Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Finding Emet radio program aims to teach the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. They discuss the issue of whether new believers need to keep the Torah and be circumcised. Peter and James argue that believers are saved through the favor of Yeshua and do not need to keep all the laws. However, they suggest new believers should abstain from idolatry, sexual sin, and learn about kosher laws. They also emphasize the importance of attending synagogue and hearing the Torah read. The program mentions the prophecy of restoring the fallen house of David. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. That's, or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. In Acts chapter 15, we have a group of people who says, in order to be born again or to be saved, you've got to keep the Torah of Moshe. And they bring it to the early believers and the leaders, and they make a decision and a distinction here. So this is important for us because we have to deal with these same issues. Let's think about that, okay? Now it says that when there had been much disputing, we're going to look at Acts chapter 15 starting in verse 7. When there had been much disputing, Kepha, Peter, rose up and said to them, men and brothers, you know how that a long time ago Yahweh made choices among us, and nations by my mouth should hear the word that he wrote, the gospel, and believe. And Yahweh, who knows the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, even as he did to us. Verse 9, and he put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Verse 10, now therefore, why do you tempt Yahweh to put a yoke upon the neck of a Talmudin, which neither our fathers nor were able to bear? Verse 11, but we believe that through the favor of Yeshua the Messiah, we shall be saved even as they will. And the whole multitude kept silent and gave audience to Barnabas and Shaul, declaring what wonders and signs Yahweh had done among the nations by them. And after that they kept silent, and Yaakov answered them, saying, men and brothers, listen to me. Now here is where they're trying to decide, do people have to keep Torah to be born again or not? Do they have to keep the law? Do they have to be circumcised? Do they have to be zipped, you know, do they have to have circumcision of the flesh to go to heaven, to be born again, receive eternal life in Yeshua? And here we see, first of all, Kepha says, Kepha says that we believe through the favor of Yeshua the Messiah that we are saved, even as they will be. So what does he say? He says, no, they don't have to do those things to be born again. And so now Yaakov answered them, saying, men and brothers, now who is Yaakov? This is the brother of Yeshua who wrote the book of James. No, he didn't. He did not write the book of James. He wrote the book of Yaakov. OK, 1611, when King James was getting ready to get the Bible together that he had said got to translate into English, they had named that book Jacob. And he said, I want you to name a book after me. And that's where the name James comes from, for the book of James, because Yaakov is the Hebrew version of James. James is the English version of Yaakov, excuse me, of Jacob, oy vey, forgive me. Jacob equals Yaakov. There's no, you know, James is just a name that was added to that after King James himself. The book of James has been under attack for so long. You know, Martin Luther, you know, Martin Luther wanted it to be taken out of the Bible. You can actually read where he said this on several occasions. It was too Jewish, oy vey. Anyway, Yaakov speaks, and here's what he says, Shimeon has declared how Yahweh at first did visit the nations to make out for them a people for his name, and to this agree the words of his prophets, and it is written, verse 16, after this I will return and we rebuild again the sukkah, the house, tabernacle, the temple, the tent of David, which is fallen down. I will rebuild again its ruins, I will set it up once more, that the remnant of men, all the men, or the remnant, the remnant of men might seek after the master Yahweh, and all the nations upon whom my name is called, and it said the master Yahweh who does all these things. Known to Yahweh are all his works from the beginning of the world, because of this my judgment is that we trouble not them who are among the nations who are returning to Yahweh. Returning to Yahweh. Do you see that? So to return to Yahweh means you had to have been with Yahweh before, but they're from the nations. I'm going to clarify this in a few minutes. They're clearly talking about what we would call the Gentiles, but here it says they're going to be returning to Yahweh. Well to return to something you've had to have been there before to return, and this is verse 19. So they decide that they're not going to trouble them with everything in the Torah at first, and look at verse 20 how they answer them. But that we write to them that they abstain from pollution of idols, from fornication, from things strangled, and from blood, from Moshe, from old times, has in every city those that proclaim his teachings with his Torah being read in