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The movie "Boys in the Hood" directed by John Singleton explores the experiences of three childhood friends growing up in South Central Los Angeles during a time of gang violence, poverty, and racial tension. The film addresses social issues such as gang violence, police brutality, absent fathers, limited opportunities, and the cycle of poverty. Through the use of sociological theories, the film highlights the systemic factors contributing to these issues and encourages critical analysis and discussion. While the movie provides a realistic portrayal of the challenges faced by minority communities, it is important to recognize that it is a work of fiction and may not fully capture the complexity and depth of these issues in the real world. Nonetheless, the film serves as a catalyst for conversations about systemic racism and urban violence. Hello, my name is DeAndre Harris, and I will be analyzing the movie Boys in the Hood, which was directed by John Singleton and released in 1991. I chose this movie because it resonates with the African American community, which I'm a part of, and it really sends a message to our black men, which I am as well, of what we go through in our daily lives. The movie is centered in South Central Los Angeles, California, during the 1980s and early 1990s, which was a time marked by gang violence, poverty, and racial tension. The story actually centers around three childhood friends, who are Trey Stiles, Doughboy, and Ricky Baker, as they navigate through their life growing up in the neighborhood plagued by crime and systemic inequalities. Ricky and Doughboy are actually related, they are brothers. Trey is really the actual lead of the actual movie, who is raised by his father, who instills in him the values of education, responsibility, and self-respect. Now Doughboy, on the other hand, becomes involved in gang violence and struggles with the absence of a positive role model in his life, which he doesn't have a father, but rarely listens to his mother either. Now Ricky is a talented high school football player, aiming for a scholarship to escape the cycle of poverty, and his mother really supports him being the oldest child. Then the plot follows the lives of these three characters, as they confront the harsh realities of their environment, including gang violence, police brutality, and limited opportunities for socioeconomic advancement. Now as tensions escalate in the movie, the film portrays the devastating consequences of systematic neglect and institutional racism on the lives of young African Americans. Now some major social issues that the movie does have is gang violence and its impact on actual community itself, socioeconomic inequality, and limited access to resources. There's a lot of racial profiling and police brutality. There's a lot of absentee fathers in the movie, and the importance of role models shown in the cycle of poverty, and the lack of educational opportunities, and the struggle of African Americans trying to make it out and do something with their lives. Now this film delves into critical social issues including gang violence, poverty, racial inequality, and the absence of fatherhood. To understand the issues more deeply, I did research to explore various perspectives and responses to the film. Now in my research, I located three reviews and articles discussing the film, Boys in the Hood. These sources represented diverse perspectives, including professional reviewers, bloggers, and audience members from different age groups and backgrounds. I applied my research questions to these sources to uncover assumptions and biases regarding the film and its social issues. The reviews revealed a range of assumptions and expectations audiences bring to the film. Some viewers found the portrayal of social issues in Boys in the Hood to be realistic and accurate, while others found it surprising or disturbing. Audiences' reactions were influenced by factors such as socialization, gender, age, and personal experiences with the depicted issues. Asking the questions that I came about, do audiences often blame systemic issues or personal decisions for these difficulties? And reading the reviews, I would say that the audience would agree and blame systemic issues and still facing them today, which we are. Reflecting my own personal assumptions and biases, I realized that I may have held preconceived notions about the film based on my own background and experiences. Now by acknowledging these biases, I can approach my analysis more objectively and critically. Examining the film's portrayal of social issues, the use of sociological theory helped challenge a personal and societal assumption by providing a framework for understanding complex social phenomena. For example, applying conflict theory to Boys in the Hood allows me to explore how structural factors such as poverty and racism contribute to the perpetuation of violence and inequality to urban communities. My initial assumption may have been that gang violence is solely the result of individual choices. However, through the lens of sociological theory, I can recognize the broader systemic forces at play, such as economic deprivation and social margins, which shape the environment in which the choices are made. Sociological theories offer foundations for understanding the underlying structures and dynamics of the social concerns represented in the film. Conflict theory, for example, can be used to evaluate power dynamics and systematic disparities in the context of urban violence and racial prejudice. Using this approach, researchers and practitioners can discover the underlying causes of societal problems and develop solutions. This understanding is critical for anybody considering a profession in social work, public policy, advocacy, or community development because it shapes their approach to dealing with complicated social issues. Engaging with sociological theories leads to better understanding the societal challenges shown in the film. Individuals who analyze the film using philosophical models like conflict theory, symbolic interaction, or structural functionalism can obtain insight into the core causes and dynamics of urban violence, racial prejudice, and systemic disparities. This understanding is critical for anyone seeking a profession in the social sciences since it guides their approach to solving real-world problems. Now, urban violence in boarding school is influenced by a variety of societal problems that have deep roots in racial segregation, institutional neglect, and socioeconomic inequality. Due to these occurrences, young people live in a setting where they are deprived of chances and resources which develop frustration and negativity that might turn violent. I chose to use conflict theory to show how social phenomena and urban violence are related. The importance of power relations and social inequality in society is highlighted by conflict theory. Within the framework of Boys in the Hood, it emphasizes how structural problems like racism and poverty create social divisions and provoke rivalry for few resources, which in effect promote violence. This report sheds light on the structural factors at work in urban neighborhoods that feed the cycle of violence. Now, characters in this movie, such as Doughboy and Trey, resort to violence to demonstrate their power and position in their society because they have little responsibility for achievement because of their surroundings. Social disorganization theory is a modern sociological theory that sheds light on urban violence. This theory is focused on how crime and violence become worse by the breakdown of societal institutions and