Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This week's episode of Moonlight Chronicles is about the upcoming first quarter moon in Pisces. The host, Darci Britt, explains the energy of the first quarter moon phase and how it differs from the new moon phase. She discusses the clash of energies between the moon in Pisces and the sun in Sagittarius, and the need for balance between emotional needs and ego-driven actions. She also provides key words associated with the first quarter moon, such as choices, discipline, and balance. The episode concludes with a high-level overview of the Pisces zodiac sign. Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of Moonlight Chronicles, your go-to podcast for a cosmic overview of how to work with the upcoming week's lunar phases. I'm moon manifesting coach and professional tarot reader, Darci Britt, and I will be your host today as we dive into the energy of what to expect and how to work with the upcoming first quarter moon in Pisces, which is going to hit us on, looks like, Tuesday, December the 19th, yeah, Tuesday, December the 19th at about 1.30 in the afternoon, Easter Standard Time. Of course, that's for me locally. Please check your local listings. So we're going to get into that and talk a little bit about the energy to expect with a first quarter moon phase, because as I've kind of started doing these podcasts, that's one of the things I really want to focus on. We're going to kick off talking about the phase, and I think that will give you guys like a good baseline so that when I say, like in the future, actually next month, when I say, hey, we've got the first quarter moon in Aries, it will start to kind of sink in with you guys on what the actual phase energy is. So we're going to jump in. We're going to kick things off talking about the actual phase, and then we're going to dive a little bit deeper into some information about the zodiac signs that are involved with this particular phase, so you guys get a flavor for that as well. Then we're going to blend them together and go over kind of what that overall general theme is for this upcoming first quarter moon in Pisces, and then I'm just going to give you a few strategies and tips on my suggestions, I guess is the best way to call it, to working through that. If you guys are ready, we're going to kind of get started here. Now, I will say before I get started, please, again, forgive any technical difficulties because this week I'm actually in my kitchen, not in my office, so the acoustics are a little bit different out here, but I am truly a gypsy soul, and it's just ever apparent that I cannot sit in one spot and work, so I kind of had to migrate out to the kitchen this week to get a dose of inspiration, which should be a lesson to all you guys, too. If it doesn't work for you in one spot, don't be afraid to move to another one because you just might need to get in with the vibe of the energy, but that's just my thing. All right, so if you guys are ready, let's dive into a little bit of information about the phase energy of the first quarter moon. I want to give you guys a little bit, again, a deeper dive. When we get to that first quarter moon, it's usually anywhere from six to nine days into the lunar cycle, anywhere from like a week to a week and a half after we had the actual new moon. So, we had the new moon, then we end up with that first quarter moon, and if you look up into the sky, the moon is actually illuminated 50%, so if you look up in the sky, it's going to look like a half circle, so if you think about the moon as a cookie, half of your cookie is gone at the time of the first quarter moon, and when we see that half circle in the sky under that first quarter moon, what's actually happening on your zodiac birth chart is that there are two signs, right, so we've got the sign of the sun and we end up with the sign of the moon, and those two signs are actually 90 degrees apart on your zodiac chart. So, if you think back to when we talked about the new moon in Sagittarius, we said that during the new moon, those two celestial bodies, so the moon and the sun, those are both aligned, right, in a happy and a harmonious kind of an aspect, which allows for that fresh start, new beginning, and very pleasant energy around the new moon. But when we flash forward, and now we get to that first quarter moon, well, they're not quite together anymore because the sun has stayed in Sagittarius, but the moon has continued to go around the zodiac wheel and has now landed herself in the beautifully emotional sign of Pisces. So, because we have two signs involved, the sun in Sagittarius and the moon in Pisces, it's a change of energy, right, so new moon was fresh energy because those two celestial bodies were in a happy aspect. First quarter moon, ooh, they are 90 degrees apart, and that's a super hard angle if you think about on a piece of pie, 90 degrees, that's, you know, a good quarter chunk out of that, or I would say about, yeah, 90 degrees, three houses, duh, sorry, I suck at math, guys, I'm trying to do that in my head, right? But when we've got that kind of an aspect in astrology, that's called a square, and when we have two planets that are squaring, it's a clashing of energy, there's a tension there, there's a push and a pull, so when we think about the push and the pull, when we compare it to the first quarter moon, you start to see where, okay, first quarter moon might be a little bit of a push and a pull, so that's kind of step number one, or I guess I should say highlight number one for the first quarter moon energy, so like I said before, those two guys are clashing, so here's how we break that down, so we take the two energies of the two celestial bodies to figure out how they're going to clash, so during the first quarter moon, the