the synagogues every Shabbat. And this is what he said. Do you think everybody agreed? Verse 22. Then it pleased the leaders and the apostles with the entire congregation to send this message out. So when new people come into the faith, we are not to throw upon them every single thing and demand that they are perfect the next day. That's what they were dealing with here. Should we make them get circumcised? Should we make them keep all the law? Do they have to do this? Do they have to do that? Where do they start? Because it is a lot, amen, to learn. So here, the starting place was very plainly said in verse 20. That it starts with four things. They abstain from pollutions of idols, idolatry, paganism. Get it out. So that means, if this is new to you, that you start getting the paganism out. Maybe the Mithras trees, maybe the Ishtar bunnies, whatever. Start with the paganism, the idolatry, the things that, or even beyond that, the things that take the place of Yahweh in your life. Begin to know who Yahweh truly is. Then it says from fornication. We know that there are a lot out there that deal with fornication or sexual immorality or sin. Stop that. Notice that idolatry and sexual immorality are put on the same level here. So very clearly, get away from that. And then it says from things strangled and from blood. What does that mean? Things that are strangled and things from blood deal with eating, what you eat. Because the scriptures say in Leviticus and in Numbers, do not eat the blood. Do not eat blood because the life is in the blood. And it says do not eat, you know, animals that have been strangled that had to be killed a certain way so that the blood was not in them. So very clearly what he is saying, that the believers, these from the nations that were coming in, because we all know that in the beginning it was Yeshua and his disciples who were all Jews, amen. And now they're having these people coming in, maybe some Greeks, maybe with their togas. They don't know what to do. So they trade their toga for a tallit. And he says here, get rid of paganism. Stop sexual sin, which was big back then, as it is today. And then begin learning about kosher, kashrut. And eating clean foods. And when you begin eating clean foods, what happens is you begin to see that the examples of clean foods that we are to follow are for every bit of our lives. Yahweh has called us to make a distinction between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the profane, the light and the darkness, the good and the bad. That's the whole principle of our faith, in essence. And so here he says, get started with these areas. So do you see this? Number one, get rid of paganism, get rid of sexual sins, and then begin eating kosher, be learning the kosher laws. That's not where he ends though. Look at what he says next. Verse 21, for Moshe from old times has in every city those that proclaim his teachings with his Torah being read in the synagogues every Shabbat. What they were saying was, your first step is get rid of paganism, stop sexual sin, start learning about kosher, and then go to the synagogue every Shabbat and listen to what's being taught about Moshe. What did Yeshua say? You did not know Moshe, therefore you don't know me. If you would have known Moshe, you would have known the one whom Moshe wrote about. So here he's telling us very clearly that on the Sabbath they are to be keeping the Sabbath and to be in the synagogue while the Torah is read and discussed. Amen to that. How do you like that? So something for us to think about here is that for new beginners, this is where to start. The other thing to think about is that he didn't tell them to stay away from the synagogue. He didn't tell them to go to the, you know, mega church with 35,000 members. He said to go because in the synagogue Torah is read. Now here's what I want us to focus on. You see that all of this is in reference to returning believers, people who have been born again and whether or not they should keep Torah or not. Agree? This is where we're at. So let's take a look and see. This was prophesied in verse 15. It says, to this were the prophets have written, verse 16, after this I will return and will rebuild again the house, the sukkah, the tent, the tabernacle of David which has fallen down. I will rebuild it again. It's ruined. I will set it up once more. So we're going to talk about for a few minutes restoring the fallen house of David. Restoring the fallen house of David. Now in a song that we sing, the Days of Elijah, these are the days of Elijah, you know. It says we are rebuilding the temple of praise. These are the days of your servant David. It's a popular phrase now about rebuilding the house of David, but what does that really mean? Now you ask believers, you ask your preacher, they're going to give you a puzzled look or spout off something to deal with praise and worship and David being the man after Yahweh's own heart. So the house of David is, you know, jumping and dancing and singing with banners or so. For the most people it seems that the house of David is synonymous with Solomon's temple, you could even say. But we're going to look at this