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Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 22

Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 22

Eric Coley



The story of Last Destiny is one of fantasy, science fiction, joy, love, friends, etc. it is passion and heart timeless. It is solid and unique a remnant of some child's dream that grew into so much more and now here it is for whoever will listen. . .

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Whelan and Lydia meet Korai, who leads them to a village in the mountains. They encounter a mysterious figure named Mazu, who reveals that Norse is in danger. Kent, a local, wants to end the conflict peacefully and asks for their help. James and Lee share a tender moment and prepare for the upcoming confrontation. The group rests and then heads to the mansion in Norse. Chapter 21, the company comes together again. Days later in Zuma, Whelan and Lydia venture through a thick wooded area. Lydia says, that village was peaceful. We could have stayed there instead of crossing out this way. But Whelan says, we have stayed there long enough. Lydia says, we'll go to Suzie again, huh? Looking up toward him, Whelan says, yes. Lydia thinks, he actually answered. Then a cool breeze blows through. The wooded area was prior, lukewarm. The breeze was enough to make Lydia pull on her cape for warmth. Then all of a sudden, a figure materializes before them. Dressed in all pink, fire from her sandals to her hat. She is a rare beauty of caramel complexion, long flowing white hair. Iris the color of ice. It's Korai once more. Whelan's hand is on the handle of his blade. Korai says, Whelan, Lydia, I know the way to my zoo's house. For a moment, Whelan and Lydia walk with her. It is as if they have heard an old tune play. They have known all their lives. Then reality kicks in and they know they have no idea who or what this is in front of them. Then Whelan stops and says, Lydia, stop. And you, who are you? And what is that water's house? Lydia stops and Korai turns toward them. Korai says, I'm Korai. She says with a smile, Whelan says, ice? Lydia confused says, my Whelan. As she looks up to him, Korai says, come now. They are there and the others are as well. They are in need of your help. For a moment, Whelan looks at her introspectively. He trusts her beyond reason, but he does not know why. Lydia does as well. She desires to follow her. Breaking the silence, Lydia says, it's getting colder and colder and we both. Whelan and Korai, though, stay locked looking at another. And she slowly closes her eyes and opens them. Whelan grabs Lydia's hand and they follow. They follow the strange figure who is unusually tall. She leads them for what seems like hours. No one asks any questions. When nightfall starts to sink in, they are just about to reach the end of the woods. A cool breeze comes through from behind rushing. Whelan and Lydia turn toward it as it blows by. When they turn, Korai is gone. Lydia says, that was the strangest of things. As she looks up to Whelan. As they reach the end of the woods, they step out. A field displaces them from the start of a mountain range. Lydia spots something else, though. As she says, my Whelan, it's the glider pointing toward the closest mountain. Is this what Korai meant? As she continues talking, they are here and need our help. But Whelan is already ahead of her. He picks her up and rushes over at a swift pace. Once he reaches near, he places Lydia down and climbs the cliff from which it rests. Swiftly doing so from an angle, he is able to hop on the glider. After a quick inspection, he sees no one is aboard. He climbs back down to Lydia. They walk through the path of the mountains. As they do, they come upon a small pond with the freshest, clearest water in it. Lydia is amazed by it. She reaches her hand in for some. As she tastes it, she exclaims how delicious it is. She is startled, though, when the water splashes up to her on its own. She looks toward Whelan. Then in the center of the pond, the water rises. It formulates into a sheet of blue water. A beautiful female figure slips forth from it. Fully clothed in blue, her irises are the color of a sparkling water. She pulls the sheet wrapped around her down to her shoulders. It is revealed she has the four signs of ice, fire, water, and wind on her left arm. She looks toward them and smiles. Lydia goes behind Whelan. He doesn't react. The figure says, I am Mazu. Lydia, realizing that is the name Korai gave, she comes from behind Whelan's home. Mazu then says, you wish to reach north as the five others before and help them. I will give you the way. She lifts her left hand up and a cave appears along the receding cliff. She then dematerializes to water into the pond. Lydia says, where don't you think, my Whelan? Looking up to him, though, he doesn't