moon, this time around, is in Pisces, and where the moon is during the first quarter moon, that shows where your emotional energy is going to be, so if we look at the sign of Pisces, and we look at the first quarter moon, we know that during the first quarter moon, our emotional needs are going to be centered around some of those Pisces characteristics, and we're going to dive into that a little bit deeper, so that's the moon, but we also need to take into account what the sun is doing, because in astrology, and in all of this beautiful working with the moon, the sun, wherever he is, he is shining a spotlight, he is putting this giant beam of light down on whatever characteristics of the zodiac sign we're having during the sun, you kind of, I guess you could kind of think about it as where the sun is during that first quarter moon, that's really where your life or your ego is pushing you, right, it's the things you have to do during the day, it's the things that you really want to do during the day, that's where we take the sun into account, so in this particular first quarter moon, the sun is in Sagittarius, so we know that the sun is going to shine a spotlight, and really be pushing us towards more of that Sagittarius energy, but the moon, being in Pisces, is going to want to have more of an emotional kind of go with the flow, and be just maybe a little more relaxed during that first quarter moon in the sign of Pisces, so now we're starting to really get an idea of where that tension might be, so I hope that makes sense for you guys, some of the key words that are associated with this first quarter moon as we dive into it is just a little list I'm going to go through here, and I'll definitely put them in the show notes, but these are just some general words that you can use as you're starting to learn how you are going to be working with the lunar energy, how you want to use those key words as part of your moon forecasting, or your lunar forecast, so keeping in mind guys that I'm doing this based on my knowledge, and my notes, and a lot of times my personal astrology, so what I'm speaking of may not always apply directly to you, and so that's why I want to make sure to provide you with the information, not just verbally through the podcast, but also in written form through the show notes, or blog posts, so that you guys can start to map out what these lunar phases really mean for you, so please keep that in mind as I go through this key word list, so some of the key words that you can associate with that first quarter moon are choices, pivoting, changing course, refining, discipline, boundaries, healthy habits, balance, and overcoming hurdles and blocks, so with key words like that, right, yikes, you really start to understand why I say that that first quarter moon phase is so notorious for being the breaking point that squishes so many of our goals, okay, so let's just recap a little bit about that phase energy for that first quarter moon, so I mentioned the key words, and when we really kind of put those all together, we know that that first quarter moon energy is going to bring a challenge between our emotional needs, that's where the moon is, and your ego's push to do whatever it needs to do, like to get through your daily life, or whatever it really wants to do, so really pushing you there, and this challenge between your ego and your emotion, it creates a need for us to find a balance between the two energies, and when I say the two energies, I mean the energy of the sign where the moon is, and the sign where the sun is, so this month we have the first quarter moon in Pisces, which means that the moon and our emotions are going to be in the sign of Pisces, but the sun still sits in Sagittarius, so that's where our ego is going to be, is in the sign of Sagittarius, and what we're going to do next is to really compare the energy of those two, so that you can start to see where that emotional versus ego tension will be felt, so that we can identify where's the balance point, where are we going to really have to get that balance into our lives. Okay, so before I kick things off, and we start talking about astrology, I did just want to throw one thing out there, that anytime you hear the zodiac sign mentioned after the phase of the moon, what I'm speaking of there is the sign where the moon is at, so when I say first quarter moon in Pisces, what that means is, hey, the moon is in Pisces, so let's dive a little bit into Pisces, I'm just going to do a very high level overview here, just to help you guys kind of walk through, or help you guys, I guess I should say, help lead you guys to where my strategies and my tips are, so Pisces is a gorgeous, as I said before, beautifully emotional sign, it loves to feel its feelings, it's a very romantic sign, it's actually considered the dreamer of the zodiac, and it's also a water sign for those of you who follow those elements, so Pisces really likes to just go with the flow, be able to feel its emotions, it's a very creative, very intuitive sign, so it likes to just allow that creativity to flow out of it, and just kind of enjoy things and enjoy life, so that's some Pisces energy, and this is where we start to get a hint at where you're going to be emotionally, or where you may be pulled emotionally around the time of the first quarter moon in Pisces. Now we'll take a look at the sign of Sagittarius, which is where the sun is, I'm going to focus high level on the key words for Sagittarius, because we dove pretty deeply into the sign during last week's discussion about the new moon in Sagittarius, so I'm just going to keep it high level and talk about the key words around Sagittarius, so you start to get an idea of how these two signs are going to play together. Now Sagittarius is a fire sign, and it is ruled by