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cover of Michael COT 03 05 2024  1 John 3
Michael COT 03 05 2024  1 John 3

Michael COT 03 05 2024 1 John 3




Cut from Michael @ COT 3/5/24

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So, I'll be right back in a few minutes, right here at COT. We're back. We are back. Alright guys, so, you guys know we have a, we have a whole nother part to 18, chapter 18. But, uh, we all get the chance to do it. Now, if you guys would, if you guys would, turn to 1 John, chapter 3, please. 1 John, chapter 3. Are you guys there? 1 John, chapter 3. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called sons of God. Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Interesting. The world did not know God, so it's not going to know you. No, it won't know you at all. But now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. We shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure. Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law, for sin is the transgression of the law. And you know that he was manifested to take away our sins, and in him is no sin. Did you see that? So his purpose is clear, to take away our sins. That was his purpose, that's why he was made manifest, to take away our sins. That means, number one, there's an acknowledgment, we had sin. He came to take away our sin. How many have sin in their life right now? Because if you do, if you do, he has come to take away that sin. If any one of us say we have not sinned, well, we're not truthful. God is doing a work here, through Christ, right? And Jesus is that element of work that is removing sin from us. Now take note, I didn't say he came, obliterated sin, it's all over, that's it, but no, that's not it. He came, this is a process. He came to take away our sins, and in him is no sin. Listen, whosoever abideth in him sinneth not. Whosoever sinneth, hath not seen him, neither know him. That's pretty heavy, huh? Whosoever abideth in him, stays in him, they don't sin. So what is our problem? We don't stay in him, and that's our problem, we don't stay in him. But before you go and do this self-condemnation thing, he already knew that, which is why he teaches and encourages, he already knew that. All that's being worked out, all of it is. Little children, let no man deceive you, he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that it might destroy the works of the devil. Now if anybody asks you, why did Jesus come? To destroy the works of the devil, and to remove sin from us. Whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this, the children of God are made manifest. Now that's a process, to be made manifest is a process, and so here's what happens. You start out a scoundrel, full of ways you don't even know yet. You stay in the Lord, first you follow him, you seek to be in him, more and more every single day, finally you step foot in the Lord. In that moment you have no desire for sin, none. And as Paul said, if you do sin, it is no longer you that sin, but the flesh. In other words, you have no desire for it. So how can you have no desire for sin, and you yourself are not engaged in sin, but yet you may have sin? How does that happen? If I were to step into a place, right, and possibly you're conversating with the wrong person, and the wrong point is taken, many would see that as a sinful thing, but you didn't try it, it was not your intention, you did not do that, it just came out that way. So you're good to go. Let's say, for example, that you're talking with a person, right, they take it the wrong way and they start crying because you highly offended them, you feel bad because you did so, but you did not intend to do that, you did not. It was taken that way, right, that's another case. Let's say also you choose to do something terribly and sinful, well, I'll tell you in that moment, guess what, you step out of Christ, you didn't stay in Him. And when you step out of Christ, you already know what you have stepped into, there is no in-between, you're either in or out. And the Lord encourages us in another place in the Bible to remain in Him, which means He already knows, He already knows that in our weakened state, we do things we shouldn't do. But He said, never forget, sin has a penalty, but sin removed is a blessing, it is a gift, it is. Harder to have sin removed than to have the penalty of sin, hmm? For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brothers, somebody asked this last night, Cain was of that wicked one, how so? By way of his spirit, he was totally eaten up by flesh in worldly ways, doing things like the world, this and the other, and wherefore slew him, because, listen, because his own works were evil, and his brothers were righteous. That happens every single time. When you step into righteousness, first of all, whatever you do is going to be scrutinized and noticed. Notice how whatever you do is not noticed of the world when you have not stepped into righteousness, right? As soon as you step into righteousness, you're going to have a whole crowd of people who will tell you that you're going to fail. Just remember that. He says, Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you, marvel not that the world hate you. We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. If you don't love your brother, the only way you can not love your brother is because you are in death itself, not in life. See, those who are in life itself, in the love of God, they hope for love and life for somebody else. Those who are in death have a habit of wanting it for everybody else. They do. Whatever you're in, wherever you are, whatever state you're in, you're going to hope it upon everybody else. Hereby, perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, and we all laid down our lives for the brethren. He laid down his life for us. Nobody else laid down their life for us. Jesus laid down his life for us. For