Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Finding Emet radio program aims to help listeners understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. It features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman and offers various resources on their website, including a free online Bible search program and the opportunity to submit prayer requests. The program emphasizes the importance of studying and appreciating all parts of the Torah, even those that may seem boring or unnecessary, as they hold valuable lessons and examples for believers today. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. That's, or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. This teaching is called The Journey of Faith. Now we all know that it's easy to skim through names or genealogies or journeys while we're reading the scriptures. I remember when I was back in the Baptist church, I pretty much skipped through all the Old Testament and got right to the book of John, because it was fairy tales, it was older stories, bedtime stories, it was things that I thought didn't pertain to me. But yet in this restoration of Israel, the restoration of Torah... Thank you again for listening to the Finding Emet radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the Emet, the truth of the scriptures, search the Bible, submit your prayer request, or read an article on various subjects. The website is That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website, or write to us at Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, South Carolina, 29108. That's Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, South Carolina, 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding Emet with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the Emet, and may the Emet, may the truth, set you free. We're coming to understand that all of Torah is for us. Who would agree that all of Torah is for us? If so, raise your right hand. Your other right, Michael. Your other right. There you go. So if you believe that all of Torah is for us, everybody say, that's me. That's me. Alright, so if you believe that all of Torah is for us, and all of Torah is for you, that includes even the boring or mundane or what we consider to be unnecessary sections. So if we look at Exodus chapter 6, verses 15 through 22, some exciting reading here. And the sons of Simeon, Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman. These are the families of Simon, Simeon. Wow. Verse 16. These are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations. Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. And the years of the life of the Levi were 130 and 7 years. And the sons of Gershon, Leboni, and Shimei according to their families. Verse 18. Anybody asleep yet? And the sons of Kohath, Amram, and Izar, and Hebron, and Uziel, and the life of the years of the Kohath were 130 and 3. And the sons of Merari, Mali, and Mushi, and the families of the Levites according to their generations. Verse 19. Now let's be honest. That doesn't really build up our soul the very instant we don't get Holy Ghost goosebumps when we hear that. There are those who do not study Torah, who do not even open the Tanakh, because they don't feel it the very minute they do it. Have you ever heard of that? Ever seen that before? You hear your reading and we might skim over some of that. However, when we do so, we're missing some things. Often, maybe not, but often, even sometimes the messages, the sermons, the teachings we hear, a little boring, make us yawn. Make us like, come on, get on with it. You said the same thing 4,000 times or whatever. Or we skip through, we read through it, and we're like, gosh, I've got to get to the good stuff. Let's just keep going. Oh, here we go. Somebody killed somebody. That's good. So what do you do when it gets boring? What do you do when it gets mundane? When it's like, oh, we've got to read the Torah portion again? Oh, we're going to say that liturgy again? Oh, we're going to sing that praise and worship song again? Well, you keep going. And you experience it. And you find the goodness in it. Now, I've come up with a little list of fun things to do during a boring sermon. So this is some ideas for you, especially Eli and Jedediah, to help you today if it gets a little boring. Are you ready? You could see if a yawn is really contagious. Haven't we all heard that? OK. Slap your neighbor. There you go. Now, see if they turn the other cheek. And if not, raise your hand and tell the rabbi. How about this? Listen for your rabbi to use a word beginning with A and then B and then C, all the way through the alphabet. Raise your hand and ask for permission to go to the bathroom. That will keep it interesting. How about this one, April? Whip out a hanky, blow your nose. Vary the pressure. Maybe do a trumpet rendition of a shofar blowing. How about that? This one's for you, John. Chew gum. The sermon goes more than an hour. Start blowing bubbles. Dean, try to indicate to the rabbi that his fly is undone. How about that? Fun things to do during a boring sermon. Here's one for Stephen. Put your arms into your sleeves and try to turn your shirt around backwards. That would keep it interesting. How about this? Try to raise one eyebrow. I'm going to try to raise the other. Crack your knuckles. Not now. Come on. It's not boring yet. Twiddle your thumbs. Twiddle your neighbor's thumbs. Twiddle the teacher's thumbs. Wiggle your ears so people behind you can can watch. That's kind of fun. Can you do that? April can do that. I can do it too. Watch. How about this one? Listen, that kind of helps a boring sermon get a little better, doesn't it? Pay attention a little bit. That's a good thing to do. So with that being in mind, that'll kind of help us a little bit today. Hopefully it won't be boring too much. But there are parts of Torah that seem a little boring. You know, we say that the entire Torah is for us today. But if we're honest, we skip through some other stuff and we focus our studies in certain areas. And that's OK for a time. But take, for example, these names we just read or maybe the census. How about the census? What's plural for census? Sensai? What is plural for census? The many censuses? Sensai? Censuses that we're taking in the census. Take, for example, what's going on in Numbers 33. So turn with me to Numbers, the mid-bar 33. The book of Numbers named after the sensai, census that occur in the book. And in Numbers 33 in the Torah portion, my say, which means journeys, is basically the readings of a journeys of Israel. These are the journeys of the children of Israel. Numbers, the mid-bar 33. One, who went out from the land of Egypt with their divisions under the hand of Moshe and Eharon. Moshe wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the command of Yahweh. And these are their journeys according to the starting point. They departed from Ramesses in the first month, on the 15th day of the month, on the first day of the Pesach, the children of Israel went out from a high hand in the sight of all Mitsrayim. Mitsrayim buried all the barkhor, which Yahweh had smitten. And we read and we read and go, oh, come on. Down to verse 19. And they departed from Rethemoth and camped at Ramon Perez. 