy... ...heal... ...touch minds... ...heal bodies... ...heal bodies... ...strengthen people... ...strengthen people... ...let your work be strong... ...let your work be strong... ...yes Lord... ...let your work be strong... ...and we'll give you praise... ...we'll give you glory... ...we will declare it that... ...see what the Lord has done... ...we will let the world know that... ...this is the Lord's doing... ...and I am grateful... ...that you'll cause us to laugh... ...yes, you'll give us joy unspeakable... ...you'll place that rejoicing... ...you'll cause us to laugh... ...it will become hilarious... ...because we'll be able to declare it... ...see what the Lord has done... ...someone who was brought low... ...is lifted... ...and this is your doing Father... ...I praise you... ...I honor you... ...I honor you... ...Hallelujah... ...thank you Lord... ...thank you Lord... ...thank you for those you are setting in place... ...key people... ...key people... ...key people in every region... ...key people in every church... ...in every denomination... ...key people in missions... ...you're setting up key people... ...in network like these... ...thank you for doing it... ...we praise you for doing it... ...the calls are coming in... ...the emails are coming in... ...the connections are being made... ...because you... ...you... ...are giving double... ...you are giving double... ...every need is being supplied... ...every need is being supplied... ...because you're the God of supply... ...you're the God who provides... ...you are source... ...you are the source of your people... ...spiritually and physically... ...you are sustainer... ...we've seen your hand before... ...and we're gonna see your hand... ...multiple times over... ...we're gonna see your hand... ...multiple times over... ...father as I pray... ...I'm reminded of Joseph... ...one moment... ...he's in the prison... ...next moment... ...his prison sentence... ...is ended... ...one moment... ...one moment... ...Joseph is behind bars... ...the next moment... ...without even thinking... ...the next moment... ...you have elevated him... ...I thank you... ...that this is what you're doing... ...to your work... ...this is what you're doing to those that trust in you... ...this is what you're doing for those who trust in you... ...this is what you're doing for those who trust in you... ...I praise you as we trust in you... ...I praise you father... ...I praise you as we trust you... ...I praise you as we look to you... ...I praise you as we surrender all to you... ...in the name of Jesus... ...Hallelujah... ...Hallelujah... ...from the low place... ...to the highest place... ...from embarrassment... ...from shame... ...from rejection... ...from being a nobody... ...to being somebody... ...from being unknown... ...from being unknown to being well known... ...this is the Lord's doing... ...this is the Lord's doing... ...so father I thank you for doing it... ...in the hearts and the lives of your people... ...we praise you... ...that we'll experience your power this week... ...we'll experience your direction this week... ...we'll experience your favor this week... ...your God of all comfort... ...and all blessing... ...our direction is from you... ...yes Lord... ...our direction is from you... ...our direction is from you... ...you will show us at every turn... ...who to turn... ...when to turn... ...you will show us... ...I am convinced as we pray... ...that you'll map out everything for your people... ...you'll map out everything for your people... ...the things that you don't map out... ...you'll give us wisdom... ...you'll help us to discern... ...help us to discern... ...it's in the name of Jesus... ...it's in the name of Jesus... ...so I thank you for doing it... ...I give you praise and I give you glory... ...thank you for those who have connected... ...and those who will listen on the replay... ...thank you for this wood that will penetrate hearts... ...and will rest in the souls of men... ...in the strong, the mighty, the powerful name of Jesus the Christ... ...the son of the living God... ...Amen... ...well family... ...as always it's a blessing to have you join me... ...I'm so glad... ...God has granted me another privilege to share... ...with every one of you... ...so until next time... ...as the Lord releases me to share... ...to share... ...to connect with us... ...TrueLifeRadio.net... ...TrueLife Radio mobile app... ...call to listen number 641-552-8103... ...follow us on social media... ...TrueLife Radio on Facebook... ...on IG... ...on YouTube... ...and thank you for connecting with me... ...if it's your first time let me say welcome to this session... ...I want to thank every one of you for sharing this session... ...everywhere... ...session can be shared and be heard... ...so... ...I wish you God speed... ...I say Shalom Shalom... ...that is my prayer for you... ...be blessed of the Lord... ...TrueLife Radio... ...TrueLife Radio...

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