and have a little better understanding. So get ready, this may surprise you a little bit. First of all, we've got David's house. David didn't build it. That would be point number one. David didn't build it. We're familiar with Beethoven. Did you know that it wasn't until after Beethoven was six feet underground that people began to discover his unique talent and beautiful music? That while he was alive, people didn't really pay much attention to him and it wasn't much. Well, a similar thing happened to David, that his house wasn't built until after he had passed on. It was his desire to build a house for Yahweh, but he was not allowed to. So turn with me to Melechim Aleph or First Kings, chapter eight. We're going to look at verses 17 through 19. It tells us here in First Kings, chapter eight, starting in verse 17, it was in the heart of David, David, my father, to build a house for the name of Yahweh Elohim of Israel. And Yahweh said unto David, my father, whereas it was in thine heart to build a house unto my name, you did well, but it was in your heart. Nevertheless, you're not going to build the house. But your son will come forth out of your loins and he shall build the house unto my name. So we see here that David wanted to build a house for Yahweh, but couldn't. He wasn't supposed to. Who was supposed to do it? His son was Shlomo Solomon. David was a man of war. David brought the sword. David shed blood. And though David had the heart of a worshiper, he wasn't permitted to put his bloodshed hands to work to build the temple. First Chronicles, chapter 28, verse three says this. It says, Yahweh Elohim said unto me, thou will not build me a house for my name, because you've been a man of war and shed blood. So from this passage, David didn't necessarily build his own house. But what is a house anyway? Are we talking about just a structure or are we talking about something different and greater? So David's house, I submit to you today, was not just a physical being. The phrase house of David, tabernacle of David, tent of David is found 25 times in the Bible. You can do a word search for it. It's used predominantly in regards to David's family, to David's lineage, and not to a physical building or temple. You've heard it's the people that make the difference between a house and a home? Well, David's case, his house is the people. And it is the Israelite people. So here in Acts, chapter 15, it says, I will return and rebuild the house of David, specifically speaking of rebuilding Israel, the nation. That the scriptures talk about Israel, that it's not just referring to a small nation in the Middle East, but to all of Israel scattered amongst the nations. At times, we can read in the scriptures in 1 Kings chapter 12, verse 20, David's house was just the tribe of Judah. Interesting. At other times, it was the Hebrew people united in peace. So if you look at Zechariah, if my notes are right, chapter 12, verse 10, Zechariah, chapter 12, verse 10, it makes this a little clearer for us. I will pour upon the house of David, Beit David, and upon the inhabitants of Yerushalayim, the spirit of unmerited favor and grace, and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him as one mourns for his only son. They will be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for the loss of his firstborn son. That it is this house of David, it says, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem that are going to see the one whom they have pierced, Yahshua. We'll talk more about that in just a few minutes. The house of David, or the Beit David, is not just a physical being, but a people united in peace. The word for house in the Hebrew is ba'it, ba'it, Strong's number 1004. Now, if you look up the Strong's, ba'it means a house, especially a family, home born, or household. So, the ba'it of David. Now, every Hebrew word has a root word, and the root for ba'it is banah, Strong's number 1129, which means to build, to begin to build, to obtain children, to make, to repair, or to set up. So, it's very clear here that the house of David would be the family or household of David, the family of David, being built up. Solomon's Temple does play a part in the fallen house of David, but it's not just it, it's the people. It's the people. And in Acts chapter 15, verse 16, in the Greek, which, you know, I don't know a lot of Greek, but the word for Greek, Strong says, is skeene, S-K-E-N-E, which actually means tabernacle. Tabernacle. The tabernacle of David. Makes sense. Skeene comes from a root word, skuos, which means a wife, a wife as contributing to the usefulness of the husband. So, if you substituted that, it would say that Yahweh says, I am coming to rebuild the wife of David, the wife's household of David, the children of David. Hmm. Could it be the bride that Yeshua is rebuilding? Bringing his people together and building them, it says in Ephesians 2.15, to make himself one new man, making peace. So, the house of David is the people of Israel in unity. A family or children of David. Not just those who followed after it, but those who came before it. The twelve tribes of Israel make up the house of David. That is what Yahweh