the planet of abundance and expansion, which is Jupiter, so anytime we talk about the sign of Sagittarius, you can expect big things, it's explosive, it's expansive, it's all about big, big, big, so that is one of the key words around Sagittarius that we're going to focus on with this particular first quarter moon, and that is Sagittarius' desire to see the bigger picture. They're looking at bigger things, they have big dreams, not just small dreams that may impact them, but it's bigger dreams around the world. Maybe it's international travel, it could be foreign cultures or foreign languages. On that same topic, they're I guess on the subject of big, they're also, I said big dreamers didn't I? I'm totally going over there, but really where that comes into it is like a search for your destiny. It's like the, kind of the search for the cosmic quest is sometimes what it's called in astrology, but it's that ultimate meaning of what in the hell am I doing here on this earth and what am I supposed to be doing? That is Sagittarius energy, and so that's why another one of those key, another key word that goes with Sagittarius is development, and that's specifically focused on your professional and your personal development, because when we think about where we fit in the bigger picture of life, sometimes we're going to need either personal or professional development in order to get us there. So as we put those key words in with Sagittarius, and we know that Sagittarius is where the sun is, you start to see that the sun's spotlight of its energy is going to shine on the bigger picture of life. It's going to focus on bigger worldly things, not just you specifically, meaning you as an individual, but the bigger world around you. It's pretty interesting when you combine those two. So now that we've kind of put those two together, so there we've got the signs, so we know where our emotion is, the moon in Pisces, we know where our ego is, the sun is in Sagittarius. Now once we go back and we combine those two energies with the energy of the actual phase of the first quarter moon, you start to see where this upcoming first quarter moon in Pisces is going to bring a need for us to find balance between us pushing ahead and living up to everything that we think that we need to do as a bigger part of this life with bigger world kind of picture, and putting on just a happy face for the rest of the world and honoring how you really feel. Pisces is going to pull you to feel. Pisces is going to want you to feel your emotions. But to be honest with you, if you look at the time around the first quarter moon in Pisces, we're right in the smack dab in the middle of the holiday season. So we've got all of these traditions and all of these things that we've got to get done and shopping and wrapping and travel and all of these bigger world expectations that are going to really be the focus, right? That's where the sun is at. That's the focus. But on the inside, we are not going to necessarily feel like we're that into it. We are going to want to really draw back and really be creative and have some just go with the flow time, but it just may not work out so well according to this week's cosmic forecast. And I hope that makes a little bit of sense for you guys on how we really take that ego and where it's going to be pushing you and knowing that it has a challenge against your emotions and where you're really going to want to need to be. So there's our challenge. And then knowing that you have to find a balance there. So as I put all this together, and I hope you guys have been able to follow along with me this far, the message comes across for your upcoming first quarter moon in Pisces, something like this if you're working with it. You need to be dealing with your feelings, okay? The sun's spotlight and where it's at will always try to overshadow your emotions. But in this particular first quarter moon instant, it really is going to almost be amplified. And that is not only because of the astrological aspect, but because of the time of the year that it is. It's the holiday season and things are really just crazy. So that sun and its spotlight is going to really try to overshadow your emotions. And so I'm really prompting you guys to make sure that you're dealing with your feelings as you go through this first quarter moon period. Again, it's just that, you know, maybe the Monday, the 18th, Tuesday, the 19th, and Wednesday, the 20th. That would really be that time where I'm prompting you to deal with your feelings. Know that you are going to be pulled outside of where you really, really feel. And the reason I'm telling you that it's important to deal with your feelings is if you are working with or manifesting with the moon, working with the first quarter moon phase is just as important as dealing with the new moon phase and the full moon phase. And that's because this is really where you're getting tested. You're going to get challenges between what you really want to feel and how you really need to honor your emotions and where the rest of life is pulling you. And when we talk about the law of attraction, one of the very basic principles, you know, if you're going to be a successful manifester, it requires you to be emotionally aligned with your goal. But if the rest of the world is pulling you outside of that and it's making you kind of squish your feelings down a little bit and not being able to really honor them, you aren't living in that mindset where you're energetically aligned. So it's very important if you're manifesting with the moon that you take that into account this first quarter moon phase. And this one in particular, dealing with your feelings, that's going to be super, super important because again, you know, we really can't successfully manifest if we hide how we