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Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 15

Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 15

Eric Coley



The story of Last Destiny is one of fantasy, science fiction, joy, love, friends, etc. it is passion and heart timeless. It is solid and unique a remnant of some child's dream that grew into so much more and now here it is for whoever will listen. .

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A group of travelers find themselves in a desert at night with no idea how they got there. They encounter strange creatures and are separated from some of their companions. They discover a group of mermaids who try to overpower them, but they are ultimately defeated. They regroup and continue their journey. Chapter 15 The Glider On the other side of the world, in the Toa region, it's late at night. The others have already arrived and they are puzzled. They have so many questions yet no way of adequately answering them. They are in the middle of a desert with a cool breeze blowing through. Hills and mountains in the distance, no signs of light. It is near pitch black, though the darkest blue of the sky with no clouds leaves some visibility. Helen casts a fire spell she uses as a light as the flame sets over her hand. Charlotte Frantic says, does anyone have any idea where we are? She looks toward Helen and Whelan. Whelan simply says, no. Helen says, how is that even possible? We went to Chi in the morning. Now we are in nowhere and it's dark. James says, yes, how can someone make us vanish? Is this even our world? Helen frustrated replies, this has to be our world, whoever they were. Their prince desires Charlotte. Therefore, they wouldn't send us to too much trouble. Charlotte says, one can only hope. Charlotte appears very saddened. Lee says, what that gremlin did was manipulate magic by putting one time with another. My mama told me long ago it's dangerous to do so and takes a real long time to do. Like cooking soup with the right ingredients. Hey, he may even know how to pull us right back. All the others turn toward her startled, but Whelan. Helen says, and also such a strange bunch. Who has a gremlin, brownies, and a banshee as servants? Odd. Whelan says, sounds like someone of ancient Doha descent, but that fellow was no elf. Everyone has turned toward Whelan surprised he spoke. Charlotte says, everyone, I guess we should just call it a day. I know it's early for us, but when day comes, we can search for people and shelter. Now we can risk, start a fire in case anything desires to bother us. Everyone has turned toward her and they nod once she finishes. She casts a fire spell for a fire on wood. They all lie near and around it. Almost everyone is asleep in no time. Helen, Lydia, and Coffee lie amongst another. James and Lee lie near another. Charlotte lies close enough to the burning flame to provide light while she reads her novel. Whelan sits up with his back on a stone watching the area away from everyone. Charlotte thinks, that was a good enough portion for a night. George is illustrious. So sweet with words open my mind to so much more. But with ones like that mad one from earlier, who could have known that she would have such a day walking while Whelan is still awake? She gets up and walks over to Whelan. He doesn't even move as she stands before him. Charlotte calmly says, are you still standing watch over us? Whelan without looking toward her says, yes, I am. Charlotte says, that is why I was still awake as well. Whelan looks up to her and says, I wasn't tired, considering it was still early in the day when we got here. The sun would still be out even now in Coochee. Charlotte says, what brought you to Coochee anyway? Whelan says, going toward the docks aboard a ship to sail. Charlotte eases down and sits next to Whelan. She looking forward says, oh yeah, don't say. You said yous were from Suzee, right? Whelan says, yes. Charlotte says, heard it was a cold place only meant for war. So horrible children refuse to play instead they learn to fight and the roads are darker than the coldest soul. She now stares at his face. Whelan says, whoever told you that had an inkling of the truth. Charlotte says, so what? Yous want to liberate your people so little children can play? Whelan says, I cannot. For those ways are my people as much as agriculture is to Gale. Charlotte notices and all that his expression has not changed. Charlotte says, but will yous ever go back there? Whelan says, in due time. Tell me, have you still no idea why those individuals treated you so? Charlotte grows quiet then says, I really haven't the slightest. Everything was directed at me. And I know yous didn't see it all. It happened so fast as if they all saw a ghost and it was me. I hope I don't see them again. No. Afterward the two are silent for a long while just staring into the distance. When Charlotte grows tired, she leans over and kisses his feet for a long time. Then she goes and lies down. He goes, well, the next day the sun blazes. There