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yagaleka elokarabadesa tapayadadosha lekosakata brakadosa katale bregedesha iradadisa tomanaka dadagata ilabrakadosha katale bregedesha in the name of jesus i declare with me this morning in the name of jesus as i feed from my pasture this morning in the name of jesus i find peace for my soul i find prosperity for my soul in the name of jesus i am full my desires are met in the name of jesus christ i am satisfied by the word of god today in the name of jesus and i find all that i need in the name of jesus i find all that i need in the name of jesus blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah to you lord father we give you praise because we know because we know that the word is coming this morning and we are going to find all that we need and so we give you thanks for this we give you praise for this we give you thanks for this we give you praise for this oh we rejoice we rejoice we rejoice glory we rejoice we rejoice we rejoice we rejoice we rejoice because of the miracle that the word of god we wrote in our midst today because of the miracle that the word of god we wrote in our hearts today in our soul in our spirit oh we give you thanks we rejoice we rejoice at your word we rejoice at the prophetic word thank you jesus blessed be your name oh god it's a service of peace and prosperity oh we bless you lord we bless you lord we bless you lord it's a service of peace and prosperity every man will find peace every man will find prosperity every mind will be satisfied every mind will be full every mind will be satisfied oh we bless you lord blessed be the name of the lord in jesus mighty name amen hallelujah glory to god father we thank you once again this morning thank you for your word thank you for the blessings that we've been enjoying thus far thank you glorious father oh lord we bless your name faithful god we bless you thank you because this service is going to be a service of prosperity abundance in all things goodness of god in all things lifting of our spirit we enjoy goodness of god in all ramifications thank you glorious father i will increase you in all ramifications you shall not be small i will multiply you i will multiply you i will make my grace abound in you the shames are taking the way the shames are taking the way the shames are taking the way i take the shames away i replace the i replace the shame with the abundance of my goodness although i bring you to the place of fulfillment by the reason of my power by the reason of my ability i make often well with you oh nadina you will know that i am the lord of your god i will bring plenty to you i will bring plenty to you you will enjoy plenty it shall be it shall be a new beginning of a glorious beginning of a glorious beginning and glorious extension thank you father glory be to the name of the lord forever thank you glorious god hallelujah amen morning church let's have our seat hallelujah let's have our seat amen the bible say in the book let's go to book of deuteronomy chapter 8 ahem we go there yes book of deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter 8 hallelujah it's a good god it's a good god it's a good god aha deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 17 deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 17 aha the lord is communicating to us this morning from the book of deuteronomy the lord want to talk to us today from the book of deuteronomy chapter 18 we get our cue from book of deuteronomy chapter 18 and we move forward the lord said are we there 8 verse 17 hmm is it 18? 8 verse 17 hmm let's read from there let's read from verse 1 let's read from verse 1 are we getting let's read from verse 1 so that we can we can pay attention to some details and some details there glory to god verse 1 and of the commandment which I commanded these days shall ye observe to do that ye may live and multiply hallelujah you may live and multiply the commandment is given for man to live hallelujah the commandment was determined for man to live glory to god this commandment out of the commandment which I commanded these days shall ye observe to do that ye may live glory to god so commandment is meant to give man life not death that ye may live then multiply when you live you are expected to multiply and go in and possess the land which the lord sware unto your fathers glory to god go in possess the land which the lord give to your father possessing the land here is not referring to maybe taking another man's land it's just a trickle of speech possessing the land here actually means to receive of what the lord has made available hallelujah I said and go in possess the land which the lord has sware unto your father which land has the lord sware to their father glory to god it's referring to a location and that location was not actually a location in the sense of a location but it was actually referring to a place where they will have everlasting multiplication where they will have everlasting peace where they will have everlasting rest where nobody will trouble them any longer where they will not see any turbulence any longer and that can only exist in eternity and eternity can only achieve in Christ Jesus Christ is eternity so when it's referring to a land it's referring to a person and that person is Christ glory to god so when he said all the commandment which I commanded these days shall ye observe shall ye observe it means they pay attention to how and give observation you must be observing you must pay attention to details so that when the peace when the prosperity when the abundance when the easiness when the longevity come you will not miss it for something