truly feel. I know that's not easy going into the holiday season because we have a lot of, like I said, either traditions to uphold or there's just a lot that we want to get done. Family time is so, so very important. And it is tough when we know that the focus is joy for the season and everybody's supposed to be happy. But on the inside, you know, we're just having a little blip where we're just not as into it as what we wish we were. So make sure you guys give yourself a break there, but that you deal with your feelings. You know, if your feelings need to be felt and you feel like you need that moment to take a breather, definitely do that. It's very, very advisable here. And I guess that kind of leads into like my strategies for dealing with the first quarter moon in Pisces. Again, thank you so much guys for hanging out this long. Hopefully it wasn't too conjumbled, but I had to deal with a few different things and I'm back at work now. So squeezing time in to get these podcasts done has been a bit of a challenge. So let's dive into, I've just got a few strategies here, just touched on one, which was dealing with your feelings. Okay. I do want to touch on it again because I think it is so very important. I myself am working on this that, you know, I need to understand and honor my feelings more and not worry so much about what the rest of the world thinks about me or what I feel the rest of the world thinks about me. I just need to do what I need to do to feel happy and to be emotionally satisfied. So that's really when I talk about dealing with your feelings, you know, it's getting to a point where understanding that it is okay for you to feel, it is okay for you to have emotions. I'm probably dating myself here, but I grew up with, you know, in a household where, you know, emotions were really not an option. Children were to be seen and not heard. Emotions were for the weak. And so you learn to really put on, you know, this strong face with the rest of the world. But as you get into your, I guess I would say maybe as you, as you learn with age, maybe it's a better way to, for me to put it, you start to realize that you've got to honor how you really feel. You can't really, I guess this is more along the lines of my philosophy, but I only get one shot, one go around. And I spent a lot of time living against or living up to what I thought the rest of the world thought and or needed for me. And I was not happy. It was a, I threw myself into my work. I became a workaholic, neglected, I'm sure not only myself, but my children and the rest of my family. And once I really took a moment and realized that I was not getting where I wanted to go, right, I realized that that was in essence blocking my manifesting because I wasn't honoring my emotions. I realized that it was okay to tell people how I felt. Now, you know, you've got to have some tact about it, right? But I also realized that it was okay for me to feel my feelings even when not everybody else or anybody else was feeling the exact same way. And that was a big realization for me to come to. So I want you to really think about that as we move into this first quarter moon in Pisces, you know, it's okay for you to deal with your emotions and to deal with your feelings and to have them and to need time to do that. It is totally okay for you to say no. Not everybody's going to like it, but I will, you know, I guess pose a question for everybody out there that, you know, when we constantly try to do everything for everybody and to live up to those standards, who really benefits and who really suffers? Because I think if you take a second to think about it, we're the ones when we're constantly saying yes to everything and I can do that and I'll do that. We're the ones who become emotionally exhausted, even though we don't show it to everybody on the inside, it wears us down. So again, under this first quarter moon in Pisces, guys, just take time to really honor your feelings and know that it comes from a place of authenticity. Your feelings are your feelings and there's nothing anybody can, should, or will ever tell you that should ever change how you truly feel about what's inside of you. So just kind of keep that in mind. And I guess another thing I should point out, I had mentioned that this is the holiday season coming up here. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that is getting the pressure from tradition, you know, or any kind of busy social calendars that you've got to live up to this too, regardless. So I know I say deal with your feelings, but I'm saying that to respect the fact that we can't all always just say no or, you know, or just bow out of all of these things because we really, truly do want to go. But so if you have to participate and you really do feel like you're becoming overwhelmed or you feel like you're just being pulled in different directions, do yourself a favor and take a two-minute break. Step outside a door, go get into a car, take a couple of deep breaths, and then you can go back into that particular situation, hopefully with a little bit better of an emotional focus until you're able to get out of that completely and then deal with your feelings. So just understand, you know, I know that there are times you can't say no or you can't get out of certain things and you're going to have to push right through them. Just honor, so you can still, but you can still take time to honor your feelings is I guess what I'm trying to say there. Another thing about working with this first quarter moon, again, Pisces, big emotions, sun, Sagittarius, big pull for the egos, plus we've got the holidays. It's important, how do I want to put this? And I think the big reason why, again, I'm going to go back and touch on this is because emotions are really the center of everything