us. Nobody else. Jesus did. Right? So, we know in that way that he is the Word of God, made flesh, and dwelt among men, and he laid down his life for us. Listen, but whoso hath this world's goods, whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth this brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him. See that? You will not withhold your hand from your own flesh. For the love of God is in you. You have compassion for all you do. But if a person closed down that portion of himself to say, well, they shouldn't have got themselves in that predicament, or something of that nature, right, to close yourself off to a person, have no compassion for somebody, means you have, again, stepped out. Stepped out of the love of God. Here's a fact. We didn't deserve it, but the Lord gave his life for us anyway. We did not deserve it. All of us deserve death. But he gave his life for us. Let's continue. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and truth. Let me say that again. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. You know what that means? Does the Lord love us in deed and in truth? Yes. He does. He does. How do we know this? You're not dead. Because you believe in Christ. Because despite our foul thoughts, we still occupy and are growing spiritually. Because every commandment he give us, he is and does exercise towards us. We were once his enemies. We were. Any time we were in sin, we were against him. Yet he loved us. So here it is. It's not love in tongue or in word. Right? That's when you tell somebody you love them all the time. Da-da, da-da, da-da. But nothing ever happens. So what is he saying? If you don't love someone in word, if you don't love someone, you know, like that, then how do you love a person, he says, in deed and in truth? Right? Not in word or in tongue. Not by speech or in some letter. But in deed and in truth. Why? Because when you love someone by deeds and by truth, when you do that, and you're not saying a thing, guess what you're doing? Guess what you're doing? You're helping. You're a part of why that person is sustained, why that person continues. Now, that's real love. Real love is not some communication. Real love from God to us is not him telling us he loves us all the time. No. Real love from God to us is his sustainment. You should be dead by now. The Father has stopped so many things from killing you. But when we don't see it, we act like he didn't do anything. Right? And God's love, but here's the deal. If God loves you, right, who can prove that God loves him? Let's be truthful. Here's the truth. God loves you, yes. Many of you have gone through many years of dryness. You said, I'm lonely. You said, nobody is there. You said, I'm dying. You were ready to quit, hang up the town, do everything else, and all the while God loved you before you ever came to this earth, while you were living on this earth, and he will love you still. But you did not perceive it. Do you know why? Because you could not see it. When love is seen, it is seen. That's a true blessing. But don't you ever forget something. Love goes out. It will accomplish. It will never return. Right? It's not going to return void. It works. It will help you. It has helped you. So when you feel like you're alone and nobody is doing anything, stop doing that. Because your Father loves you. Many people thought the Father was not there. That was absolute blasphemy. Because he has been there. But people don't perceive it. You don't perceive it all the time, do you? Why? Because love is understood at the end. Not in the middle. Not at the beginning. It's understood at the end. Love is fully understood at the end. There is only a hint in the middle, or at the start. It is fully understood at the end. We do not understand all things of our Father in the middle. We thought he wasn't there for many times in our lives. But we will perfectly understand it at the end just like he said we would. At the end, he said that. Not in the middle. At the end. We have to be taught how to see the love of God. And God loves us more than anybody else could. Doesn't he? Yes, he does. Yes, he does. So listen to me carefully. I had this talk a few days ago, ladies. Just because you don't perceive it, don't you dare say somebody does not love you because you can't see it. Stop doing that. Stop doing that. Gentlemen. Gentlemen. Don't say your other half does not love you because they didn't do what you wanted. Stop doing that. Your Father is the perfect example of love, and you cannot see his love. Though his love is made manifest in seasons. Isn't it? All of this is to say humanity does not know what love is. God is love. And for anybody to say they know what love is, then they know exactly what God is. Because God is love and it cannot be sprayed. Remember that. Love is a touchy subject because God is love. There is no other love but God. And there is no other God but God. Remember that. These ideologies in the world called love is foolishness at best. And it does nothing but break people. God's love does not break people. It saves people. It redeems people. It unifies. It reunites. It quickens. It fulfills. There is no shortcoming in God's love. So we as human beings have to stop thinking somehow. We know what it is and we're experts on it. We are not. We are discovering what that is. Please remember that. Let me continue. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but indeed in truth. And thereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before men. Did you guys hear that? