Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker emphasizes the importance of closing in business and getting people to say yes. They discuss the benefits of a Saturday phone blitz to schedule appointments and the importance of having a recruiting process. They also emphasize the importance of introducing oneself and building trust with potential clients. Asking the right questions to understand their needs and goals is crucial in customizing a presentation and closing the deal. They also mention the importance of reducing retirement age and achieving financial goals. This tape has been copyrighted. Any duplication or reproduction without written consent is prohibited. And I need a couple up here that would help me with this. I'm going to do a little bit of role-playing with you. Anybody want to come and help me here? You know, one of the things that I think is really important is that when you're training, I love the fact that what he talked about there is that on Saturdays he trains on how to close everything. That's what I always focused on was closing, closing, closing. Because I want you to think about the only thing standing between you and having huge success in your business is your ability to get people to say yes to you. Am I right or wrong? When you perfect the ability to get people to say yes to you, then it really, all it boils down to is how many people can you get yourself in front of, right? And if you can get your people to learn how to get people to say yes, then it's really the same thing. It's managing how many people to get in front of. That Saturday phone blitz, phenomenal idea, right? There's nothing that you could do on a Saturday morning that would be more important than getting 80 to 100 appointments for the following week because even if half of them cancel, right, you have 40 or 50 appointments, and if people know how to close, lots of good things are going to happen. There's going to be multiple sales written and multiple recruits happening that week. It's just going to happen, all right? So you've always got to be focused on getting on more appointments. Once you get on the appointment, though, the key is you've got to have a recruiting process, all right? You've got to start recruiting people, and I said earlier that recruiting people is a matter of asking the right questions, finding out what's important to them, and then getting them to see that you can help them do that and to be bold in letting them know that you can help them. That's the key. It's always been the key. It always will be the key, okay? So if you're going to sit down with somebody, all right, this is what I would start with, okay? If I'm sitting down with Dave and Susie, right, and we're saying, well, first thing, of course, I'm going to – let me have a trainee up here, too. Who could be the trainee here? Who wants to be a trainee? Okay, come on up. What's your name? Robert. Okay, Robert, all right. So we've got Susie, Dave, and Robert. Grab his chair, Robert. Just grab his chair there, okay. So Robert's my trainee. And by the way, okay, this is what I do. What you're seeing right here, this is what I do every Saturday when I'm in my office training, okay? This is what I do. I don't talk from the stage very much, okay? Very rarely do I just talk at people from the stage and lecture. Lecture is the absolute worst way to train people, okay? Always doing role play. Because like right now, what I'm effectively doing, what you would be effectively doing if you were doing what I'm doing, is that now you're on a training appointment with 100 people, you see? And you can't possibly – there's no way I could go out with all of you on an appointment every week. But if I do this at my Saturday training, I'm, in effect, on an appointment with you, right? And what I want to do is I'm the best, right? So you're the best in your Bay Shop. So wouldn't you want everybody to be trained like you're trained, right? To be as good as you are? Well, then you should be doing a lot of this, okay, constantly. Showing them exactly how to do it. Demystifying it. Especially when you have new people, they start saying, well, that's what's going to happen? Oh, that's pretty cool. I like that. I want to take people to go see people. That's fantastic. That works, okay? Because you want to get people to not be afraid to put you in front of people. If they know what's going to happen when they get there, they're going to be less apprehensive about taking you to see people. Make sense? Okay, so that's one of the things I want to do. So I would say – so Robert's going to introduce you. This is Dave. This is Susie, right? So Robert's going to introduce me. Introduce me, Robert. I promise you that we're not going to waste your time. And Hector is one of the most educated people that I know in finances. Really helped me out in my family with a lot of the areas in finances. And, again, I don't know what we can do, but I just want to thank you again for letting us come visit you. Okay, great. So what I would have done, I would have trained him. I'd say, Robert, all I want you to do is say, okay, hey, Dave and Susie, thank you so much for allowing us to come here. I think you're going to be really impressed by what Hector's going to show you. I'm going to turn it over