Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast episode features Evan, his brother Casey, and their friend Aaron discussing their beliefs and experiences with ghosts. While Evan is skeptical, Casey is more interested in the possibility of ghosts existing for reasons beyond traditional beliefs. Aaron is unsure but open to the idea. They share personal encounters, including objects falling off without explanation and visitations from deceased loved ones. They also mention the prevalence of fake ghost videos on YouTube. Overall, they find the topic intriguing and believe there is a lot of unexplained phenomena that could be attributed to ghosts. I've never seen it either never This is live now. We're going we're going out Hello, everyone, and this is Evan's podcast. This is yeah. Yeah, they know by now This is episode 3 me and dad, but it's not me and dad today It's me and brother and other brother, and it's the goof troop now Yeah, it's me Evan and cares Cassie Percy and Aaron Aaron the artistic artist Autistic art autistic artist on YouTube yes, I'm the autistic artistic artistic autistic. I don't know And I'm artistic we're talking today not about specific. I guess someone a specific subject. We're talking about ghosts I Myself, and I'm on the point of I'm pretty unbeliever When it comes to ghosts, I don't I don't personally believe in them But I've got my brother Casey that is an avid ghost. I wouldn't say believer I know you better say believe weren't you ghost? enthusiast For the idea itself so like I don't necessarily believe that it's That they're real per se in the sense that you would think that most people say the ghosts are Loved ones from the grave They're there it's up for debate in a sense Yeah, yeah, Aaron. What is your what is your belief about ghosts are they real fake? Are they something other than what people think they are? It's it's difficult for me to explain on one hand. It's like. I think it's possible that ghosts are real But I'm not on the other hand. I'm like I haven't been able to To Witness of course captured evidence. I'm the same way. I haven't captured. I've never witnessed anything. I've never captured anything No EVPs, but then again. I've never tried I've never went out and searched and hunted for these things never have so I'm gonna start this off with asking an important question to both of you Casey especially what what what got you what got you interested? Well? Why do you why'd you start wanting to? You watch a lot of YouTube videos about people hunting ghosts, and you watch a lot of different things like that you obviously are a Believer or at least a you're a searcher, so what what got you started? Why'd you start well for the longest? Evan you know I well a lot of people don't they're listening this, but you do know I have an interest in a lot of different things One thing that's always interest me is with our religious background in the church is just the idea of What if? Now I'm not saying what if we die could we be stuck here like what I'm more or less trying to say trying to say Is that maybe if there is a chance that it's something other than mm-hmm, and that's what's always drawn me to that It's not the fact that who could be You know grandpa Jenkins Inside our house because he died here 35 years ago, and he was a vengeful spirit I don't mean nothing like that I'm saying more or less that there could be other reasons for that and that's why I'm interested in it is because you never know It's certainly It's certainly interesting that there's a lot of I don't want to say proof But there's a lot of compelling things that have happened a lot of those videos. I've seen on YouTube that can be very easily faked Or edited, but there is a huge belief in the supernatural and the aspect you're talking about You're talking like when you talk about not saying you believe in it I'm saying you're when you're speaking you're referring to People that have died and have stayed on the earth and are still haunting certain locations You know staying are stuck in a certain place There's a lot of things that can be faked in that aspect, but I'm with you because There's why there's so much of a belief in it. There's a huge belief that there's and there are supernatural things Whether people have experiences things like that Yeah, in my opinion I think a lot of people chase that idea and not in my sense But a lot of people in youtubers they do it for different reasons one could be fame, right? They don't do it to be famous. Mm-hmm. And if they don't capture anything is quote-unquote evidence and they fake it There are numerous youtubers that have faked that stuff The other thought is is that people they aren't Firm and belief to any religion or anything such as that so they try to look for other reasons Yeah, that's why I don't necessarily agree that that it could be grandpa grandma my cat No, don't put your think about that. You've seen a dog ghost. Yeah, I have on if it's real on YouTube I've seen a dog which it can be faked But I have seen where people think that their dog is still haunting their house like that I saw the video was of a Shadow of a dog that is not there like they go and open the curtain. There's no dog there, but they close it There's a shadow faint shadow of a dog sitting there by the door The dog had died a couple months back because they had to be put down Well Aaron, I mean we're gonna get deep into this in a second. What are you interested in this? Something you just you just kind of got pulled into this podcast really no, I just joined along for the fun joined. That's fine That's fine. Well, what do you think you like? I mean you think there are ghosts that are still here I mean, it's difficult to say there's I've been I don't know if this is related Let's go watch you like I want to hear do you think have you experienced something that makes you think? They're here. Do you I mean just you personally? so when I first when we first moved in this house, I'm not telling where it is, of course, but I Remember a couple things kept knocking off without you moving them. Yeah, exactly without nothing really happening Though that might also be because of the fan Because it moves the table and might have moved the thing off, but I was convinced that's called debunking what you just did yes, I might I Had like a 5050 thing to it where it's like on one hand. I thought Maybe this place is haunted because because of you know, sir, we're not gonna go to there Yeah, we're not a certain circumstances happened at the house And it's possible that he that that person died on the property Yeah, and I can name who but so you thought that was possibly a ghost It's possible or maybe it's like some haunting or some sort before we get deep into it I'll tell you an experience I had in when we lived in the Delta of Mississippi and That old house You were asleep on the top bunk and I was asleep on the ball. I was awake I've got I was woken up by us. I don't know what woke me up, but I vividly Vividly remember when it's just you and me and remember we only had dogs, right? We don't have cats or anything and a cat is usually likely to scurry around and dart off onto some furniture, right? Yeah Alright, so we had a small plastic Dresser by the window and I'm sitting there