20. They departed from Ramon Perez and camped at Livnah. And they moved from Livnah and camped at Risa. Who remembers the kind of a fad in Christianity where you had a life verse? You had a life verse. And people would say, well, this is my life verse. It's my favorite Bible verse. I love to answer Numbers 33, 24. And they moved from Mount Shaphir and encamped at Haradah. What's your favorite Torah verse? Oh, I like Numbers 33, 24. And they moved from the mountain and camped at Haradah. Boring reading. Second Timothy, Tempteus Bate, chapter 3, verse 16, says, All Scripture is Yahweh breathed and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. Everybody say all. All. A-L-L spells? All. All Scripture. The word all means all. Every single chapter. Now get this into you. Every single book. Every single chapter. Every single verse. Every single sentence. Every single word. And even every single letter has been given to us and is useful for teaching, reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. Even Numbers 33, 31. And they departed from Moseroth and camped in Ben-Yakon. What in the world can we learn from this? In First Corinthians, chapter 10, it says this. You should not be ignorant of how your fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and were immersed in the Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did eat the same spiritual food. Now, all. Everybody say all. All these things happen to them for examples. That they are written for our warning upon whom the ends of the world have come. That everything written in the book of Numbers and Genesis and Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers and Deuteronomy are examples for our warning. Even the travels. Now, the word here in in the First Corinthians, chapter 10, verse 11, that says all these things happen to them for examples. The Greek word is tupos. Now, I don't know a lot of Greek. I know a little Greek and a little Hebrew. Tupos. Tupos. I don't know a lot of Greek. Don't know a lot of Hebrew. No little Greek, little Hebrew. One runs a deli, one runs a laundromat. Thank you. You got my joke. Thank you. All right. The word tupos is the word, for example, it's where we get the English word type or model. The event in the desert were types or models. We could say shadows for us today. Everything that happened to Israel from the brazen serpent to the water from the rock is a type and pattern for future generations. What we need is Yahweh to open our eyes that we could see it. But we've got to be willing to look, amen. It's like the old lady that kept praying, oh, she'd win the lottery. Oh, Yahweh, I want to win the lottery. She was a Jewish lady. She was a Jewish lady. So she said, oh, Yahweh, I want to win the lottery. I want to win the lottery. She'd pray every day. I want to win the lottery. I want to win the lottery. She died. She went up to heaven. She said, oh, Lord, I don't understand. I prayed every day. Why? Why didn't I win the lottery? Saint Peter looks at her, says, well, he says, you never bought a ticket. You never bought a ticket. You're going to play. You got to pay, right? We're going to have our eyes open to Torah. We got to open them first. The Torah includes what? History and prophecy, types and shadows for us today. So why study scriptural genealogies or boring journeys? Because they are prophetic pictures for teaching and reproof. Let me tell you something. Numbers 33 is a chapter all about us today and all about end times events. All about end times events. What we're going to do is look at this chapter and allow Yahweh's Ruach to speak to us about history, about practical life, and about what's going to happen in the future. That the stations everywhere it says they camped here, they departed. They camped here and departed is a model of the path that you and I walk out before Yahweh. Walk out before Yahweh. Because what is the name of the teaching again? The journey of faith. The journey of faith. And that numbers 33 is a picture of that journey. It's living history. It's prophecy for us today and for days to come. So may Yahweh open our eyes that we could behold wonderful things from this Torah. Psalm 119 11. Now, I want you to get this. Everybody say get it. I want you to get it. A believer can mature to great spiritual heights if you just get this next sentence I want to say. What happened to the people of Israel in biblical times is a picture of what happens to people today. People have said history repeats itself. The times have changed, but the scenarios are still the same. Everything that occurs to you today in your life is a message from the supernatural side. And I guarantee you, it's something that our fathers have gone through. So as we begin to look at Mimidmar 33, we're going to see that this is a foretelling of the end of days and what's happening now. Now, Israel or Israel was rescued from the bondage of Pharaoh by the strong, mighty arm of Yahweh. Amen. Now, we know that Pharaoh is symbolic of what? Of Hasatan, Satan, of slavery, of sin. Now, the actual word Pharaoh in the Hebrew means fence or boundary. The word Pharaoh in Hebrew means fence or boundary. The Pharaohs in our lives hold us back. They fence us in from getting what Yahweh wants to teach us. They hold us back from accomplishing Yahweh's will. However, if we can resist the magnetic pull of the world, that's the pull of the world, it's called what? Gravity. We can resist the gravity, the magnetic pull of the world of Hasatan, that we can walk in his fullness. Now, we're all going to be tempted along the way, along our journey of faith. We're going to be tempted. I mean, we're going to be tried. We're going to want to compromise. We're going to want to rebel. We're going to want to murmur and complain. Romans 6, 16 says, Don't you know that to whom you yield yourself, slaves obey, his servant you become, whether slave of sin unto death or obedience to righteousness. But every day, every minute, we have that choice of what we're going to do. And we've got to be constantly reminded that Israel was set free from Pharaoh. That means the Pharaohs, the things that are holding you back, the boundaries you've got, you've been set free as well. So we know and understand they were set free from Pharaoh. Amen. We know that. However, they were set free to go to the promised land and they failed to enter into the promised land after the plagues, after Egypt had had the death of the firstborn. The people believe the evil report, the Us Weekly, the People Weekly Report, the Gossip Weekly Report, and were faced with strict punishment of dying in the wilderness. Let me tell you, if you believe the evil report, you will die in the wilderness all alone and have no promise of entering into the promised land. And there's plenty of evil reports out there. And guess who brought the evil report? The ten spies. Because of their unbelief and because of their lack of trust in the faithfulness of Yahweh, this wicked and perverse generation died and their children inherited the land flowing with milk and honey, not pizza and Coca-Cola, milk and honey. Now, along the way, they had 40 years to work out their problems, right? 