Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is expressing gratitude for the love of God and emphasizing its importance in their lives. They thank Jesus for his love and declare that it has taken over their lives. They exalt God and express their belief that the new month will be full of blessings and miracles. The speaker then begins discussing a passage from the book of John, specifically focusing on how Jesus is referred to as the bread of life. They explain that while people receive daily bread, Jesus is the true bread that satisfies the soul's desires. They emphasize that Jesus is the embodiment of the bread and that those who come to him will never hunger. of the love of God, that he has showered over your life. We thank you because your love is everything to us. Your love is everything that we have. Your love is everything to us. Your love is everything to us. Your love is everything that we have. We bless you, Lord. We bless you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus, because your love has taken over our lives. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for this love, for this love, for this love, oh, for this love that has taken over our lives. For this love that has taken over our lives, we bless you. For this love, oh, God, we exalt you. For your love, for your love, we see your love upon our lives, left, right, and center. We see your love everywhere we turn. We see your love. We see your love. Thank you, Lord. We see your love. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Let's begin to prepare our hearts for the world this morning. Say, Lord, in the name of Jesus, I receive. I receive in the mighty name of Jesus. I receive. I receive in the name of Jesus. This morning, this new month, I receive in the name of Jesus. This new month is blessed for me. This new month is full of grace for me. This new month is full of many good things for me. This new month is full of help for me in the name of Jesus. This new month is full of miracles for me. I take charge of the month, and I own the month in the name of Jesus. I take charge of the month, and I own the month. In the name of Jesus, I am helped by the Lord. In the name of Jesus, my hope will not be dashed, for I put my trust in God. It shall be a great month for you in the name of Jesus. It shall be a great month for you in the name of Jesus. It's a month where your natural earth will never be abated. It's a month of celebration in the name of Jesus. Every day in this month of June will be a month of fulfillment for you. Nothing will fail, nothing will diminish in you and around you in the name of Jesus. You are blessed of the Lord. Congratulations, congratulations. Put your hands together for Jesus. Have your seats briefly. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Amen. Are we in church this morning? Glory to God. In the name of the Lord. Let's go to John chapter 7. Hallelujah. It's the name of the Lord forevermore. If Jesus walked in Galilee, he would not walk in Jeremiah. John chapter 7 verse 1. Praise the Lord. After these things, Jesus walked in Galilee. Praise the Lord. We should digress a little bit to chapter 6 so that we can learn something from chapter 6. What's the last part that is true? John chapter 6. Then Jesus said, verse 32. John 6 verse 32. Then Jesus said unto them, Galilee. John chapter 6 verse 32. Then, are we there? John chapter 6 verse 32. Then Jesus said unto them, verily, verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven, which Jesus was revealing to himself as the bread from heaven. So Jesus was revealing to himself. So Jesus can be revealing to himself as the water. He can reveal to himself as the light. Praise the Lord. He can reveal to himself as the light, as the water, like unto water, like unto bread. Praise the Lord. Verse 32. Then Jesus answered, Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, meaning pay attention. What he said, verily, verily, means pay an adequate attention to this. I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven. So what you receive is not actually the true bread in the real sense of the bread that your heart desire. The kind of the bread that your heart desire is not what Moses gave you, but he gave you a particular bread which actually to quench, to quench what your heart desire at that time. He said, verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true, my Father giveth you the true bread, not a bread. What Moses gave was a bread. What make it a bread? It means that what Moses gave them was something that can quench their hunger for a season, for a time. Praise the Lord. What their heart desire at a moment. Praise the Lord. So it is not what their heart desire eternally. So the eternal bread that their heart desire is not what Moses gave to them. Are you getting now? So now pay attention to this. Now verse 33 says, for the bread, okay, look at it first. My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. Verse 33 says, for the bread of God. So there is a bread which is of God. Are you following now? There is a bread which is of God for the bread. Not for a bread of God. Are you following now? So the one that you receive daily is a bread. Are you getting now? He daily loaded the benefits. He gave you bread, daily bread. Are you getting now? Daily bread. Singular term. Are you getting now? Daily bread. What you need per day. Are you getting now? But the bread you