Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
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All of your subconscious and unconscious functions work so much better when you allow yourself to restore a sense of inner calm now. And the best way to do that is to simply do nothing, but in a clever way. A way that allows you to re-access your ability to solve problems with insight and inspiration. What if you could see an even more relaxed you in your imagination, with the part that dreams for you, lying down in a chair, and that you is ten times more relaxed than you are now. It's nice to know you can go that deep, and in that place, there's no need to move. There is no need for chatter, as your peace of mind develops without any effort. And it can help you become aware of what sensations signal the return of relaxation. You might hear that sigh of relief in your mind after a period of work, and any remaining thoughts simply slow down, drift by, as another way of processing information occurs. As other parts and functions of the deeper mind begin to comfortably predominate now. How do you usually unwind, and become still to reflect, in a way that's unique to you? It's nice to know, isn't it, for as you are increasingly occupied by internal matters and other things, are easily ignored. Just as anyone does when they're nicely absorbed in things. Perhaps the physical sensations are attended to here. Perhaps images, perhaps certain comfortable feelings grow. How many responses can and do alter you to bring you to a place of profound peace? Inside and out, as your physical relaxation develops, so too does the relaxing of your mind. So let's recall a time when you relaxed very deeply. Let that vividly come to mind, that pleasant place where you can reawaken your awareness. Because everyone has relaxed for a period of time, have they not? Using all of your inner senses, be back in that time, place, and body right now. Filled with rest and ease, that relaxation spreading. And as you relive that pleasing event, can you find your own way to deepen this hypnotic state appropriately? In a way that respects your intention, that's right. And as your attention is so deeply attuned to this inner environment, you notice what it is about those circumstances that make you feel so deeply relaxed. In that space, in that time. The colors that soothe, maybe a particular quality of the sound, or absolute stillness. Notice anything there that enhances your sense of rest and comfort. I'm going to be quiet for about 15 seconds as you go deeper into that feeling and pause. The purpose of any relaxing process is to restore and re-energize at a deep cellular level. It's known that cells have memory, and so even your cells remember the unconscious code of relaxation. Your far deeper mind knows everything you need to know about the reconnective processes. You can and are able, at very deep levels of information processing, to relax so deeply down to the deepest levels of your unconscious mind. This lay calm, muscular and mental relaxation. It's nice to know that you can have this unconscious weapon in there. And that might make anyone feel so much more secure inside. And if you pay attention to the particular quality of my voice that helps you to relax. You can be aware how just thinking of this place in your mind relaxes you. And takes you even deeper into hypnotic trance. And allows a wave of comforting relaxation to sweep across your body. Even more blissfully calm as I say the word, peace. Peace. That's it. Now of course, I don't know where this place is, only you can know that. And that's the magic of this. This is your private experience. And as you notice the qualities of your memory that made it even more pleasant. Notice how the qualities of atmosphere, air, sounds, sight, touch, time. Background senses like this make the place seem so lifelike and realistic. And that part of your brain that does such things can amplify your response to these words. Because it dreams dreams for you at night. Without walking, simply drift or float towards that place. The sensation of floating in the state of mind and body. Effortlessly towards that place of peace. You just unconsciously imagine it and it becomes so nice. Your mind focused with crystal clarity. As I count from 3 to 0, you will reach that place and stand before the threshold. And you deeply desire to be there. For you know that within there's a kind of magic that stays. It always has. But it can become really real, very real for you. 3, deeper with each number. 2, closer, nearer, floating. 1, almost there. 0. You are exactly where you need to be to get what you need. The only thing that has ever held you back from this place were past delusions that you can let go of fully now. And as you enter this place of peace, you cross the threshold and you vow to leave those outdated patterns behind you. You may even feel a wave of relief, of comfort sweep through you. Intensifying and amplifying as you sit in this private haven of deep security inside. In this shelter or this retreat, you can reconnect to the deep inside. What is the space before you like? Is it a room? A chamber? A cave? Or some other place? You will notice that in this first place, there is much that helps relax your mind and body. It is a space where you can find peace. You will notice that in this first place, there is much that helps relax your mind and body even more deeply like a soothing memory. Every muscle fiber is capable of going deeper and deeper into hypnotic rest and stillness. That's it. Noticing how much more relaxed you already feel before you go beyond what wasn't really a part of you. A relaxed person has no need for excessive levels of attention. In this new you, who you are now, perhaps you can become aware of a place inside. That place where you feel like at least for right now, you can just take it easy. Rest more deeply than ever so that every tendon releases. All of your tissues release. Cells, muscular effort release. This first level of relaxation symbolized by this specific place you are in now is invisible but so tangible that it permeates your mind and body. It is a powerful feeling contained within you that replenishes your body's energy and strength and resilience. When you are quite ready, just lie down or sit in that inviting place inside of your mind. That will take you into even deeper levels of hypnotic trance all the way down so your body feels incredibly relaxed. I'll pause for a bit while you do that. If you want to let those inner eyes close and rest, do so, if that feels right. Feeling a soothing comfort spread down the face, massaging its way all the way down your arms, legs and toes. So much more relaxation within. And where the body leads, the mind must follow. We know this. Even your insides are being soothed and healed to a deep cellular level. When you are relaxed, so many parts of you work better. Inside, everything is soothed. Inside, everything is well. All physical tension has left the body. Your body feels so relaxed that your spirits are uplifted as if a weight has been lifted. And you realize there is no pressure here. No one wanting anything. No one wanting anything. You can just be yourself here. Your body feels stronger and more flexible just resting deeply. And I will be 100% as quiet as a mouse for a full minute. And in that minute, something pleasant will happen. Something that moves you forward as your creative part is free to work on your behalf. Free to solve problems unconsciously in moments of insight, intuition, new awareness, inspiration and much, much more. 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