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but indeed and in truth. And hereby, when you love indeed and in truth, hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before men. Here's why. Because when you know what you have done, when you know what you have done for somebody else, and somebody else says, well, you didn't do anything, you're not going to be heartbroken. You're not. Because you know what you did. Do you hear me? So let whatever you do be done in truth. Not for marketing. Not for cheese points. But in truth. And when it's challenged, you will know what you did. You will know. And it says right here, this is how you assure your hearts before men. That's how you assure your hearts before men. This is almost a telltale scripture that people are going to challenge your deeds of love and your love bound in truth always. That's what it means. So when they do challenge it, right, when you have your love bound in deeds and in truth, your heart will not crumble when somebody says you didn't do anything. It's almost like around the holidays, right, if a kid wakes up and in truth you didn't get him a present, and they say, well, you didn't get me a present, your heart's going to just crumble. But if you got them a present, they just can't see it yet, and they say, well, you didn't get me a present, it's not going to bother you at all. You know why? Because you know that you know that you got them a present. So with love, when you love someone, when you have done things for someone, right, and you know you have done things for that other person and you did so in the truth, when they say, well, you didn't do anything, your heart's not going to crumble. You're going to be stationary. You will not shake, waver, or anything else because you know what you did. Just let whatever you do be done in truth. Hmm? Let it be done in truth. You'll be okay. Beloved, if our heart can dim us not, then have we confidence towards God. Uh-oh. If our heart can dim us not, then we have confidence toward God. How many are condemned in their hearts? How many times have we condemned ourselves in our hearts through honesty? How many times? How many times have we said to ourselves, you know, I'm a raggedy something-something, and I don't deserve life, and I should just be flushed down the toilet. How many times have we said something like that? How many times? You know, the Word is telling you, stop doing that. Don't do that. Because here it says, if your heart does not condemn you, then you have confidence towards Christ. So the missing element is to build up your confidence towards Christ. And how do you do that? Let me tell you something. Can I tell you something? You can tell yourself what you are all the time because you know that you know you did not do what you could. That's where it comes from. When you do not do what you're able to do, that's when you condemn yourself. So let me tell you this. When you do what you're able to do, and you do that thing in truth, you will never condemn yourself. The problem is we get a little lazy sometimes, don't we? Now if this tells the truth, we get a little lazy, which means you could have done it, but you didn't. You could have done it, but you didn't. You let something stop you. You could have done it, but you didn't. And when you did it, sometimes you do something under the strain of stress or the push of other folks. That's not done in truth. When you do anything in truth, it is done from your heart. If somebody is pushing you to do it, that's not done in truth. That's done out of pressure. That's not going to help you. When you do anything in truth, when you do all of what you can do, you'll never condemn your own heart. And the Bible says, having done all you can do to stand, stand therefore. See, because when you do everything you can do, and you have done so in truth, you're going to stand like iron saying, uh-uh, I did everything I could possibly do. And you'll stand firm, and you will never fold. Do you hear me? That's how you stand. We condemn ourselves when we take shortcuts. We condemn ourselves when we get too lazy, and we don't want to do something, and we could have done something. So the advice here is to do what you can do. Do it in truth, not for show, not because you were pressured. Do it in truth, and you will have confidence towards God never condemning yourself. That starts a massive change in life. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments. Isn't that awesome? It says, Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then we have confidence toward God, and whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him. Uh-oh! So if you stop condemning yourselves, and do all of what you can do in truth, you won't condemn yourselves, and then whatsoever you ask, here it comes. Why would I ask of the Lord anything when I'm not actually doing all I can do? Hmm? I shouldn't expect to receive anything, or for the most part, none of us do. We'll pray sometimes, we won't receive it, and we'll say, well, that's because I didn't do this. I could have done more, but I didn't. So, you see, you know. But stop doing that, he's saying. Stop doing that. See, the truth is, God wants to answer your prayers. He has a desire to answer your prayers. He has a desire to do that miracle in your life that nobody expects. He has a desire to give you good things. The problem is us. We will not, we sometimes will not do what we're able to do. God's not asking you to do what you're not able to do. He's asking you to do something out of truth. That doesn't do anything for Him. For Him, that does everything for you. Because when you exercise, out of your heart, those good things that you're able to do, that's when you become like iron. That's when you become a pillar. That makes you honest. Do you know that? At the beginning of this conversation, this short part, I said that sometimes we go back into sin because that's what we want. This will stop you from going back into sin. When you start to do things out of truth for the living God, it breaks that habit of going and venturing into sin. It does. Then you'll continue to abide in Christ. Again, we don't abide in Christ always because we desire the sin over Him. Let's go ahead and face it. Hmm? You all see that? And then once, however, we ask, we