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Frodo's instinct and decision-making are underrated. He recognizes being followed by Golem and leaves the Fellowship after Boromir's corruption. He trusts Golem despite his betrayal. Frodo's guidance allows them to reach Mordor. He resists the Ring's influence until the end. Frodo's pureness as a Hobbit is crucial in taking the Ring to Mount Doom. Without Frodo, the Ring wouldn't reach its destination. An underrated aspect of Frodo's character is his instinct and decision making. His instinct comes into play when figuring out that they were being followed by a distant but familiar Golem, first in Khazad-dûm but also when travelling down the Anduin. Another important decision was having to leave the Fellowship after seeing Boromir corrupted by the Ring, a key decision in the story of the Lord of the Rings. Frodo's intuition and instinct comes into play once again when deciding to trust the creature Golem, a character embodied with pain and grief. Though Golem would ultimately betray Frodo right at the end, without his guidance from Eamon Rue to the Dead Marshes to Ithilien, then you could have argued that Frodo and Sam would have potentially never have made it to Mordor. The biggest importance and influence as to why Frodo could be argued as number one is due to him resisting the influence of the Ring right until the very end of course. There is a reason why no one else but Frodo could have taken up the mantle due to the pureness of Hobbits even though technically not being pure enough, which allowed the Ring to be taken from Bag End to Mount Doom without the wielder not being fully corrupted. Without Frodo, the Ring doesn't make it to Mount Doom signifying his importance.