Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Finding Emet radio program aims to help listeners understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. It features the teachings of Brother Daniel Rintleman of Emet Ministries. The program encourages listeners to visit the Emet Ministries website for additional resources and offers free CD copies of the teachings. The current episode focuses on the story of Old Joe, a horse that was known for his speed and intelligence in fighting fires. The story of Old Joe serves as a reminder for listeners to rush to the flames of torment and rescue people. The episode then transitions to discussing Torah-based evangelism, emphasizing the importance of sharing Yeshua with others and bringing people to a personal relationship with Him. The teaching challenges common beliefs and encourages listeners to prioritize evangelism and bringing new people into their congregations. The lack of evangelism is attributed to fear and a focus on other aspects rather than the primary goal of res Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rintleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program or submit your prayer request. That's or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rintleman, as he helps us find the Emet. I want to share with you the story of Old Joe. What do we say now? Old Joe. All right. Who's ready to learn about Old Joe? Okay. It's a pleasure to get to share with you what Yahweh's been showing me for several weeks, several months. This message literally could change you. Who's ready for some change? Okay. Who's ready for some change? So this literally could change you. The truth is, many times when we hear a word, when we hear a message, we only get about 10% of it. We hear 100%, right, but 90% goes that way. We only really grab on to about 10%. I want this to be a message, not just you hear and you forget two weeks later, but something you implement in your synagogues, because it can literally change your fellowship. It can change your family. It could change your life. It could change your ministry. And we're going to find out, guess what, when we do all that, it changes our world. It's that important, what we're going to talk about today, and it's the heart of Yahweh. So it's called what? To the flames with who? Old Joe. To the flames with Old Joe. Now this title probably doesn't mean a lot to you right now, but it will when we are finished. It will mean a lot to you when we are finished. You've probably never heard of Old Joe, but I tell you that his memory lives on. His memory lives on in the city of Newberry, within the history of Newberry, and within these very walls, within this very building, the Firehouse Conference Center. You see, the story of Old Joe is that of legends. It really is. Many years ago, before they had, you know, fire trucks that would race through town, Old Joe would take the wagons. Was it a big, burly man? No, it was a horse. Well, Old Joe was a horse, of course. And he was a horse that proved himself to be the fastest and most intelligent fire horse to ever wear the reins in South Carolina. And he would take this heavy load of equipment and water to the blazing fires to help rescue people from the flames. The lives of people, the safety of this very city that you are in, depended on this horse. Old Joe. Before the time of the internet and pro football and all that stuff, communities would gather together to determine who had the fastest race horse. That's a long time ago, Don. You might remember. So they would get together and they would race their horses and to determine who had the most, the fastest and the most endurance of the horses. And the saga of Old Joe goes back to 1893. I told you you'd remember it. Old Joe was born that year, but no one thought he would amount to much. No one thought this was going to be a great horse. It was just a baby. It's just, it's just a little thing. However, when the untrained horse was given the opportunity, he excelled. It said that Old Joe took to the fire bell like a duck takes to water. Joe did so well pulling the fire wagons to the brick and dirt streets of Newberry. He was chosen to represent the community in the sporting events called Firehouse Races. And from the start, Old Joe was outstanding. He brought pride and joy to the city and across the state. I mean, this was a celebrity. In 1911, Old Joe broke state records for the fastest fire horse ever. He came within one-fifth of a second. That's like blinking your eye of beating the world's record fastest race horse that still stands today. Joe would run with speed to the flames to rescue the perishing. He would sprint with power and listen to what his master would say. And when Old Joe died in May of 1930, he was 35 years old. That's a long horse. That's an old horse. That's a dead horse. Over 300 people attended his funeral. 300 people in 1930 attended his funeral. And on that day, the fire bell was tolled 35 times. What a memory. Indeed, if you step out of this very comfort center, just walk around to the corner, you will see where Old Joe was buried. Right under the sidewalk. There's a memorial to him saying, here lies the friend of Newberry, Old Joe. Old Joe was just a horse. But yet, Old Joe raced to the flames. I tell you this story because Old Joe is a powerful reminder for us, because we are to be like Old Joe. So turn to your neighbor and say, be a horse. We're to be like Old Joe, because Joe understood what was most important. He wasn't the best looking horse. He wasn't the best horse, but he was fast and he knew what was important. But we've got to learn to be like Old Joe. To rush to the flames of torment and rescue people. But how do we do it? So for the next few minutes, we're going to talk about Torah-based evangelism. Torah-based evangelism. Not just evangelism and not just Torah, but Torah-based evangelism. Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear the word evangelism, the hairs on the back of my head stand up because I think of that TV evangelist. The big hair, I know nothing about of course, but the big hair, you know, asking for the money all the time. All of this and all of that. That's not what we're going to talk about. We're going to talk about Torah-based evangelism and challenge many of the beliefs that we've seen and we've heard from Judaism and from Messianic and from Israelites and from Christianity. The purpose of this teaching is to reveal the truth about evangelism and learn how to share Yeshua with others and go back and teach people how to do that. That when you leave here today, your ministry is different. Now you know a concrete method to go out and evangelize. Reach people for Yahweh. Because as we've heard, the day is short, the time is short, and it's time we get on fire for Him. This is not a one-time quick sermon. Think about for a minute what is most important in life. We often get confused. You know, we're good at that. Especially as rabbis. Ask three rabbis, get twelve opinions. We debate, you know, anything and everything. And yet, when it comes down to it, what was the greatest priority of Yeshua? In my special team in the book of Acts chapter one, we know what was, don't we? They came to Yeshua and they said, when are you going to tell us the lucky lotto numbers? Is that what they said? No. They said, when are you going to tell us who is going to win the Super Bowl? Who's going to win the election? No. They said, when are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel? And you know what Yeshua said? He said, go learn from the Jews how to wear your head covering and your deep-Z and this and that. No, He didn't. He said, it's not for you to know the times or the feasts or the seasons. He said, don't worry and focus so much on this part. Focus on this part. But what do we do? We focus on this. We got the calendars and the shmalenders and this and that. And He said, you shall receive power. Who wants the power of Yahweh in their life? Who wants the power? Well, guess what? If you want the power, what does it say? You've got to be His witnesses. Uh-oh, uh-oh. He says, go and you will receive power. The nation of Israel is restored as people accept Yeshua as their Messiah. Yeshua came for the lost. Did He not? And you know, I've got an easy way for you to explain this to people. Someone says, well, I'm a Christian. I don't believe in all that Israel stuff. Say, great. So you're born again, you're saved. Yes, okay. Well, Yeshua said, I came to save only the lost sheep of the house of Israel. So if you are saved, that means you are what? One of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. That's pretty simple. Only. That was why He came. Why do you think we are to go? We know that Israel was scattered throughout the world. We know this. Yet, we also need to recognize and understand that the nation is restored as lost sheep not only find their shepherd, but join the flock of Israel. That's how the lost sheep are restored. They're not, I'm sorry, but they're not necessarily restored when it's just, you know, a bunch of Ephraimites or a bunch of, you know, bad that decide to wear a talit and blow a shofar. And I don't know about you, but that's where most of our growth in our ministry has been. Okay, excuse me, that's where 100% of our growth in our ministry has been. We are fishing from the bad to seer. You know what I'm talking about? Forget about the rest of them. So let me ask you, who do you know that isn't saved? That right now, this very day, what family members? What children you may have? Who do you work with that doesn't have a personal relationship with Yeshua? I'm not talking about keeping Torah. They're going to do that after they accept it. I'm talking about accepting Yeshua for who He truly is. Who do you know? Let me ask you this. Who have you shared the gospel of the kingdom with and brought a revelation of His blood with over the past three months, six months, year, two years, leaders? What new people have come into your congregation because you led them to Yeshua? You presented the best I wrote, the gospel. And they repented of their sins and they joined your fellowship. I'm sorry, but most of us would have to say we are lacking in that area. And this is stepping on my toes as much as it is yours. And one big reason why we've not done this, we've not shared the truth, the event with people, do you know why? It's because we're scared of evangelism. Because all we know is what the church has taught us. And I'm going to tell you something very clear. I've been scared to evangelize people because I did not want to convert them to Christianity. I didn't want them to have a faith void of Torah. And I felt like all this other stuff I was learning was more important. So I'm busy. I've got to go there. I'm getting my suntan from the Internet computer screen. Spending all my time there instead of working the highways and byways for Yahweh. So if that's you, and I think it is, we're going to learn what is and what is not Torah-based evangelism. We all know that the word Torah means what? Help me out. What does Torah mean? Loving instructions? What else? Come on, Baccharo Baptists, what else does it mean? What does it mean? It's instructions? If you look it up in the Strongs, it actually says instruction in the Messianic age. The Torah is Yahweh's Word for us. We know this. This is what Yahweh wants. To have Torah-based evangelism. Evangelism. If you could define it with one word. Love. Amen. So does that mean if you're not evangelizing and sharing Torah with someone and sharing a shoe with them that you don't love them? Probably. It probably does. It's not a New Testament concept. Everybody say not. Evangelism is not a New Testament concept. It was the calling of Israel, Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. Deuteronomy 4.8. And yet we're scared to share with the person who takes our money as we pay for our gasoline, the love of Yahweh. Let's talk about what is not the gospel. Now we've been told that this is the gospel. You ready? Jesus Christ loves you. He died. He wants to give you love, joy, peace, fulfillment, everlasting happiness. He wants to fill that God-shaped void in your life. Anyone here ever said that? Show of hands. Come on. We're all guilty. Have we not? Those very words. Let me tell you something. The gospel is not Jesus loves you. I'm going to even say something else. The gospel is not Jesus died on the cross for your sins. It's not. Repeat this prayer after me, brother. Say this prayer so I can get a number. I've got another notch I need to have. Today, mainstream Christianity promotes the gospel of blessing, peace. What would they talk about? Torah? No. They talk about judgment? No. They talk about, oh, say this prayer, sow the seed, right? You'll be okay. Everything's going to be alright. That's not the gospel. This is offensive, but this is the truth. Are you ready? Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins is the wrong message. That's the wrong message. And our brothers and sisters have the wrong message. Do you know why? It's very simple. The Word tells us why it's the wrong message. The preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish. They've heard it before. They know. It's foolishness to them. They've tried that Jesus thing before. You know what I'm saying? We met a guy last night. I'm sorry, but I had to leave for a minute and grab something to drink, and we went over there to the gas station. This guy stopped us. He saw our head covering, by the way. He stopped us from that. And he was there just trying to get money to buy a beer. He told us that. And we got to talking. He said, oh yeah, I've been saved. I've done the Jesus thing. I've read that. I've read the Koran. I've done this, and I've done that. He knew the message. It's foolishness to them that perish. Torah-based evangelism promotes the true gospel of the Kingdom. Not man's Kingdom, but Yahweh's Kingdom. And it's not about converting people to Christianity. Yeshua began to preach. Here's what His message. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He never went to someone and He never said, Jesus loves you, say this prayer. He said, repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Yet what do we hear out there? We've got this greasy gospel message. Greasy grace. Say anything, do anything, just slide on into Heaven. Oh, you're okay now. Those who accept Messiah must submit to His Kingdom rule. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. That is the gospel of the Kingdom. Amen? The Kingdom of Heaven is here. It's a message of obedience. 1 John 2.4. If you say, well, I know God. If you even say, I know Yahweh. But you do not keep His commandments, do you know what? You are a liar. And the truth is not in you. So we've got a lot of friends and family out there that say, oh, I know God. I know the law. Well, do you keep His commandments? What commandments? This is a true type of evangelism that contains the message of the Tanakh. Isaiah 52.7. Can we read it together? How beautiful upon the mountains of the feet of them that bringeth good tidings, that publishes peace, that brings good tidings of good, that publishes salvation, that says unto Zion, Thy Elohim reign. How beautiful. Are your feet beautiful? If you're not taking them, if your feet are not shot at the preparation of the gospel of peace, then they're sanken. They're ugly. So we need to do what? Wash our feet. Clean them up. And understand that they are to be beautiful. Beautiful. It's amazing here that the word there for bringeth good tidings is the Hebrew word basar. Do you know what basar is in Hebrew? Flesh. Flesh. Translated over 200 something times as flesh. In the book of Genesis where it says the two shall become one flesh, it says the two shall become basar echad. The two shall become one flesh. What does that mean? Our feet are beautiful when we go and share the flesh of Yahweh Yeshua. That Yahweh came in His own flesh. He came in His own flesh to show us His way. He is the Word made flesh. Not come join our church. Or, you know, we're having bingo night at the Catholic. Sorry, I'm not even going there. This is Torah based evangelism. It's taking the good news that Yahweh came for us. The Gospel is not about having a bunch of conversions. A few years ago, 14, 15 years ago, we did a hell house at our church. It was fun, I have to say. Two years in a row. We had a hell house. It was a two story church. And below was different rooms of death. And you would walk in the first room and we had a homosexual funeral going on. I was the demon, by the way, that led them through. Can you believe I was a demon? Anyway, so I was the demon that led them through. Watch it now. So I was the demon that led them through. First was a homosexual funeral. The next room was a live abortion taking place. We had medical equipment. We had a sheet up. We had blood squirting. We had a lady screaming. We had body parts coming out. The next room was a Columbine shooting. And as they were walking from room to room, you saw the gunners and you heard the guns. The next room was a car crash. We had a front end of a car. It's probably still in that Sunday school classroom to this day. I don't know how we got it there. The next room was child abuse. You actually saw a mother slapping her daughter. The next room was hell itself. It was dark. It was dirty. It was hot. We had these ghouls come out and drag this person away that was begging for mercy. And then all of a sudden, beating at the door was this angel that rescued them out of hell and took them to heaven. And there in heaven, guess what? We told them, God has a wonderful plan for your life. He wants to give you love, joy, peace. You don't want all this mess. And heaven was beautiful. We had gold. We took cotton and put it up on the walls so we had clouds. Do you know the big chair the preacher sits in on Sunday morning? We had that down there. That was our BEMA theater show. And we had bubbles. We had a bubble machine. You've got to have bubbles in heaven, right? Okay? We had a bubble machine. The first year, we led 600 people to Jesus. The next year, there was standing room only outside. The lines began a year before we began. We were in the front page of the newspaper. Talk of the town. Eight hundred people accepted Him. We even had follow-up upstairs. We rushed them upstairs out of heaven to the church because that's where, you know, same thing. Heaven's just an eternal church service, right? And so they go upstairs and we had follow-up with them. We got their name, their address, their phone number. Fourteen hundred conversions in two years. Not a single person ever came back to a worship service. Not a single one. Do you tell me that's the right message? We were trying to scare the hell out of them. That didn't even work. But think about it. Today, Hasidic Judaism has their own type of evangelism, don't they? They've got their Mitzvah mobiles. They go out. They encourage Jewish people. We'll even convert you messianics. That's not the gospel. Torah-based evangelism does this. It does trust Yahweh to bring the harvest. It shares the main precepts of our faith. And I'm going to show you how to share that in five minutes or