Auswahl aus Die Serapionsbrüder

"The Selection from 'The Serapion Brothers' by E.T.A. Hoffmann is a collection of novellas written between 1819-1821. In a fictional frame story, Hoffmann describes the meetings of a group of artistically inclined friends on the Feast day of St. Serapion. During these gatherings, the friends share and critique each other's stories (Hoffmann's novellas). The term 'serapiontic principle' originates from this work, referring to a specific approach to writing in which the author should 'see' the story before writing it. This means that the story cannot be simply made up, but rather the imagined possibility of the fictional elements is an absolute requirement. The writer is seen as a visionary, a revealer of hidden connections between two worlds. They navigate between wakefulness and dreams, mediating between delusion and reality, spirit and soul, the human and the inhuman. This selection includes 'The Serapion' and is