Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a collection of different characters introducing themselves and talking about their personalities and roles. Each character has their own unique traits and preferences. They discuss how their voices and actions reflect their characterizations and how they enjoy portraying different roles. Some characters are focused on entertainment and making people laugh, while others are more serious or educational. Overall, they all express their passion for their work and their desire to continue developing their characters. Oh, there you are. I'm James. Some people say I sound a lot like my friend, James. My favorite thing to do is ride horses, but before I ever do that, I always... Wait, are you serious? Get out of my way, you kind-hearted, goofy, oblivious. I'm Rosie, the agitator. Before starting any day, I always perform my favorite tongue-twister, six-six-sizzle-six. Oh, that's just crazy talk. I'm Anderson. Physicality is the key element of my personality. How I stand, walk, and move has an impact on how I see the world. My voice is layered with these three things, strength, leadership, and courage. As Prince Jonathan, I make sure everyone knows my status, history, and opinion. When I say I changed the history of the character, I couldn't believe how much easier it was to change my voice to fit the character. It reminds me of times in my acting 101 class where we were given random scripts and had to instantly generate a compelling character to fit the environment we were given. I researched the state of Texas and the pig fair and the show and got to learn just how serious they take their hittings. It's a big deal. My opinion was sort of the complete opposite when I changed the status from high to low. I still have much to learn and am very excited to get better. I'm showing the world how my high status impacts the way I relate to people. That's good. That's bad. Oh, I don't know. It's just not funny. What I do know is that I'm Greg. I make people laugh by constantly making 180-degree shifts in tempo, attitude, pitch, and emotion. I'm confident about that. Or maybe it's because my focal point of my trade is my mouth and I laugh like this. Oh, that may be how you laugh, but I laugh like this. Everyone needs a motivation tool. It's a reaction. Sometimes I laugh and other times I don't because the situation is serious. I have a need for entertainment. That impacts my action and reactions. I'm Jack. As you can probably tell from my voice, I'm 29. When I lived in Australia, I used to speak with an accent or dialect that sounded like this. You fool. Wait. What bloody baboon is that? Where'd the monkey come from? He's getting away. Don't just stand there. Go get him. As the video game narrator of Hexahedron, I know that after many years of battle, it seemed the Shaperight's defeat was imminent. Yet some refused to surrender. When all light is lost, darkness is the only path that remains. I pity the world if the rift is not closed. Keep your pity to yourself. I'm Chuck. I love talking to kids and having fun. My favorite thing to do is show off in front of the new guys. Don't you just love my nose? Move out of my way, kid. It's time for an adult in the room like me, Ares. I'm sure you can tell my personality is prideful. The pitch of my voice is tenor and my catchphrase is I am Ares, the god of war. Who cares about adult cartoons when you can be an anime? My voice quality is breathy. My intelligence level is high and my height is medium. That's right, I'm Inua. Okay, whatever. I'm Jerry. I'm not only a character in a fun video game for children, but I'm also educational. I prefer to escape into the immersed world of adult video games. I'm Liam. The tension in my body is located in my nose, especially when I say, it's Colonel's orders. Not everything has to be heavy and broody. I'm a toy. My name is Ryan. I'm pretty, pretty, funny, except when I say it's all over. Enough, everyone. I'm Xavier Hunt. These characters are a part of me. I like to think of them as a work in progress. I'm going to keep working on them. Thanks for listening.