perceive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Thank you, Lord. See that? We do those things that are pleasing in His sight. When what, though? When what, though? When what? When we do, by the truth of us, what we can do. What we can do. And in this, His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, as He gave His commandment. And He that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him, and He in him. And hereby we know, hereby we know, He abideth in us by the Spirit, by the Spirit which He hath given us. Every single last one of you who believe in Christ. Every single last one. There are choices we make in this world. But be cautioned, in the world of vipers. Vipers, God has given you dominion over to crush their heads. You must be in righteousness for that to be true. To abide in Christ, is an honest stance. A stance of integrity. And do you not know, for a time, you know, because when you see Christianity and things like that, sometimes you just follow the tradition, right? You do what everybody else does. I learned quickly and early, that wasn't the way for me. It wasn't working. All that was doing was nothing. And I don't like nothing. I wanted something, because I actually believed. And when I did that, nothing came. Not zero, nothing. To emulate, or to join in with the crowd, do what they do, nothing came, nothing. When I stepped in for real, I mean for real, for real, that's the only time fulfillment came. When I stepped in for real, I stopped. It wasn't for show. It wasn't for show or anybody, it wasn't for anybody. No. It was intimate. It was me coming clean with Yahshua. It was me stepping in to Yahshua. It was me in agreement with the Gospel. It was me casting down everything I thought I knew, that I may adopt the truth. I did not want the dumb knowledge I had. What I thought, what I inferred, my wisdom and this and that, I threw all that away. I said, Lord, you've got to feed me, because I'm empty. See, I felt empty. Despite the degrees, despite everything, I felt empty. Empty, empty, empty, empty, empty. And I needed the Lord's truth. When I tasted that food, I began to fill up. No other food did me like that. In fact, everything else was nothing. Paper. The Lord's the only one that ever had food for me. He is the only one. And Lord knows, listen, I've read lots of things out there. Nothing, nothing had a taste to it. Except for the Word of God. But I'll tell you something. If you fall in line by reason of somebody else, you're not going to taste how good it is. When you do what somebody else does, it's like you sitting outside while somebody else is in a restaurant eating, and you're acting like you're eating. That's not going to do anything. No, no, no. You can go and eat yourself. That starts with you opening up your Bible. That starts with you praying. That starts with you looking for things and searching. That starts by you asking the Lord for wisdom. Not asking everybody on Facebook, on YouTube, and everywhere else. You say, Lord, Lord, how do I get rid of this? That's how it begins. I didn't want the phony things. I didn't ask the Lord, Lord, how do I walk on water? Nope. I said, Lord, how do I stop? How do I stop with these attitudes? How do I destroy self-aggression? How do I end any envy that may ever rise? How do I purge any jealousy that could ever enter? That's how it began. I wanted that stuff out of me. I found it to be dirty, rotten, and stinky. I wanted it gone. And I went to the Word of God, and the Lord led me to his truth. You see how I read the Bible, guys. You see how I read it. Is it normal? No. Probably isn't. You're not normal either. But you have to be you. You can't be somebody else. God sent you here to be you. And the moment, the moment anybody is authentic with the Lord, the moment anybody is ready to eat, that is, to read and believe his truth, my goodness, you're going to be fed. You're going to be fed the Word of God. And when you're fed, it's going to be like eating the best burger or food you ever had. And somebody is going to come by and offer you rotten meatballs. You're going to say, no, thank you. I don't want it. You're not going to get mad or anything else. You just won't want it. That's what happens. And then at that point, you're never alone. One of the first things I realized was I'm never alone. One of the first things I realized was I'm never alone. You don't even feel like you're alone. When you have it for real, it's impossible to feel alone. I know people hate when I say that, but I can't help it. It is true. It is impossible to feel like you're alone when you step into Christ for real. So listen to me. All you have to do with what you have, where you are right now, with that truth that you have in you, is honestly step into Christ. Don't step into Christ like you are clean. Don't step into Christ like you have massive positions. Stand before Him as you are. The moment you say, Lord, here I am. If you're a thief, then say, Lord, here I am, the thief. If you're an adulteress, say, Lord, here I am, the adulteress. If you're a liar, say, Lord, here I am, the liar. I choose you. I believe in your gospel. That's what you say. Isn't that the truth? That's the truth. When you say that, you're not hiding it anymore. You've let it open, and even devils, all the devils who tried to use that against you, start running away. Devils can only use what you seek to hide. You want to take away their power? Then step to Christ as you are, and pronounce it in your secret place, and they've got to go. That way when somebody comes back and says, hey, aren't you the one that dated so-and-so? You say, you have no idea. I wish you were that slight. It's much heavier. And then they'll go the opposite direction. I did that at a dinner table once. They challenged me. They said, well, Mike, didn't you so-and-so back then? I said, you have no idea. That's the good part of it. And believe me, it was bad, but I told that