40 years to deal with it. Now, let me ask you this something, Nancy. Can you imagine 40 years of putting up with Bill? I mean, can you imagine 40 years? How long has it been? 40? Wow. Wow. That's amazing. Did I ever tell you the first day that I met Bill? I got to tell you this. I met him. We were just kind of talking and he just started crying. He just started crying. And I said, what's going on, Bill? He said, well, I just started crying. I said, Bill, what's the matter? Are you just crying? Come on, Bill, tell me. He said, he said, I'm having my 40th wedding anniversary this year. I'm having my 40th wedding anniversary. And I thought I thought you'd be happy over that. Joyous, you know, he says, no, no, no. He said, when I was married for 10 years, I wanted to kill my wife. And I had a friend of mine and I was telling him and he was a police officer. And he told me if I did it, it was a minimum of 30 years in jail. And if I would have done it, I'd be a free man today. Sorry, he really didn't say that. OK, I just want to let you know. All right. 40 years to work out your problems, test and trials. Now, let me ask you this. Do you ever feel like you're in the middle of those 40 years of wondering, of waiting? It took one night for Yahweh to take Israel out of Egypt. But how long did it take? Yahweh to take Egypt out of Israel? 40 years. Or did it? Or did it? Our discussion begins with debunking this commonly held idea of a 40 year journey in Israel. On the way to Israel, we're going to debunk the idea of a 40 year journey. According to the Torah, the Israelites spent more than 40 years in the wilderness. They spent a total of 42 years. Forty two. Forty two years. Let's look at that. In the book of Acts, chapter 13, verse 18, it says, And about the time of 40 years suffered he their manners in the wilderness. Notice it didn't say they were there 40 years. It says about 40 years. It doesn't say exactly 40 years. Now, we know that Israel is punished one year. Of of wandering for each of the 40 days the spies were sent out to survey the land. Don't we know that? However, we also have to consider that to have an accurate understanding. That when this took place, they'd already left Egypt for two years. Two years of time had passed from Passover that night in Egypt to when the spies gave the evil report. Look at Numbers, chapter 9. Let's turn there. Bamidbar, chapter 9, 1 and 2. And you might say, well, this isn't important. It's all important. Amen. Bamidbar 9, verse 1 and 2. And Yahweh spoke to Moshe in the wilderness of Sinai in the first month of when? The second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt. Saying, let the children of Israel also keep the Passover at its appointed time. It's the second year and they're still in the wilderness. Now, look at the next verse. On the 14th day of this month in the evening, you shall keep it at the appointed time. According to all its rites and according to all its ceremonies, you shall keep it. Now, in the next chapter, in chapter 10, we actually read, it says here that it came to pass on the 20th day of the second month in the second year, the cloud was taken up from them, the tabernacle of testimony. And the children of Israel took their journey out of the wilderness of Sinai and the cloud rested in the wilderness of Paran. Not Iran or Iran or wherever, but Paran. That's chapter 10, verse 11 and 12, second year. Later in Numbers 11, the people rebel and they eat quail for about a month. Read that. Chapter 11. In chapter 12, they're on the threshold. They are ready to enter in. It's like they're outside the door of the synagogue waiting on the gate. The door of the synagogue waiting on the key. They're ready to go in. They're packed and ready. But Numbers 13 tells us the story of how they believe the evil report and were given 40 years to walk out their problems. This occurred in Kadesh Barnea, the entrance of Canaan. I mean, at the door, they were there. So there was two years from Passover when Yahweh killed the firstborn to when the evil report was given. Two plus 40 equals how many? 42. Everybody say 42. Now, this 42 is very, very important. This number. It's highly symbolic. You're going to want to take notes today because I've got a lot to share with you. I'm on page five of like 25. So highly symbolic. 42 is not only the number of years they spent in the wilderness, but also the number of stations or stops they made along the way to the promised land. Now, they didn't say one a year. Some they spent a day. Some they spent two years at. But there were 42 years and 42 stations. They're called stations. They set up camp and they were there. Now, this is important because even though these stops occurred thousands of years ago, they occur every day of our life. Right now in your spiritual journey, the journey of faith, the name of this teaching, the journey of faith, wherever you are, you're at one of these stations. And you may be going forward or you may be going backwards, but how many know our spiritual life doesn't stand still? We don't get to camp a lot. There is nothing new under the sun. Wherever you are at your faith, whether you're frustrated or excited or tired, whether you're just, you know, kind of stale, whether you're lukewarm or on fire. Israel's been there, done that, got the T-shirt, the refrigerator magnet, got it. We are just like our forefathers who journeyed through the wilderness. Remember what we read in the book of Corinthians. These things happened as examples. We struggle with rebellion, problems, leadership, unbelief, spiritual battles, physical battles. And let me tell you something, we have not arrived. Turn to your neighbor and say, you ain't there. You ain't there. Sometimes we need to hear that, right? Because it's kind of like, no, no, no, boo, boo, I'm here. I've arrived now. I've got it. And all you people who don't do exactly as I do or don't believe exactly as I believe, y'all ain't made it yet. You've got to come to this understanding. We're all on a journey. I mean, we're all on our way to the promised land. But some of us are at station 12 and some of us are at station 13. Some of us are at station 42. And guess what? Fixing to start it all over again. Now, spiritually speaking, we may go from station 30 to station 12. It doesn't have to be one, two, three, ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom. By the way, another thing to do during boring sermons is to count out loud in different various languages. So you can try that in the back if you'd like to. These areas are called stations where they rested or pitched their tent. In Numbers 9, we were just there, verses 21 and 22. Let's read it together. Numbers 9, Bamidbar 9, 21 and 22. And so it was when the cloud abode from evening until morning, that the cloud was taken up in the morning and they journeyed. Whether it was by day or by night, that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed. Whether it were two days, a month or a year, the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in their tents and journeyed not. But it was taken up, they journeyed. Numbers 9, 21 and 22. These stations that they went to were by the leading of the Ruach HaKodesh. And where you're at right now may be by the leading of the Ruach HaKodesh, whether you like it or not. These were not convenient stops by themselves, but they were camps chosen for the good of the people. Sometimes they stopped it for a test. Maybe they had a pop quiz. They had to learn a lesson. Other times the stop was for rest. Sometimes they stopped