actually needed, that your soul desire, your soul needed, look at it first. Verse 33 says, for the bread. There is a bread and there is the bread. Are you getting now? What you desire in your mortal body is the bread. But what your soul and your heart desire is the bread. But what your body, your fleshly body, your daily to day activity needed is what? A bread. Are you getting now? So from the bread you can have a bread. Are you following now? But from a bread, it is very hard for you to have the bread. Are you getting what I am portraying now? So what you receive, you can receive the bread. You receive, you can only receive the bread from the Lord. And likewise, the Lord can give you a bread too. I don't know whether you get the point now. The point I am portraying here is that Jesus is the bread of life. Praise the Lord. So and then the physical bread you need, which is a bread of life, a bread to survive. Are you following now? So you can also get that from the bread of life. Did you follow what I am saying now? So now pay attention to this. For the bread is E. So now the bread is not E again now. The bread is E. So there is an E to attach to the bread now. Pay attention to that. For the bread of God is E, which cometh down. So cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world. Pay attention to that. So for the bread is E, that cometh down from heaven and giveth life to the world. So what the world is looking for, are you following now, is what the solution for the world is not a bread. It is what? The bread. So what we quench the thirsty of the world is the water, not a water. Are you following what I am saying now? Pay attention to this now. Verse 34 says, Verse 34 says, Then say unto him, Lord evermore give us this bread. Lord evermore. Now that you understand that from the bread, are you following now? From the bread you can now have a bread. Are you following now? Or you can have every other thing. From the water of life, you can have water. So the water that cometh down from heaven, that if I feed you, you will not be thirsty again. He said to that woman, at that word, he said, I can give you the water. I am the water of life. If I give you myself, you will not be thirsty again. You won't need to be coming to this river to fetch water again. The woman said, eh? Give me that water. Are you following now? Give me that water that I desire so that I will not need to be coming here again and again and again and again. And when Jesus clearly paints the picture of the water, not of the water, what the woman comes to fetch is what? A water. But what Jesus wanted to offer was what? The water, which is himself. Praise the Lord. And the woman desired, she desired that water. And when the water was presented to the woman, the woman received the water. And when the woman received the water, the woman ran back to the city and told the whole city, hey! Come and see. Come and hear. Come and partake of the same water that I have partaken of. And by the blessing of you partaking of this very water, you will not need to be going to a well for a water any longer. You will be satisfied. Are you getting the picture now? Praise the Lord. Then said, the same thing that the woman at the well said unto Jesus. The same thing this man, this people are saying, they say unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. They are not asking this tamarind for that daily bread. Give us this daily bread. We are not asking for a bread. Give us the bread. Give us yourself. And Jesus said unto them, look at the answer of Jesus verse 35. And Jesus said unto them, I am the Lord. I am the bread. Praise the Lord. When he said, I am the bread, so where from the Lord of hosts mentioned, where did I am come from? I am appeared to Moses and said to Moses, when I go back to these people, what should I tell them or who should I tell them that sent me? Say to them, I am sent thee. I am. When I say I am, who is I am? I am that I am. I am that I am. Sent thee. So the name of the Lord is in. Thank you Jesus. In verse 48 of that same place, he said, this is that bread which came down from heaven, not as your father did it manner. Praise the Lord. Verse 48, he said, not as your father did it manner. Praise the Lord. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Praise the name of the Lord. So there is part that puts, there is a part of the bread that man seeks daily. Are you getting it now? So this one that you are receiving this time around is not as the one that you receive daily. This is the one that you receive eternally that will remain with you forever. Praise the Lord. So, let's read the rest. Jesus said, verse 35, and Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life. I am. Who is the I am? The bread of life. Who is I am again? The bread of life. So who was communicating with Moses? It is the bread of life that was communicating with Moses. The waters of life. Look at it again, he said, he that cometh to me shall never hunger. Meaning, I am the bread of life for I will give you the daily bread soon. I am the bread of life. In the same way, you receive daily bread from me. I am the embodiment of the bread. So you receive daily bread of me. Praise the name of the Lord. Look at it again, he said, he that cometh, he that cometh, he that cometh, he that cometh, he that cometh. So, the demand, the CV of receiving of the Lord is what? Commit. So the moment you come, you receive. So