respond. They climb up and pass through the narrow opening. As they enter inside and move through, the entrance vanishes as though the cave were closed there. They pass through the long, narrow passage to another opening. Here lies a nice-sized village surrounded by fields and trees, mountains closing entirely in. Lydia, excited, says, this is north. It must have been here for a long time. Two students visit us for this. After a pause of observing from afar, they walk and climb down. Once they reach the bottom, they are in a small forest area. Here they find Charlotte's company in a mysterious mill I own. They appear to be in hiding. Lydia calls out, you all, we came. They all turn and are surprised to see them. Lydia rushes over to hug coffee. Charlotte's shocked, lowly says, how is this possible? Ellen says, is that all you are going to say? Go get them. As she lightly pushes her from behind, Wheatland stands looking at them from afar. James and Lee go over to Lydia. In coffee, Ellen then joins them. The mysterious figure dressed in tan just stands observing everyone. Charlotte, nervous, finally walks towards Wheatland. As Lydia tells the others how she has been, she looks at Charlotte walking toward Wheatland and slightly frowns. When she reaches him, they stare at each other. Charlotte says, we were in Tuzum, you see, and so much happened. And we went for Yus and Suzy, but they said Yus all had left. And then we came for Yus here, but did not know where to look. And all this happened. She is so nervous that the pace of her voice is fast. Wheatland says, you all came to see? As he looks deep in her eyes. Charlotte, nervous, says, I won. What happened in Tuzum? I realized I didn't desire to lose you. I mean to lose you both. And I was worried, that's all. As she lowers her head. Over across the way, Lydia says, who is he? Pointing toward the Ionian youth. He says, my name is Kint, besides you. As he walks over, Lee says, you all ran into two spirits. Getting here, so strange. We only ran into one, but we was in a land of spirits for this. Ellen says, we came searching for Yus all. The peoples of the village we came to said may have Yus all got lost in Mazu City. A mysterious place no one located. As Charlotte and Wheatland walk up, Wheatland says, what is the conflict here? Everyone turns towards him. Ellen says, we came across Mazu, who told us Norse was in danger. Crazy to think we just had met a Norse, the Valkyrie in Tuzum. So we hurried along to see what happened to the child, only to find a village. Mazu forbids those of Tzuma to go past her pond on both sides. Therefore, anything happening in Norse, nobody know. Long ago, a mystic black hammer appeared. The ancients of Norse wielded it and bring order here. This eventually led to bloody conflict among them. In order to end it, they gave the weapon to Mazu. She hid it. Centuries later, a wanderer came. He obtained the weapon from the pond, somehow. Brought it back into Norse. Now, Norse is ran by law holders who once were warriors, all friends. There was a dispute about the weapon. One side stole it. Now there are odds with another, with the village caught in the middle. Kent then says, I desire to end the bloodshed in a peaceful way. Your friends said they would help me because Norse don't like strangers. I supply them with information. Tomorrow, the law holders plan to settle all disputes on who can wield the hammer in battle. Whelan says, how do you plan to stop that from happening? Kent says, beating both sides tonight and coming to a reasonable option besides fighting. Whelan says, and do you think that is possible? Kent says, I really don't know, but it is worth trying. Lydia says, how did y'all meet? Helen says, we came through the village. No one was outside due to the fighting. Kent saw us and feared for our safety and was curious what coffee was. So he snuck out, told us all what's going on. Hit us in different spots. Kent says, at a certain time tonight, I'll take a group with me to confront each group. And he looks at them all and smiles. Later, James and Lee walk Kent toward home. It is nearing nightfall. He will return with food supplies. The two walk back to the camping area. James softly says, one more day and this will all be resolved. Lee, are you ready to go home? As he looks toward her, she doesn't look toward him, though. Lee gives an expression of disgust and says, James. But she completely goes quiet. James embraces her tightly. She lays her head on his chest. Then they stop. Lee says, I don't know if I can bring myself to, as she forms tears. James says, not trying to push or force you, but your mother. She looks up to him and softly says, so much time. Anything could happen. But James, looking her in the eyes, says, don't think such a thing. Then he moves in and kisses her. They kiss for over a minute. Then Lee