is rebuilding today. We are called the house of David because it is from David's kingly lineage that Messiah would come and establish peace. Amen? You with me? Amen. So, in several verses, the house of David is actually used to reference the people of Israel. Nehemiah 12.32, Isaiah 7.2, 2 Chronicles 8.11. And when you read it in context, it makes it very clear in Acts chapter 15 that people being born again, coming into the faith, are part of this rebuilding of the house of David. So that the leaders, after Yeshua, understood the plan of the ages. Here's what they understood. That David's tabernacle house, Beit, was being rebuilt as people came into their identity as Israel. Because he didn't say to them, you know, they had the problem, they didn't know what to do with these people from the nations. They didn't say, well, just keep doing what you do. And just come to church every Sunday. And Wednesday. Every time the doors are open, you've got to come. Give 10% tithe, be a good person, have a good day. Nor did they say, you've got to keep all the commandments or the mitzvot the first day. They said, start here. Go and learn about Yahweh on Shabbat. You know, begin eating kosher, begin learning what that means, abstain from sexual immorality. That was a starting place for rebuilding the tribe, rebuilding the house of David. So you've got to look at the verse in context. Amen? A verse out of context is a pretext. So the rebuilding of the house of David deals with us following and keeping Torah, the 12 tribes being restored. So for us to understand this, we've got to realize and recognize that Israel was once united under David. That was his house. Amen? And then it was divided and dispersed throughout the world. And now in these latter days, what is Yahweh doing? Acts chapter 15. He is rebuilding the house of David. Praise Yahweh. That is what he is doing. Yahweh made an amazing covenant with David. Turn with me to 2 Samuel chapter 7. 2 Samuel. Shmuel, that is how you say Samuel in Hebrew. Shmuelbeit chapter 7. Shmuelbeit, 2 Samuel chapter 7. Let's start in verse 1. And it came to pass, when the melek sat in his bait, when the king sat in his house, and Yahweh had given him peace all around from all his enemies. Praise Yahweh for that. How many know when Yahweh is on the throne, we have peace from all our enemies? Hallelujah. But the king said to Nathan the Nabi, the prophet, See now, I dwell in the house of Cedar, but the ark of Elohim dwells within curtains. Nathan said, Go, do all that is in your heart, for Yahweh is with you. And it came to pass that night that the word of Yahweh came to Nathan, saying, Verse 5. Go and tell my aved, my servant David, this says Yahweh, Shall you build me a house for me to dwell in? For I have not dwelt in any house since the time I was brought up. I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt, Mitsrayim, even to this day, but have moved about in tents. Verse 7. In all the places where I have moved with all the children of Israel, did I ever speak a word to any of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people? Israel saying, Why didn't you build me a house of Cedar? Now therefore, so shall you say to my servant David, For this says Yahweh of hosts. This says Yahweh of hosts. I took you from the sheepfold, from following the sheep, to be ruler over my people, over Israel. I was with you wherever you went, have cut off all your enemies out of your sight, have made you a great name, like the name of the great men that are in the earth. Moreover, hallelujah, I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more. Neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more as before. Verse 11. Even from the time that I commanded judges to rule over my people Israel, and have now caused you to rest from all your enemies. Also Yahweh declared to you that he will make you a house. Yahweh declared to you, David, that he will make you a bait. Verse 12. And when your days are fulfilled, you shall rest with your fathers, and I will set up your seed after you, which shall proceed out of your loins, I will establish his kingdom. Malchut. He, who? He shall build a bait for my name, and I will establish the Kisei, the throne of his Malchut kingdom, forever. I will be his father, he shall be my son. If he commits Torah violations, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men. But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Shaul, whom I put away before you. Verse 16. And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever. Le'olam v'ed. Before you. Your throne shall be established forever. Le'olam v'ed. Verse 17. According to all these words, and according to all the visions, so did Nathan speak to David. Wow. We spend so much time in the Torah, you know, the first five books, and then in the Brit Hadashah, trying to understand the first five books, we forget about the Kings and Chronicles, and all of this. This is amazing, because here Yahweh is speaking to the prophet, and he's saying here a couple of things. Number one, he says that peace will come to the land through the sword. Because David's there. He says, I cut off all your enemies. He says