there is always, there is always answer in him. He that cometh, receives. So if you can come, you will receive. Have you come this morning? Have you come to him this morning? Have you come to him this morning? I am guarantee you receive of the Lord this morning. So throughout this month you receive of the Lord. You will enjoy fellowship with him. You receive of the Lord throughout this month. No day in this month that you will lack help of God. Throughout this month you will receive of the Lord. In the name of Jesus. Throughout this month you will receive help of God. Look at it again, he said, he that believeth on me, I mean, he that believeth on me shall never thirsty. He that believeth on me shall never what? Shall never thirsty. So it is to quench your thirsty. It is not to seek so many things at the same time. To quench your thirsty, Lord, this life. It is not to seek many friendship in this life. Praise the Lord. This is not to say that you should not diversify in your daily businesses. But to come to him to be blessed of the Lord. For your thirsty to be quenched in this life. The Lord, you need to come. You need to come. Look at it again, he said, but I said unto you that ye also have seen me and believe not. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord to that audience now. Believe not all that the Father hath given me shall come to me and in him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. In that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. What does I will in no wise cast out means? It means that you are mine forever and I am yours forever. Praise the Lord. So you can take that to any bank and withdraw. Praise the Lord. That the Lord is for me. The Lord is in me. You can bank on it at any time. At any sector of your life. At any stage of your life you can bank on that. That the Lord is for me and the Lord is in me. The Lord, you can bank on it in every stage of your life. When your promotion is due. Praise the Lord. Even when your promotion is not due, you desire a promotion, you can bank on it. That the Lord is for me and the Lord is in me. When the situation of this life, when the economy of your nation is biting you, you can bank on this. Are you following now? When your aunt, when your aunt is knocking at you, when your aunt is wanted to be challenged, you can bank on this. That the Lord is for me and the Lord is in me. But I said unto you that ye, praise the Lord, I said unto you, that ye also have seen me and believed on me and that all that the Father giveth me shall come to me and in shall come to me. I will in no wise, I will in no wise cast out. So there is nothing you want to happen between two of us. That I will at one time and say, I am backing you. I am not with you again. The Lord will never turn his back on you. That is what it means. The Lord will never in any case have enemies by enemies ever turn his back on you and say this is not for you. Oh, you are, even in your worst stage. Are you listening to what I am saying now? In your worst stage, in your worst stage, the Lord is still with you. So that is why you don't run out of God and say no, because of this and this, I don't think I can go to church again. I don't need to fellowship with any brethren again because of this and this and this mess. Praise the Lord. This is a message. Praise the Lord. This is the word of the Lord. The Lord said I should tell you that you need to give this what I just said to somebody. Tell that person, because of his, whatever he has done, he has happened between him and God. I should not turn his back against God. That God is the only one that can rescue. Praise the Lord. I don't know whether I make any meaning to you presently now. Praise the Lord. The Lord said you need to give that message to someone, someone around you. You need to give that word to him, that person. That, because of whatever has happened between you. Are you following now? Whatever has happened to you, you don't need to run from God. Run to him. It's a family affair. Tell that person it's a family affair. Glory to God. Either it has happened or it will soon happen. I don't know. Does it make any sense to you? Glory to God. Thank you Jesus. For I came down from heaven, verse 38 says, for I came down, verse 38, for I came down from heaven not to do my own will or the will of him that sent me. Praise the Lord. What does that imply? Don't forget, this is to a particular audience, which are Jews. Are you following now? So, this is the best way you can present yourself. Are you getting it now to them? Verse 39 put it this way, verse 39 put it this way, and this is the Father's will. This is Father's will. When is the reverence to say this is the Father's will? It means this is the counsel that I have before the foundation of the world. To come down, to come and have a fellowship with you. To come and rescue you. Praise the Lord. And this is the Father's will, which has sent me. Praise the Lord. He used the word sent me because Jesus is 100% woman and 100% God. Hello? 