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The Lord of the Rings has various significant characters, and the question is who is the most important or influential. Some argue that there isn't one main character, but let's assume there is. To decide, we need to define important/influential. In this context, it means a character who played a key role in destroying the One Ring and defeating Sauron. Without their actions, the Ring would be less likely to be destroyed and Sauron defeated. The Lord of the Rings is filled with incredible characters and story arcs, ranging from simple hobbits to heroic figures of men, so the question is who is the most important or influential character in this Tolkien story? There are many options and some may even argue there is not one main important character, which is a fair take as well, but let's say there is. But to decide this, firstly we need to define what we mean by important slash influential. In this discussion, important slash influential refers to a character who was integral in the destruction of the One Ring and the defeat of evil, and without their actions there would be a less likely chance that the Ring would have been destroyed and the Dark Lord Sauron defeated.