else entirely you will not be easily delayed from it he said look at it again he said all the commandment which I commanded these days shall ye observe meaning paying attention to the to do is that to do it what should you do that you may live because you cannot live alone in the context of living glory to god nobody can live forever in the context of living mass by 120 you are gone from this temple from this mortal body but when he said that you may live then it's referring to that you multiply which one of them has ever lived so meaning it's not referring when he's talking about that you may live it's not referring to natural living it's referring to what much more glory to god it's an increase in number glory to god that multiply they are increasing in number and go in possess he said then go in possess and possess the land which the lord swore unto thy father glory to god so there is a land that the lord promised your father glory to god there is a land that the lord has promised your father hallelujah so this land is not a location this land is not Nigeria is not UK is not US is not eastern part of the world it's referring to a person in the goal of speech verse 2 and thou shall remember all the way which the lord thy god let thee these 40 years in the wilderness glory to god remember how good god was with you for this past 40 years the lord consistently being good to you is consistently being good and loving to you show you his kindness hallelujah he's showing you path of himself to humble you so that you will know to humble you dear me so that you will know it is not by your possession it can be by your own effort it can be by your own gimmicks it can be by your own try and effort glory to god you want to achieve a lot of things you want to make things happen glory to god by your own effort but it has never worked out for you remember the lord your god glory to god hallelujah he said to humble thee and to prove i mean to humble thee dear to prove thee to know that to know what was in thine heart whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or not verse 3 he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger glory to god this is the experience of Moses saying it he said he humbled thee i mean you suffer to hunger i mean suffer thee to hunger glory to god what Moses is talking about here is don't forget the law when you are reading old testament that whatever happened to them supernatural any mysterious thing that happened to them they attribute it to god either good or bad so now they hunger the experience here they still attribute it to who again to god but don't forget he said in verse 2 thou shall remember all the way which the lord thy god led thee these 40 years in wilderness to humble thee okay okay first one sorry okay okay yes first one verse 2 sorry sorry verse 2 he said to humble thee and to prove thee to know what is in thine heart whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or not so he done said and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger fed thee with manna glory to god now question is this if he really suffered them to hunger why will he give them manna again why will he give them manna again because he said and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger did he actually suffer them to hunger glory to god did he actually suffer them to hunger he is not suffering them to hunger but they see when the man cannot have pleasure their ego cannot be satisfied hello when man's ego cannot be satisfied when man's desire cannot be satisfied as they want it are you getting it now they attribute it is the god that is bringing that punishment upon them it is actually man's ego they want to let me paint this clear to you man wants to have drinks they want to have different kinds of alcohol beverages to take even the one that will cause the constipation the one that will kill them the one that will make them stumble the one that will lead them to the stage where they lost their consciousness in life man wants to have it but the moment god did not allow such a thing to happen hello man's time is that he suffered me from enjoying life did you understand that now because if it is actually about god intended to hunger them to keep them hungry for any reason it will mean the lord will not give them manna part three he said and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee he suffered thee to hunger and fed thee that should be well understood later that that is not about normal hunger that you can give in a term or definition of hunger so hunger here actually means that god did not allow man to have what might seemly dangerous to his earth what might seemly dangerous to his earth glory to god so because you know sometimes it is not everything that your belly wants to eat even common physicians of these days they will tell you after seven o'clock in the night you should not take any meals again so that for proper digestion glory to god so at that time what will you attribute to that physician your doctor or whatever you call them you are hungry by eight o'clock or twelve midnight what will you tell them that ok he suffered me hunger glory to god is it actually hunger no you can even use the word he disciplined me for better earth did you understand now so that my earth will enjoy did you understand that now so because sometimes that is one of the misconceptions of the bible somebody will just carry this on and he said and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger at the moment people will start running about that and they conclude that about the personality of god so this is sovereignty of god is to man's salvation hello sovereignty of god that plays