less. The importance of Torah. The salvation in the name of Yahweh. The sacred name of Yeshua. And the Islamic beast of end times. That's Torah-based evangelism. That's Torah-based evangelism. And it's not just the job of the preacher, the rabbi, or the evangelist. We have each been called to teach Torah evangelism to each other and to encourage our people. If we need a prayer night, we need an outreach night as well. Yeshua said, go into all the world and preach the gospel of the good news that Bethel wrote to all the creatures. Cats, dogs, horses. All the creatures. Find your creature in practice when we get done today, okay? I did not mean Rabbi Jimmy. I didn't mean him. He's not a creature. He's okay. I'm joking. All right. It's all right. This is all of us. We've all been called. And we know this. Imagine for a minute you're at your front house, front yard, and you're just standing there and there's some kids across the street. They're playing in the road. Just on the side of the road. Just the edge. You know where the sand is. My kids are attracted to that. It's like a magnet to them. You know what I'm talking about? So they're playing there. And all of a sudden, you hear this squeaking wheels. Here comes an SUV peeling down, headed straight for those children. Are you just going to sit there, drink your mint juice, and just have a good time? Oh, I know what. You'll sit there and sound the shofar, or you'll tie your zig-zag, keep reading your Torah book. No. You, Rabbi, have an obligation to rush out to save them, to yell out to save them, to reach out to save them. You see the impending danger, and you do something about it. Now, if you would do that for your kids, if you don't want them to be oil spots in the road, what about the eternal life of those around us? What about that? We choose not to see it. We choose not to see it. The story is told of George Phillips. This is actually a true story from Meridian, Mississippi. He was going to bed one night. His wife told him they'd left the light on in the garden shed, so she could see from the bedrooms. He goes downstairs. He opens the back door. He goes to cut it off, and he sees that there are people stealing from him in his shed. So George did what we would all have done, right? He locked the door real quick, and he called 9-1-1. Well, most of you would have shot him, but he called 9-1-1. He called 9-1-1, and he told them what was going on. He said, Well, sir, I'm sorry, but all patrols are busy right now. We'll get there as soon as someone is available. He hung up the phone. He counted to 30. One, two, three, four, five. He called back. He said, Hey, I just called. He said, You don't have to worry about the people stealing things from my shed. I just shot them all. He hung up the phone. Within five minutes, within five minutes, there were six police cars, a SWAT team, a helicopter, two fire trucks, and paramedics were all on the scene at Phillips Residence wondering what was going on. They caught the burglars red-handed. One of the policemen said, What's going on? I thought you said you shot them. George said, No, you said you were busy. You might clap, but you know what? It's us. We're too busy. We're too busy. The great commission becomes the great omission. All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me, and I give it to you. Now sit and study Torah. That's got to be part. You know what? That's what Shabbat's for. And rabbis, we're the teachers. We're the leaders. We've got to be careful. Just living our life for Yahweh is not enough. We have to have concern enough to speak up. We have all been called to be fishers of men. So turn to your neighbor and say, I'm a fisherman. I'm a fisherman. Come on now. Do you know something about that? When Yeshua went up to them and said, Come, I'm going to make you fishers of men, the Word says that they immediately forsook their nets and followed Him. Immediately. They didn't say, wait a minute, I've got to know what your halachah is on this. Right? They didn't say, well, rabbi, wait a minute, what do you think about this? They immediately went. I know people and I know myself. I wanted to know what I was talking about before I shared it with anyone. But when I first came out, you know what? I didn't have the questions, much less the answers. So we have got to get on fire and understand that fishers of men, your congregation is a bunch of fishermen. And you need to go out and teach them how to fish. And they might not have all the answers, but they're not going to learn it sitting down. You learn it in the field. When was the last time you went fishing? And I'm not talking about for crappie. Or bass. Or marlin. I'm talking about for people. Most people have never heard the good news of Yahweh. This message that God has a wonderful plan for your life is not the truth. Now, come. Let us reason together. Rabbi Carlos, you've got a friend. You know he's going to die tomorrow. You have a dream tonight that says he's going to die. When the clock strikes 11 a.m., he's going to die. Would you go to him and say, Brother, Yahweh has a wonderful plan for your life. Would you say that to him? He's getting ready to die. Think about it. Does God have a wonderful plan for his life? No. If he's going to die tomorrow, he might have a plan for the kingdom. So if the wonderful life message doesn't fit for him, is it true? What's the truth? The kingdom of heaven is here now. You need to accept the king and his rulership. It brings repentance and it leads people to a faith based in Torah. Many people will say, Lord, Lord, I did this. I did that. He says, depart from me, you workers of iniquity, with the false gospel, for I never knew you. Torah based evangelism uses the Torah for its original intention. What is that? Why did Yahweh give us Torah? It's to bring knowledge of sin and to show us how to live. 1 John 3-4, what does it say? Sin is transgression of Torah. That's one reason why it was given to us. It's to show sin and then to point us to the Savior. That's the purpose. To show us how to live and then to reveal our sinfulness. Now we know we're not saved. We're not born again because we do more mitzvot than somebody else does. We accept Yeshua and we follow Him. Even the Jews need Yeshua. Amen? Let's make that clear. Yeshua went to Nicodemus. That was a Pharisee. The Torah, specifically the Ten Commandments is Yahweh's standard for righteousness. That's