that David's son will build a name for Yahweh, will build a house for Yahweh in Yahweh's name. Verse 12 and verse 13 it says this. It says that a physical land will be given as before, that the house of David will be completed by his son, that there will be peace, shalom in the land, that David's house is Israel, the twelve tribes, that it is an everlasting covenant, and that Yahweh will do the work through the people. Amen? And that we know that when David, Dawid, passed away, that his son, Shlomo, or Solomon, he became on the throne of Israel. Now, King Solomon didn't fight in many wars. He had plenty of wars with all of his women that he had, but he didn't fight in any wars as far as conquering the nations around them. Thank you for getting that joke at least. Somebody got it. Somebody got it. He was given all the wisdom and yet he had all the women. Does that make any sense? You know, some people said that's why he had all the wisdom. Yahweh answered his prayer for wisdom by giving him plenty of women to tell him what to do. Anyway, anyway. Yeah, that's right. We won't go there. David brought the sword and conquered the enemies. Solomon, Shlomo, anybody know what his name means? What does Shlomo sound like? Sounds a little bit like shalom. Shlomo means son of peace. David brought the sword, brought war, conquered the enemies. David did this while Shlomo, the son of Solomon, had peace and no wars while he was enthroned as king. This peace couldn't have come if David hadn't first brought the sword. David was a man of war, which no doubt would have made life a lot easier for Shlomo. Solomon, it means peaceful or son of peace, inherited the throne of Israel when there was unity and peace. Now we know that Israel didn't stay united very long, did it? Sadly, Yeshua's words, Matthew 12, 25, every kingdom divided itself is brought to desolation, every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. This is what happened to the house of David. This is what happened to the Beit David. Because of sin or lawlessness, the peace that David worked for, the shalom that Solomon kept, ended when Shlomo died. And we can read in 1 Kings chapter 12, so if you turn over there to 1 Kings chapter 12 about such, that Israel was united with the 12 tribes living in the land. The temple had been built with Solomon. I mean, think of just the grandeur of that. The awesome unity of that. David had written his Psalms. Yahweh was being magnified and glorified. But we see that after Solomon died, his son Rehoboam was crowned king. And in 1 Kings chapter 12, Rehoboam had come out to become king. And he was crowned king. And yet there was this battle over who was going to be king. Was it going to be Rehoboam or was it going to be, who is it? Jeroboam or Jeroboam. It was a fight now. No longer was there peace, no longer was there unity. 1 Kings chapter 12 recounts the history behind the split of a nation. You think church splits are bad? The division that dispersed Israel. We read here that his house was divided but it was not destroyed. It was divided but it was not destroyed. Now, we know that dispensational preachers will tell us that the church is Israel and that Judaism or the Jews have basically been forsaken or they're done with, they've been put on a shelf, they're over. And the church has replaced Israel. That is not the case. He tells us in 1 Kings chapter 12, let me read here 2 Chronicles 21. Yahweh would not destroy the house of David. I said Yahweh would not destroy the house of David. Amen? Yahweh would not destroy the house of David because of the covenant he had made with David as he promised to give a light to him and to his sons forever. Yahweh knew from the beginning what would happen to his bride Israel. But he never left her. And today he is rebuilding that house. In 1 Kings chapter 12, we see that there is a battle, there is a fight between Jeroboam and Jeroboam and the nation split. It wasn't really a battle. It was more or less a, there was a split in the nations. And we see that the ten tribes, the majority of Israel, went up north, went into the northern kingdom of Israel. And the king there, who knows who the king was in the northern kingdom? Jeroboam or Jeroboam? Jeroboam, Jeroboam went to the north with the ten tribes. And they rebelled against Yahweh. They rebelled against Yahweh. And we see in 1 Kings chapter 12 that he took them up. And look at verse 28. The king took counsel. He made two golden calves. He said to them, it's too hard to go to Jerusalem. You don't need to do what Torah says. He brought them up and he said, behold your gods that brought you out of Egypt. He even set up false worship days, it says. Gave them a whole new system and temple. And these ten tribes that were set up, up north, forsake Yahweh. They went into pagan worship. They didn't follow the commandments. They were led astray. And when we see in the scriptures as we read in the prophets and in the writings where it says, O Israel, or to Ephraim, these are your sins. It's speaking to this, the northern kingdom led by this king. And yet the southern kingdom where Rehoboam was king had Jerusalem, had the temple, continued to follow Yahweh