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Period 5

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Don't make me laugh, all right, so take a look. For me? I don't know, what do you think? The scope of it, I don't think. Okay, easy, I just want to make sure we're recording. I only like the cup of the loose. Cup of the loose. Okay, so the cup of the loose is a hit for us? Okay, I mean, are we mad at that, that we have cup of the loose? Like, suggestions, like what can we bring in that will make you guys fight happier? Say pizza. Pizza. Oh, like lasagna? Pizza, but you guys didn't even eat. It was good, everyone ate. I ate, and even made my stomach hurt, like, I think everyone was complaining about it. Everybody got churros after. Churros, yeah, Donnie's like, I'm gonna get some churros. And she pulled out the tapatio ball, too. A tapatio ball? Yeah. There's a little one in her backpack. Yeah, Jimmy had one right here, like in his classroom. When he left, when he sent me his thing, he left it as a tapatio ball, I don't know. And the Shazam case thing, yeah, that was Jimmy, and he left it, I think. He gave it to me, but I gave it to him. So we're gonna bring that back home for her? Yeah. Great, okay. All right, so then we'll be doing pizza in the other expeditions, and also here at McDonald's, we can bring McDonald's. I, well, last time they brought McDonald's, and I was like, wow. Did you prepare for McDonald's? Definitely nobody ate at McDonald's, but it was just, like, you guys got like, they got fries and some, like, chicken nuggets, but, did you eat McDonald's? No, no, you guys didn't. What did you eat? The chicken nuggets. The chicken nuggets? Yeah. Is that what we're gonna be bringing in every time? I feel like, no, it's, it's, I mean, last time they brought it was wings. They brought wings? Oh! Like, in the beginning, you know? The first day, my first day they gave wings, like, from Wingstop. From Wingstop? Yeah. No, I don't think it was, I don't think it was. Oh, it was in, I don't know. I don't think it was. But I remember Erica saying it was from Wingstop. Okay. I don't know. So, you just got wings? But they weren't that good. They were, like, dry and cold. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. All right. It was my, it was my first day. But, hey, that was my first day here. That was my first day here, and I felt, like, awkward. Okay, that was pizza, but you didn't complain about it. Yeah, I didn't complain about it. Okay, we take that, we take that, but, okay, so you have to do better with bringing food on time and making sure it's nice and hot. Yeah. Okay. So, what else, what else? What else can we do? So, we like wings and pizza, so. Yeah. And these are suggestions that I'll be giving to Monica, for sure, so. You know? Any input is appreciated. I don't even know. I know, it's definitely. What do you mean, like, donuts? Or, like, ice cream? But, like, I know, but I'm saying, like. Like, lunch. Yes! Like, what am I gonna give you guys? Donuts and ice cream? You guys are gonna get so hyper for us. I feel like burgers. Burgers? Like, from where? Like, from. Ooh, I never had, but I heard. They're pretty good. Yeah, they're pretty cool. Okay, so. I don't wanna make burgers in general. Or, like, ice ice. It's expensive, but it's really good. Have you guys had that yet? No. Okay, okay, okay. And I think you guys will like it, but I see something going on here. Like, when I talk, if I talk like this, it goes well, but if I don't, it starts. Like, whining. Yeah, so that kind of sucks. Okay. So, let's. Hi, hi, everybody. This is your host, Anna, and my co-host. Paola. Or, Paula. Paula. Paula. All right, so for today's episode, we're gonna be talking about. Chate. Chate. And Chate Faye. Chate Faye. We didn't even say that in the name of our podcast. Oh, yeah. Oh, you didn't have it. Depa? Depa. It's not official that we're still, we're still trying to figure it out. Still working. Still working. Well, we have something going, but. All right. So, today we're gonna be catching on on Chate Faye. So, if you don't know what Chate Faye is, please do tell. Yesterday, I saw a TikTok of this guy. I forgot his name. Um, but I think he took her, like, flowers and, like, music, or something like that. And, I guess the, what's his name? Willito? No, not Willito, that's. Oh, no, I think. I know. I thought, I thought. Her ex-boyfriend, no? Yeah? He said that it's, I forgot his name, but the chunky things that are in his hair. Yeah, yeah. And he knows how to dance. And I saw a light, and they were dancing. And, like, people. I heard his name was Lalo, right? Lalo? No, not Lalo. Okay, we have in the background our guest, Marina. Do you wanna join us, Marina? No, no. Like, nah, all right. We'd love to be getting your input. If you could please get at his home and look up the name of the, of