what He expects of people. And when people don't obey, what is that called? Sin. Sin. 1 Yochanan 3-4 That's what sin is. Define sin. You might ask a Baptist what sin is. What are they going to say? Drinking, smoking, having sex. You know, that's sin. You didn't hear that last part. But the Torah shows us our true need. Now I like this verse from the King James. I like Rabbi Moshe's translation, but I wanted to bring this one to your attention. Because it says the Torah was our schoolmaster to bring us to Yeshua. That's what the Torah is. And we must allow the Torah to be used for its purpose. To bring people to Yeshua. Many times we're too scared to share Torah with anybody. Rabbi Shaul said, I had not known sin, but by the Torah. That doesn't mean the Torah is sinful. It means that Torah brings knowledge of sin. That's why most of the church doesn't realize they're in sin. Because they don't follow Torah. They don't read Torah. It's fairy tales. It's bedtime stories. By the commandment, sin became exceedingly sinful. The more Torah you know, the more sin you realize you have. Isn't that right? And let me tell you something. The more we walk in this faith, and the stronger we get with Yahweh, the more we realize we have to have Yeshua. Because we can't do it. But we have to use the Torah in its right way. Why was it given? It was the standard for living. We've got to share it. And it brings people to the conscious realization that they are a sinner. The schoolmaster. I remember in school, as I was growing up, I had a teacher that was really mean, I thought. But do you know what it was? She was strict and she cared about me. Do you care about the people that you know? The people that you see? Or do you just see them, oh, I'm in a hurry. I've got to do this. I've got to do that. We know that if we break one command, we've broken them all. Right? Yaakov tells us that. Whosoever shall break one commandment is guilty of them all. So the Torah, when it's used properly, stops people from rationalizing their goodness. Rom. 3.19 We know that whatsoever things the Torah says, it says to stop them who are under the Torah. To stop their mouths from saying, I'm a good person. Because you know what? Compared to Yahweh's Torah, you're not a good person. I think you're a good person. But compared to Yeshua, our righteousness is as filthy rags. That's the truth. There is none good but the Father. And the Torah shows us this. And it shows people their guilt. That's why people get offended. That's why the church gets offended when we share Torah. Because the Ruach HaKodesh is convicting them. And do you know what they do? They see us and they take it out on us. We become the target because the Ruach is working on them. We are the visible representation of the message. Therefore, there's where the bullseye is. Because of the conviction of the Ruach. We are all guilty. By the Torah is the knowledge of sin. Rom. 3.20 It shows us how we are to live. So what do we do then? Do we just beat people down with it? Do we get our Torah scroll and just start whacking them on the side of the head? Or do we share it in love? And do we bring it down to their level? I guarantee if you go to someone and say, Brother, thou art a sinner. Where are your tassels? They're going to look at you like they do now. Like you're crazy. Meshuggah for Yahoshua, right? Come on, right? The wages of sin is what? Death. Hebrews 9.27 It is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. I'm sorry, there is no Gilgal. There is no recycling. There is no reincarnation. Galilee commands all men to repent. It is a commandment. Because there is a judgment day coming. Don't we know this? I want you to get it in you today. Like fire burning in your bones. Judgment day is coming. Now, I'm not standing out there for big old signs. Judgment day is coming. Repent. Repent. But hello, leaders. It's coming. And Yahshua's death paid the price. Amen? We receive eternal life after we accept Yahshua through Him and move on through faith. So the Torah is used to show us our sinfulness, but then what do we do? What good is Torah after salvation? It's the path of a straightened arrow. It's the gospel of the kingdom. Now, we're really good. Most of us are really good at discipling people once they're saved. You know? They're searching for their Hebrew roots. Oh, yeah, come on over. I'll teach you Torah. I'll teach you Shabbat. Say the blessing this way. But what about those who don't know? Don't you think it's easier to start with a clean slate than it is with somebody that's brainwashed or got some other ideas? This is one of the most powerful verses you will ever hear. The Torah of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul. Say it with me. The Torah of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul. Proverbs 19.7 Yahweh's Word converts us. First at salvation, and then from glory to glory every day as we follow the Torah. The Torah of Yahweh is perfect. As we walk with Him, we are converted into His image. So we've talked about true gospel, what it is, what it's not, the purpose of Torah. We're all called to be fishers of men. Israel was restored as people were born again. The word here for converting the soul is the Hebrew word shuv. Like teshuvah. Like if we're doing a dance and the dance leader says shuv, you all start going this way. But if she says shuv, you go this way. You stick your left foot in. You stick your left foot out. You stick your left foot in and you shake it all about. No hokey pokey. Okay. That was just for you, sister. Alright. Shuv. It means to turn and return. Return. Get back to the Garden of Eden. Get back to the way relationship was supposed to be. You have the most powerful tool to convert someone's soul in your hands, at your tables. The restoration Scriptures, the Torah of Yahweh, and yet, sadly, we're like a guy going to the army to the battlefield and we never take our gun out to fight. Torah is the path for people to realize their sinfulness and then accept Yahshua. Too many times we go to them and say, well, come on over. Yeah, accept this or that. And they're never brought to the realization that they are a sinner. Torah-based evangelism starts with Torah to convert their soul and continues with Torah to convert their soul. So now what? How are you going to take this back to your people? How are you going to walk out of here today and say, you know what? The lady