and the Torah. And it tells us here in Deuteronomy 28, 64, that Yahweh Elohim shall scatter thee among the people from one end of the earth even unto the other where thou shalt serve other gods, neither which you knew or your fathers knew. That because of their sins and because of Yahweh's plan, He was going to scatter His seed. Isn't that what it just read? So because of the sins of the northern kingdom, there was the Assyrian battle that came and punished the northern kingdom. And the northern kingdom, or Israel, were taken captive by the Assyrians. Now let me ask you. They were taken to Assyria. They were taken captive. But did they still have Israelite blood in them? Were they still Israelites? Yes, they were. Were they just Jews? No. Because a Jew is really just someone from Judea, from the tribe of Judah, from the southern kingdom you could even say. While the northern kingdom was taken away, they assimilated into the nations. They were taken, they were punished by Assyria. They pretty much forgot and forsook who they were. And this is where we get the word Gentile, or nations, from. They became the Gentiles, mixing this holy seed, this physical seed of the house of David, in with all the world. And yet the two tribes that were in the south, mostly you could say Benjamin and Judah, who had even Levi, who had the Torah, who had the temple, they went the other direction. They had Yahweh's word, they had the Torah, but they allowed idolatry and paganism to come in. They were published by the Babylonian captivity. Remember that? Remember Daniel where they were taken to Babylon? But Daniel went to Babylon, he still prayed, didn't he? They wouldn't eat the king's fine pig foods, would they? They stayed true to the faith. And they came back and rebuilt Israel a little bit later, as we'll talk about. Just as the peace that Israel experienced during the time of David came through sword and bloodshed, Yahweh's rebuilding the temple tabernacle now. The house of David is experienced peace when Solomon was on the throne. Amen? It's the same with us again. That when Yeshua's on the throne, we will have peace. Isaiah 16, 5. In mercy shall the throne be established. He shall sit upon it in truth in the house of David, judging, seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness. Yeshua said, in Matthew chapter 10, verse 34, Think not that I've come to send peace on earth, but to send what? A sword. Just like David, who brought the sword, and it was his son who brought peace, Yeshua came to bring the sword of the word, and we as his sons, as we're going to see, are here to experience his peace. Through the shed blood and the sword of the spirit, the Torah, we're set free to walk in Yahweh. Amen? Amen. Now, we're told in Psalm 122 to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Well, did you know that in Ephesians chapter 2, it says, Yeshua is our peace. So, we put these verses together. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Yeshua is our peace. We're praying that Jerusalem knows Yeshua. That the Jews, that those in Jerusalem, that those there have a relationship with him and experience him as their peace. They accept Yeshua as Messiah. This goes right along with what we read earlier, Zechariah 1210, I will pour upon the house of David, upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplications, they will look upon the one whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him. Yeshua. When Yeshua said this, he said, my house shall be called a house of prayer. Luke 19.46. And what did it just say in Zechariah 1210? I will pour upon the house of David, the spirit of grace and supplications. What's a supplication? But a prayer. When Yahweh pours upon the house of David, prayer, and that spirit of prayer, we're going to see whom we've pierced. The bloodshed that brings peace is that of Messiah. So, here's the key. The grand plan of Yahweh. Yahweh is rebuilding the house of David. Isaiah 22.22. This is good. It says, the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open and none shall shut. He shall shut and none shall open. The key to the house of David is held by who? Yeshua. Yeshua said many times, he said, I have come to seek and save the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He says in Matthew 15.24, he says, I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. That's what he's doing. He's restoring the lost sheep. So, in 1 Kings chapter 12, we see that Israel is split with the tribes. The northern kingdom under Jeroboam's rule. The southern kingdom under Rehoboam. Here's what Jeroboam understood. He understood that the house of David was built up by people following Torah and worshiping Yahweh. In truth and in spirit. That's what David did. He understood that. Therefore, he knew that if he allowed the northern kingdom to worship in Jerusalem in the prescribed manner, that their hearts would turn towards Yahweh and they would get rid of him as their king. So, when could Jeroboam recognize that the house of David would be restored if all Israel followed the path of Yahweh's word? That's why he set up the two golden calves. He wanted to persuade the northern kingdom