100% woman, 100% God. He said, and this is the Father's will. Father's will. When he says Father's will, it does not revert and it does not mean that there is no Father somewhere. Are you getting it? Apart from him. But to his audience, this is the best way he can capture. Even when he told them that God has come down to them, they wanted to stone him to death. Did you understand now? So, this is the best way you can present the gospel to them. Are you getting it? Present himself for them to accept, to understand. Are you listening to what I'm saying now? For example, now, if I stand here and I'm saying that, if I'm telling you that when this thing was walking like this and it was abusing like this, are you getting what I'm saying now? Does this thing have legs to walk? So, but when I say this thing is walking like this, you should know that I'm using a metaphor. I'm using a symbol to pass across my message to you. You understand now? So, when he's saying that, when he's referring to that, are you getting it now? So, what am I expecting to grab from what I'm saying? I'm expecting to grab the intent, the intention behind what I'm saying. Are you getting it now? Not to be seen by the crowd as something that's walking, as a leg walking. Praise the Lord. So, when he says something like this, that, are we there? And this is the father's will which has sent me. Praise the Lord. So, to that audience at that time, all what they can relate to, they know there is a father somewhere. Are you getting it now? So, now, to him, son that came down, are you getting it now? Him, the father, the same father. So, if he says, okay, let me put it this way now, and you see how it will look like. And this is my will which has sent myself. So, to that audience at that time, it will look confusing. Are you getting it now? And this is the father's will which has sent me that of all which he has given me, should I lose nothing? Praise the Lord. So, if he could, Jesus would have even put it this way again. If the audience are a little bit more, are you going to have, were screwed. He would have put it this way. This is the father's will. Okay, this is the father's will which has sent me that of all which he has given me, I should not, or we should not, I should not, or we should not lose nothing. Are you getting it now? So, he said, given me, I should not lose nothing. But, should raise it up again at the last day. So, meaning that you, my purpose and my mission of being alive is to bring you together. Is to bring you together with me so that we become one. Let me read that place again. And this is the father's will which has, I'm reading John 3, verse 39. And this is the father's will which has sent me that of all which he has given me, all which he has given me, I should not, I should lose nothing. But should raise it up again at the last day. Praise the Lord. The day that was given Moses, no one was saved or died. Praise the Lord. All that was given Moses all died. But they that have given to me nothing, take them. Nothing. But should raise it up again at the last day. Praise the Lord. Verse 40 of that same place. And this is the will of him that sent me. Praise the Lord. That everyone which seeth the Son believeth on him. May have everlasting life. Pay adequate attention to this verse 40. It will help you understand it now. And this is the will. This is the counsel. This is the plan. This is the intent of my coming. Are you listening to what I'm saying now? This is the intent. This is the purpose of my coming. That everyone which seeth the Son, the moment you conceive the Son, I mean, Son is clearly painted to you. So there will be no doubt about either there is God somewhere or there is no God anywhere. Or God is up here. Let me read that again and explain this again. And this is the will of him that sent me. What is the counsel of that God that sent me now? That everyone which seeth. So there is a paint that we are trying or I am trying to paint by saying, Father, Saint, this is the will of him that sent me. This is what he that sent me. This is the purpose of my coming. There is something that we want you to achieve. There is something we want to achieve. True. Are you getting now? What is it that I want to achieve? Pay attention to this verse 40. That everyone which seeth the Son, the moment you seeth the Son, how do you seeth the Son? Through preaching of the gospel. Are you getting it now? Preaching of the gospel, seeth the Son. Pay attention. Everyone that seeth the Son, I mean, the word say and believe. The word and there mean that is believed. Everyone that believe on the Son. Everyone that believe in the Son. Everyone that believe in him, that seeth him. When you say, when we say we believe in him, meaning you have seen him. When you say that you have seen the Son, meaning you believe in him. When you say you believe in Jesus, it means you have seen Jesus. Are you trying to do something now? Let me say it again so that you understand. When we approach you and say, are you born again? And you say, yes, I am born again. How did you born again? You said, I believe in Jesus. What does, what are you trying to say? It means I have seen Jesus. Did you understand? So what is the intention and the purpose of his coming? That you may see. Let me put it another way, that you may believe. So when we say, are you a believer? You say, what? Yes. What make you, if I ask you, have you seen Jesus? What should be your answer again? Yes. Because until you see, you can't believe. And you can't believe what you don't see. So our gospel is to make you to see. The purpose of our preaching is to the end that you may see. I don't know whether you saw this morning. Glory to God. And this is the we. This is the cancer. This is the purpose. This is the aim of him that sent me. Why is Jesus here? Why did God have