at the front counter is a skeleton. Judgment Day is coming for her. And I have a moral obligation to reach her for Yahshua. Why? Because she's across your path. We don't know how many Yahweh-ordained encounters He has for us. Many times because we're not looking for Him. We're on our way to blockbuster. We're taking our kids here. We're babysitting. We're doing that. We're preparing for Shabbat. And we never say, Yahweh, open my eyes today. Show me someone that I can share Your Torah-based evangelism with. It's time, leaders, that we realize that growth doesn't have to come from within. It can come from without. Outside of the church walls. For people that don't know Yahweh don't know Yahshua. And it begins with sharing the Torah. Look at Gokanon 4. For the example of Yahshua. Torah-based evangelism. How did Yahshua evangelize people? Ask Yahweh for opportunities. Speak up. Get rid of the fear. Go fishing. Find a sinner and practice. Find a saint and practice. How do we do Torah-based evangelism? Gokanon 4. We know the story. Verse 7, there came a woman. She's thirsty. She wants to draw water. And Yahshua said, Can I have something to drink? Hey, you got 50 cents? I can put it in the Coke machine. Okay, probably $1.25. $1.25 for a Coke. Can you imagine that? God remembers when they were in nickel. Wow. Really? You do? Okay. Alright. Sorry. He says, I'm thirsty. Give me something to drink. Because the disciples are going to buy food. And the woman says, Hey, what is this? You're a Yehudi. You're a Jew. And you want a drink from me? I'm a woman from Shomron, from Samaria. You don't have any dealings with us. Yahshua answered her and said, If you knew the gift of Eloah, and who it is it says to you, give me a drink, you would have asked him. And he would have given you living water by him. The woman said, Master, you don't have a bucket. The well is deep. From where do you have this living by him? Are you greater than our father, Yaakov, who gave us this well and drank from it himself and his children and his cattle? Yahshua answered and said to her, Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again. But whoever drinks of the water that I give him shall never thirst. But the water of Mayim I give him shall be under him, a Mayim springing up into everlasting life. The woman says, Hey, I want some of this. Yahshua said, verse 16, Call your husband and come here. The woman said, I have no husband. Yahshua said, Ah, well said. You don't have a husband, you liar, for you have had five husbands. And one of them you have now is not your husband. What you have said is eminent. It's truth. And He said, The time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. This is the example of Torah-based evangelism. Do you know why? Because Yahshua is the living Torah and He's evangelizing. You got it? Say, I got it. Alright. Look at verse 7. The first thing He did was He began in the natural. He said, Can I have something to drink? You say, How are you doing? That means you've got to be nice. Some of you aren't very nice sometimes. You've got to be nice, right? Now that's hard. Because I don't know about you, but I like Torah. Me and the Torah get along well. Me and the Shofar, we don't fight. We don't argue. We get along really good. But it's the people that cause the pain and the problems. We've got to get out of that and we've got to be nice and we've got to speak up. Hey, it's a great day today. Have you seen the latest news? Let's talk about that. How's your day going? You've got to bring it in the natural and begin talking. You can use Bethlehem Road or Gospel Tracts for this, which we're in the process of developing some sacred name tracts right now. Do you live around here? That's a good question. Second, let's look at verse 10. Yeshua said, if you knew the gift Eloi had, you would ask for it. He swung the conversation to the spiritual realm. He immediately, on purpose, talked about spiritual things. You know, most of us could say, hey, how you doing? How's it going, buddy? Good to see you. Am I treating you good? Praise, yada, yada, yada. And we never talk about anything spiritual. And there's a skeleton if he doesn't know Yeshua. Judgment Day. So, hey, do you have a Christian background? Here's a good one. I love this one. Are you ready? Do you know of any good churches around here? That gets the conversation going, doesn't it? Did you go to church this past week? That opens a good door. Or give them one of these tracts and say, did you get one of these? Look at verse 16 through 18. Yeshua said, call your husband. Tell him to come here. Tell him to come here. He says, oh, I don't have a husband. Oh, that's right. You've got five. He begins to use the Torah to bring conviction of her sin. Thou shalt not commit adultery. She had a few more. Yeshua used the Torah to bring knowledge of sin. He started in the natural. He swung to the supernatural. And then He used the Torah in the right way. He helped the person realize that they needed salvation, that they were a sinner. And then He said what? Look at the next part. Believe me, the hour comes when neither you shall worship on this mountain nor at Yerushalayim. He says that true worship... What's true worship? Torah obedience is now. That's Torah-based evangelism. That is Torah-based evangelism. So how do you remember it? How do you take it back to people and say, Yeah, we talked about Torah-based evangelism. Yeah, we talked about this. Oh, the food was good too. We had a good conference. I met some nice people. It was fun. You saw lots of deep sea. I want to teach you a way that you can remember this. Who can remember the word Torah? Torah. Everybody say Torah. Torah. Who can remember the word Torah? How do you spell it? Spell it with me. T-O-R-A-H Each one of those letters stands for the way to share your faith with someone. And that person may be a Christian. That person may be an Israelite. They may be a Muslim. They may be a Yehudim. They may be a New Ager. They may be whatever. It doesn't matter. It works. The same method that I'm going to share with you today works no matter what their background is, no matter what their faith is, no matter what they know or don't know or what they think they know. You can even evangelize some preachers with it. Through the word Torah, you can teach your congregation how to share Yeshua. T stands for talk. It's pretty simple. Write it down. Talk about the end