not to worship Yahweh. He wanted them to not follow the teachings of Moshe. So, understand that. So, accordingly then, if that's the case, if a departure from Torah brings a division to the house of David, isn't that what happened? Isn't that why they divided? Then a return to Torah is going to bring about the rebuilding of the house of David. As each believer returns to Torah, another brick is being laid to debate David. Zechariah 13.1, if you're around about there, Zechariah 13.1, In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanliness. And it shall come to pass in that day, says Yahweh's zevaot, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land. They shall be remembered no more. And I will also cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land. That is what we're seeing happen in that day today. But the fountain has been opened. But the house of David is being restored for sin and uncleanliness. The church has fought against sin for a long time. Judaism has fought against uncleanliness for a long time. Now they're being united. Against sin and uncleanliness. And Yahweh says, I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land. Doesn't that sound a lot like Acts chapter 15? Sin, uncleanliness, idolatry. Isn't it similar with that verse? In this day, the fountain of revelation is coming to people. People are searching for more. Looking for more. They're looking for more. They're understanding what took place in Ezekiel chapter 36. Because in Ezekiel chapter 36, Yahweh says, take one stick, write upon it Ephraim. Who is that? The northern kingdom. That was led astray by Assyria. Take another stick, write upon it Yehudah, Judah for the southern kingdom. Put them in my hand and the two sticks become one. That's what's happening now. In Ezekiel 36-24 it says, I will take you out from among the heathens, gather you out of the countries, will bring you into your own land, I will put my spirit within you, cause you to walk in my statutes and keep my judgments and do them. That Ephraim, the church, is realizing their roots, they're realizing who they are, their identity. That Judah, the Jews, are realizing Yeshua as Messiah and we're becoming one in his hand. The names of the false deities are no longer on our lips. The false prophets or false preachers who taught a different gospel are no longer being tolerated. The land is being prepared for Yeshua's return. Because it tells us very clearly, Acts chapter 3, we have to go there if we're going to talk about such. In Acts chapter 3, people say, well I believe in the imminent return of Jesus. Well, let's look at that. Acts chapter 3, verse 19, it says, Make Teshuvah, or repent, and be converted in your heart. Acts chapter 3, verse 19. Make Teshuvah, therefore, and repent, and be converted in your heart, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Master Yahweh. Verse 20, And he shall send Yeshua the Messiah, whom was proclaimed before to you, whom the heavens must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which Yahweh has spoken by the mouth of all his set-apart prophets since the world began. Then it says very clearly, verse 21, that Yeshua is kept in heaven until the restoration of all things. So he has an imminent return as soon as everything is restored. He's coming back. That's Acts chapter 3, verse 21. So what's one of those things that has to be restored? The rebuilding of the house of David. Not setting up the third temple so the Antichrist can go in, but rebuilding of the house of David in Israel, the people. First Chronicles chapter 28, verse 3 says this, Yahweh says to David, You shall not build me a house for my name, because you have been a man of war, and you have shed blood. Yahweh commissioned David's son to build the physical temple. The physical temple was a picture of the people of Israel at peace. Exodus chapter 15, verse 3, it says this, Yahweh is a man of war. This means that Yahweh is building his house through his sons. First through his son, the son of David, Yeshua, and then through me and you. Aren't we heirs and joint heirs with Yeshua? We are heirs and joint heirs with him. Let's look at Revelation 21. That's an easy book to find, Revelation 21. In Hebrew, Gil Yana. Gil Yana. In the Greek, what is it? Apocalypse? Revelation 21, verse 9 and 10. Revelation 21 talks about a restored Roman church. No. It talks about a renewed heavens and earth and a new Jerusalem. Hallelujah. Coming down from heaven. So look at verse 9 and 10. And there came to me one of the seven heavenly messengers who had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying, Come here. I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great mountain. And he showed me the great city, the set-apart Jerusalem, descending out of the heavens from Yahweh. But the bride was who? Jerusalem. Jerusalem. The bride was Jerusalem. Now, Jerusalem in Hebrew, Yerushalayim, means City of Shalom. City of Peace. The bride was the City of Peace. City of Shalom. The bride was the Beit David. The house of David restored. He said, Come up here and I will show you. And he saw this restored house of David coming together, coming down, the people. The