Chate Faye's little situation. Yeah, I don't remember his name, but I remember, like, I guess they've been, like, going out for a while. I don't know, but people are saying he's using her for, like, her, like, for clout, basically. And what are our thoughts on that? Do we think it's for clout, or do we think it's for help? I mean, it could be, but I mean, a lot of people are saying they look cute together, and that he looks like he actually likes her. And you know he treats her nice. I mean, in my, hey, if someone gave me this little, like, boo Halloween sock, it was my favorite snack. Yeah, she's like, oh my god, no one has ever done this to me. You can't find it? We'll find it right now. Girls at the same level. Go on TikTok, you can find it, come on. You can find, like, detectives, FBI, and some kind of, you know. I can't, my TikTok does not work when, it doesn't work when I'm not connected to the Wi-Fi. I don't know why. Oh, Enrique. Enrique, yeah, that's his name, yeah. Hey, if I was Chante, then Chate Faye, and then Chate Faye, Enrique. Yeah, that's the, I mean, when he does it, it's supposed to be nice for her, but I think, honestly. Oh, yeah, but they're more like friends. Yeah. It's more like platonic, but. I think he does it more for, not for clout, but I think he does it. It gives him, like, views. It gives him more, like, I guess when he does things for Chante Faye, or, like, when he posts with Chante Faye, it gives him more, like. But I also feel like he does it as social issues, because if it wasn't for her, he would have never filmed that. Yeah, yeah, he did mention that, but I think, oh, no, actually, he helped, didn't they? No, like, he. Well, they both helped each other. Yeah. Because I think he. But she does have a bigger thing, like, up and coming, like, more views and stuff, and then we remember that one time they got together, he went to Minnesota. Minnesota. Oh. I have a post at Faye called Minnesota. Oh, really? Yeah, he said when he went to visit her there, for the first time, that's when they had, like, I think, if I'm not mistaken, they had about 70,000 people viewing that live. Oh. Because they had done those, like, fake prices and things. Yeah. And they have some people who. Yeah. They know what they're doing. I mean, they. It's working for them. Yeah, it's working for them, so. Literally, like, it's huge. Yeah, he's gotta give them some props. Yeah. I wish I, maybe I've talked about the TikTok before. Maybe. Who knows? I know, like, we're not doing this for nothing. We're not doing this for nothing. Literally. We need to get Abuelito and Charly, they, look at this, they're, like, dancing. Yeah, I saw that, too. Like, she seems like she really likes him. And, like, oh, I also saw this TikTok thing, like, oh, Enrique out here at Pico dancing with all these girls. And, like, I guess, well, being with Charly, they. Do you think it's not a girl, Charly? Who knows? I mean, it is, it's just dancing, and I don't think they're, like, together together. Maybe they're, like, going out, but I don't know. That's also what I think it is. What? I don't know. Oh, my God, why? Marina said it. She was the one, she was cheat on Charly's face, and why? Give us a reason why. Is it because of how she looks? Yeah. Yeah? Like, why be with someone in the first place if you're just gonna cheat on them? Like, I wouldn't like to be cheated on, so I wouldn't cheat. I don't think she's innocent. Like, I don't know how you put that. She does not? No, but I feel like if she's innocent, then there's that. Also, but I also feel like she puts that image out there, like, she's innocent, but she can. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. She does a lot of shit. Yeah, but also, like, I don't think everyone, everyone has their downsides, you know? But I don't know if it's in her name, though, that she's all there. No, I think she's not, like, right in the lane. Yeah. So I think that's why they take advantage of her, because they're like, oh, she's a little diluid. A little, you know. She's a corn on the cob, like me. Los AFA. Yeah. She's on people's Instagram. Yeah, I know. The way she be, like, posting TikToks. I'm like. Oh, I love. Yeah. I feel so bad for her. Like, I feel like she has, I feel like she has the wrong idea, like. She does. Yeah. She definitely believes Julito's a love after. Yeah. But I don't blame her, because if. Like, yeah, yeah, all of that, like, you know, when you talk about. Fuck you up. All out for her. I don't change. Literally. I don't believe you don't love what you do. You took her banda and flowers and all that. I'm like, damn. I want to see the house, like, definitely. Literally. Like, flowers. This has like. Uh-huh. No. No. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bola? He called Charlie B. Bola? No. Wait, Charlie B. So, Hosein B. calls Charlie B. Bola? It's because what happened was, so, Charlie had, I guess, like. Charlie, he's not wrong. No, no, no, no, no. He's not wrong. He's just, he's not wrong. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh! I saw that! That was him? He's like, Bola, Bola, Bola. I didn't know that was him. No, but it's like a really sad back story to that. I've never seen him, though. No? Like, what does he look like? Let me see. It's like a really sad story to that because, so, basically, she's talking about how her stepdad gave her that nickname. Bola? Yeah. What? And, like, that's him. Oh, that's him. Yeah. I've never seen him. So, like, so, stepdad gave her that nickname. He will call her Bola to be, like, the trespasser or whatever. Yeah. And, um, Bola. No, but that's, that's bullying, you know what I mean? Like, even if it's true, I'm sure he wouldn't, like, any ugly nicknames to her, you know what I mean? Like, I have so many nicknames. Like, everyone, no one even calls me by my name. Don't call me Bola, I'll cry. That's what I'm saying, right, right? Yeah, so, the mom was allowing the stepdad to call her out of her name and that she would be okay with it. That's true. And, so, she, she's like, and, so, she confided in Josepe and told her this and now he's using it against her for, like, consonance and making fun of her. Yeah. It's like, it's funny. No, it's funny. It's funny because he started, Sola, Sola, Sola, he wants to be Sola. Yeah, he tried to, he tried to, like. Like, he's been trying to show that it's, like, all, it's like, you call me Bola? Yeah. What the fuck? What the fuck? And, yeah. But, it's funny and he does it a lot. Like, there's no time to do it when he's calling her. Yeah. I don't think he catches on every time. I don't think he's all there. Yeah. I mean, he definitely is funny. Oh, yeah. He's here and there, but. Definitely. But, he's funny. I mean, yeah, she's funny. Is he that funny? No, I think, I think, I honestly think Jose is funnier than me. Well, that's the first time I hear about Jose. Okay, well, you definitely need to check out Jose. Yes. Uh, TikTok? Hi, welcome back. Welcome back. Wanna say what's up to our podcast? I know. Oh, you're on the podcast. Hola. Hola. You're on the podcast, the podcast. Get this mic out of my face. I can't. Oh, damn. I can't. All right. Hola. Hola. Hola. So, that's hola. That's hola. Hola. Hola. That's the feature. That's the feature. Oh, the feature. All right, Sophia, thank you. Sophia. Ah, the only reason why I remembered your name is because that's my daughter's middle name. Sophia? Mm-hmm. Oh, my. Darla Sophia. Darla Sophia. That's cute. What's your name? I have two. You see, initially, I wanted her name to be Sophia. Darla from, like, Little Red Roses? Yeah. But, I didn't get it from there, though. I'm sorry. I got it from Finding Nemo. It was a joke. Like, we couldn't get it. I think that's on the card now. But, we couldn't decide on a name. And, initially, I had said I wanted Sophia. But, my cousin took the name from me. And, she named her daughter Sophia. Damn. Yeah, that's right. That's funny. That is right. Yes. Ooh. So, then, she even put the middle name because I wanted her name to be Sophia Mia. Oh. So, she took the whole name. That's cute. I put the whole name, yeah. That is messed up. So, then, I was like, no, I don't want that to be her name anymore. And, my boyfriend was like, no, just keep it. Like, that's the name you wanted. And, I was like, nope. We're gonna change it. And, then, we couldn't decide. I wanted Nicole, you know, like. That's cute. I like Nicole. We decided I wanted a sister's name. What? What? I'm just kidding. No, seriously. No, you really think it's a sister's name? You know, there was this girl in elementary. Her name was Nicole. And, we did not work with each other. It was mostly her. You know why? Why? She was messing with my brother. And, I guess she thought I was like, I don't know, one of the posers or something. I'm your brother? No. We were in elementary. And, he saw me. He saw us together. And, I guess she thought, I don't know. But, she was mad. And, she would give me dirty looks. And, then, her friends started giving me dirty looks, too. There are no snags. Yeah. But, either way, there are no snags. They need a reason. They don't have anything. I've been forgetting. I asked you guys for suggestions to everything. And, I got nothing. Well, I just suggested, like, cuddles. Yeah, that's fine. I'm like a couch. A coffee maker. Look at our podcast. It's going everywhere. It's a conversation. I know. I love this. We'll definitely be doing a podcast corner. I'm thinking, maybe, like, that corner over there. That corner over there, yeah. Actually, yeah. So, we can stone everything. I kind of, but, I don't know. I kind of, like, next to the window. But, I feel like we should try something different. Because, we're