that we create. And being emotionally aligned with your goal is like a basic principle of the law of attraction. I talked about that on, I think it was the New Moon in Sagittarius podcast, the last episode, and I'll talk about that on more. But basic principle of the law of attraction is being emotionally and energetically aligned with your goal. If you are not living up to how you truly feel and you are putting on a happy face just so that you don't upset a couple of apples in your cart, you're not truly energetically and emotionally aligned with your goal. So I want you to take that into account. And I wanted to just give you guys an idea or I guess an example of how I'm working with that and how I understand that it's been a struggle and what I'm doing. So as we approach the holiday season, it's a tough time for myself and my family. We are still grieving the loss of my mother who has been gone now for about a year and a half. My father has been gone for a little over five years. Last year in 2022, right around the time that my mother passed, my children also lost their father. It was actually within about a three-day period that we lost both of them. So the holidays are really still a struggle for me personally, and I'm still getting through it. But there's so many things that are going on, and even though I'm still grieving, the social calendar and the family gatherings and the work, the late nights and the getting out to shop, all of these things that go with the holidays, they really don't stop when you're grieving or when you're going through any kind of an emotional healing process for that matter. Also, understanding that the world is not going to stop. You have to be the one that hits the stop button and makes it stop for yourself. And so I have done that over the last several, well, I shouldn't say several, but we lost our dad five years ago. So it wasn't so bad then, but since losing my mom a year and a half ago, one of the things that I have found is that when I'm in this hustle and bustle of all of these traditions and these big family gatherings, it gets to be too much for me emotionally. And I can no longer sit through and put on a happy face because I know that at the end of the day, it will all mount up and I will all break down. It will become too much. So for me and my grieving process, again, this is my personal journey. The way that I'm getting through these holiday seasons is I've chosen to take breaks. Again, like I mentioned before, sometimes I just need to step out into the garage or step out outside of the house or go sit in my car if I need to, to get an emotional break if I feel like it's too much. But on that other account, I've taken it one step further. And I actually, much to my husband's dismay, but I will drive myself to all of the family gatherings. Now, I am lucky enough that the family gatherings that we go to are relatively within a 50-mile radius of my house, so I can drive to those with no problem. So I understand that's not an option for you guys. But I want you to see how working with that first quarter moon energy and learning to deal with your feelings, as I have over the last several years, has helped me to come up with, quite literally, coping mechanisms to help me still honor my feelings while still honoring what the rest of the world expects. So for me, it's taking breaks. And then I drive myself because if it gets to be too much, then I know I can step out and to, you know, rewind that a little bit, as I'm driving to the family event, I'm able to almost psych myself up emotionally and mentally, just to understand that, you know, I'm doing a little bit of a mantra, a little bit of an affirmation. I might be listening to some positive music. But what I'm trying to do before I enter that event is raise my energetic vibration as high as I can, so that, you know, if it's that high and I know it's going to be depleted while I'm there, I want to start with, like, my bucket totally full, right? So as I'm driving there by myself, I don't have to worry about talking to my husband or listening to anything on the radio he wants to listen to. I have some very, very dedicated me time to prepare myself for the event. And then when I feel it's been enough, I will very graciously, you know, do my rounds and say goodbye. And I'm like, you know, it takes me an hour to get to that. But I will leave sometimes well before the event is even over because that's what I need. And as I'm driving home, I do the opposite, which that I did on the way, which means I just decompress, right? I may listen to the same music. I may not listen to anything and just let my mind kind of roll through what has happened and then maybe make some mental notes of some things I can do to deal with any emotions or heavy ones that are coming up within me. Now, I will also say that that doesn't go over well with each and every one of my family members that I have to that I do that. But again, that's where I have chosen to basically find a balance between where the world is pushing me and my ability to honor my emotions. And I'll tell you guys, once I realized that piece, I don't know, maybe two, two and a half years ago. Yeah, I might have been around that first quarter moon in Pisces, like 2020, yeah, 2020, 2020, I think, because that's right after we had lost my dad. It has really helped with my manifesting efforts because I realized that I'm kind of, you know, again, lunar forecasting to the first quarter moon in Pisces and knowing it's around the holidays every year. And I understand that it's not, you know, the ideal situation for, you know, family always, but it's the ideal situation for me emotionally. And if you guys have ever, you know, spoken to me personally or come in for a reading, I will always, always stress the fact that taking care of you