Beit David. So when we think about rebuilding the house of praise, when we talk about this, we see this is a prophecy that's taking place today in our midst as we meet right now. That the house of David is being restored. That the house of David was united under his son. It was divided by Jeroboam and Ramboam. We know that the Assyrians came and took them captive. How many would know, did the ten tribes come back? Did they ever come back? No. But two tribes came back, didn't they? Didn't they come back and rebuild with Nehemiah and Ezra, rebuilding the walls they just found? But the twelve tribes of Israel are being restored. We talked about James earlier. Turn to the book of James real quick. Turn to the book of Yaakov, not James. Anyone that doubts this, James was whose brother? Yeshua's brother. Look at how Yaakov understood Yeshua. James chapter 1. His brother, who knew this. And in James chapter 1, he says, Yaakov, James, and Evad of Yahweh, and the master of Yeshua HaMashiach, who does he write to? To the twelve tribes who were scattered abroad in the exile. That's in the King James, the way it says it. To the twelve tribes. He's writing to those dispersed in the exile. And yet, who do we know that this went to? It went to the different churches. It went to the different groups that were believing in Yeshua. The twelve tribes. I mean, isn't that amazing? But Yeshua, and it's there the whole time. Do you ever remember reading that? I never remember reading that before. But James wrote to the twelve tribes scattered abroad. And yet, we know that those twelve tribes are being restored today. They're being restored today. Amen? Amen. Alright, I guess we'll finish with Acts chapter 1. Then go back to Acts chapter 15. Acts chapter 1. Yeshua is about to ascend for good. Acts chapter 1 shows us here what was most important to Yeshua. It was the rebuilding of the house of David. Of Israel. Yeshua's getting ready to ascend. He's not going to see them anymore. He's going away. And it's kind of like going to him at his deathbed. Going to someone at their deathbed and finding out what the most important words they want to say. Their last and dying words. They come to him. And they don't ask him what the Powerball jackpot number is going to be. They don't ask him, you know, who's going to win the Superbowl. They say here, Acts chapter 1 verse 6. They had come together. They asked him saying, Master, will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And they knew that was what was important to him. And he said to them, That was important to him. It was the restoration of Israel. And it says the kingdom to Israel. Wasn't it David that was promised that his kingdom shall be forever? That the kingdom is going to be restored and is being restored. And how is the kingdom restored? As people accept Yeshua by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh. Which takes us back to where we began with Acts chapter 15. When people do accept Yeshua. When they do want to know about their Hebrew roots. What do we do? Do we go to the Torah scroll and beat them over the head with it? But we start them with these principles. And understanding that as they begin to make Torah-based decisions. As you begin to make Torah-based decisions. The house of David is being restored. And what are those Torah-based decisions? Number one, come to synagogue on Shabbat and listen to Torah. Number two, learn about kashrut and being clean or uncleanliness. Number three, sexual fornification or immorality. Stay away from that. And number four, get rid of paganism. And as we begin with these easy steps. The house of David is being restored. They sent this letter out. And it went out to the believers all over. You can read in Acts chapter 15. And yet 2,000 years later we get our Bible from the Gideons. The letter is still there. And how many of us read that? And just took it as some other verses? When that's words for us. We are returning Israel. And those tribes went out and they populated the world. And the seed was passed from generation to generation to generation. Remember it says that they were returning from the nations? That's us. We are returning as Ephraim. We're becoming one stick. The house of David. The house of David. And as we walk in that. And as we learn about that. That Yahweh is going to pour upon us. The spirit of grace and supplication. That we could pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That it would come to pass. And more and more people will accept Yahweh. Thank you again for listening to the Finding Emet radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the Emet. The truth of the scriptures. Search the Bible. Submit your prayer request. Or read an article on various subjects. The website is That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free. By submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at Emet Ministries. 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 That's Emet Ministries. 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 Thank you again for listening to Finding Emet with Daniel Rendlin. May you find the Emet. And may the Emet. May the truth set you free. Finding Emet