out here is actually towards salvation of man so that man will not be destroyed so that the hearts of men will remain steady in observing that is the law over them he said and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not glory to god he prepared a right meal for you neither did thy father know where you don't even know you don't even know glory to god you don't even know how god is cooking it you don't even know how god buy the ingredients you don't know who is cooking it god in his majesty in his infinity in his supremacy he just provide you manna therefore you know all the times glory to god and you started taking it glory to god can you god that suffered hunger hallelujah he said neither did thy father know that he might make thee know that man does not live by bread alone glory to god when moses said that you may know that man is not living by bread alone it means that they are taking a particular meal they are taking a particular meal that is beyond natural a meal that can sustain for a longer period of time hallelujah a meal is like when you take a meal when you take your dinner it is not like that talking about dinner is more lesser glory to god like when you take your dinner and you take a meal and that kind of meal is expected to carry you for that long for that long of mid of the night from that 7 o'clock probably to another 7 or 9 am again look at that duration of the time so that is just like it's not like it's not the actual are you getting it now so he said he gave you that meal so that you may know that it cannot be by your effort man cannot live by bread alone so it cannot be by your effort it cannot be by your work miraculous supply miraculous supply miraculous supply god is supplying today god is making supply today glory to god pay attention to that pay attention to that look at it he said that father knows that he might make thee know father retention of the father making us so that you may know how your personal or your normal skill cannot suffice you father is providing that to you so that you shame your normal skills so that your dependency on your normal skills will be shamed you will know it is not enough oh my pedestrian my doctor my doctor oh my nutritionalist my nutritionalist thank god for your nutritionalist your nutritionalist can never give you divine health so that you may know manna was given so that you may know so that this manna is a type this manna is a type and I'm glad to let you know this morning this manna alone is a person this manna is a person and that manna is what you take that can only suffice you man cannot live by bread alone manna is a person and that manna you take it, it suffices you take the manna and it suffices you for all days for all days take in what the lord has take in all the ability of god and it will suffice you in all your days capable of living suffices you in all your days look at his head and he humble thee he humble thee he humble thee then suffer thee to hunger and thirst thee thirst thee it's not a wicked goal hunger here is not a violent tool that is punishing you but to let you know that your effort is not enough your effort cannot suffice you that you may know glory to god thank god for your effort thank god for your strength thank god for your education some people are coming up these days and coming up with a slant that western education or education is a scam they are saying it's a scam hallelujah glory to god some white came up and said they started coming up with something like that is actually designed so that you mesmerize it to make slaves out of you glory to god so that everybody will not be rich that if you are not educated you will be so sound because you know if you pay attention and whenever there is a problem especially Africa or Nigeria to be specific we always come up with one solution or the other even when the white or the western part of the world have not even come up with their own glory to god let me give you one example in Nigeria in Nigeria here there was a time when the GSM comes in when GSM comes in to Nigeria every nation that has been using GSM before they only use one SIM are you getting it now probably because their network is strong and their network provider is always strong and capable of everything but look at what happened when we get to Nigeria because our network provider is misbehaving so much so to solve that problem somebody just looked at it and said ok come let's get a phone let's say every one of us will be buying 2-3 SIM let's get a phone let's have a phone that will be using 2 SIM so that 2 SIM and we buy 2 lines inside if one network is misbehaving and we switch to another one what has happened there problem are you getting it now came and we think of solution in fact using 2 SIM phone in fact arguably I can say it actually comes from Nigeria and because there is market for it now it is spreading to the rest of the world another rest part of the world they started adopting it too are you getting it now so that is actually solution comes from are you getting it now when there was a problem are you getting the point now so the point I am facing here is clear that every time that there is a problem we always think we always have way of reaching it out what can be solution to it are you getting it now education actually helps are you getting it now so the point we are talking about is this glory to God verse 4 again verse 4 ok verse 3 the last part of verse 3 let's read verse 3 again verse 3 hallelujah and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not neither did thy father know hello they didn't know Jesus used that language your father hello they didn't know but they are taking it