Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Finding Emet radio program aims to help listeners understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. It features the teachings of Brother Daniel Rendleman and offers resources on their website. The program discusses the story of Peter walking on water and emphasizes the importance of having faith and not doubting. It encourages listeners to keep their focus on Yeshua and trust in Him, even in the midst of storms and challenges. Hello and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. That's or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher Daniel Rendleman as he helps us find the Emet. Turn to Matthew, Matthew 14, Matthew 14, 22. And immediately Yeshua constrained his Tamadim to get into a ship and to go before him to the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain alone to make tefillah, to make prayer. And when the evening had come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, for the wind was contrary to it. And in the fourth watch of the night, Yeshua went to them, walking on the sea. And when the Tamadim, the disciples, saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit, it is a ruach. And they cried out for fear. But immediately Yeshua spoke to them, saying, Be of tov courage, it is I. Be not afraid. Verse 28. And Peter, Kepha, answered him and said, Master, if it is you, command me to come on the Mayim, the water. And he said, Bo, come. And when Kepha had come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Yeshua. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Master, save me. And immediately Yeshua stretched forth his hand and called him. And he said to him, O man of little Emunah, save. Why did you doubt? And when they had come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshiped him, saying, Of an Emet you are, the son of Yahweh. And when they had gone over, they came into the land of Gennesar. This is a story we're all familiar with, right? We've heard it. Of Kepha, Peter, walking on water. And this has gone over and over and over in my brain all week long. The Father's got some things for us to see here, and I want to share this from my heart. I don't have any notes prepared. This is the story for us. It is a story of Kepha, and it says, first of all, they were on the boat. Take a look. They were on the ship, and they got in the boat, verse 22, to go before him to the other side. That was their journey. The other side, right? That's where they were going. And yet on the way, on the way, is when the trouble started. When the ship was in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, and the wind was contrary to it. I mean, it started going one way, then the wind would come the other way, and it started going that way, and the wind would come the other way, and the waves were coming. And the fourth watch of the night, this is not a very big lake here, a sea. It's only about four miles across. They were going a very short distance. It took them a very long time. And they looked, and they saw Yeshua. And in the midst of their storm, Yeshua said, Be of told courage. Be of good courage. It is I. Be not afraid. In the midst of the storm, they saw through the storm, right? Because they had to see through the wind, and through the waves, and through the rain. They had to see Yeshua. And He said, Do not be afraid. It is I. He wasn't saying, I'm the storm. He's saying, I'm the water walker. I want you to get that. Because I do not believe that a lot of the storms in our lives are from the hand of Yahweh. Most of them are from the hand of other people, from the hand of Hasatan. Don't think for a minute that Yahweh wants you oppressed, or depressed, or sick, or down and out. That's not my Yahweh. I said it a few weeks ago. If Yahweh wanted to teach us something by making us sick, then we'd be sick all the time, because we all got plenty to learn. Yahweh is Yahweh our author. Amen? But He wants us to seek Him in the midst of the storm, no matter what it's like. And here, He wants us to do more than seek Him in the midst of the storm. He wants us to be like Kepha. And we can look down on Peter. Oh, Peter, there he is, getting in trouble again, right? Going out and jumping in the water. There was the same guy that would deny Yeshua three times before the roosters crowed, right? But yet, it was to this man, He said, upon this rock, upon this rock, rock-like confession, will I build my congregation. You see, even though Kepha was quick to jump, he was also quick to have faith. We'll talk about that in a minute. He says, Kepha saw Him. Kepha answered Him. You see, Yeshua's there, and He says, be of told courage, and He expects us to answer Him. I want you to be like Kepha a little bit. Sometimes we kind of look at Him like Peter, like, oh, there's big boys for you. But Yeshua's calling us to be like Peter, like Kepha, to have His faith, to be one willing to step out on the water, to be a water walker. Everybody say this. Say, I'm a water walker. That's who you are. That's who you are. Yeshua says, be of told courage, do not be afraid. And Kepha says, okay, command me to come to you on the water. If you really want me to come, I better know it. I don't want to think, right? He's looking for that sign, that confirmation, right? And Yeshua says both. He says, come. Come. And when Kepha had come down out of the ship, look at verse 29. He walked on the mine. He did the impossible. He walked on the water. It is physically impossible to walk on water. You step in the bathtub, what happens? You go straight down to the bottom. He did the impossible, and yet He did it by faith. He did it out of a commandment from Yeshua. Yeshua commanded Him to step out of the natural and into the supernatural. He commanded Him to step out of the regular and step into the realm of faith. Because you know what, in the realm of faith, water is nothing. And you know what, in the realm of faith, your problems and what seems to take over us is nothing. Yeshua is calling us to be water walkers like Kepha. He walked on the Mayim and look at where He was going. To go do His own thing? To go break the mitzvot? To go whatever? No. To go to Yeshua. You know, I believe that as we keep our eyes on Yeshua and we run the race and we look to Him and we run towards Him, guess what? He is going to sustain us supernaturally. It doesn't make sense that you can take off on the Shabbat and be blessed for it financially, right? But you do, and you are. It doesn't make sense that you take off these days and you worship Him, but you do and you are because we're keeping our mind and our eyes and our focus on Him and we're going towards Him. When we're going towards Him, we've got a purpose and a plan, and we see Him, He says, come. That's what He says today. Come. Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Opposite of what the world says. Work, work, work. Do all these ministries. Get so busy you don't have time to rest. Rest, He says. And look at verse 29. It says, He walked on the Mayim. Then it says in verse 30, He saw the wind boisterous and He was afraid. What in the world does the wind have to do with Him walking on water? Absolutely nothing. If it was impossible for Him to do it in the first place, what difference does it make if the wind's blowing or not? It could be a sunny day. He was already doing the impossible. But He was afraid and began to sink. And immediately Yeshua stretched forth His hand and called Him. But look at what He says. O man of little faith, why did you doubt? Key here. Kepha was a man of little faith, and little faith allowed him to walk on the water. We think we've got to have great big faith. Absolutely not. We think we've got to build up our faith. Absolutely not. You have the faith of Yeshua in you. You have the power of Yeshua in you. Romans 8.11. It tells us if the Spirit that raised Messiah from the dead dwells in you, then the Spirit that raised Messiah from the dead will bring life to your bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you. That's what it says. The very life that raised Yeshua from the dead is in us. We think we've got to build up our faith. We've got to pray in tongues for three hours. We've got to fast for 14 days. We've got to do all this stuff, and the power's already there. He had little faith. Yeshua said, If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Be thou removed, be cast into the sea. It doesn't take great faith to do these things. It just takes little faith. And guess what? And I believe that measure's like a ladle. Each of us has got a ladle of faith. Smith Wigglesworth doesn't have any more faith than I do. Moshe Konachowski doesn't have any more faith than I do. Kepha didn't have any more faith than I do and then you do. It's the same measure. The question is, how much doubt do we have? Look at this. It says, O ye of little faith, why did you doubt? We look at him like he's looking down on him about his little faith. No! It was little faith that let him walk on the water. It was his doubt that made him sink. It is possible that we have faith and doubt at the same time. And you know what happens? They're like opposing forces. Remember the man that came to Yeshua? He said, I need a miracle. He said, I believe, but help my unbelief. He had faith at the same time though. What did he have? He had doubt. He says very clearly, why did you doubt? He had a little bit of faith going on the water. And yet the doubt came. And what brought about the doubt? Take a look. He was afraid. He began to sink. So he began to feel it. He began to see the wind boisterous. He saw it. He cried out. These are his senses leading him to have doubt. Yahweh calls us to faith, just a little bit of faith to walk in. But what opposes us? Doubt. Unbelief. Unbelief. If faith is believing in Yahweh's word and acting upon it, what is unbelief? It's disbelieving in it. And that's hard. But let me tell you, Maggie, Wendy, Karen, Donna, you have the faith that raised Yeshua from the dead that allowed Kepha to walk on water, that multiplied the bread and the fishes. You have that faith in you. The problem is, the problem is, we also have doubt in us. So we've got to get the doubt out. So instead of beating you up over the doubt, it's saying, let's look at the problem. Because Yeshua wants us to be water walkers. Because in our life, guess what, the winds come and the waves blow. They try to, you know, they try to overtake us. And Yeshua's calling us to step out of the safety. You know what, it was safer to be in the boat than it was to be in the water. So what have you got to do? To see the miracle manifest, you've got to get out of the boat. That's a step of faith. You've got to get out of the boat a little bit. Take a step of faith. Trust Him. And deal with the doubt. Now how do you deal with the doubt? I want to show you something interesting about that. But I want to point out again that when they came into the ship, they worshipped Him. When He stepped out of the ship, He was stepping out of His comfort zone into the water that says all of His life He was told, you're going to sink. Right? All of His life. He was a fisherman for crying out loud. He knew, if I step on that water, I'm a garner. I'm down there with, you know, the fish. But He steps out in faith, looking unto Yeshua, the author and finisher of His salvation. And He steps out and He does the impossible. But when He begins to doubt, that's when He begins to sink. And it says they worshipped Him when they got back to the ship. Do you see that? That means they had to get back. It says Yeshua caught Him and when they had come to the ship, the wind ceased. I want you to see this. Where was Kepha when Yeshua caught Him? In the water. How did they get back to the boat? They walked. They walked. There's Yeshua and Kepha. Hand in hand, maybe shoulder on shoulder. I don't think He was piggyback. I think He was walking right beside Him. Back to the boat for worship. The miracles in our lives, the blessings shouldn't, oh, you know, think about me, how great I am. No. Let's go back and worship. But do you see that? When Kepha couldn't do it, who came alongside Him? Yeshua did. Don't look so down on Kepha. At least He got out of the boat. Half of us won't even get out of the boat. And I know it's scary. I know it's scary. But He's calling us to come, to get out of the boat. And Yeshua's there. He says, you know what, when you begin to fall a little bit, I'm here. I'll sustain you. I'll help you. I'll carry you. That's what Yeshua does. That's what Yeshua says. Not, I'm going to beat you down. You worthless, sorry individual. How dare you sink a little bit. But come here, Kepha. Why'd you doubt? Why'd you doubt? Come on, let's walk back. Let's have a chat. Let's talk. Turn to Matthew chapter 17. Matthew 17, beginning at verse 14, talks about a man coming to Yeshua and saying, Master, have mercy on us. My son, my son, he's tormented by an evil spirit. He throws him to the fire, often where? Into the water. Hmm. So is this son a water walker? No. Is this son being tormented by evil spirits? Yes. All right. And he says in verse 16, I brought him to your disciples, but they could not cure him. And at that point it says in verse 17 that Yeshua had a three-day conference on exorcism, demonology, and pigs in the parlor. No. Look at what Yeshua said. Yeshua answered, verse 17, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I allow you? Bring him here to me. Yeshua rebuked the shah, the demon, and departed out of him. And the child was cured from that very moment. And they came to Yeshua and said, Why couldn't we do this? And Yeshua said very clearly, very clearly, very clearly, because of your unbelief. They couldn't do, even though Yeshua said they couldn't do this, they couldn't do this. They couldn't do this. They couldn't do this. They couldn't do this. They couldn't do this. They couldn't do this. They couldn't do this. They couldn't do this.