The Backwash Of War: The Human Wreckage Of The Battlefield As Witnessed By An American Hospital Nurs

"The Backwash of War: The Human Wreckage of the Battlefield as Witnessed by an American Hospital Nurse" is a book written by Ellen Newbold La Motte, an American nurse, journalist, and author. During World War I, La Motte volunteered as one of the first American war nurses to go to Europe and treat soldiers. She served in a French field hospital in Belgium and documented the horrifying experiences she witnessed on a daily basis in a bitter diary. Her book, published in 1916, is a collection of stories that provide a deep and unsettling insight into the plight of wounded and sick soldiers. La Motte's writing is known for its dark humor and explosive portrayal of the war's effects on human lives. Cynthia Wachtell, a professor of American studies, conducted extensive research on La Motte's life and war writing, emphasizing the profound impact and relevance of her work even today.