In this audio track titled "Elevator (2)", the prominent sound portrays the familiar feeling of riding in an elevator. The audio begins with the soft hum of the elevator in motion, coupled with the faint mechanical noises of gears and pulleys working in unison. Following this, there is a subtle yet distinct rise in pitch, resonating with the tag 'riser'. This rise in pitch signifies the elevator's ascent, painting a vivid picture of an upward journey in a high-rise building. The audio is devoid of any human voices or conversation, focusing solely on the ambient noise of the elevator ride. The absence of any abrupt or jarring sounds makes the overall experience smooth and peaceful, much like an actual elevator ride. Towards the end, there is a soft ding, indicating the elevator's arrival at the desired floor. The audio concludes with the faint noise of the elevator doors opening, signifying the end of the journey. Throughout the audio, there is a sense of progression