person, that's the good part. Well, let me give you the whole thing. See, because your past becomes your story to salvation. When your past becomes your support for what the Lord did, devils run. Devils stick around to use your past as a weapon against you because they know you don't want anybody to hear it. But when it becomes your testimony, they've got to go. So when somebody brings up the past, right, and they think they're going to get won over, and you say, oh, let me tell you all of it. You have the good part. Let me tell you the details. They have to run. When it becomes your testimony, they have to go because they have no weapon against you anymore. Those of you with your families, you know that to be true. You know that to be true. In the Bible it says where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. You are meant to abide in that liberty. You can do that for real, but you must initiate it. All you have to do is step before him as you are. You already know who he is and how to get to him. But have you had that conversation with him, that truthful conversation? Folks, we'll continue tomorrow right here where we were. We still have to finish a couple more things in Revelation 18. It is a, well, it's just a perspective of things. Hopefully you got all that tonight. And listen, we have notes on this, right? I've got to clarify my own notes. These bullet points, they have to be a little more concise. Okay, they have to be. And then I'll get those up there for you guys, who wishes to use those as any kind of help or anything else. So I'm going to go ahead and refine those. And I'll post them, all right? Because sometimes, all too often, like if you hear a portion of something, you won't get the whole thing. If you don't get the whole thing, it's out of context, right? And so hopefully with the notes, everybody can see everything as a whole, not in fragmentations here and there. Okay? Nothing. All right, we'll do that. Also, we're having a revelation study about the end times. And believe me, there are, I think there are 13 dates, solar dates. These will say solar. There are specifically solar events. There are four geological events that we're estimating. Now these dates I've put up on the KD-5s, right? These are my personal estimations, okay? My personal estimations. Sometimes the Lord will give me things from time to time, but I want you guys to treat them as estimations, right? Possibilities. Don't look at the dates and get your everything ready and say, I've got to get ready for this date. Don't do that. The 40-day thing was inspired, so I can give that to no one. But the other dates in the KD-5s, right? It's me giving you something. So don't treat it as though it's a, you know. Although it could line up to be one of those. What I'm telling you is that I can't give you that distinction like that, not with those dates, okay? So I will define them as best as I can. But if anything is ever inspired or given to me by the Lord, that I believe is by the Lord, I, you know, I'll give it to you just like I gave you the 40 days. You guys remember what day it is? What day is this? What day is this? Anybody remember? What day is this? On the COT countdown that we have, what day is this? Anybody know? Anybody say 16th? Give it on the 19th. 19th was day one. So good job on 16th. Okay. It's like Ezekiel 16. Remember, that was February 19th was day one. That was day one. That was the beginning of it, right? So today is the 16th day. Day one was February 19th. Remember that. So everybody should know that right now is day 16. Day 16. Day 16. Day 16. Day 16. So keep that up. I'm really tired right now. I really am. I'm working at breakneck speed. As fast as I possibly can, I really am. Everything important out there and all of what we have to do because we have some areas to go into. Hey, listen. Guys, I'm going to say thank you for joining me. Thank you for joining me. You guys had momentum last month. Listen, COT, that was a blessing, right? If somehow we stayed with a similar momentum, that would be very good. That would be good. It really would. So remember that because I probably won't bring that up again for a while. That's going to be up to you guys. Okay? It'll be up to you guys. But our Asia rooms are up and operational. They are. And I thank God for them because those are very difficult things to establish out there. They really are. They are. We had them before. We had to drop them. Actually, we had to drop 17 locations. We dropped them. I don't want to drop anymore. I want to maintain them. Right? So anyway, I'm going to join you all tomorrow. And one day coming up, let's see, not this week, next week, Angela and I are going to be on the AM. We're going to be on in the morning, one of these mornings. Look at all that setup. That's my fault because I have to set up the thing for that. So we're going to have a discussion, one of those morning study things. All right? God bless you guys. And I, let's see, that's my mom right here. That's you here somewhere. I'll be in the chat room later on, like early, early, early in the morning. Super early in the morning. All right? Early in the morning, people have gotten out of control a little bit. I'm going to be watching something in the morning. All right? So I'll be up in the chat room. I don't know if, I don't know anything. I can't give you anything yet, but I will in the morning. I'll be watching for it, and I'll give you as it comes in. You know, I'll give you what I think as it comes in. But people have almost lost their minds. They really have. And it looks like tomorrow morning, well, they've decided to do a few things. So we're going to see how that works out. I'll be watching, just in case. God bless you guys. I'm going to see you next time right here at the Council. Tom, you guys look after one another. Take care of each other. Do that. God bless.

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