is the most important thing. Because if you're not right, then you can't be everything you want to be for the other people that are in your life. So, so again, just, I know that was probably super long winded, but again, make sure you're taking breaks. And if it's an option and the holidays are overwhelming, come up with some creative, haha, Pisces creative, some creative ways that you can still honor your feelings while being present and participating in the holiday traditions and family gatherings or social gatherings that you want to. Okay. So that's kind of number one, deal with your feelings. That's a big one because again, I'm not going to do it again. Another piece to point out with this one is right now under this first quarter moon in Pisces, as I mentioned before, there's a clashing of the energies. So while Pisces and Sagittarius are literally duking it out on your, um, on your astrological or on your birth chart, be mindful of a tendency for like explosive emotional outbursts or maybe even like blowing things out of proportion. There's some Jupiter influence that goes in here and Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance. So anytime Jupiter's involved, um, you can expect a bit of, uh, of a puff of whatever energy is around it. And this puff happens to be around your emotions. So you may expect a puffy emotions around the last quarter moon. Just make sure that if you feel like things are stewing and you're getting ready to explode on anybody, if you don't want to make a scene, again, I know I said honor your emotions, but I don't know that your real emotions would want to be, you want to explode, you know, it's a different emotion. It's just coming across that way. So just take a couple of deep breaths. If you feel like you, you may be getting ready to explode on somebody or if you feel like there's a situation and that there's a possibility that you may blow it out of proportion or like, you know, making a mountain out of a molehill basically just take a couple of deep breaths and save yourself any kind of regret or, you know, apologies that you might have to make later. So being mindful of that. So number one is deal with your feelings and honor them and come up with creative ways that you can still live up to some of the standards that are around you right now. Or I guess I should say some of the expectations while still honoring how you feel as we get through this holiday season. Number two is be mindful of explosive emotional outbursts. Avoid causing any kind of drama and don't make a mountain out of a molehill if you don't need to. And then the last one I'm going to leave you guys with before I hop off here is make sure that you're paying attention to your intuition or kind of a trust your gut. I mentioned it earlier, but Pisces is a very intuitive sign. It's known to be the dreamer. And a lot of times when we have the moon who reflects our emotions in the sign of Pisces, you'll have heightened awareness. You may have more vivid dreams. You may have more intuitive encounters. So keep that in mind as you're learning to work or manifest with this particular energy of the moon while it's in Pisces. See how your intuition is doing. If you're having dreams, maybe keep a dream journal. That's not a bad idea. But don't let the world and the busyness drown out that inner voice that's really meant to guide you. So again, hopefully you guys get the idea here that Pisces and this first quarter moon in Pisces is all about honoring you and your emotions. So we're talking about honoring your intuition and trusting your gut. We're talking about honoring your emotions and how you really feel. And we're talking about honoring your emotions by not having an explosive outburst. That's not the emotion we really want to have. There's something else that's behind that. So a lot of honoring your feelings is really what you can expect during this first quarter moon in Pisces. And that, my friends, is the end of this week's episode of Moonlight Chronicles. I hope that makes sense to you guys. And I greatly, again, super duper appreciate any feedback you guys have on either what you'd like to see in the future or different ways you'd like for me to present the information. I am all about delivering what you guys need to hear. So I will take any kind of feedback as constructive so that I can make this really, truly, as I said in the beginning, my goal is to make this your go-to podcast for a cosmic overview of how to work with the upcoming lunar events. Now that being said, I am looking into doing a few episodes on how to work with crystals during specific phases of the moon, most likely like the new moon and the full moon, but also sprinkling in some oils, a couple of different rituals like creating moon water. And I think, yeah, that's a pretty good list for us, about all I can come up with off the top of my head. But keeping that in mind, guys, please, in the show comments, I would love to hear your suggestions on what you guys are looking to hear, what do you want to learn about working with the moon? Let me know. Share this. I guess I'm trying to go over my list here in my head because, again, I didn't keep notes. If you would, I would truly appreciate it if you guys would rate the podcast, share it, subscribe, download it as much as you would love to listen and to learn. And if you would, I think that's all I have, really, I'm not even going to finish. And so to kind of sum things up, I hope you guys found that information valuable and that you do understand that when it comes to this first quarter moon phase in Pisces that's coming up, it's truly just a phase. It'll be quick. It'll be fleeting, but it could be a challenge. And with that, guys, I wish you the best of luck, happy manifesting, and have a great rest of your day. I'm signing off.