because I had been now granted I had been watching scary videos on my phone So I'm kind of freaked out a little bit but I kid you not I'm sitting there on the bottom bunk and One of the loudest as if someone threw something very heavy from on top of your bunk Onto that plastic dresser a huge bang happened and I and I'm already freaked out about when that happened I froze in fear And I'm trying to explain it. Nothing was thrown on it. Like not not a toy Not any hard object was thrown on to this dresser and I'm like What just caused this you're asleep because I hear you snoring on the top on the top bunk I was snoring when I was five. I don't know what how old you were, but you were snoring You're saying that Delta this was when I was much younger No matter what this happened and to this day, I have no idea why it happened I know it happened. Definitely don't remember that stuff that I don't know I just don't know that does sound like what you talked about when you talked about the things falling off Anyways, have you had an experience like that Casey? Actually, I have I remember it's always replayed in my mind. I was really young Is before you're born, right? I want to say it may have been Philadelphia when we lived there Yeah, but I used to have my own room woke up in the middle of night and it's pitch black in the house and I saw a kid Playing in the room. Yeah, like vividly. This is years and years and years. You don't have it, right? You don't think it was dreamy cause you're alive. Yeah, but I mean that's not really what got me into that stuff, right? Part of this that's that starts this whole thing the idea of visitations So the terminology for visitation is Miss Joe Smith dies His kids are more in mourning. Well that night afterwards He comes back to visit My wife has had one of those instances Don't can tell about that not an easy. What can you tell us? You don't mention names just say like what? my wife's Grandmother. Mm-hmm years ago passed. Yeah, and not too Long after that she was sleeping in her bed by herself. All right, she had someone lay down with her Mm-hmm, she felt and they usually was the way that her mom or grandmother lay with her Yeah, well in the middle of night, she felt that person get up out of the bed So she gets up because she's like why'd you woke me go to the mixer mama? Her mom freaked out. Yeah, she said I have not been in your bed. Yeah, the weird thing is my wife Explained it was more of a calm nature. Mm-hmm You know, so that that's why it kind of that kind of piece now our grandmother You know stated that our grandfather when he passed showed when I had her mother and her mother, you know And and I had an injury a long time ago that caused me to pass out and I never said this don't but only one person besides dad Our grandfather is the one that woke me up Really when that injury happened that was the what you will he he walks up and what taps you on like She makes you we were we were and this is gonna sound so no, it's not no It's not good. I woke up and I'm laying in a field of wheat. Okay Sounds kind of cheesy, but I know you I believe you like no heels. No, this guy is white Like the matrix. No, not really like that More likely Walking through the wheat field. Yeah, this is where it's gonna get cheesier. Mm-hmm. I look up and there's our grandfather and all white Hmm, not typical all white like robe More like a white long-sleeved t-shirt. Yeah and white like khakis or jeans White shoes. I remember that vividly and he says Yeah, don't get upset no, so then you've had to get up now, yeah, and that's it I woke up then and my wife is trying to wake me up the bone-chilling stuff people hear this stuff They're like, oh, no, I don't want my grand, you know grandfather come on the moment It probably was extremely comforting because you know, it was you had just had a I didn't do that You didn't know that that that happened. I hit my head on the ball. Mm-hmm. I'm gonna happen Yeah, I was my my mother-in-law actually had no one other experience where what another experience where she would um Be upstairs, you know just folding clothes or something and feel That something was in the room with her comforting presence. Not really. Not really I guess she she's joked around and said that she told her mother-in-law not to scare her. Yeah, and then Boom, that's weird. See see And I could have experienced more than that but I feel like maybe sometimes some people are why do you think some people are so apt to just go ahead and go straight to That like that, but there are so many Outside influences if that if that AC behind us starts starts clicking and clacking and if you're in if you're in a dark room That would scare you so but I do I'm not saying that that's now let me say I'm not saying that people didn't experience that Yeah, well, why are people so apt do you think immediately it's a what it's a ghost I think honestly part of it like the unexplainable. You can't see what happened. So rationality they try and bring rationality I think it's because the human brain has to have a pattern, you know, the human brain has to look for patterns Yeah, and an explanation just like if if you just like when you're gambling you can land the plane and roulette You can rent one of the same number 15 times and you're probably going to keep trying to bet on that same number Because you've been landing on it. So you're thinking well, I must be a lucky There's no such thing as luck. No such thing as that and because the next time you roll it it could land on the red 27 times and then you really aren't lucky But I think our brain looks for patterns because we have to have explanations for things because we can't explain it with Actual scientific facts we make we our brain creates a comfort zone almost Because wouldn't you rather like it be known that it's a loved one just kind of rustling around rather than a demon Rather imagine that but rather than rather than thinking it's a demon your mind says, okay, it's just grandma It's just grandpa. It's just mom dad, which I'm not Putting against anybody that's ever experienced that I had this one dream as well and this might not be related But just it's not your aunt my our late aunt. Yes who died it was it looked completely It felt real in a way, right, but it's one of those dreams however, you know while it feels real in a way it also doesn't because in a way you're Different from other dreams your mind is aware of something Here I was aware Our aunt was dead and I was like wait, what are you doing here? We're not like in a rude way. I mean like I thought you were dead and stuff like that I can't remember what she said after but it looked completely like our like our house in there It felt just so bizarre. Mm-hmm, but it was nice to see her again Okay with that. I got a question for you. Sorry. I'm sorry. No, no, no, I was not you go Let's talk about what is classified as EVP Okay Electronic voice phenomenon. Oh, I know some of those videos. Sometimes some people on YouTube will Try to contact a dead celebrity, which yeah, I've seen those too Who do you think let's talk about a very common thing because not many people are going to know about these things, right? That's spirit box or a spirit radio You know when those were invented No, you tell me or