to Hector. And that's it. I don't want him to say anything else. I don't want him to go on. I don't want him to do something that could make me have to dig my way out of a trap, okay, afterwards. All right? You know what I'm saying? Right? I don't want him to say much. I want him just to introduce me. Keep it very short, very simple. Okay? So, well, hi, Dave. Thank you very much for allowing us to be here. Hi, Susie. Thanks so much for letting us be here. I really appreciate that so much. One of the things that's really important is really how that handshake at the beginning is critical. Your eyes need to light up like you're so excited to meet them. You know what I mean? It can't be, hi, Dave, nice to meet you. Hi, Susie, nice to meet you. That doesn't work, okay? It's got to be, hi, Dave, thanks so much for letting us be here. Hi, Susie, thank you so much for allowing us into your home. I really appreciate that. That's very nice of you to do that. So, you know, before I get started, I wanted to just cover a couple things with you. First of all is I want you to know that I'm not going to do anything to violate the trust that you guys and Robert have together. All right? I want you to know that that trust is going to be kept intact. And also I want you to know that I'm going to be very respectful of your time, respectful of your time. I'm not going to waste any of your time, okay, because I know that's a big issue. All of us are very busy today. Life is hectic. And I want you to know tonight will absolutely not be a waste of your time. You're going to be very excited about what you see after, you know, we share that with you. And then last of all, I want to customize what I'm going to present to you. I don't want to assume that I know what's important to you. So in order for me to customize my presentation, right, to you, then I'm going to need to ask you a few questions so that I cover the things that I'm positive are important to you instead of what I think is important to you. Does that work for you guys? Is that okay? Okay, so what I want to do, I'm just going to set up the appointment. One, I'm going to be trust, I'm not going to violate the trust. And if it was a referral, I would say the same thing, right, if he wasn't here and it was a referral, okay. Second, respect. I'm going to be respectful of your time. I guarantee you I'm not going to waste any of your time because that's a concern of people. They don't want to get their time wasted. And lastly, I want to customize what I'm going to share with you. I don't want to assume that I know what's important to you. So I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay. All right, so here's the questions. And I have their name, right. Dave and Susie and the date. And let me ask you, what type of business are you in right now, Dave? What do you do? Okay, so you're like a psych tech, something like that. All right, fantastic. So I'd write that down. And how about you, Susie, what do you do? I own my own silk screen business. I do T-shirts and things. Oh, great. Well, that's fantastic. So how's business going? Oh, it's when I want to work. Oh, when you want to work. So you get to make your own hours and stuff like that? Yes. Do you like that? Yes. Are you totally excited about the income that you're making off that business? No. Okay, great. It's very cutthroat in California. Is that right? Really competitive? Very. Oh, so the margins are not good. No. So would you rather be in a business that had better margins if you could be? Yes. Okay, great. Asking questions. Okay. Right away, right. Now I already know she's not satisfied with her business. The margins aren't good. It's cutthroat. I know a lot of stuff already, right. And I'm going to kill her business before I'm done. Okay. All right. So let me ask you a question. Are your businesses in your job right now, are they paying you enough money to achieve all of the goals that you guys have for your family? No. No. Okay, great. And I'm circling this. And I'm going to do this with a red felt tip pen, right, because I have this in front of them on the table. Because this is going to be my tool I'm going to use to close them on everything. You with me? Okay. So if they were paying you what you needed, right, what are some of the important goals and dreams that you guys have that cost money? What is really important to you guys as a family and as a couple and even individually? What's some of the things? I want to write those down. Well, Dave said it. We want a bigger home. Home. Okay. Bigger home. What else? Retirement. Retire. Okay. When do you want to retire? As soon as possible. Okay. What are you on pace for right now? Seventy. Seventy. So let me ask you a question. If I could show you how we could reduce that to 50, because you guys are pretty young right now, or 55, if I came up with some strategies that would allow you to do that, could it be safe to say, would I be assumptive in saying that you would definitely go ahead and take advantage of those things if I could show you how to do that? Oh, sure. Yeah. Okay. Great. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Close. Close. Close. Close. And what other things? How about travels? Travel. Travel. Travel. Okay. You want to travel in a Winnebago, or do you want to travel first class? First class. So how would you like to do that? Actually, he wants the Winnebago. I want first class. Oh, really? Okay. All right. So I would assume that you're the boss in this area, right? Yeah. Okay. Great. Great. So I'm going to write first class here. You see, and I would have fun just like this. This is how I would do it, just like this. Okay? So what other things are important to you? Oh, our children's education. Oh, education. You have two kids, right? Right. Two kids. Right. Right. Education. Awesome. And do you want to send them to any school they want, or are we going to have to go to community colleges? What would you like to do? No. My daughter wants to go to Harvard. Harvard. Okay. So Harvard's about 30 grand a year plus living. Right. Okay. We figured community school. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. 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So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. So I'm going to send my daughter to a community college. Okay. That's the insurance policy. That's the deal. That's what we're trying to do here. Okay. So I hope this helped you a little bit just to get an idea. Okay. Thank you guys very much. I appreciate that. All right. Thank you. All right. I'm not done yet. All right. So don't leave. All right. Hey, look. Look. The key for you guys to develop a great business is you've got to develop people. All right. You've got to get people knowing what they're doing. Okay. You've got to find the right people. If they were a married couple like that, are they the right people? Man, they're like a dream couple. And I'm going to tell them they're the dream couple. Okay. I'm going to let them know in all uncertain terms that they're perfect for the business. They're exactly who I'm looking for. There's no way for them to fail. If they get involved and they just join me and let me help them, I'm going to make sure they're successful. Wait. Did you hear me say anything about Primerica or Citigroup or any of that? No. Okay. Because it doesn't matter. They're getting involved in Citigroup and Primerica. They're getting in Hector Lamarck's business. I'm the one that's going to deliver. Not Citigroup. Not Primerica. Me. Me. I'm recruiting them to me. I've always recruited people to me. Right? Am I proud of Primerica and Citigroup? Absolutely. But I don't want them thinking about that. I want them thinking about joining my business because I'm good. Look. Most of you are too humble about how good you are. You need to start telling people how good you are at the business. Even if you haven't built a big business and you don't have a big organization and you haven't recruited and developed RVPs, that doesn't mean you're not good at the business. Right? Steve Cross, you're good at the business. You're as good as you ever need to be at the business. You never need to get any better at Primerica than you are right now. Alan Sousa, you're as good as you'll ever need to be at Primerica. You'll never need to get better. Okay? I mean, most of you here are as good as you ever need to be. What you need to do now is you need to find people and let them know how good you are and get them in your business and let them know in no uncertain terms that you can help them be successful here, that you can help them get the house, that you can help them travel, that you can help them get the car, that you can help them take care of their family and educate their kids, that you're the person that can do that for them. That's what they need to know. That's the key to recruiting people. It's not telling them a bunch of statistics, okay? I never recruited a person off of statistics. I recruited everybody off of them being clear that I could help them get what they want because people, folks, they don't care as long as they know they can get what they want. That's what people want. You're the person that can do that. Joe, you can do that. Joe, you know when you go on 10 appointments that are qualified, you're closing 7, 8, 9, 10, right? Okay. How much better do you need to get? All right? You see, you know what I'm talking about? You don't need to get any better. Lynn, you don't have to get any better at the business. You need to let people know you can help them get what they want. That's the key to this whole thing. I'm the person that can help you get what you want. All right? Let me help you get what you want. All right. I'm just going to fly through this, but it's on the appointment setting. If you don't like this one, use your own. I don't care. Daniel's doing a great job. Keep using yours. Okay? I don't really care what you use. I don't care what you use. I don't care what you use. I don't care what you use. This is what I'm doing. This is what I'm teaching. I'm going to teach my people how to set up appointments this way. This is what I've been doing. Okay? We're starting to get some things going. Folks, we had 20 recruits in my base shop last month. I had 20 recruits in my base. I have a little base shop. 20. Okay? How did I do it? That thing I just showed you is how we're starting to do it. Now, has everybody got it down? No. Okay? All right? All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. 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