are no clouds in the sky, just blue stretching in all directions. It is so bright, everyone's eyes look down as they move forward. The heat is pressurized, pretty unbearable. Several of the company has removed areas of clothes. They have been using their magic to drink water but are burning through too much energy in the process. As they reach a certain area of dunes, coffee stops for a moment and walks the other way. James, who is near him, tells Lee he'll check on him. When he goes for him, he eventually pauses and walks his big coffee before him. Wheaton does the same thing. Lydia follows him, though. At that point, the ladies notice the fellows are missing. Charlotte looks toward Lee and says, where are the others? Lee says, they all went back for a reason. That bunch can't handle themselves. I'll catch up. Helen says, weird, not far off at a small oasis beyond a beautiful rock formation is coffee walking. In the small oasis is a set of mermaids. James and Wheaton appear behind him. They all walk as mechanical. As Lydia reaches them, her eyes widen as soon as she stares at the three mermaids. She turns around and marches back toward the ladies of the company. At the oasis, Wheaton and James have removed all of their clothes but their underwear. Coffee has only removed his robe. They walk to the edge of the oasis. The mermaids swim to the portion they are coming to. The mermaids ask them to come in. They each then step into the oasis. The mermaids each feel on the bodies of Wheaton, James, and Coffee. The males all seem motionless in reaction. The mermaid with Wheaton says, see, Zona, Toa can have his up sometimes. Whitney says, Zona, who is with James, says, Mimi, now, now, you act as if this place just spits out a new pitch every other day. Zoya, what will this be? Zoya, who looks strangely at Coffee, their monies and weapons are ours. We'll spill their blood and be off, for their wretches be back to find them. This thing I have is a weird one. Has to be a male or he wouldn't come, but I've never seen the like. Back with the others, Lydia walks up. Lee says, Lydia, where are the fellows? Why aren't you with them? Lydia, until spoken to, appeared, zoned out. Catching her thoughts, Lydia replies, I was a-walking, trying to catch him. Then when I did, all of a sudden, I don't know. Lydia's expression goes blank. Charlotte says, that doesn't make any sense. We should head back. Show us where you've last seen him. Lydia, who doesn't really like Charlotte, slightly frowns before answering, then says, yes. Then she turns and they jog back in the direction she came. Charlotte thinks, this child really doesn't like me. Must think I want to take her bro be from her. Back at the old aces, Jonah softly kisses James' chest and says, hope you like this, because this is the last feel of passion you're ever going to feel before I kills you. James, whose eyes are wide open, is aloof. No one is home inside. Zoya says, this thing ain't Iowan or any other species I can think on. Continuing with magic, I think if I can take it, it'd be more than formidable world over. Mimi says, that crazy talk, girl. But yeah, the boss so. If you like it, I love it. But this one here, he feels as if made of stone. May have no lady ever been between his legs. They all laugh aloud as she caresses all over Wheatland. As they reach the rock formation, Lydia starts to run and leads the others. As she does reach inside, she sees Wheatland and Mimi together. She stops, her eyes widen, and she says, my Wheatland, what is going on here? The mermaids stop and harshly look toward her. Zoya appeared to have been trying to cast a spell over coffee. Other ladies of the company arrive only to be stopped by what they see. Helen says, this what they stopped and did when wasn't looking? As she stares eagerly. Charlotte says, no, girl. They got to be mermaids. As she looks toward Helen in disbelief. She says, they got the booty then. As she stares at James and Zona. Zona utters, it's when we was about to have some fun. As she kisses James on the lips. Leaves eyes beamed. Zoya says, Mimi, Zona, prepare. As she continues her incantation over coffee. Mimi and Zona swim away to the back area. But Helen is angered outright toward Zoya's actions. And says, what's she doing to coffee? Star, lightning, now. Charlotte, who was observing the same thing, reacts to the passion of her long-time friend's voice. Quickly cast as a lightning spell. Lightning comes from all angles and fries the three mermaids immediately. They holler in agony but are dead on the spot. Lee looks toward Charlotte as if she were a work of art. Livia runs over toward Whelan, repeatedly saying, my Whelan. As she embraces his top half. He comes to as the mermaid's spell fades. Whelan is not disoriented, at least in appearance. Helen, though, knowing Charlotte's spell may have injured coffee, says, Livia, please, heal coffee. Hearing the desperation in Helen's voice, she looks toward her and goes over to coffee and heals her. James feels around as though walking in a bed. He then