I'm gonna look it up, do you know, do you know who invented it? Did anyone have a Lorraine Warren? No, no, who Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla invented the spirit box And I'm gonna try to move this back so I can yeah Cut this out Okay, let's let's let's I'm gonna have some different audio. Let me restart Okay, so let's talk about some of this evidence some of the equipment they use to capture evidence Okay, let's let's start with you talked about the spirit box Okay for people that don't know what a spirit box is This is not me claiming that it works or if it's legit. This is what it is. Well, the spirit box is a little box that scans over multiple frequencies very quickly for radio stations for radio stations and The claim is that because it's frequently going through radio stations that spirits can Talk through this radio through these radio frequencies and give you phrases now I'll let Casey tell us a little bit of history about who invented it and what it Okay, maybe a little bit in-depth what it is, and I'll tell you what I'll tell you what I think about it I'll tell you that my problem with that. So Casey so An interesting thing about the spirit radio is actually what it was called. It was invented by Nikola Tesla It was a very simple radio system, and I believe the date don't quote me on this was 1901 If the invention was made for the very specific use of trying to gain knowledge From those that have passed on. Oh my god. I just found something that says Thomas Edison Of course, he probably said Thomas Edison That's probably another another discussion for another time that's Edison versus Nikola Tesla thing Well While we're yes it is but while we're on this I Just want to see because it's saying that the spirit box wasn't only designed to be a souped-up scientific seance machine it was supposed to be a means of verifying Edison's larger theory about the physical nature of life and Daredee said the soul So this is saying Edison created created the the spirit box. Let me correct you on that. Okay, or correct that website Okay, Thomas Edison was an experimenter of the device right it was if those of you for another topic another time Edison and Tesla were in a lot of competition That's why a lot of devices that you see that were made by the Edison in Thomas Edison's corporate. What was it called? I don't know. I think it was G. It wasn't a GE General Electric Made by Thomas Edison, maybe regardless they were in Numerous competitions against each other and especially with the idea of a C&D Edison's country company was General Electric Yes, Edison General Electric company. So it's founded in 1889 Wow Their relationship together was back to 1882. He had he had three electric light manufacturers He had Edison lamp company Edison machine works and Bergman and company. So apparently it was all Incorporated into Edison General Electric, which today is GE Not American owned in the fun fact for you. You know, the Tesla actually is the one inventor of AC and DC It's actually the invention of Edison. Did you know that? No, I did not So the two currents that we commonly use in the US Well, let's get back to the spirit, let's get back to go stuff So the the device was not always meant for that That's very true, but it was also a theory between both Edison and Tesla at one point that they were trying to prove the physical sense of the human body and human soul in the spiritual side of things and you know that whenever science and Spiritual right together really never works out, but that works out and that's okay. I want to say because because Just like our brains try and create patterns We also kind of want there to be supernatural because I think it's a little easier to believe in because supernatural doesn't need a Doesn't need a picture or it doesn't need a writing right down like this is what happened doesn't the scientific formula Just supernatural easier to say That was supernatural. That was weird instead of saying let's figure out what air current caused that lamp to fall off of that Bedpost or something like that, you know what I mean? I think that's what that's what happens But sometimes I think it's also some people think it's more fun Maybe or exciting again, the pattern recognition part is where this goes down to if apparently the tests were we're going to see if we can use this to See if we get anything out of it, right? And then in that they found out that they were getting In a sense the words being caught by the radio stations and mind you back in this time frame There were not that many radio stations. Yeah so The idea was that this device was giving them answers to questions now. I don't necessarily think that's a good mode mode Of evidence if I was to believe that it was real, which I'm not saying I do I don't really know I Would say that you need to stick to pre like solid evidence that can't be up to chance Which is so it's so hard when you're hunting ghosts because there's either some it's all digital Because you're either recording what's happening on digital device and or you're either recording a voice on a digital device or you're Using a digital spirit box that and that was one thing I was going to say When you have a box that is that is scanning across multiple radio stations and they say you're talking to somebody Now I feel like that can be edited too because it's on digital video But but I do think that it's searching through all these channels and there's talk shows on these channels And if you ask it a question There could be a chance that it says the an answer that oh it answered me if you scan across a bunch of channels Radio channels and one of them's you ask it Are you here and one of the radio channel says yes in a weird little scanning voice then? Yeah, I mean, I think that's that's where you can get kind of duped I guess I could say this I honestly personally if we're on the personal thoughts, right? personally, I think Spirit boxes or those machines that are used and you can talk to spirits and stuff like that I think they're scams in all honesty. No could be they're complete scams. I just know a fact. They sell they sell on Amazon Yeah, they sell All this equipment on Amazon. They sell the digital recorders. They sell spirit boxes the spirit boxes I've seen now. This is one thing that is weird I've seen reviews on Amazon that have said that they didn't have they had a normal happy home and Now then they started experiencing after using it Activities are experiencing things falling off the shelves. They say experiencing noises But I also want to say that that what if their mind is searching around and trying to say well I use that spirit box and they say can open a portal So I wonder if I'm trying if I'm making this up in my mind Noises now if you just see a book fall off the shelf, there's no draft or anything. That's weird. Yeah For me, I have to experience these things Straight up in Physical form if I see a book fly off the shelf and nobody is near it There's no we know there's no way someone got fishing line in here to pull that book off Another that's going to freak me out and that's going to make me ask some serious questions Sorry, just like when we used to see those commercials if you were in love longer diagnosed with Mesothelioma, uh-huh, you