to send flesh to come and dwell among us? That everyone which seeth the Son, believeth on him, may have what everlasting life. The moment you believe. What is the everlasting life now? The everlasting life is the life of God himself. Are you following what I am saying now? The everlasting life is the life of God. So the moment you see, what do you have? Everlasting life. The moment you believe, what do you have? Everlasting life. So what is everlasting life? The life of God. So the immortality dwells in the mortal. So the aim of God is that the mortal will carry the immortality. The manufacturer will dwell in his products. The manufacturer and his products will become one. So there will be nothing to separate them. So when you see the manufacturer and you see what is manufactured, you say they are the same. Are you following me now? This is the intent. This is the will. And this is the will of him that sent me. This is the purpose of me coming. This is the will. His attention took us. Look at this verse. Look at what happened in verse 41 now. The Jew then murmured at him because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. Can you say you are the bread that came down from heaven? Even you yourself that you are hearing this now, you will be feeling some other pain. Is it hard for them to not believe that? Because you have been taught. He said they murmured at him. What happened? Because he said, I am the bread that came down from heaven. And they said, is this not Jesus? Are you following what I am saying now? So when I tell you that eternal life, Jesus is God. So are you getting it now? The same thing that first of all erupts in your mind too, that what do you mean by that? Are you now saying that there is no God, there is no son, there is no father, there is no son, there is no Holy Spirit, and are you saying everything is one? The same thing that you were having in your mind, that is the same thing that they are saying here. Are you getting it now? That is the same thing that erupts in their heart here. That was the same thing. Praise the Lord. But now, pay attention to what happened here. Look at what happened. With little explanation I have given you now, you should understand now that the purpose of God is to come and give eternal life to what? To us. And when we say eternal life, eternal life means eternal life. Are you following what I am saying now? Look at this here. Verse 42, and they said, is not this Jesus? Praise the Lord. They are still looking at him according to the physical. Are you getting it now? According to the appearance, is not this Jesus? The son of Joseph. Was he son of Joseph? Was Jesus son of Joseph? Did Joseph give back to him? Are you following what I am saying now? Was this Joseph the one that produced him? Did Joseph and Mary come together to make him? Look at it. And they said, is this not Jesus? The son of Joseph. That is what made belief in them. Are you getting it now? Make belief and abide to it. For every other thing I say, you don't want to hear that one. So whose father and mother we know? Were they his mother? Were they his parents? In the real sense of parenting. Because the Bible makes us understand in Timothy, it says the grace of God has appeared unto us. So we can likely call Mary a surrogate mother. Do you understand what I am saying now? We can likely call Mary just a surrogate mother. Just a womb where Jesus near to pass through. Are you following now? So that the work may be fulfilled. Are you getting it now? So it will be an injustice for him to just appear like Adam too. Are you following what I am saying now? It will be an injustice. Because God has already created Adam and through Adam, God expects whole humanity to begin and to multiply. Are you following what I am saying now? So now if God now decided and now said, ok now, ok because that one has, are you following what I am saying? That one has already here. Now the next thing, let me now create, let me now just appear like this. It will be not traceable. Nobody will believe in him. He will even be categorized as a demon. Are you following me now? So for now you can refer to him through where he came through. Are you following me now? Pay attention to this. I am mindful of the language I use so that the phrases I use, all these doctrines and then apostolic phrases that can bring confusion. Are you getting it now? Are you getting it? Praise the Lord. Verse 42, And they said, Is not this Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know? They know the physical father but they do not know the real father. If they know the real father, how would they have known the real father? How would they, eh? When they see Jesus, by believing in Jesus. So when they believe in Jesus, they will know the real father of Jesus. And when they see Jesus, what happens to them? They believe. And when they believe, what happens to them? What will they have? Eternal life. What is eternal life again? The life of God. The life of God. The life of God. But because they don't see, are you following me now? They don't see Jesus. Instead of them to see Jesus, who are they seeing? They are seeing the son of Mary and Joseph. They are seeing him in the mortar. Are you following me now? How do we know, how do we even know that Jesus is God? Jesus is God. Are you getting it now? How do we agree that he is 100% woman and 100% God? It was 100% woman because he died. When God died, it