slowly pulls from him. The tears in her eyes barely allow her to open them. But she does as she stares at him. He gently wipes away her tears. Then she says, if y'all are right, it's time to go. After she finishes, he embraces her tightly. Back at the camp, group lies down on cover provided by Kent. Lydia lies near where coffee sits up. Coffee says, I feel full with your tunes back. Lydia smiles and says, you sound different, too. Thank you, as she stares up to him. Charlotte, across from them lying, whispers, Helen, he does sound different. Still slow, but, and he said full. Helen, though smirks and whispers, char a full coffee pot, looking over to her. Charlotte, trying not to be loud, laughs and whispers, I really can't with you, as she shakes her head. James and Lee show up soon and lie down among the others. They take a nap. Not long, Kent shows up with a cover sheet of food. They eat. All but Lee, Lydia, and coffee go. They make their way first to the mansion. It is painted in elegant white, silver, and gold all throughout. The name of Norris is carved over the double doors. Charlotte knocks, though Kent stands front and center, ready to make his case. A female voice tells them they are coming, and the door opens to reveal a well-built, dark-haired Iowan female in black and white attire. She stares at them all, then back at Kent. Kent says, Madam, Anita? Anita, looking at him very serious, says, Besides you, child, are you all strangers? Kent, nervous, says, Madam, no, I just had to have someone with me of my blood come so I may have a word with you. Anita says, And they have weapons? Kent says, What all going on? Is it a danger in Norris to be out late, huh? Anita rolls her eyes and says, Okay, how can I be of service? Kent says, I came because I desire to prevent what's going to happen tomorrow. The village needs y'all as leaders. It's an investment, not fighting amongst yourselves over a bloody hammer. Y'all been friends since early childhood. How can that come in between you? And if it goes the wrong way, anyway, for that matter, it's us the people who are going to suffer. People can't even come outdoor or do business. If it goes wrong tomorrow, people will overreact and hurt another all over. Charlie and Lee touch his shoulder on either side as he puts his head down. Anita, frowning, says, Sure your parents would be proud. This is not all about a hammer. No, it's about who has the right to run Norris. There's a right way and a wrong way. Why it desires her way, we cannot allow her to do such. The hammer, the hammer is the key. They who have it get to establish the order. If some have to die in the process, so be it. Kent says, But you just said it was not all the hammer. Then how can it decide anything? As he braces his fist, anger. Anita angrily retorts, I've had enough, child. This will be settled tomorrow, not here and now. And she slams the door. Charlie says, Come on, Kent. That woman's not one for listening. They leave to head to the next destination. Inside the mansion, Anita holds her head down for a moment. She thinks, Al sounded almost righteous in his prediction. Don't they realize this is the only way? We'll have to pay his parents a visit once this is done. At the top of the flight of stairs, a chocolate complexion warrior dressed female awning stands looking down at Anita. Says, Anita, was that another civilian asking us to throw in our hand? Anita looks up to her. Anita says, Yes, Tamara. So, of all people, it was the sassy child. Had a group of no-goods with him. Could not even recognize them. Had to pay his family a visit when it's over. Get you some rest. We settle this tomorrow. And she looks up to her. Tamara thinks, Anita, you're in devotion. I had all been strange since this started. Can't put my finger on it. But turning away civilians, as if you can't see they might got a point. She shakes her head and continues. And my zoo not even coming when we go ask her questions. None of this seem right, but seem we got no choice. Not long after, on the other side of the village, they reach a well-crafted home. Nowhere near the size of the mansion earlier. It has north carved on the side of the door. It's obvious it was only recently carved. Charlotte knocks once more. Kent walks up and nods to her. As he turns, a muscular male elf warrior opens the door. He observes everyone and says, this again. And all of a sudden, peoples, a child at this time of night. This is a sassy child. And a batch of no-goods from the look of it. As the company stares among themselves. He says, state your case. Kent says, devotion, sir. I come with family, but only I will speak. This is, I'm far out of hand. Nothing ain't been right in our village since y'all took the hammer. Before tomorrow come, realize you can't turn back. You can fix this, though. All you have to do is forfeit the hammer. And