know, wait, what was I was I was I you start thinking and that's how they get people you start You start thinking was I or did I hear that or did? Did something fall off of your bed to hit that plastic? Dresser when I was little I don't know, but I know that I couldn't explain it in the moment Back to the electronic voice phenomena that you can capture It's basically EVP because you're kidding you can record as you these boxes supposed to be real-time Talking with these spirits. You're supposed to be able to have a full-on conversation. Yeah, and And Well, they don't think it's a valid method. I want that to be stated I don't think that's a valid method to do anything that opens the doors for too many things I don't think it's valid because it could be radio stations. You're hearing that's why because I am it scans a.m. Radio, okay Yeah, no, it's a creates white noise. And and if you're you've got white noise and Scanning radio stations. You're just going to keep hearing talking little bits of talking and you're gonna sit there and think oh That was that was an answer to my question. I guess we're gonna have probably just a radio station I guess we're gonna have to find out even more once Eventually radio stations get shut down That's a good point. Yeah. Well, see what about that's not going over for a while Well, they're still not that popular compared to Yeah, yeah, can we agree though? That one of the only methods that I believe anyway that can be I wouldn't say valid 100% evidence But what about? EMS devices that just read turn your cell phone off and you in an abandoned building with no electricity and all of a sudden you Have device that reads the amount of electricity or if you're standing still now that I don't know enough about that to even disclaim that I don't know how to discredit that. Yeah, if you're standing still in a building like you've seen some of these videos They're standing still and we don't know on the other side of the camera. They could have someone walking by with electric generator small electric generators going Blue blue blue To explain to people what a what's it called again? EMF it's electromagnetic field Detector and it's a little device that's got these lights on it's got from 1 to 10 1 to 10 10 decibels it's used for backstory. It's used in the electrician seal Yeah Higher voltage electricity you can because in in the world you can sense this device can sense electromagnetic magnetic fields Electricity so the thought is in this in this hunting ghost hunting world that spirits give off Electromagnetic fields as they pass by so they'll hold this device and in a stationary sometimes Manner or they'll walk around or they're not even be home Even be holding they'll set it in a stationary spot and walk away with a camera pointed at it and the thought is when a spirit passes by you'll see this little device and it makes a louder noise the higher the The frequency and it lights up higher it goes from green to all the way to red to number 10 so that device shows you now my only thing about that is We don't see the other side of the camera if I'm in there and there's no cameras if Evan Thompson is holding that device in an abandoned building with no electricity And I know everybody's got their phones in the car left in the car not near me If I'm sitting there, and I asked something to walk up to that and also not I see it go That's gonna freak me out. Yeah, this is all stuff. I have to see now. I do love watching those videos I'd like to make that clear. I love it because it's the what-if like we talked about earlier I love the what-if what if it really is what there really are ghosts out there, but have y'all Yeah, have you ever done anything with the email if you haven't ever been to a ghost hunting? Yes, I have you have Well, I can't I've been in Panama Okay, you went to a museum Yes, I went to one and actually did a ghost hunt which they claimed had EMF I had EMF activity in front of them, and I wasn't there. I'm not gonna even try and describe No, actually I have a recording of it to prove it to you. Well, I don't I'm not gonna sit here and discredit you I think that if you saw it and you saw the evidence, but then again you somewhat are an enthusiast So maybe you're making up. Maybe you're thinking that it's real. Maybe you're not trying to see all the whole picture But I know that if I'm there I'm gonna try and see everything I can to see just to disprove it Which is nice. I think makes a good ghost hunter. I think I'm actually good investigator of any sense There's one to try to disprove it. So with that Let's take the EMF and go a step further What about the room pot the room pot? What's the room pot? I forgot room pot uses the same idea that the EMF device uses Mm-hmm, but it also takes into account with the radio antenna to detect touches to that antenna as well as Temperature that's what the four lights mean. There's one for like traumatic magnetic. There's one for sound there's one for Touching and there's one for temperature draft draft. I mean vast temperature changes. Yeah, usually at the same time Yeah, so if that goes off which the youtubers that typically use those there's either one or two types There's no in-between. It's either maybe one every 20 episodes. They have for rim Pop go off in a place and one claim to be haunted then there's one that goes off every time every time Depends it depends on it. I don't know. I've never even researched that room pod thing I know that people can that's another claim of the paranormal investigator world that you can have a Digital thermometer a little infrared thermometer that can that can be pointed at certain areas. I see my breath It's in this room, right? Right funnily enough like seeing your breath I don't believe that stuff seeing your breath and stuff that has to be really intense. That's to be really intense Um, it's in the kitchen. Yeah, the problem is also some of some of these reality shows some of these Sorry, I want to hear what's so funny about You're talking about seeing your breath I remember wasn't like the social network where there is horrible CGI Sorry The reality shows are so easy to fake them because TV is really easy to fake because they're in control of the environment They have to have something that you show right? Oh, you've never seen a ghost adventure. No, we're not talking about Hell's Kitchen No, I know but that's a reality TV show. Okay, let's go back to you Like ghost adventures ghost adventures, they're controlling the entire environment and you've never seen the ghost adventure Episode where they go into a place and they find nothing You've never seen a ghost adventure thing because I'd be boring right? We wouldn't even don't buy anything It's boring. There are there is a youtuber, which I will not name. I don't believe there I don't I'll never truly truly believe that the evidence is legitimate. It's very hard to convince me Otherwise, I will say however, there is a used to youtuber that Casey and I watch sometimes I don't watch it nearly as much as he does but these guys Have almost an hour of investigating and there's very little very little evidence They catch which I think if you're catching a voice here and there every single every single couple seconds or catching an