glory to God they didn't know oh they did not know here does not mean that they didn't know means that they did not understand the personality but in this dispensation say I know in now we know but because it has come down to us Jesus said I am the one that came down in the middle glory to God look at this again neither did thy father know that he might make thee known that a man does not live by bread alone man is not designed to live by bread alone when we say man is not designed to live by bread alone it means that man is not designed to live his life hello man is not designed man is not designed man is not formed man is not created hello man is not created to survive on his own man is not created to exist on his own on his own way that by all efforts man don't have the capacity to live on his own terms man don't have capacity to live on his own terms man cannot survive man cannot succeed man cannot progress man cannot amount to anything through his own efforts so that man we know that bread alone is not sufficient glory to God man cannot live by bread but by every word say every word say every word say every word by every word every word every word here means by everything you see every word there means is actually italicized it means that it means by everything by every proceeded out of the mouth of the Lord hello sit down that man cannot live hello man cannot live man can only survive by acknowledging the attributes of God man is not created man is not formed hello no man is formed to create to live by his own efforts no man is created to survive or to to live by his own efforts even the believers even the believers even the believers believers is not born to now say believers is not born to now say now that I'm born of God I can now live by myself look at the last part of it it says but by everything that proceeds everything everything remove that word there by everything it actually implies the word is there but everything everything everything that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord can man live man can only live by everything so man must pay attention to everything that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord glory to God man must pay attention to everything everything prayer must not replace that you must not you must not pray to the level that you don't pay attention to everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord you must not pray to the level before prayer is expected you to pay attention to everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord prayer is designed prayer is originated to the end that man will pay attention to everything that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord so if man now pay you see you see after pay attention to the everything that is proceeding everything that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord after pay attention to that then prayer is applied again to see it to fulfillment glory to God when they do that look at what happen to them verse 4 thy lament was not owed upon thee thy lament was not owed glory to God hallelujah the Lord when he said thy lament was not owed it means you ask everything when you pay attention to details all the miracles abound in you all the goodness of God abound in you all the sufficient seal of God divine air glory to God everything available for you in him is that thy clothes glory to God neither did thy foot swear these 40 years meaning you see manna is coming day and night already are you getting it now and then their clothes to wear even if you are talking about this in the literal terms the clothes to you are wearing is not getting owed it's not referring to natural clothes here it's just a figure but in the principle of it their natural clothes in this context was not owed is it possible to wear a clothes for 40 years but God made it so that their natural clothes was not it is not it is not wear out their clothes in men that is miracle it is all that is what most mystery is calling their attention into pay attention to that it is not possible for you to use your foot your natural foot to trek from here to Ekecha and not see pain part of this Christianity the Christian side of us that used to walk barefooted they can only walk on Sunday from their home to the church are you getting it now hallelujah and even when somebody is saying that there are people that have never in fact you can not even survive that you will not wear you will not wear shoe on your leg for 30 days and you will be moving around you are not moving within your compound you are not moving you are moving from one end eh from one end of the world to another part of the world from Egypt to that place where they were ready to go for past 40 years not one year their natural foot was not ready to go their lament was not old ready to go their lament did not did not wear out you know it means the cloth still remain fine still remain natural still remain good the cloth that they were wearing that is actually the is talking about is not relevant to what this communicating to us is not relevant to that natural cloth the text of this statement was not relevant to the cloth but cloth was used to pay eh that cloth that they were yelling and they were trekking for 40 years was used as a means of communicating what he intended to tell them did you understand everybody will be liking it to you and you will be accepted glory to God that is why when he says seek ye first the kingdom of God you see wearing cloth should not be the number one thing in your life pay attention to that the lament he said glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to

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