whispers, how did we get here? He comes over to him and helps him out. James says, what happened, Lee? Lee says, I'll tell you once you get some clothes on. Helen, looking at Charlotte, says, you didn't fry the water. Your aim is one of a kind. They walk toward coffee. Whelan is already out gathering his clothes. As coffee comes to, he says, thank you. Eyes glow bright red, revealing he is awake. Helen and Livia help him out of the water. Charlotte stares at Zoya's smoking corpse. Charlotte thinks, mermaids in the middle of a desert, the life of a pirate. She shakes her head, then continues. It is said they females hate Iowan females, but lust Iowan males. Males, same story toward Iowan males. Yet they rape, steal, and kill them in all encounters. Hours later, they continue pressing forward, having not encountered anyone they can talk to, sweating profusely. They are looking for a place to stop and rest. Lee, very eager, says, Charlotte, how did you get so great with magic? I've never seen anyone like you. Charlotte looks toward her and says, never believed it, but once was said where I and Helen from, high group of midges held. All our lines supposed to be strong, but I was taught at a very early age by both my parents. I always try to improve in memory of them, work on aim, everything. Charlotte and Lee smile toward another. Helen says, I just know the basics. Couldn't stay with her, as she laughs. They head down the passes away from where, the direction prior. From there, the trail they are on leads to a lower ground. Amongst this area, they see a very odd building complex. Even from afar, they can hear the noise coming from it. They are all thrilled, though Wieland and Coffee do not show it. Lee says, we can finally figure out where we is. Helen says, nothing about a place in the middle of nowhere frightening any of you? James says, not when you figure we's are going to die anyways. Helen and Lee look toward him and smirk. The sounds from inside are mechanical in origin, though the company cannot tell. Wieland knocks with force to draw attention to anyone who might be near. It isn't long before the company hears an inner door open and close. And suddenly, the large double doors open, causing everyone but Wieland to step back. It is revealed to have been opened by a tall, young Iowan, not much older than Wieland. He is dressed mainly in black attire. He observes the bunch. Then he says, this is the Taiola Region Research Center, and I am Dr. Dion. How may I be of service? His expression reads that he obviously was not expecting anyone. Wieland says, we are travelers, a bit lost. Any food or supplies would be helpful. Charlotte worries, says the Taiola Region. Charlotte thinks, the other side of the world. Our ship couldn't be further. Dr. Dion looks down in gasp and says, this really isn't a place for, never mind, all that just come, just come in. I'll see what I can do. Wait in this entrance area while I do. The company is not amused when he says this. They come into the area, which is rather large and cool. He steps through the proceeding door quick enough. No one can see what's on the other side. The company stares ominously in silence, waiting. And Charlotte breaks the silence when she says, Wieland, is not the Taiola Region near Sazee? As she looks up to him, Wieland says, it is. So his answer excites Lydia because Charlotte asks the grounds. Just then, a female, I only dressed in similar attire to Dr. Dion, comes after Dion. Dr. Dion looks ashamed and is carrying a cloth bag with both hands. Dr. Dion says, my superior, Dr. Ruth, as he bows his head. Dr. Ruth says, who do we have the pleasure of meeting today? Holding her hand out to the company, everyone says their name. Dr. Ruth says, we never had visitors. So curious how on Iowa you all ended up out here and where it is you all are going. Wieland says, we are travelers, a bit lost. Food and supplies is all we ask, as well as the direction of the nearest village. Dr. Ruth, unamused, says, there are no villages in the Taiola Region. The company looks at another son. Dr. Ruth continues, they are cave dwellers, but they are savage in personality and believed to be cannibals. Again, the company stares at another. She continues, look, I can tell you all are lost and I don't desire to see anyone starve. You all can stay in our private area for a little. Figure out what you all are going to do and go. Meantime, your weapons will have to wait outside. Charlotte says, we would be so grateful. But what is this place? Dr. Ruth says, the Taiola Region Research Center is the creation of the late Dr. Riccio, Sr. It is continued by Dr. Riccio, Sr. We study and develop flight science, which we work to develop large scale to be mass produced. Dr. Ruth talks the entire time by moving her hands. Helen says, OK, Char, my friend here understood that, but none of us did. Looking for the other shame face while the other is not in agreement, except Wheatland and coffee. Dr. Ruth sternly looks toward Dr. Dionne and he says, we make flying machines, which when they are