always here. I feel like we're going to be distracted by mess all the time. Yeah, that's true. I mean, we're always, like, I don't know, peeking over. Looking out. So, I think we can use that board. Like, great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. Yes. But, Eleanor's also down. Okay, Jimmy. Jimmy. Jimmy. Literally. So, we can do, like, a nice corner. I did see this, like, cloud thing. Like, cloud thing. Oh, uh-huh. Oh, that's cute. Of people, like, floating down there. And then, like, doing, like, plants. And, like, the nice, cute plants. Yeah. So, we can set apart stuff. Definitely. I know Monica suggested Rebecca's office. But, I think we can do it. Oh, yeah. It would be kind of cool. Yeah, it'd be cool. I'm trying to get myself at home. Huh? Oh. I've never went with her style. Oh, what? They don't get you out of class? I know. They never pull me out. But, I mean, that's good. She's like, I never get picked out to go out. I know. I'm like, I never get picked to go out. Like, everyone leaves the class. It's definitely you. I'm already here. Stop. I know both Lisa and Jackie are not here. But, we'll definitely get their input on how we should set up. I think that corner would be great for us. Definitely. I'm thinking of moving all the books and stuff here. Doing, like, a bean bag or a couch. And, like, let the natural lighting come in for everybody. And, I'll leave my desk here. And, maybe, like, that corner there, we'll put another couch for, like, our guests. Oh, my God. Yeah. Like, when they're waiting for us to, like, set up and everything. Yeah. That would be cute. Yeah. I'll probably set the desks around to make more space. Like, I'll put them together. And, we'll do, like, four. Four and four. Like, how Jamie had it. Oh, yeah. But, it's kind of, like, this. So, it'd be different. Yeah. Okay. That would be cute. Yeah. Then, we could use one of those whiteboards for our ideas and topics. But, we definitely have to put that achievement suggestion box. Where people can tell their achievement. And, then, we can just run it as a topic. Like, we don't have to. Oh, yeah. We could work on making the box tomorrow. Like, we'd, like, create a queue and everything. We could put it in an MPI. Oh, yeah. That's good. So, like, you know, everyone will go to the. Or, like, we could use one in the boys and one in the girls' restroom. Oh, yeah. So, that would be, like, anonymous. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That'd be good. That way, I don't see the different types you guys put in achievements. I'm a bit confused. Oh. I'm just kidding. I'm, like, close to you. No. But, no, like. I have a feeling the girls. Or, like. Oh, everyone's kind of. No, no, no. It's gonna be, like, overflowing. It's gonna be, like. But, it'll be, like. I don't know. Let's say someone put on in there, like, a homie has cheated on his boyfriend. And, then, like. We'll make that the topic. Yeah. Like, you know. Like, what do you think of cheating? Would you ever? Have you ever been cheated on? You know, like. Have you ever been cheated? Yeah. I've been cheated on five times. Yes? Okay. So, then. You're gonna be our guest. A special guest for that episode. Okay? Yes. Oh. You don't have to say your name. You can be anonymous. It could be anonymous. We can change your voice. Yeah. Like, you know. Great. Woo! Thank you. Yeah. I'll just write it here. So, like. It's probably the best. We can all share our stories on that. And. But, she could be, like. The star. Hey. Right now? I didn't turn it off. Yeah, yeah. Why didn't you turn it off? Because I was like. Oh. Oh, that's better. Oh. From what? From the YouTube. It's okay. But, see. It's the learning experience. Right? Yeah. Lessons. Lessons. Less things. Less things that. Oh, we just hit that topic. Like, tomorrow. Like. Yeah. Like, yeah. I'll give you guys. My version of my stories there. We just won't share. To the public. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah. I actually have a good story on this. Like, that I could personally share. Look at our first topic. Where, like. This is just trial and error. This is, I'm gonna listen to it privately. And then. We'll do. Yeah. All, like. This is, I'm using it to see what I can cut out. Yeah. Or how I can fix it. Like, kind of practice your editing. You know? Yeah. And then. We can do that as our first topic. We'll bring Maureen in. And you, Danny. And Ethan. Share some. Ethan's insights. Oh. I'm actually getting so shy. But. Yeah. We'll get it. We'll get the juicy cheese going out of Ethan. From me. From me. But, alrighty guys. So, this will be our closing. Thank you so much for listening. Anything you wanna say? Bye. Thank you for listening. Bye. Ciao. Ora. Ora. Ora. That's how we're gonna end our podcast. We're like, ora. That's our outro.

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