EMF Reader going off every few minutes. That's gotta be fake to me Youtuber that is based on ghosts You're going to find out that they're they're going to be saying I do a bizarre Bob bizarre Bob is a good youtuber and I'm saying that I guess we can say it You can say that the youtuber out the youtubers I were talking about was ghost theory and it's not a big channel That's the cool thing. They're not a big channel. They don't have a ton of subscribers But they'll be happy But they have to keep happy by having Upping the content keep keeping people interested and they debunk their own video and they debunk their own videos, but That is probably one of the more legit ones, but here's what I'll say about Bizarre Bob. I like him because he doesn't claim any of the videos are real He goes through a compilation list and he just says you tell me what you think about it I'm just going to show you what's in this video about paranormal instances or like monsters, you know Cryptids and stuff like that that people find you tell me if you think it's real or not in Mexico when you have a chupacabra and he'll just he won't he won't say that it's real or wrong He'll just say tell him what you think and he puts it in there What do you guys I mean if you could have if you could go anywhere to hunt ghosts you can go one part one place If you are you even interested in hunting ghosts, would you know, they're not really that interested, but I had to choose one place Hawaii are you joking? No, I mean so I can go to Hawaii Where would you go to hunt ghosts? I guess New Orleans because that seems like it's a it's a what's the term? I can use a highly active place probably probably your child probably probably Because it has a lot of trauma a lot of things have happened in New Orleans. Yeah hurricane Katrina. There's a lot of things We're not but two hours away from there and it's very close All right. Now, this is something you're gonna love to answer. Where would I like to go? Thank you, I'm glad that somebody asked me cuz I'm just the one that's been Been officiating this and I haven't been asked any questions. You're the you're the priest. Yeah So where would if I could go one place to see if there are ghosts in there? Alcatraz Really? I would love to go to Alcatraz because I Love prisons are so cool to me and creepy any prison, but the biggest one I would love to go to Alcatraz Really yes, I would love to go to Alcatraz Typically overnight watch the Alcatraz. Yes. It's Al Capone's there and a lot of big Notorious gangsters were in Alcatraz and and it's like seems like a just seems like a place where there's a lot of a lot of death around it Prisoners trying to escape the island and died drowned in the water trying to leave there freezing cold, San Francisco water Some people actually theorize that they actually made it out alive or at least some of them dead But maybe some of them did but there's also But I know that I know that Al Capone was there for a little while So I would love to love to go there and maybe I just love to go just because the history But if I could be locked in now, I'm not doing it alone. You won't catch me one of these places alone You know, not even two people I need three people like I would need three people and how they leave some guys alone in a room I'm not sitting there talking Yeah I'm not doing it And if we lock you up We chain you to the to the one of the cells and leave you with the EMF and a voice recorder All we're gonna hear is guys guys are getting freaked out guys. Yeah, so Clark Kent. That's awesome I didn't think you're also Clark Kent. You wear glasses do Alcatraz Same place. That'd be interesting interesting one because you don't see that happen. Not many people I guess get to go there No, they've had a few people. I think there's tour guides over there like they Kind of like with liver you have to take my boat. Yeah, you got to yeah Yeah, I think there's a legal can't swim. It's like a it's like half a mile out in there I think it is illegal, but hey, it's half a mile out there Alright Casey now and now to you I have multiple places, but we'll go through all of them There's a specific reason I'm saying that I would actually I would go to the Pennsylvania State Penitentiary There you go. That's one of them. I'd love to go. Yeah, is that uh, is that like an asylum? It's a it's a penitentiary that's closed down. It's been gone before we get sidetracked. I don't know how far Alcatraz is from land think of it as like one. It is 1.25 miles Freezing water Alcatraz is What's the story? So he lives very close to the place. It's called Eastern State Penitentiary It was very close there and they have events every Halloween Halloween night immersive experience Mm-hmm, so he goes I say that right now actually and when you go in a group They split you up into three separate groups. Oh If you can see these pictures I'm looking at yeah, that is come I'm gonna turn it towards y'all in a second One of the is it that's the dude from the Willy Wonka No, but there is a Alleged ghost in the top floor of the place that is a shadow that likes to play pranks Well this whole time they're going through it and there's not one bit. There's not one bit of anything going on, right? Mm-hmm, so they get it was either this past Halloween or Halloween before that. He goes to this event and It's his wife him and he's older man. No, I'm 60 something. I'm 50 something. He's an old. Yep. I Wouldn't say old but he's old if you listen to this, you know who the story's for please don't he's old He's all anyway He's they go into each floor and then at the third floor they split up into three groups to a guy takes them in one I He's been stupid Okay, okay Lock in when they get in the third floor where they split up into three groups and there's three separate rooms that are Quote-unquote the big hot spots, right? They were the last room the last group to go into the most experienced room, right? Yeah, the other two rooms not a single thing. All right. Well, they're in the room and they're all around the Center of the room listen to the tour guide and his wife and him are standing here and someone Approaches. Mm-hmm. He can see out the corner of his eye and he just kind of actually nothing's going on He didn't spook anybody out and nobody is looking like when the tour guys looking around they're looking at everybody around Sorry, so there's some guy that so someone approaches There they're staying the room the tour guys walking and talking telling the story of the shadow man Yeah, well, they're in the back of the room. Well, there's only one door. This is a cell. Yes, and those cells are tiny Yes, so they're standing in the back all of a sudden you mean furthest from the door close near the window. Okay, okay and Someone up behind them like right in between them. There's no other way in he looks there's no one there, right? Yeah, he didn't say anything to his wife because she had already been talking about how she's nervous Like I don't want to be scared now this well, they're driving home. He says hey Well, maybe that last room did you sit? Yeah, I felt somebody to my left. He didn't say a word to her Yeah, he said he got chills immediately. Yeah, that place right there is one of the most haunted places in the u.s I had