good enough, will be used all over the world. Dr. Ruth smiles toward him. Most of the company gives each other an OK expression and nod. It is far louder inside than outside. They place their weapons outside as they are assured nothing ever comes along outside, which will bother them. Dr. Dionne reveals his cloth bag of food as he walks them to their living area, which is downstairs. He explains they receive food by delivery, messengers and doorstep. They're so far out to avoid anyone bothering their work. Before even reaching downstairs, they pass numerous workers and machines. They cannot see any flying machines, just portions being made. He explains this is the development stage. The company has never seen the likes of what they see going on there. Many of the workers stop to stare at them. When they arrive at their quarters, Dr. Ruth approaches and explained. Dr. Michiel himself will speak with them in the morning. Dr. Dionne says these quarters are used for our guests, mainly the sellers who deliver our food supplies, which you all just missed. These two rooms across from another will be you all's rooms. We develop the sewer system. Towers and bathrooms are on either side of quarters. I'll see you all later. As he leaves, they all look around and notice how this area, as opposed to the prior others, is so dark and dank. The males go to one side while the ladies go to the other. While Lydia walks to the male side, Helen pulls her hand to where the ladies are. Inside are the same setups. Candlelit red painted rooms, no beds, multiple covers with a bench area along the walls. They are all unamused. They eat the food they were given almost immediately. Charlotte says, when we meet this Dr. Michiel, we are going to have to ask him for a flight machine. There is no other way around it, and she finishes eating. Helen says, if I didn't have to rest, I'd argue how I'd seen no chance. I'll do such a thing. Soon, everyone rests. The next morning, Dr. Dion delivers them food fairly early. He explains this opening the door for them awarded him the duty of being the chaperone. After they eat and bathe, they are to go see Dr. Michiel. Dr. Dion waits outside of their rooms for them. Lee offers to hand wash everyone's clothes later. Before long, they head to see the chief of the center. He is on the surface level in the back area where there are several rooms. His is the biggest area. Inside, his room is filled with large sheets of paper stacked up on top of another. Drafts of drawings of portions of flying machines are all over them. He also has a tall bookshelf of books. His bed is pristine, probably just made and has nothing on it. He appears near the age of Dr. Dion, and, of course, he is dressed in similar attire. Dr. Dion bows as he lets the company in. Dr. Michiel rises as they enter. He smiles, looking at all of them. The window behind him, the only sign it is daybreak. Dr. Michiel says, Well, hello, I am Dr. Michiel. This is my facility. None of them know the term and look to another. It seems we may have you all among us for a few days moving forward. If you don't mind, introduce yourself. They all introduce themselves. Dr. Michiel says, I was informed of you all's troubles, not even knowing where you were, nor simple details of this environment. I am not certain if you all were kidnapped or stranded here, but I know one thing, an environment where anyone is likely to survive just wondering about it. So I at least would like you all to explain to me how you plan to get off this region, and I'll at least feel secure when I rest come night. His look toward them has become very serious. Charlotte looks to the others, nods, and says, Well spoken, and thank you, sir. We actually have two options. Wait for used food supplies or ask for something. His head turns slightly toward as she continues. Yes, we'd like to know if we could fly one of your flying machines, be a tester. His eyes go wide and his expression drops. As she continues. Now, hear me out. I a seller and she a seller pointed toward Helen. As she continues. Helen over 10 years now. No one's in all the light. We can handle whatever you got. No, you got to have something old here or knew that somebody should be flying. And you want to know what it looked like. And we all from the other side of the world. That's a ritual put in to his mouth and smiles. He thinks for a moment, then says, imagine having so much made. But everyone who worked with you scared to use. All this is, but you aren't scared. Are you? Michiel says, No, like my father before me, I fly. But I'm just one. I only even steal what you ask will be foolish on my part. These devices are worth counting. Purchase metals. And if we're got to continue, one was flying through the sky. It could cost us attention. Not to mention, all you need it for is to go on. Then what become of it? Charlotte says, we'd make good use of it. As for Petit, tell them we stole it. The others look as if they blessed, except for Wheatley. Coffee looks around. Dr. Michiel touches his eyebrows and says, lighter