for punishment. Get this. Each one of the 42 stations had to supply enough food and water and space for his people. And it always did. No matter where you are, Yahweh will meet your needs if you trust in him. The nation was led by what? That cloud of fire by night, pillar of smoke by day. Now this cloud of fire is symbolic of the Ruach HaKodesh, the fire of Yahweh that leads us into all truth. Can you see that? The pillar of smoke is symbolic of Torah. See, the word of Torah teaches us how we can offer to Yahweh that fragrant, fragrant, sweet smelling sacrifice. That's what that's about. The people followed the glory. We got to choose to do the same. Now we might not see the fires, but we can see the examples of what they had. So to help us, we're going to examine these stations. Now I want to review a popular commentary by Rashi, Jewish rabbi, of what he said about Numbers 33. This is pretty good. He said, the account of the journeys is an analog. It's a story of a king whose son became sick. He took him to a faraway place to be healed. On the way back, the father began to mention all the stages of their journey, saying to him, oh, well, this is where we slept. This is where we felt cold. This is here. You had a headache. That it's like Yahweh's the king and to bring about our healing, we're on a journey, the journey of faith. He doesn't rapture us up to heaven as soon as we're born again. Now, let me clear something up about that. Speaking of rapture, people say, well, do you believe in the rapture? I sure do. I just don't believe it's going to be before tribulation. I believe in a snatching away. Netzal is a Hebrew word for it, that when Yeshua returns, those will be changed in an instant in the twinkling of an eye. We will go to rule and reign with him there. It's not three comings of Yeshua, the second coming. Now, we told in the church, right? He's coming back. What for is what is it? First for his bride. Then he's coming back to rule. That makes three comings. He's coming back in the clouds. I believe at the end of the tribulation period, those who are here who have made it through, who have endured to the end will be changed in an instant and be caught up in the air. So when we sing, I'll fly away. Oh, glory. We better make sure we understand that we endure. We got to endure the tribulation times to fly away. Does that make sense? Okay, that's important because what we're going to talk about. 42 months is three and a half years. Come on, math scholars, y'all do it. 42 months is three and a half years. These stations are symbolic of what's happening in the book of Revelation. The days of tribulation of Jacob's trouble. The wilderness travels of Israel are prophetic of how the nation will suffer greatly during a 42 month period. And guess what? If you're here, you're going to suffer too. I just don't believe you always want to take a group of people up to the sky and allow the nation of Israel to face this wrath. How can we be a light for him if we're up in heaven? Do you know what a greater light is? We're going to be here. We're going to make it through. We're going to be a shining example. We're going to be teaching people Torah and leading them to Yeshua. It's going to be awesome. So don't be scared. We know that the wilderness travels of Israel, prophetic of how the world will suffer greatly for 42 months when Jerusalem is downtrodden. Revelation 11 too. But the court, which is without the temple, leave out, measure it not. For it is given to the Gentiles, the holy city. They treaded underfoot 40 and two months. Revelation 13 five. And it was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given for him to continue. How long? Forty and two months. So guess what? That boring wilderness reading in Numbers 33 is going to open itself up for application today and for the 42 month journey. In Revelation. Let's look at this journey. Have a renewed mind. Everybody say renewed mind. Renewed mind. We're going to we're not going to look at all 42. Otherwise, we'd be here for a day or two. We're going to look at several, though, at least the first 10. Maybe 15 or 16 or something like that of these journeys. You can get the point. Go back yourself. So we're going to have this renewed mind. So let's take a look at the Midbar chapter 33. Numbers 33. Numbers 33. Let's take a look. Where are they at? What's their starting point? Verse three. And they departed from Ramses in the first month on the 15th day of the first month. Ramses. This is when the 42 years begin. Now, we know that Ramses is the name of who? Of a pharaoh. Ramses was the name of a pharaoh. This land where they were at was the land that Pharaoh himself had chosen for himself. Israel just happened to be there. Now, get this. This was the absolute best land in the nation of Israel. This is the absolute best land in the nation of Israel named Pharisees. Here, guess what Yahweh's doing? He's declaring the end from the beginning. They're starting at Ramses, the best land. And that's where they're going to end up. The promised land. That no matter where we go in our journey, Yahweh's leading us there. That the next 42 months may be difficult, but they are for our good. Yahweh is leading us back to the Ganedon, to a land of quality, of peace, of blessing, prosperity, of joy. Shalom. The 42 months in the book of Revelation chapter 12 will challenge us to look to the city. Whose foundation is in heaven. The future holds. We look to the glorious rewards of the heavenly or renewed Yerushalayim. So they start out in the best land of Egypt. And guess where they're going to end up? In the promised land. So keep that in mind. You started your spiritual journey as you were born again. You're going to continue on. Next, it says the people go where? And the children of Israel move from Ramses and camp in Sukkot or Sukkoth. Now, we know the word Sukkoth or Sukkoth means tent or tabernacle or temporary dwelling. We have the Chag Sukkoth, the feast of tabernacles, the feast of tents. Yahweh was showing them that each step of obedience is temporary. Yeah, you kept Torah yesterday, but are you going to do it today? Yeah, you obey today, but are you going to do it tomorrow? Every battle we face, get this now, every problem we have, every doctrine that we challenge, every demon we conquer, every issue we settle is just a Sukkoth. It's just a temporary tent. But even now, whatever you're going through, Dean, whatever you're going through, Melanie, but the Torah says this too shall pass, whether it's bad and whether it's good. That's why we should enjoy the days when everybody's healthy and everything's OK, because this too shall pass. It's a temporary dwelling. Life is full of what? Ups and downs, roller coaster, mountains and valleys. It was here at Sukkoth that, guess what happened? They retrieved the bones of Yosef. That's where the bones of Joseph were. His bones had been left there and promised to be carried into the promised land. Do you know what that's symbolic of? It's symbolic of the dry bones that are going to walk around, prophesied in Ezekiel, that will walk into and inherit the promised land that Yahweh's given us. It's symbolic of us. But during this journey, we're going to dwell in Sukkoth. And some of us may be dwelling in tents, temporary dwellings as we flee the wrath of the anti-Messiah. Look at their next stop. Look at their next stop. It says they then go to Etham, camped in Etham, which is on the edge of the wilderness. The word Etham in Hebrew means with them. Etham means with them. Etham is in the edge of the wilderness. It's symbolic of Revelation 12 when Hasatan is cast down to earth and is with them. When the anti-Messiah is empowered and is with us. The anti-Messiah, the false prophet, will be empowered by the enemy and will be where? On the edge of the wilderness. And though Yahweh is with us, the enemy will be Etham or with them. So what do we have to do? Remember this. Remember this. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. Yahweh is bigger than the boogeyman and he's greater than what we face. Now, between here and Piharioth, the next camp, is when Pharaoh is on his journey back. He wants to overtake them. The people look to Yahweh. The cloud moves to the rear. The Red Sea is divided. It's what occurs during this journey. Take a look. All of that is said right here. And they departed from, excuse me, all that is said and they moved from Etham and turned again to Piharioth. You got to study it. We got to look deeper to see it. At Piharioth is where Pharaoh began chasing the nation. Chasing the nation. Now, in Revelation 12, verse six, guess what it says? Talks about the woman. In Revelation 12, six, it tells us I'll turn there that the earth helped the woman. The earth helped who? The woman, Israel. Now, Gileadah 12. And there appeared a great wonder in the heavens. A woman clothed the sun, moon under her feet, and upon her head were a kither of twelve halkavim, or stars, and being of child cried, labored in birth, and pain, and delivered to deliver. Okay, then we see in this chapter, verse six, and the woman fled to the wilderness where she has a place prepared by Yahweh that she should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days. How long? I wonder how many months that is. Three and a half years. Forty-two months in the wilderness. How long was Israel in the wilderness? Forty-two months. And there was war in the heavens. Micahel and his heavenly angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought with his heavenly messengers, and the dragon prevailed not. Neither was there place found anymore in the heavens. Here it says that the earth helped them. Just as the sea parted, the earth will help us as we battle, as we face this end times beast. How do you like that? Now, what's the name of the city? Pei HaRios, or Pei HaRios. This is a compound word. Who knows what the word Pei means in Hebrew? Mouth. So you open your Pei when you talk. Ha, HaRios. Ha is the Hebrew word for thee. It's a prefix, thee. HaRios means the wrath. So the city is literally called the mouth of the wrath. As a believer, guess what? Even today, we deal with those whose wrath comes from where? Their mouth. And the end days will be no different. Revelation 13, 5. And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given to him to continue for 42 months. 42 months of blasphemies against Yahweh. It is here that there was murmuring with the mouth, where they were punished for their murmuring. The book of Yaakov, the book of James says, where do these wars and battles come? But from within. Now, the next stop was at Marah, which means bitterness or rebellion. And it was at Marah that they murmured on account of the bitter water. It was sweetened and then they were punished. How many know that Yahweh sometimes gives us what we complain about and ends up being not what we wanted in the first place? You know what I mean? There's seven things that Yahweh hates. One is those discord among the brethren. We've got to watch out for murmuring. The rabbi is not perfect. His wife isn't perfect. We all know his kids ain't perfect. We've got to be careful we don't murmur. Marah means bitterness. Now, the word tells us in the book of Psalm, verse 95, it says, do not allow your heart to harden like it did here. That because of murmuring, because of what? This, of the mouth running, our heart can harden against the things of Yahweh. The spirit of rebellion is opposite that of the spirit of Yahweh. And in Revelation, 13, five, the beast rebels against Yahweh and he uses the mouth to do it. Have things changed? Not a bit. Next, the station comes to a place with 12 springs and 70 date palms. Elim, Elim, which literally means their leader. This is good. This is good. Elim, which literally means their leader. Now, Revelation, chapter 13, verse seven, shows us how the world follows a wicked and evil leader. And it was given to him to make more with the Israelite saints and to overcome them. And power was given him over all the tribes and tongues and nations. Verse six, it says, he opened his mouth and blasphemy against Yahweh, to blaspheme his name and his sukkah, his tent, his journey of 42 months. So, the enemy is going to do this. The people of faith follow the leader who is Yeshua, Amen? But the world follows this anti-messiah. Now, Elim, get this, there were 12, what? Springs, 70 date palms. 12 is symbolic of the 12 gates to the new Jerusalem. Because when they came to the spring, if they were going to drink water, which we all know they had to, they didn't have Coke machines, they didn't have drive-thru windows, each one of them had to choose one of the 12 springs to drink from. Selah, think about that for a minute. Each person that were with them, and it wasn't just Israelites, remember it was a mixed multitude that came out, had to choose one of the 12 springs to drink from. Well, guess what? When we go to heaven, there are 12 gates to the city. Hallelu, Hallelu. There are 12 gates to the city. Hallelu, Hallelu. There are 12 gates. Just as they had to choose one of the 12 springs, we have to choose one of those gates to enter into as well, named after the 12 tribes of Israel. The 70 date palms are symbolic of what? 70 is the number of the nations. There were 70 languages, there were 70 nations, 70 people went down into Egypt. But the 70 nations or people are grafted into the vine and can guess what? Drink from the same wells. And what happens to the living waters in Revelation? It brings healing to the nations. That's powerful. You have a seventh stop. Stop number seven is seen in verses 10 and 11. In verses 10 and 11, and they stop here, what's called the Red Sea. Now, some translations call it the Reed Sea. Some say it's the Red Sea. In Hebrew, it's Yom Suf. Everybody say Yom Suf. Yom Suf. It literally means Reed Sea. Suf is Yom Suf, which means Reed Sea, or literally it means Sea of the End. Sea of the End. This station is symbolic of how we have to come to the end of ourselves, crucify the flesh and follow after Yeshua. You might be there right now today, having to make choices you didn't want to make because you're coming to the end of your rope. And guess what? You got to tie a knot and hold on. In Revelation 12, 11, it says they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and not loving their lives until the end, until the death. That's what this is symbolic of. Next, at the wilderness of sin, S-I-N, is where Yahweh provided manna from heaven and quail for the people. Now, I believe by the end of days, we'll see times of supernatural provision. There will be times of preparation and there will be supernatural provision. Psalm 