my choice either be to Ed and Lorraine's Warren as Ed and Lorraine Warren's Museum No, I've heard all the stories of that. Nope with the Rhin-O-Mail dog. Nope. I'm good No, or the Queen Mary in California. I think I've heard of that. I've heard of it and The other choice would actually have been that penitentiary penitentiary, you know, but this comes back Okay, why why if I don't believe these things? Why do I not want to be near Annabelle if I think she's just a doll That's creepy. That's another subject for demons versus ghosts. I think you and I are kind of similar in that It's the what-if it's the what-if and I don't want to go to Ed and Lorraine Warren's Museum That is creepy that place is probably full of things, but see I'll sit here and tell you I don't believe in ghosts But I guess I do definitely believe in evil. Yeah, we believe in demons. There's demons for sure haunted demons There's there's demons. So though so I think when people get confused, I think since we know demons are Deceivers I think when people say that's their loved ones I think that might be a snare of the devil not all the time. I'm not saying all the time Demons that are trying to bring you in because they because if you're the most if you see a supernatural thing happen What's more comfortable a demons trying to lure you in to believe and start? Playing with that stuff or they try to just a loved one trying to comfort you hashtag Bible built. Yeah Yeah, well, you're right there. Yeah But honestly your mind is more comforted by our grandfather or your mother your dad Cousin being the one knocking that thing off the wall But it was it's a demon trying to get you to do wiki board Or what if they're trying to do a say on it's trying to open up a portal for them to come in and wreck your home Or if it's on the other end of the spectrum and like your parents are trying to guide you into something better I don't believe that. I don't I'm just it's too sketchy every time I will say this when you see these YouTube videos Every time I think every time they get some type of they're in a evil place and they get some type of thing It's not a nice person It's not they'll have a little bit I'll sound like a little girl at first and then they they usually they say demons trying to try and portray the innocent in order to get you lured in like a little girl or a little boy and then When once they get you Usually with these ghosts on as they go into these locations and they press these demons they press these entities and say, okay What are you really and then the voice changes on the EVPs if they're real the voice changes and you hear deeper And multiple layered voices sometimes and that's when it gets creepy. Yeah, that's when you cut it off That's when they're that's when a lot of them just say okay. This is something bad. We're done I will and I will not play with the Ouija board. Yeah, you want to get me near one? You won't get me anywhere anyone trying to do seance anyone trying to do some candles and junk I'm not going near it. I am also because afraid of stuff like that because I think That even though I do think a lot of these Talking I don't like when people talk about this his spirit hasn't moved on. I don't believe in that I think it's a demon trying to kind of snare to you and you could ask me I am NOT nearly as religious as I used to be But you can you can trust when I say that I do not play with the date with demons I don't play with that job experience. I Don't play with them. Don't even try and contact them. And I think people that do that are stupid They I think it's stupid people that believe people that try and go in and do Ouija board trying to contact You're stupid you're dumb and that makes don't like a bunch of southerners just being Say being ignorant ourselves But go ahead, but go ahead We've stopped I mean when you experience some of the things you've seen people get their lives ruined People being possessed by these things seen small women push down four or five men trying to hold them down It's nothing to play with So they'll barically or literally don't play with demons so back to the Talking about evidence people gather in evidence We have such an aptitude as humans to search for the unknown and find answers I think that we search in places where maybe it's better to not Because I think that we we were always raised believing knowing there's evil in the world Not everybody believes that a lot of people think that Ghosts are nothing to be afraid of they jump in they dive into it and start trying to contact them and open up portals They don't know what the evils out there They get deceived easily. I don't trust it If I if we ever went got the first time if I ever went ghost hunting In fact, I don't even know if I want to ever go ghost hunting because I feel like that would open a portal I feel like anything you could do. I'm not opening a portal of that to my life. I'm gonna do that's weird, man I basically same here. I never even wanna I mean if someone else wants to do that Casey if you want to do that You go ahead. Um If I can't the only way you'd get me in there is if I have a blessed Cross necklace. I have a Bible in my hand and if I have if I am Sprinkled with holy water that actually reminds me about that story I told earlier about things falling off my night desk. Yes, I recall it seemed to stop after I placed a Bible underneath It hmm Which okay, so maybe your your Bible stopped the fan from racketing and not just No, but no if we're taking it as like a supernatural thing I think there possibly was something that happened say I certain people that was that was the devil trying to get at you Yeah, but at the same time on one hand I'm like is that really something supernatural or is it there's your mind Or yeah, wasn't the fan knocking stuff rattling enough to knock stuff off plus also it was it was like a light You know, it goes lanterns the ones I have a rainbow setting on it. That was me. That was me Well, you know those land on the great patterns You know those light lanterns that like to have like a rainbow light on it. Well, it was one of those it's very light That probably was easily able to be knocked off But at the same time it's strange to think that that fan stayed there I put a Bible or something something Christian under you put the lantern back I think I did put a Bible you thought to put a Bible there. Mm-hmm. You were you scared? You thought that they're scared like every time I told Every time you said it to your our mother what happened every time I said to one of our parents They'd be like that. There's no such thing as ghosts or it's like it's not haunted They believe in demons Exactly. So can demons not generally physically bother things and and and disturb things I personally do believe that demons can Disturb living. Oh, they can't they can and that's not gonna be Not for long But I know but I'm saying they're they're living dude. They just tried to see if you just think that they're not have no power So I'm not playing with them according to this. I had Lorraine Warren were the first ones to create were they British? Why am I saying they're brave? No, I think they're there from their America. They're American They're scientists or some other that's because God inside God and