In the 18th chapter entitled "The Journey of a Rolling Ball (F7)", the story revolves around a unique, shell-like object. This object, much like a bullet, is set into motion, embarking on an intriguing journey. The rollerball's adventure begins with a sharp, resonating sound, akin to a gun being fired, which signifies the start of its voyage. As the ball rolls, it bounces off different surfaces, each bounce producing a distinct sound. These sounds create an auditory map of the ball's environment, painting a vivid picture of its journey in the listener's mind. Suddenly, there's a crisp sound of shattering glass, indicating a dramatic turn in the ball's journey. It's as if it has collided with a glass object or barrier, breaking it to continue its path. This heart-stopping moment adds an element of suspense and unpredictability. The journey of the rolling ball is reminiscent of a game, with its unexpected twists and turns.