37, 25, I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread. They beg for quail. We might want something else, but he's going to give us the bread that we need. While Yahweh provides supernaturally, we should not totally depend on the supernatural for our everyday needs. Let me say that again. Yahweh does not want us to live miracle to miracle. A miracle is Yahweh rescuing from a problem. That's what a miracle is. And if we're living miracle to miracle, where Yahweh's always having to rescue us, then there might be a problem. And it might not be Yahweh. Yahweh would rather us live not in constant need of rescue, but in obedience to his word, which is called blessing to blessing. Because if you obey his word, what's he going to do? He's going to bless you. Instead of always having to rescue out of dire straits, Yahweh's going to provide. He's going to make you the head and not the tail. He's going to meet your needs no matter what they are. It's going to be kind of automatic. You might not have to pray. It'll just show up. That's what Yahweh wants. As we obey Torah and prepare for the days ahead, Yahweh will take care of us with both blessings and miracles. That's what Yahweh wants, amen? Blessings and miracles. Now, the ninth station is called Dofka. Dofka. And this actually comes from the root word Adonis. Adonis is the Phoenician god where the word Lord is translated. Adonis is the Phoenician god where the word Lord is translated. Now, Revelation 12, verse 17, turn back there, tells us the dragon was angry with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed that guard the commandments and have a testimony of Yeshua. But the end times battle is going to be between the false lord, the Adonis of this world and Yahweh. Now, the practical lesson we learn here is pretty simple. We serve Yahweh. Man cannot serve two gods. We serve Yahweh, not God, not the Lord. We serve Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh and his son, Yeshua. Yahweh is removing the names of the false god from our tongues. We also have to make a choice to spend time in his word. So what's filling up your time? That's your god. And that may be your work, may be your ministry, may be your children, may be your bed, may be whatever. That's your god. And we have to deal with that. In verses 13 and 14, where do they stop? This is a stop Don likes. Numbers 33, verses 13 and 14. They stop at Elush. He's a lush. How about that? Thank you for the laughter. Thank you. All right. Numbers 33, 13 and 14. And they move from Elush and camped at Rephidim. Elush is where water flowed from the rock. Elush is where Moshe acted out in anger and struck the water. Struck the rock and water came out. Remember that? Okay. That's where this happened. He gave a misrepresentation of Yeshua. Yeshua's not gonna be struck twice. He was struck once. Well, in Revelation 13, 3, it says, and I saw one of his heads as if it were wounded to the death. And his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled after the beast. But the anti-Messiah and the beast are going to have fault signs and wonders. Just like what happened in Elush. And we have got to be seeking Yahweh. And if that prophet or that preacher or that miracle worker does not point people back to Torah, he is a liar and the truth is not in him. He is a false prophet as it says it was at Deuteronomy 12. Deuteronomy 12. So if you know someone and it's, oh, here's miracles over here. There's miracles over here. If they're teaching Torah, put them through the test. Are they Elush or are they a Torah keeper? Now, the nation stops next at Rephidim. Everybody say Rephidim. And here they come in contact with Emelech. And they have an interesting battle. Remember the story? The nation's promised victory as Moshe's arms are what? As they're raised. If his hands fall, the nation fails. Interesting because Rephidim, literally in Hebrew is Reph Yadim. Yadim is your hands. That stop was named after this battle of the hands. Reph Yadim, Reph is a Hebrew word for weakening. It literally means the weakening of the hands. When our hands are weak, when we're tired or frustrated, we should do what? Spread them to Yahweh in worship and honor and praise. Psalm 134, 2. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary. Weak hands. Don't we know that those with weak minds and the weak hands of unbelievers, what's going to happen to them? Revelation 13, this is good. And he calls all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark on their Yadim, on their hands or in their foreheads. But no man might buy or sell except he that had the mark or the name of the beast, even the multitude to have it. Is that a coincidence? The events at Reph Yadim can be found in the book of Exodus, Chapter 17. Let's take a look at their next stop. They're at the wilderness of Sinai. Right, the wilderness of Sinai. Who knows what the Hebrew word for wilderness is or in the wilderness? B'medbar, 10,000 points to the guy in the funny hat. 10,000 points. All right, B'medbar, that's right. B'medbar means in the wilderness. Do you know what that means? B'medbar means in the wilderness. Do you know what? Many times when Yahweh needs to speak to us, when we need to get something, what does He do? He leads us to the wilderness. He leads us to the wilderness so we can get our attention. Didn't Elijah go to the wilderness, even to the caves? What did Yeshua do? Often went into the wilderness to pray. He went to the wilderness to be tempted. In the wilderness, we are removed from our comfort zones of normal life. Revelation 13, 1 shows us this. And I sit upon the sand of a sea. I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, ten horns upon his horns, ten crowns upon his heads, the names of blasphemy. Where was he standing? On the sands of the sea in the wilderness, seeing this. Where is the beast coming? The wilderness from the sands. Saudi Arabia, from Iran. Iraq, from that area. Babylon is found in the midst of the wilderness, surrounded by sands. And many times Yahweh brings us here. Now, at this stop, many things have happened. Excuse me. At this stop, many things happened. Exodus 19, the giving of Torah. Tribal Levi is taken, so does the firstborn. The tabernacle is first set up. This is a long stop. Now, the next stop is a stop, chapter 33, verses 16 and 17. They camped at Kebroth Hathavah, and they departed and camped at Hazreroth. Kebroth Hathavah is a big word, and it means the graves of lust. Or the graves of longing. It is here that those who died during the battle with Emelech were buried. Why were they buried there? Because of their lust. Maybe they had taken some of the spoil. Our spiritual journey, what is this teaching called? The journey of faith? Definitely includes dealing with lustful, fleshly desires. And what has to happen to those desires? Can we just tame them? No. They have to die. We have to put them to death. So let me say something very plainly, very clear. If you have a sin area with a certain area, stay away from it. Don't go near it. Don't think about it. Don't get on the internet with it. Don't listen to music with it. Stay away. Pull yourself out. Touch not the unclean things, says Yahweh. If you have a problem with anything, whatever that area is, if it's what you say, guard your tongue. Get a zipper. Do whatever it