talk about solutions to the village's issues. Devotion to this child. You have no place, business, having a word in this. If it were out of hand, it were up to us to resolve it as we are. Do not accuse us of theft. We brought the hammer under our custody because it was obvious. Obvious their intentions were not trustworthy. They desire what comes moral. We just are the ones to bring it. And he slams the door. Throughout his outburst, the company were greatly angry by his words. As they stand on the porch, Charlotte says, Kent, they seem delusional. Not right at all. Tomorrow is going to be a bad day. Kent looks toward her and says, thank you for giving some of my speech. We did the best we could. They all depart. Inside, Devotion looks toward an Iowan female of brown complexion, attired in a blue gold soldier suit. He says, the nerves of these people. Did they not realize order would spring from this fighter? Fighter walks toward him. She says, they will learn, as all the rest. One would think they had rebellion in mind. We will establish a zero tolerance principle as a result of this uproar. But for Anita and the others, it will be nothing. They drop off Kent near his home and make their way along the wooded area back to their camp. Lee, Lydia, and Coffee are fast asleep. As everyone lies down, Charlotte comes over to lie by Weedle. Helen looks over toward them, smiles before turning over. Charlotte says, you just knew this was going to occur, huh? He nods. She then says, but what could we do? As she lies looking toward him, looks into the sky. Weedle says, nothing. Certain situations we cannot always intervene. Just as a child, Kent, he did his part. We, on the other hand, are outsiders. If things go and get out of hand, people are in danger, come tomorrow. But who can say what tomorrow will bring? We heard both sides. Neither sounded altogether right nor wrong. We can only be there to defuse. Charlotte says, this is to Zoom all over again. Use sensei Lanside. He said use had a promise to Lydia. Will you tell me? As she moves closer to him, Weedle says, I am her guardian, not her brother. She is of Gale. Her family is torn apart. Her brother, Buval, was putting his future before her. I promised I would keep her until he was ready. But I could tell he will not be ready. Charlotte is shocked. She says, you took on a complete stranger? There is so much more to use than any can understand. She gently rubs his face. She rubs her face against his. Then she says, use opened a shelter into Z for the hurt and broken. There is something I desire to tell use, but I don't know how. He then looks toward her. They stare at another. She touches his face. Then she moves in and kisses him on the lips. He doesn't kiss back. She pulls back and opens her eyes at him. She then comes toward, plants her lips on him. She kisses, and he finally kisses back. He pulls her to him. Her eyes grow bigger as she did not think he would, and they continue kissing. The next morning, Charlotte awakens in Weedle's arms. With her eyes not even open all the way, she smiles intensely and lies her head back on his chest. Still sleeping, he pulls her closer. No one is awake yet. Later, Kent arrives once everyone has gotten up. Kent informs him they will only diffuse the situation if he gets out of hand. Kent says, most civilians will stay indoors, probably damaged. To people's homes is all, unless they do worse to another. Charlotte says, just show us the way. They all walk with Kent, leading back to the village. They walk to the law holder's mansion. In front is a student center. This is where both sets of law holders will meet, though there are few enamored civilians gathered nearby. The company sits on the wall and the ground nearby bushes, where Long, Devotion, and Vida appear. The company notices the black hammer in its unusual appearance. Kent identifies Vida. Then the double doors of the mansion opens. Anita, Tamera, and a mysterious female figure appears with them. She is dressed in red and gold attire and wields a spear. Kent identifies them as Tamera and Shimoni. They, within ten feet of another at the center, stop. Anita says, Vida, the hammer, hand it over. All this can easily be over without escalation. Devotion says, not sure what y'all came for, but we didn't come here to surrender nor give over the hammer. Devotion's expression is that of rage. Anita, breathing intensely, says, I'll take it from your court. Tamera and Shimoni step back. Vida says, a new order will be established from what comes about from your falling. Vida aims the hammer toward Anita and crew. Lightning crackles from it, which courses through her eyes. Shimoni whispers, how is she doing that? Being angered, Anita pulls both her blades and leaps toward Vida. They clash weapon to weapon. Everyone else draws their weapon. Shimoni and Tamera both begin