really is the one I created. I knew it was what the world should have seen. But our investors for Petit didn't much desire the model of it. We couldn't even pilot it for them. Been behind ever since. If there's one model you all could have stole, it's that one. The food supplies are over a week out, so there isn't a better option. His head is looking downward at his desk the whole time he speaks. The company cannot believe their ears. They all formulate big smiles. Dr. Michiel says, inform Dr. Ruth before I change my mind. They all bow and thank him and depart. The company rush past Dr. Dion to the one area they have been eager to see the whole time. The room they pass when coming in. Here, all of the developing is transpiring. Workers and machines are working among another on portions of flying devices. Everyone is hard at work but Dr. Ruth who is observing. Dr. Dion is rushing trying to catch up to the company. As they all make their way to her, a lot of workers lose their composure. This draws her attention to turn around to the company. Charlotte smiling exceedingly says, sorry to startle you, madam, but we received a call. Dr. Michiel, the glider he made to go home. Alarmed, Dr. Ruth's eyes widen. Then she whispers, he gave the approval for his baby. The company looks toward another. All say Wheatland and Coffee. Charlotte says, his baby? Dr. Ruth is eager to speak. He designed it alone. Our crew made it together. There is only one ever made. She looks toward Charlotte deep in her eyes trying to make her understand what it is to Dr. Michiel. Charlotte says, and we skip the flight. Such an honor. Dr. Ruth looks at Dr. Dion desperately and blurs out. You go confirm all of this with Dr. Michiel. In the meantime, I will show it to you all and show how to operate it. Dr. Dion almost runs off. Most of the company looks at another and they smile. She walks them through a small room area with compartments going up along the ceiling. Dr. Ruth opens it and says, this is an experimental device called the elevator. Hope you all enjoy. They all walk in. See nothing impressive about it. Dr. Ruth answers last. She faces them. She sets the door and presses the button. When the room lifts off, most of them grab hold of another and are in shock. Dr. Ruth says, now you all know what it's like to be startled with a plain smile. Charlotte thinks, now I'm starting to like this lady. It isn't long before the elevator stops. Dr. Ruth opens the door to a room fairly larger than all prior. There are all sorts of different kinds of parts of ships, boats, wings, etc., lying about. But one ship, like a machine with wings and an unusual top, is the only thing put together. It has a favorable yet fascinating appearance. A lot of the company comes out of the elevator startled as if they have seen a ghost. They are not accustomed to the elevator at all, nor the speed which shot them to the most floor. But everyone sees the glider. It is pretty well designed. Charlotte says, something like this just has been sitting around, catching dust, as she stands near Dr. Ruchio, who nods. Whelan, Lydia, and Helen walk up to the glider and around it, though not together. James says, looks as if we get to fly the sky soon enough. Ever thought such a thing? As he looks Lee in the eyes with a smile. Lee says, never until then. Seems, Lydia, I never know what's next. As she looks at James and forms a smile. His eyebrow rises as her words sink in. Coffee looks up to both of them from behind. Dr. Ruchio walks Charlotte over to the glider. On the other side of it is a spare compartment which allows a person to board the deck. There is also on this side a lifeboat connected to the top side. They climb up. Everyone soon follows. She begins to explain the wing and engine system. How they operate and why they will be so loud. She explains the fuel system, where the barrels of fuel are. She shows the rooms below. Finally, she shows how to steer and operate the command chair. Dr. Ruchio says, so if you all ever operated a ship, you can pilot the glider. As she says this, the elevator goes back down. This startles most of the company because it did it on its own. Dr. Ruchio says, he'll be coming soon. The elevator works by command only. She has a nonchalant expression. When Dr. Dion arrives, they are all waiting. Dr. Dion walks over to Dr. Ruth and says, Madam, Dr. Ruchio gave his full approval. He would like them out and along by tomorrow morning. As he has smiles, he thinks, she looks at me as if I did something wrong all the time. Dr. Ruth turns to them and says, it's official. Then she turns to Dr. Dion and says, but what will be an explanation to the investors of Kikine? Dr. Ruth turns to them and says, oh, that they ravaged us and stole the glider at sore point? Dr. Ruth's eyes widen and her jaw drops as she turns toward them and says, you all put my superior up to this? Most of the company smirks and looks down. Charlotte, with a clever expression, says, more so we are helping one another out. You see, Dr. Ruth smiles and shakes her head. That