takes. Stay away from that area. These graves, our lustful desires have to die. Now we read in Revelation that those who fight against Yahweh will die and their blood will raise high as what? The horse's bridle. Now the next stop the nation comes to is at Libna or Lebanon or Leban along their way or along their stop. It's not the next stop. Excuse me. Verse 21, Libna. Now this is really interesting because Leban is Hebrew for white. Here at Libna or Leban is the center, the land in the west, considered to be a white land. White, why? Because of the harvesting of frankincense. In its purest form, I was doing some reading, is white. Frankincense is this aromatic resin. You go to a boswellia tree. Am I saying it right? Boswellia tree. The bark is tapped and kind of hit and the tree bleeds this resin that hardens. It's called tearing. Hardens to look like little rocks of frankincense. Pure frankincense is white. When it has impurities, it has some brown, some other oranges tints. Frankincense was used in the kadosh anointing oil which presented to baby Yeshua. It's an essential oil that has many uses. Calming stress, anxiety, healing asthma, coughing and scars. Now why is it important? Because number one, I think it's important that we do learn about essential oils, about healing of anointing with oil. And during the end of days, we're not going to have a CVS maybe to go to and get our prescriptions filled. We've got to be ready and prepared and knowledgeable of Yahweh's type of healing and health. Now next, it says that the nation went to Risa, verse 22. They journeyed to Risa, 21 and 22. Risa was a fortified city. This is symbolic of being fortified, built up. Proverbs 25, 28 says, like a city without walls is a man without self-control. The fruit of a spirit is self-control. The fruit of a spirit is self-control. We like to focus on love, joy and peace, but what about self-control? Prophetically, we've got to learn self-control if we're going to be faithful today and we've got to learn to fortify our cities, our homes, protect ourselves and our houses. Amen. For the end times, we've got to think about that and for now. So if you've got a desire that you don't like, maybe you eat too much. Let's just go there and pick on the fat preacher, okay? Maybe eat too much. You've got to show the fruit of self-control and remember that like a city with its walls broken down is a person without self-control. Now, let's talk about the next step. Numbers 33, 23 and 24. They camped at Mount Shepher. They camped at Mount Shepher. Shepher means journey. This is a mountain of journeys. We know that we have many spiritual journeys, right? Many spiritual stations. We're at different places. Some of us can read Hebrew. Some of us can't even spell the English word Hebrew. Some of us know the letters, right? Some of us are coming out of the church. Some of us are just learning. You know, we're at different places. We have many spiritual mountains along our walk. Times that we can almost physically touch the presence of Yahweh. But you know what? You know what? That doesn't take a lot of faith. If we're always got to feel it, where's the faith in that? Faith is when you don't feel it. Amen? Faith is when you just have to trust Yahweh at His word. On spiritual mountains, Yahweh is near. Problems are far away. But too bad we can't stay there. Amen? Wouldn't it be nice to stay Shabbat forever? Remember when they went up to the Mount of Transfiguration? What did they want to do? They wanted to stay there. It was the manifest presence of Yahweh and they wanted to put up Sukkot. They wanted to say, hey, let's camp. That didn't quite happen. However, get this. Don't we know in the book of Revelation and in Matthew 24, it says to flee to the mountains? Doesn't it say that? That during the time of the 42 months of our journeys, we have to learn to flee to the mountains to the manifest presence of Yahweh. Take a physical climb. Some of us may have to, but most of us is going to be a spiritual climb. As the anti-Messiah unleashes his fury, we hide ourselves in the cleft of the rock and we flee to the mountain of Yahweh. Amen? Revelation 12, 6. The woman fled into the wilderness. She had a place prepared for Yahweh that she could flee there for 42 months. Micah 7, 14 through 15. This is really good. Feed the people with the rod, the flock of thine heritage, which dwell in the wood in the midst of Carmel. Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead as in the days of old. According to the days of old of the coming out of the land of Egypt, I will show them marvelous things. Did you hear me? According to the days of old of the coming out of the land of Egypt, I will show them marvelous things. The 21st stop of Israel is at Haradoth. Haradoth. The word Haradoth means place of departure of fear. Where we depart the fear of man and we take on the fear of Yahweh. Matthew 10, 28. Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. We got to learn to fear Yahweh and not man. That's part of our spiritual journey, is it not? We know again in Revelation 12, 11, that they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and not loving their lives that they feared death. Next station comes, the nation comes to Mach Heloth. Mach Heloth. Everybody say Mach Heloth. This was near Moab and was actually a town dedicated to Molech. This was near Moab and was a town dedicated to who? Molech. What do we know about Molech? Enemy of Yahweh, causes children to pass through the fire. Why would Yahweh allow the people to camp there? This station directly demonstrates that we are to be in the world, but not of the world. As the days grow darker, our light should shine brighter. The people of Moab, just like the people of Nineveh, needed the brightness of Yahweh. They needed to see the living example. We are to keep the faith, but not to ourselves. We have to share it with others. And let's answer this. Yahweh doesn't want us only fellowshipping with like-minded believers. We aren't to be reclusive or secret service saints. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds. We've got to come out of the house and let our good deeds shine. The end times will provide more opportunities for our light to shine in the darkness of the world than ever before. Now, the 24th stop was at Terah, Terah, verse 28. This town was named after Abraham's father, which reminds us, and reminded the Israelites that they had to depend on Father Abraham's father, Yahweh. Can't you imagine them camping there and telling the story of Abraham? This is where it grew up. In Numbers 33, verses 32 through 33, it says they camped at, this is a tough one, you ready? They camped at Hor Hagidgad, Hor Hagidgad. This is the lost city of stone called Petra. In the modern nation, is it Jordan? In the modern nation, is it Jordan? In Jordan. Hor Hagidgad literally means, here's what it means, in the cleft of the cleft of the rock. As we mature from glory to glory, as we get deeper with Yahweh, we're not only hiding in the cleft of the rock, we're in the cleft of the cleft of the rock. Which is who? Yeshua. The only way we're going to make it through the end is have total obedience and trust in Him. Amen? You've got to be in the cleft of the cleft. You've got to be part of the remnant, or you will give in. Revelation 14, 12, this is the endurance of the saints. What is it? They kept the testimony of Yeshua and guarded the commandments. Now later, they stopped at Punan. This is where they complained about their meals, they complained about their leadership, and that's when the plague of snakes came. Let me tell you something. When we rebel against Yahweh's leadership, Yahweh allows the snakes to come in and bite us. Complaining is not allowed. I love this quote from Maya Angelou. She said that if you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. I like that. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. James 5, 9 says, do not complain about each other, or you will be condemned. The judge is standing at the door. Now the 39th stop here is at Dibungad, which is actually the capital of Moab in East Jordan. This is many of the stops they made in Moab. Now, how many know that the Moabites were enemies of Israel? Why would Yahweh want them to camp there? Why spend so much time in Moab? Literally, it's like 12 of the stations were in Moab. Yahweh's teaching them something. Remember, every word, every letter, every sentence means something? Moab. In Hebrew, Mo-ab, Mo-ab means, Mo means who? Ab is false. Who is my father? The journeys were there in Moab to teach them, was to teach them who their father was. It was to teach them who their father was. Isn't that what the faith is about? Learning about Father Yahweh? Abba Yahweh, Mo-ab. It could mean, where is my origin? Who is my origin? This is one campsite. Many people just stop there. They don't want to know Yahweh. They got Jesus down pat. They might even got the ghost, hallelujah. But they don't want to know Abba Yahweh and his Torah. And that's where many people set up camps. They care little about origins, fossilized customs, pagan practices. They're happy. On the 12th row, in the third pew. But we must choose to continually have our faith in mind renewed to ask Moab, who is my father? We're going to skip ahead to the 42nd stop. Was in the plains of Moab near the Jordan River. Near the Yarden. Verse 50, Yahweh spoke the Moshe in the plains of Moab by the Yarden River near, where? Jericho. The people were ready to cross. They're on the brink of breakthrough. They had to get across. And it was here that Moshe was allowed to look, but not touch. He was allowed to see, but not enter in. It was here Moshe was taken up to be with Yahweh. How many know even his body disappeared? Was not allowed to be found. Yahweh knew that if they would have found his body, they would have worshiped or honored it. Sadly, guess what? Many people fall into this sin as well. Doesn't say they, tell me if I'm wrong, they sent someone to look for it. So they sent someone to look for his body. They were chasing spiritual ghosts. Memories of how it used to be. Memories of how it could be. Memories of the way it was. Chasing spiritual ghosts. Chasing prophets. Wasn't Moshe a prophet? There are prophet chasers out there. Oh, this speaker is going to be with only the prophet. Oh, it's only 300 miles away. Let's get in our car and go. Chasing the prophets. Not being part of a local body because they're always chasing prophets out there. Not camping. Yahweh wants us to go forward in our faith. Not dwelling on the past. During the end of days, how many know there's going to be a lot of what? False prophets. They're going to say what? I'm Messiah. Go into the wilderness. There's a Mashiach. There's a prophet. There will be many false messiahs, but they're not going to be like Moses. They're not going to disappear. They're going to call attention with false signs and wonders and words. We've got to be careful not to fall into this sin. If you want to make it through, if you want to press on into the promised land, you've got to make it through this journey. 42 stops they had. This last station was a place of faith and a place of unbelief. It was both. It was a place of faith and a place of unbelief. Like the tribulation, this station separates those who are Torah fans and Torah keepers. Everybody. Everybody say everybody. Everybody. Who was over the age of 20 who had been formerly numbered except for Caleb and Joshua were now dead. Moshe is allowed to see the land, but he dies. Joshua sends two spies into Jericho and the people prepare to cross the river. The same station was a place of faith for the new generation and a place of death for the old. I believe he always calling us to that place today. We've got to choose to believe the good report, to go forward, to not listen to the evil report. Through discussing stations, talking about this path of perfection. Let me ask you, where are you now? Are you where you want to be? Are you going ahead? Because if your spiritual life is not going forward, it is going backwards. It doesn't just sit still. You can't put it in neutral. If you're not closer to Yahweh today than you were last week or last month, then there's a problem. Yahweh says, repent and return to do your first love. The lessons we learned from the stations are part of the purification process. First, Kepha 4, 12 and 13. Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you by testing as though some strange thing were happening to you. But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Messiah, keep on rejoicing. So that also at this revelation of his glory, you may rejoice with exultation. What happened to Israel happens to you. What happened to Israel happens for you. So we're going to learn from their example. Now get this. The wilderness was not their destination. It was part of the journey. And where you are now is part of the journey. The Israelites did not set out to wonder for 42 years, did they? The nation of slaves didn't leave Egypt to get lost in the sand. They were set free to claim the promised land. But we have to do the same. We've got to be people of faith, get rid of the unbelief and press on. Amen. So Father Yahweh, we thank you for showing us glorious, wonderful things in your Torah. It's not boring. It's not dead. It is a living word. Father, help us to see where we are and to press forward. To know that the days are getting older and colder and that things are happening. And yet, Yahweh, you are preparing us now. You are preparing your bride. But just as Laban was a town of the white town in the west, that our garment is to be white and ready for you. That Abba Yahweh, as we go forward, we would be prepared. We would look to you as the author and finisher of our faith. That we would seek you, Father, up on the mountain. We would seek you as we go forward. Your Word tells us that you desire us not to be lukewarm. That you'd rather us be hot or cold. You'd rather us be going forward or even backsliding. But you don't want us to be a bad example for you. So Father Yahweh, help us to be on fire for you. Ignite a passion within us to go forward. To see where we're at as just a stage, as just a station that we're all going on. We're all on a journey. The journey of life. We're all on a journey. The journey of faith. May we have patience with each other. May we have love. May we have acceptance. And Abba Yahweh, may we have joy in the things to come. You shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of your testimony, by not loving your life until the end. We give you thanks. B'Shem Yeshua we pray. Everybody says, Amen.