times. Talk about what's happening. There's famine. There's shortages. There's wars. There's natural disasters. Talk to them and bring to their attention what's happening in the world with Israel, with Iran. Begin on that physical plane and then turn it into a spiritual matter. Talk to them about what's going on. That's pretty easy, isn't it? Talk. It means you've got to speak up. You've got to get rid of the fear. But tell them, I like this, T is symbolic for time is short. Time is short. We might have one year. We might have 50 years. We might have 300 years. We might have 7 years. Time is short. Time is short. Talk to them. Let them know. Let them know. Shoshanna, you have a biblical moral obligation to tell them time is short. Right, Chris? Time is short. That's what T stands for. O stands for, well, brother, on a scale of 1 to 10, do you consider yourself to be a good person? Ask them. Time is short. You know, things are really crazy. Did you see the latest news? I mean, Obama might get elected. We know the end is coming. That was supposed to be a joke. Sorry. So, Sam, on a scale of 1 to 10, do you consider yourself to be a good person, like 10 being just perfect or so? Yeah, most people. What are they going to say? 6 or 7, 7 or 8? Because in their mind, guess what? In their mind, you know, they don't rob banks. They don't go crazy. They don't kill anyone. Talk to them about that. Yeah, they're pretty good. I'd say I'm a 5 or 6. I'm pretty good. So, R. This is the next part. This is key. So, O stands for on a scale of 1 to 10. T stands for what? Time is short. Talk to them, right? O stands for on a scale of 1 to 10. And R stands for, remember the Ten Commandments? And you know what? They'll say, sure, and they won't remember half of them. Because most people, you know, they learned it in Sunday school and that was it. You can simply share because they're familiar with the Ten Commandments. Remember the Ten Commandments? Well, this is the almighty standard for goodness. This is what Yahweh, the Almighty, expects of people. Have you kept them all perfectly? You can use other commandments. The Ten are just easy to remember, aren't they? Christians know them. Muslims know them. I mean, they used to be taught in schools. They used to be displayed. People know the Ten Commandments. And this is where the conversation is important because this is where you will use the Torah to bring conviction of their sin. Remember the Ten Commandments? Yeah. Well, what's one of the Ten Commandments? Just begin to talk to them about the Ten Commandments. Share with them if you think they've kept the Ten Commandments perfectly. You can bring their sinfulness to light and recognize and realize that they are a sinner. So you say, hey, Ray, we're going to practice. You ready? Stand up for me. How's it going? Going good. All right. My name's Daniel. Great. All right. What are you doing here today? Just hanging out. Yeah, cool. I like that shirt. That's pretty cool. Soul of what? Truth. Truth. All right. That's pretty neat. So are you a Christian? Yeah. Great. Awesome. So you've been watching the news and see what's going on with Israel? Yeah. A lot of bombs and fighting. Does that concern you at all? Not really. No? Not a big deal for you? No. You know, time is short. As you read in the Bible, you see what's happening in the book of Revelation. Israel plays a major part in that. So that's pretty good. So you say you're a Christian. So let me ask you, on a scale of one to ten, I don't cheat. I don't steal. I don't kill nobody. I'm okay. Five, six, seven. Okay. Awesome. Awesome. That's a big range there, isn't it? Wow. You know the Ten Commandments if you're a Christian. You know what's going on. Yeah. The Ten Commandments says do not steal. Have you ever stolen something? Yeah. Ever in your life? Yeah, I have. So when he steals, what does that make him? A bad person. What does that make him really? A really bad person. Oh, come on. Think about it. If somebody steals, what are they? He's a thief. He's a stealer, right? He's a thief. There you go. All right. So that's interesting. What about a lie? Have you ever told a lie before? Yeah. Don't lie to me. I have. All right. So if he lies, what do you call him? A liar. Is he a liar? Yeah. Wow. All right. The Bible says... Don't make me feel too bad. Oh, I'm sorry. No, I am. The Bible says in Matthew verses 27 through 29, it says that, you know, do not commit adultery. And if you look upon a woman with lust in your eyes, that you've already committed adultery with her. Have you ever looked upon a woman that way? I'm really bad. Wow. So, Ray, what you're telling me is, you are a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart. And you face judgment. On judgment day, you're going to stand before the Almighty, and He's going to judge you according to His standard. That's His standard. I never thought about it like that. Yeah. So, do you know what He's done for that? I know you said that you're a Christian, but we've got to understand that the Almighty sent His own Son in His own flesh to come and rescue you from that judgment. And His name is Yeshua. Have you ever heard that name before? Yeshua. I thought it was Jesus. Ah, aha. And then we get to talking. Great job. Give Him a hand, everybody. Great job. He could be an actor. He plays a great sinner. The Torah is a lamp and a light unto our path. It lights up their sinfulness. People recognize they're a sinner. And when you share this with someone, you begin to see it on their face. I love doing this with my kids and it's like... It stops them in their tracks. Because that's what Torah does. It burns in their soul and they recognize, you know what? I've messed up on just these three. Much less the rest of the 613. So you ask someone, have you ever told a lie? What does that make you? Have you ever stolen something? Even something small? What does that make you? What does it make you? It's easy to remember. These are just some of the commandments. You can even go into about... I have no other idols before me. What do you think about God? Well, I think He's good in this and that. Here's what the Bible says. The Bible says that having hatred in your heart is equal to committing murder. Have you ever hated somebody before? The Bible says you actually committed murder that day. And that whoever is angry with his brother shall be in the danger of judgment. The book of Corinthians tells us that no thief will have their place in the Kingdom of Heaven. Revelation says that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. You don't have to beat them over the head wondering where's this, where's that. And then finally, Galatians 3.10. Can we read it together? Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all the things written in the Torah to do them. The standard of Yahweh, of Torah, is a mirror. And it helps people realize what they've done. The problem is, most of evangelism today doesn't use the mirror. They just say, here's a brush, comb your hair. They don't use the mirror. Matthew 5.27-29 If you've looked upon a woman with lust in your heart, then we know that can have other meanings. That's sinner. It's very simple. They're an adulterer, a liar, a thief, a murderer at heart, and Yahweh will judge them. So what does the A stand for? What's T stand for? Time is short, right? Talk to them. On a scale of 1-10, what about R? Remember the Ten Commandments. A. Are you going to Heaven when you die? That's real simple. So what you're telling me here is that you're a lying, thieving, adulterer. So let me ask you, are you going to Heaven when you die? Right? You're a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart. Are you going to Heaven when you die? And they're probably going to say, I hope so. Are you going to Heaven when you die? And then it stands for A. Are you concerned about this? Because most people just live their life. They're not really concerned about it until something bad happens. 9-1-1 or somebody dies. Somebody eats my cooking. Something happens. And then they're concerned about it. Are you concerned about this? Are you going to Heaven when you die? Or will you perish? And are you concerned about this? So we got that? It's pretty simple to remember. Does this concern you? What's your plan? What's your plan? The Torah provokes the conscience of people. It tells us this in Romans 2. A also stands for Are you keeping the commands of Torah? Are you going to Heaven when you die? Well, let me ask you, are you keeping the commands of Torah? Because the Bible says if you don't keep the commands of Torah, you're a liar and the truth is not in you. Are you keeping the commands of Torah? Oh, I understand that you are a Christian, but did you know that we have come to know Him and love Him as we obey His commands? This is the love of Yahweh that we obey His commands. His commands are not grievous. Finally, H. H stands for Have you heard of Yeshua or Yahweh? Have you heard the sacred name, the true name of Yeshua or Yahweh? T stands for time is short. Talk to them about the Islamic beast. On a scale of 1 to 10, bring it down to them. Let them see their sinfulness. Let them then begin to realize that. They see the Ten Commandments as they go through that. So, have you heard of the name of Yahweh Yeshua? It says, Acts 2.21 Anyone who calls upon the name of Yahweh will be saved. Have they heard of the name? Through this Word and through repenting, that person can call upon the name of Yeshua and be born again. And when you encourage them to read their Bible, not start in John as I used to say, but in Genesis. Hit them in Restoration Scriptures. Invite them to Shul. You might meet someone and never see them again. Sorrow works repentance. You do not have to lead them in the sinner's prayer. Did you know that? If they are sorry, they will know what to say. I don't have to tell my kids. Now repeat after me. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit my brother. They know what they did wrong. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have picked up the iron and threw it at you. Allow the person to accept Yeshua on their own. Then tell them, look, this is Torah-based evangelism. Go and sin no more. Learn what Torah is. So, two reviews to conclude. Time is short. On a scale of one to ten, remember the Ten Commandments. Are you going to heaven when you die? And have you heard of the name of Yahweh? That's how you can teach your people how to evangelize. According to Torah. Call it the real way of the Master. Time is short. On a scale of one to ten, remember the Ten Commandments. Are you going to heaven when you die? And have you heard of the name of Yahweh? That's it. This is Torah-based evangelism. Catching fish doesn't happen by accident, does it? I've never seen a fish jump out of the water, clean itself, and into the frying pan. Have you? I've seen it jump out of the water. But to catch a fish, you've got to decide to go fishing. You've got to prepare, and then you've got to set your mind on it and be patient and go. So what's holding you back? Let me ask you. Brother Skip? If you were given $1,000, Brother Gary, for each time you shared your faith, Torah-based evangelism with someone, Althea? Shane? Would you do it more? Pastor Hattie? I don't know about you. I would. I'm just honest. And yet, Yahweh offers us so much more. So much more. This is a powerful statement. The problem is not with the harvest, but with the workers. The problem is not with the harvest, but with the workers. He said, pray that the Father will send workers for the harvest. He did not say pray that the harvest would be ready for the workers. He said pray that people would go out. That is in it. We've got to remember the story of Old Joe. Rushed to the flames. Old Joe's buried under there. The town shut down that day. We were a one-horse town. But it lives on. So let me ask you. Will your ministry focus on what's most important? It was important to Yeshua. He said, Go ye in all to the world. We all want more power, don't we? We all want the power of the Ruach. It comes as we go forward as His witnesses. Let's read this final verse together. Let Him know that He who turns the sinner from the errors of his direct shall save a being from death and shall even wipe out a multitude of sins. Abba Yahweh, may this be met in us. As we say, Amen. May it be so. B'Shem Yeshua. Amen. Find Emet Thank you again for listening to the Finding Emet radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. Search the Bible. Submit your prayer request. Or read an article on various subjects. The website is That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. That's Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding Emet with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the Emet. And may the Emet, may the truth set you free.