striking their weapons with Devotion. Devotion kicks down Tamera, then continues crossing swords with Shimoni's spear. Vida knocks Anita's sword away. The force is so strong she is tossed off her feet across the way. Before Anita can rise, Vida is already over her, shattering one of her swords to pieces. Vida then kicks her in the stomach. Tamera from behind slashes Devotion with her sword. Then Shimoni kicks him in the ribs. Then swings her spear like a pole into his rib cage. Vida smiles sinisterly as he crushes Anita's face, hitting her with the hammer. Tamera and Shimoni call out to her, but Vida rides the hammer preparing to assault her again. Devotion laughs. Tamera runs over and strikes the sword at the hammer. Shimoni casts a lightning spell, but Vida channels it into her hammer. Vida swings the hammer, shattering Tamera's sword. Charlotte says, they're just going to kill one another. Kent rips his teeth. Bloodied, Devotion and Shimoni clash weapon against weapon. Tamera grabs Anita's unshattered sword. Vida says, I know you desired it as she did. Come on, take your best shot at getting it. Tamera begins to cry. Tamera runs toward her full speed. When they meet, they swing. The force from Vida's swing knocks Tamera away as the weapons connect. Tamera, though, rises up quickly. Charlotte tries to ease in with Lydia to heal Anita before she dies. Tamera rushes Vida once more. Missed by the swing, Tamera pulls back. She then slices at Vida's upper arm, slicing it completely off. Vida screams as her hammer-wielding arm is removed. Lydia begins healing Anita. All of the fighters look over toward Vida and Tamera. Vida, reaching toward her removed arm, lying down, screams in agony. Devotion, though, is holding his head, mumbling. Shimoni walks over to Tamera. Tamera says, none of this is right. Shimoni says, look at Devotion. They walk over to him as he mumbles. Anita is healed for the most part, lying by Lydia and a standing Charlotte. The civilians who have been watching are crying or have slowly dispersed. Devotion mumbles, ah, must get the hammer. Must get it away. Anita says, it had us. We were only three to wield it. Shimoni and Tamera look toward her. They ask Lydia if she can heal Vida, but she says she is low on energy. They give her the small amount of potion they have left. She heals Vida. Vida begins mumbling the same thing as Devotion. Shimoni says, Maizu basically gave us the hammer. Even in ancient times, he is at the center of the story. Tamera says, so the weapon possessed him. Maizu has been the source of it all along. They both shake their heads. Charlotte and company mostly look confused. Kent and the company leave. He walks them near to the passage. As they reach the cave passage, Kent says, all of this was so hard to come to. We no longer can trust the spirit which has protected us for so long. Our leaders have shown their flesh and blood. All this made me realize I will correct their mistakes. I will grow up to be a lawholder. Thank you all for all your help. They all nod to him. Charlotte looks to a wheel and says, as you said, so it is. He nods. Lydia, walking with coffee, says to him, so Kurai led us to you all. She wasn't really with that, Maizu, I think. Looking confused as she talks with coffee. The next day, two of the lawholders gather early. Devotion and Vida are mentally broken. Anita still has damage and mental problems as well. The others have placed a hammer in a stone box and carried it back to Maizu's pond. They have a sadness about them which may never go away. When they arrive at the pond, Maizu does not rise. Tamira drops the contained hammer and it sinks to the bottom. Chimony says, no need to rise anymore, Maizu. We have already alluded to civilians about your ways from generation to generation. We will no longer come to you. From this day forward, we will form an alliance with Zuma. No longer will we be a hidden people. As Tamira walks along, headed for Zuma, Chimony pauses. Then when Tamira is far enough along, Chimony casts a lightning spell. It hits the cliff nearby, causing boulders to come, crashing down entirely, covering the pond. She then runs along to catch up with Tamira. All remains quiet. Then, if anyone were near, they'd hear the sound of an old female crying so sorrowfully. In the sky, the glider cruises through the air. Lee walks towards Charlotte and Helen. She pauses, takes a deep breath, then says, hello, you two. I am ready to go to Talen, if that is alright with you. Charlotte and Helen nod toward another. Charlotte then says, that is alright. We are south of it now. We'll be there in a day or so. They all stand near the sphere where coffee is in command. Lee goes over to James. She says, we'll be in Talen come tomorrow. He reaches and embraces her hand. She comes over and they hug.

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