science Were never they weren't separated until I think earlier on they used both which was kind of a good thing Sorry, I think that it's like a lot more They might hear What's safe Even even though you the most influential people in the United States at least Who have been the reason for many horror movies, which that's another subject of their time Such as Amityville The devil let me do it conjuring. All right, they're all part of the same universe or most yes or no, but Warren's actual Events that they did to help cleanse those families of those demonic spirits. That's the reason why those movies are there They're like part of the conjuring unit conjuring. No, they're they're the ones that Their stories of the movies are made from the Warren's occult museum, by the way is permanently closed Yes, and no, and it's permanently closed assess it lists that it is. They do allow everyone saw people doing it. I Do actually know that there's a reason for that that actually the Warrens founded the New England Society for for Psychic research the New England they not there from Oh New England Connecticut don't cut that out. Yeah, I won't cut that out. So there's geography and southern geography It's very interesting their ways that they did things if they heard a family was going through something that didn't want to be approached for any assistance He would simply go and paint their house from across the road They would knock on the door and mind you does this not sound 60s 50s to you And I'm gonna go home across the road would paint a painting of their house and go knock on the door and say hey I painted this for y'all They said yeah, okay. Come on in. Let's grab a cup of coffee. And that's how whether they would start their start their events Hmm They would start by just saying in their living room talking to them and all of a sudden they somehow get on the subject of hey Have you had any spooks days happen? Like, you know, yes, I'll walk around scratch people. Yeah to me That sounds like those commercials. Have you experienced symptoms of? Yeah, yeah, right Warren operated for decades as the preeminent voices the Warrens did in the believer community, so They opened it opened the museum in 1952 After they founded the New England Society for psychic research The ever-expanding collection of knickknacks and artifacts that had been touched by evil is kept in the basement of their own home. Yep, so What they were involved in the Amityville haunting Conjuring and Michael they okay the murderer who claimed demonic possession as his defense He claimed there the witch Bathsheba, which wasn't that David was not David that that Bathsheba is the one that David in the Bible. Okay, I Thought you were talking about don't Eva like no from temple of doom No, the Warrens were popular lecturers in their day. Yeah, the warrants like the trinkets and token totems They claimed were defiled by evil locking them in the museum to keep them safe from the public very interesting But that place so they took it on themselves essentially they took it on themselves to Become the hoarders of the hoarders of the occult evil things to protect people people's randomly sending stuff to That is a little dead now. Yeah, I know but their Son-in-law is the one who brings the museum Ed passed away in 2006 Lorraine passed away in 2019 and Interestingly enough. It was shortly after or before the release of the curse of the lottery. I don't know how to pronounce it Yeah I've heard that movie's awful, but I don't know is most Lollarona, I think that's what it is. Oh, so here here's an interesting fact about that place. The reason why it's closed is prior to closing No person not even staff are allowed in the building after 9 p.m. Until 6 a.m. Next morning Really? The building is blessed on it used to be on a weekly or bi-weekly Basis they would have a priest priest come in. They would bless everything in the building The reason being is because those objects themselves would move during the night and Lorraine did not even go downstairs it's not between 9 and 6 and the main reason is because the fact that those items were Had been proven numerous times that those things were evil They only kept them to keep the world safe instead of keeping them for their sake. They were keeping them there. So people would not Have them and they wanted other people to be able to detect those things to make sure that they their belief was that there Was nothing as a ghost It was demonic in nature and they would remove now Please don't get scared by this term, but their actual job titles are demonologists. No. Yeah, so One other fact I'll give you they are the only they are the reason for the only time in u.s history that someone got the plea of Insanity by demonic possession In u.s. History the only time the u.s. Court stated that the person was let with a lesson sentence because of possession by demonic entity What what year is this? if It was in the 60s or 70s. It was the year. I mean that movie itself was called the devil made me do it Yeah, and that's actually a story behind it No, actually talking about haunted things, which is that's actually actually interesting. They were kind of pioneers of that in a sense The war in a cult museum. They have a haunted piano. Yep, and You can tell me what happened. Tell me what happened for it. No, no, tell me no It would play on its own When they weren't in the room and as soon as they entered the room it would stop playing They got the piano from a priest after his death Maybe he was a shy pianist the samurai suit appeared the samurai suit Do y'all have y'all seen the conjuring? I samurai suit is in it I hate modern horror both the new and old Annabelle's are there in the movie Demonic entities in the room are brought to life and the animal dolls let loose There's also totems from the movies the actual stories behind the movies for the conjuring there that are blessed on a Frequency basis there. There's a lot of history there and to be honest with you It's all really a matter of whether or not you believe it now I really think that that's a good point to leave it at in the fact of what you believe is based on what you believe It's not something that we can tell you to believe. Yeah, that's with anything. These are 19 things Last thing we're going to do we're gonna go through 19 things that are apparently in their museum that are famous All right. Number one is the shadow doll. You don't know about that. I do know about Don't know most cookies the shadow doll apparently not being It is a beat an artifact that is in a glass case It is known to move Without them being in the room and the case and in fact, they just call it sometimes with the hands up against the glass Mm-hmm, but it's in glass. It's encased in glass Well, if the doll is capable of visiting you in your dreams to haunt you and even stop your heart Absolutely terrifying now that's gonna get me awake and keep me awake at night. Oh, not really Number two date the satanic idol. It was found in the woods of Connecticut in the 90s By a priest by I don't know anything about the know it's talking about it No animal should have been number one on this list And I was number three the most famous item inside the museum is the anvil doll It's kept locked away inside the