night, Whelan sits in the half of the hallway by himself. Coffee sits with Helen and Lydia as they play a hand game. Charlotte reads her novel while James and Lee sit together talking. Lee says, have you ever wondered about good, evil and been confused? Look for James with very anxious eyes. James replies, there you go with that crazy talk. Can we settle on something else? As he looks away from her, Lee aggravated, says, fine, then I'll go ask somebody that'll listen to speak. As she gets up and storms off slamming the door, James shocked, thinks, did I really cause all that or am I missing something? Just as she's about to go through her quarters, sees Whelan and walks toward him with her arms folded. Whelan just continues to stare across from himself. As she comes to stand over him, Lee thinks, just who I was looking for. Whelan don't know what I am asking. Lee says, hey, Mr. Whelan. He turns his head and looks up to her. She continues, I desire to ask you a question. Can you do me a favor and answer, please? Whelan nods. Lee says, tell you what is good, evil and who can make such a judgment? As she sits down near him. Whelan says, in life, everyone at one time or another will be faced with powerful decision, which will come down to a particular judgment call. Such outcomes will determine who was right or wrong and ultimately good and evil. As a killer myself, Lee's eyes widened. She moved away from him. As he continues, I flamed him. Never a one time out of hate. I've been in situations of kill or be killed. My blade spoke for me and those I protected. Lee says, you protected someone. You're not a killer. He continues, I am as I was raised to be. When you look at life, look at it from the logical perspective. Terms of bondage to general complexes. We have lived by since time immemorial. We can no more separate ourselves from them than one can altogether be either one of them. He looks away from her into the distance, letting her know he's done speaking. Lee thanks a wise one. She looks at him once more, then walks to her quarters. Inside, Helen walks over to Charlotte and sits beside her. She says, Char, we need to talk about what we're going to do. Charlotte interrupts her and says, I know what you mean. Tomorrow we leave here. I'm scared to go back to get our chip. But we got Whelan with us, so I think we can get it back. Mayhap they can sell it or use. And from now, we can change between another. Helen says, I just worry about our precious metals at this point. They can have the chip as long as we get that out. We got a flying thing now. Serious, though, what happened with that noble guy? He had to be a noble. Smelled of it. The kind who think they own every and all thing. Him. She shakes her head, then continues. Don't desire those chances, not at all. She lies her head on Charlotte's shoulder. Charlotte says, I can read you a chapter like old times. Helen nods. Yes. Lee stares at them, smiling. Lydia and Coffee are asleep. Dr. Ruth, Dr. Dion, and others clean and repool the gliders throughout most of the night. The next morning, the company gets up early. Their meal is already outside each door. They eat and shower. They meet up with Dr. Dion, who takes them to the elevator. When they arrive upstairs where the glider is, the roof has been removed. They are told the roof removal is an operation which they cannot control other than mechanically. Dr. Ruchio, Dr. Ruth, are present, and they introduce Dr. MP. An older island than all the rest, he helped build the glider. He also worked with Dr. Ruchio, Sr. They can tell the glider has been worked on and cleaned. They board. Whelan walks over to Charlotte, and they walk together. Whelan says, Charlotte, where are you all headed? Charlotte says, we'll venture around a little to learn this. Then Whelan says, is it all right if Lydia and I take that boat and get off on the coast of Toa? Charlotte instantly appears saddened. Then she says, yes, that is fine. As he turns to walk away from her, grabs his hand, he turns. He says, Whelan, come back to me. He looks at her deep in the eyes, slightly nods his head and walks away. Charlotte, though, knowing she planned to visit, is devastated and drops her head down. Charlotte starts the engine. They are amazed at how loud it is. They remember it will get quieter as the engine operates. The wings begin to speed, accelerating rapidly. Dr. Ruchio, Ruth, M.P., and Dion all step back. The glider begins to rise. Dr. Ruchio and Dr. M.P. shed tears as it reaches up. Dr. Ruth hugs Dr. Ruchio, and they all throw up their hands. Charlotte pushes the boost, and they are airborne. This frightens most of the company, even Charlotte. They are high in the sky now. Whelan holds because she ran to him as they boosted upward, as Leah slides quietly. Whelan says, Are you all right? Lydia nods. We will be getting off soon, is what he tells her then. Lydia, confused, says to go to sleep. Whelan says, No, we will be going to the east of Waikiki. Lydia, looking up at him, says, OK.

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