was 100% God because he rose from the dead. Hallelujah. So death proved to us that he is 100% woman. Resurrection also proved to us that he is 100% God. Glory to Jesus forevermore. It is the resurrection that proved to us, furthermore, further proved to us that he is 100% God. The job, what we only hear with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is the Lord. It is the work he does. Are you getting that? He did. In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the work that he did was recorded. Are you following me now? We can see that this is 100% God, 100% woman. Are you following what I am saying now? Because no man has done the work. Are you following what I am saying now? No man has ever done his work before. Has any man ever raised for death? It is the Lord. Has any man ever given life to others? No. All the prophets of the world, none of them ever did the work. So he is not one of the prophets. Are you following now? He is more than a prophet. He is God. He is the prophecy in the mouth of the prophets. He is the one that they were prophesying about. They are prophesying of. He is the solution that the prophets of the world, the martyrs of the world were presenting to their audience. Praise the Lord. So he is the message in the mouth of Moses. He is the message in the mouth of Joshua. He is the message in the mouth of Prophet Aga, Prophet Jonah. Praise the Lord. When you hear something like the Abel offering and the Cain offering. Are you following what I am saying now? It is the offering of Abel. It is the offering of Abel that is acceptable Are you following now? So it is the offering in the tides and the shadow. In the tides and the shadow. It is the message in the mouth of Nehemiah. It is the message, it is the brilliant point of Daniel. So he is not one of the prophets. Praise the Lord. He is the prophesy that they are prophesying in their mouth. That is why you find that he said not the prophets. Praise the name of the Lord. Let us continue in this place. No man can scorn. Verse 43. Jesus therefore answered and said. Okay let us have verse 2. And they said is not this Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know? I see then that he said I came down from heaven. Did he actually came down from heaven? Did he came down from heaven? Yes. Jesus therefore answered and said unto them. No more not among yourself. Vinny, are we there together here? He said stop grumbling among yourself. Stop being ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him. Are you following now? No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him. I mean, I will raise him up at the last day. Praise the Lord. So, no man can come to me. In the natural sense of it. Are you following now? You will not pay attention. You will not receive me if you receive me according to the natural. Praise the Lord. But through what I am speaking. I am portraying to you. The miracles you see. The word that's proceeding out of my mouth. That is what withdraw you. That's what it means when I say no man can come to me. Except the Father which hath sent me draw him. I will leave withdraw through the word that proceeded out of my mouth. And I will raise him up at the last day. If through that word that proceeded out of my mouth. If you receive that word. What will happen to you? You will believe. When you believe. What happens to you? So, you will have what? You will have eternal life when you believe. Do you remember that? Don't do this. You sin again. Glory to God. Look at verse 45. It is written. It is written in the prophet. It is written in the prophet. When you say it is written in the prophet. It is written in the prophet. It is just a bible language. Are you following now? It is written in the prophet. So, in the. What is in the prophet? What a guy. A guy wrote. That is what it means. What Moses wrote. That is what it means. In the prophet. It is written. Look at that. It is written in the prophet. Are you getting it now? So, that is what was communicated to prophets. Are you following what I say now? That is what was. Look at this again. Verse 44. No man can come to me. Except the father which hath sent me. Draw in. Are you following now? What does draw in mean? Pay attention. Ephesians. Philippians chapter 2 verse 12. Philippians chapter 2 verse 12. Praise the Lord. Wherefore my beloved. As he hath always obeyed. Not as in my presence only. But now. Much more in my absence. Work out your own salvation. Hello. Work out as you pay attention to verse 12. Philippians 2 verse 12. He said. Wherefore my beloved. Who are they? Who are they again? The beloved. Who are the beloved? The people of the same paternity. The people of the same origin. The people of the same mind. The same heart. The same flow. Are you following now? Are you following now? So. This person is what? Our beloved. Because we have the same paternity. Which paternity? Jesus is our savior together. We are born of him together. Jesus blood saved us. We are in the same thing. Are you following now? We have the same blood of Jesus in us. That make us what? Brother. That make us beloved. The word beloved is an old English, old Greek word. Beloved. Beloved. It actually means brother. Are you getting it now? It means brother. It's old Hebrew language. Brother. Beloved. Beloved. Beloved. Beloved. Adobos. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. 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