museum museum. Just don't tap on the glass or open it there was a story where a young guy was it was his girlfriend right here or he rode a motorcycle there and And them were given the tour and they come to Annabelle and they they're talking about some of the stuff the evil things surrounding her the teenager says that's a bunch of bull and he goes and taps on the glass and says if she can hurt somebody let her Hurt me right now and Ed and Lorraine kick him out immediately. They stopped the tour everybody stopped the tour and on the way home the guy drives right into a tree and kills himself and his girlfriend But don't know if he did it himself or what happened but it's pretty crazy that he actually you know There's a human skull in there used for rituals. I'm assuming this is like back in the tribal period maybe I don't know, but it's got it's got some type of weird funky stuff on it. Yeah, I'm not trying to write any tribal According to Tony Sparrow the son-in-law of the warrens. There's a dark magic doll it's similar to the ideas of voodoo where you create an image similar to the person and Hang the doll in an effort to make the tank targeted person sick and die And I doesn't tell much more about it, but that's one of the things This is creepy. I wish I could show you I can show you this picture. Look at this picture right here This is one of the haunted dolls right here. Yeah, don't show it. Yeah. No, that's that's one of the haunted home Oh my god, we got it. It's real hair Wait, it is looks like it. This is the one that they shave and it grows back. I think that's the doll I think they shave it grows hair back. I hope I didn't just look at something that possibly good Aaron It doesn't work. No, do you ever see all the crosses around you? Oh, yeah I really need it. I need to get a cross necklace. I mean just in general Cross necklaces, so, you know, the anvil doll is one of the most most famous ones. Obviously, what else is there? Well, it started just showing pictures and it didn't show Anything else other than that? Look look at this. Oh Oh Yeah, that's feet. That's the one they found in the forest That must be the one and what I do is it is popped up before Like just appeared. No in the forest randomly before. Oh Here. Well, don't you know vampires coffins? Yep That's why I forget if they're even real vampires coffins. Oh my goodness Nosferatu is real after all. Mm-hmm. I'm sorry for existing. It's okay Just don't don't do it anymore. Oh, yeah Help me out of the rest of this podcast There's all right. So yeah, you know shadow doll. We've already mentioned shadow doll satanic. I'll the conjuring mirror It's used to summon spirits vampires coffin anvil doll. There's a lot of haunted masks. There's child tombstones Haunted organ. It's an instrument that plays by itself, which was I guess the piano we mentioned. No shrug. Oh, it's a different. Mm-hmm Okay, shrunken heads. Yep, possess toys animals animal statues. Mm-hmm. Oh Wonder woman dolls African fertility dolls satanic books psychic photograph Photography sorry various Egyptian and African cursed items and death curses. That's not just it. There's tons of paintings see Saw a bad price for the tour 1250 when they were doing tours 1250 a person the tour lasted two hours And there was one rule. They told everybody don't touch anything Yeah Anything the only thing you can touch is a doorknob and the floor don't touch anything because you could be by Touching it there could it could be attached to you So stay away from anybody ever tells me they do not believe in any part of the supernatural I will say let's go make a trip. Mm-hmm. I don't know you're screaming. This is my kill Hey, that's how you were going to Connecticut next week, uh YouTube, you know what? No, no, I'd rather stay home right Lorraine Wanted you in her will to come visit Sorry, you're giving you I'm sorry a whole museum Now actually in a you home Can she at least give me one of the masks because hopefully I can turn into the mask I wouldn't I feel like Jim Carrey. I wouldn't mind having that organ though. Oh, I'm on any think about it. Hey Yeah, all that. Well, they got baked oven. Yeah Early Philly Preston, can you play the Hammond organ my maker? Actually, um top 100 for the dead on the organ, but that's it. I got one more thing one last thing We're talking about the haunted dolls Mandy Mandy was made in England or Germany between 1910 and 1920 man. He is a porcelain doll Oh, yeah, Mandy. Never mind. Okay, let's see what she looks like. This is scary Okay, Robert is one of them actual let's we'll start with yeah, Robert the one that Robert didn't say like it was like a sailor He's possessed by spirits. He's in Key West, Florida. Mm-hmm Was owned by a painter let of the doll it was she appeared on a bunch of television programs Yeah, Oh Kiku Mandy. There's a bunch of their ones, but that's it There's a lot of haunted things and I don't know if that's really not but I guess we'll never know We're not where I'm definitely not going anywhere near that museum in the range museum anytime soon, especially because it's closed So that's that's all I want to talk about a final thoughts Ghosts or ghosts are real or no From I don't know but demons are real. There's a real thing. I don't think the loved ones are sticking around Comforting you they probably looking up Down and stuff like that. I'm gonna say this is gonna be controversial. Um, you saying they're in hell you think? No, I'm not looking. No, I think you did not you thinking that your loved ones turned into angels after they after they died I'm sorry, if you believe in the Bible, it's not any biblical accuracy to that So I want to say that lastly and that's kind of ignorant to think anyways, but anyways There's no biblical Now I know a biblical accuracy to that and orbs Orbs that people see in pictures are our digital phones. I don't think you even capture bugs that much anymore So those orbs that people take if you say dust I'm slapping you if you have to take a picture with a Polaroid camera to capture what you call orbs That's them. That's that's just ignorant. It's probably just a thing of a medium Maybe it's dust people think it believe different colored orbs believe in different colored different types of good spirits that are around you It's just so dumb. Yes He has at least 15 videos that have digital cameras that recorded orbs that can be edited in Photoshop that they called it the same time it happened deep fake the deep fake It's been and the stuff half the orbs show up before things happen inside the house. Okay? Yeah, besides the point whether or not you believe tune in next week Well, probably I don't know we're talking about next and come up Favorite movie I might have a podcast with Isaac talking about coins Lord president's I did promise him What see or maybe CIA? So that's it this week. Hope you enjoyed if you can do five stars on this podcast That's the biggest thing even do is just do five stars. He's offering 50 bucks per file I'm not offering any type of monetary game. Just do 50 bucks. Oh, you know five stars. What do you expect for from, Mississippi? We don't have that much income For yourself Do pop stars of you if you liked it tune in next week for another episode. Thank you for listening. Thank you. Bye