the unity in communities. I witnessed how the breakdown of family relationships and the lack of social assistance increase the rate of violence in the youth. I found two sociological articles that address urban violence from different angles. While the second article argues that peer pressure and cultural factors have a greater influence, the first article highlights the significance that financial hardships and social marginalization play in promoting violence during the pandemic. These issues don't just happen in South Central Los Angeles, but it happens all over the world. Sometimes we subject ourselves to be the only one going through tough situations, like portrayed in the film, but there is someone that can be struggling just like you. Theories like cultural divide and social strain theory, respectively, support these opposing viewpoints. It becomes clear from the article's opposing perspectives recognize social patterns supporting ideas that Boyz n the Hood presents a complex view of urban violence that takes into account the role of both structural and cultural elements. The film highlights the complicated ways personal power, institutional negligence, and socioeconomic circumstances interact to shape lives of its main characters. Due to the use of a variety of viewpoints, Boyz n the Hood challenges viewers to think critically about solutions as well as the underlying reasons of urban violence. The movie Boyz n the Hood provides a realistic portrayal of the societal challenges the minority group face and sheds light on the complex causes of urban violence. We can understand the film's portrayal of these difficulties and their broader societal consequences better by engaging with theoretical ideas and conducting social analysis. Now when comparing the representation of societal issues in Boyz n the Hood to its prevalence in the actual world, it is critical to consider the movie's portrayal of systematic racism and urban violence in South Central Los Angeles. The film powerfully illustrates the hardships that African American youth confront as they grow up in poor neighborhoods where chances are scarce and violence is common. The film's characters, Trey, Ricky, and Bill Boyz, show the difficulties in managing life in an environment filled with gang activity, narcotics, and police violence. While Boyz n the Hood portrays these concerns in a captivating and tragic manner, it is important to remember that the movie is an example of fiction, although one that has its foundation in truth. The film captures the core of the societal concerns it portrays although it may not fully represent their complexity and depth in the actual world. For example, while the film shows the consequences of gang violence and difficulties in breaking the cycle of poverty, it may simplify certain parts or ignore other contributing causes such as economic policies, educational inequality, and historical incestuousness. Drawing on my personal experience, I've seen how the film Boyz n the Hood can connect with viewers and inspire discussions about systemic issues. However, in order to inquire a more complete understanding of the societal issue at hand, deeper research with multiple perspectives must be supported by visual portrayals. The application of a classical and contemporary idea to a chosen social issue in the real world is determined by theories themselves and their relevance to the issue. Classical theories like conflict theory or structural functionalism can shed light on the underlying causes and dynamics of social inequality and urban violence. Contemporary theories such as critical race theory and intersectionality provide nuanced perspectives that take into account how race, class, gender, and other forms of identity intersect to shape individual lives. Sociological theory can assist me and the audience deal with personal and societal assumptions by giving methods for deconstructing and critically examining social processes. Consider the subject of the police violence in African American communities. Critical race theory can help us understand how historical patterns of racism and white supremacy interact with modern policy methods, resulting in disproportionate violence against black people. By looking at the issue through this perspective, we can reject the notion that police violence is the consequence of a few bad apples instead of seeing it as a systematic problem in deeper societal systems. When evaluating on how sociological theories might guide my research objective for the film, it is critical to acknowledge the diverse character of the concerns addressed in the film. Each sociological theory provides a unique viewpoint on the film's subjects including race, class, urbanization, and social inequality. Conflict theory is especially useful by examining the power dynamics in systematic inequalities depicted in the film. This theory highlights the importance of conflict and rivalry in society, stressing how power disparities contribute to social stratification and oppression. In Boys in the Hood, we witnessed how inequalities in society create cycles of poverty and violence, especially among people of color. Implying conflict theory allows us to investigate how institutions such as criminal justice systems and economic policies contribute to the socioeconomic inequality shown in the film. Functionist theory, while not directly relevant to Boys in the Hood, can still provide insights into stability and disruption on social systems. While the film focuses on the dysfunction and disruption in South Central Los Angeles, the functionalist perspective could help us understand how certain societal structures such as familial relationships or community solidarity contribute to relevance and cohesion in the face of external challenges. Reflecting on the process of applying sociological theories to Boys in the Hood, I recognize the importance of incorporating the sociologicalist perspective into both my present professional goals and research interests. This project helped me develop a better grasp of how theoretical frameworks may illustrate many aspects of social issues and guide through my research. By building my study on sociological theory, I am able to better interpret my findings, uncovering patterns, and propose solutions that address the root causes of social inequality and injustice. Overall, the experience strengthened the determination to use research and scholarship as tools for social transformation. Based on my research of previously selected articles, I believe I am more closely aligned with conflict theory in analyzing the societal issue depicted in Boys in the Hood. Conflict theory emphasizes the significance of power, struggles, and structural inequalities in constructing society, which is particularly relevant to the film's themes of systematic racism, poverty, and urban violence. Using this lens, I see the social issue as the outcome of rooted power, dynamics, and injustice reinforced by institutions like criminal justice systems and economic policies. In terms of stereotypes, the film challenges and validates them. On one hand, Boys in the Hood challenges cliches by humanizing its characters and portraying the complexities of their lives. Once again, the film highlights the hardships of African-American adolescents growing up in poverty, showing that they are defined by more than just stereotypes and violence or criminality. Instead, it emphasizes the institutional constraints and societal pressures that contribute to their situation. On the other side, the film reinforces prejudices about race and masculinity. For example, placed within a larger society of economic success, the film encourages artists to explore the underlying causes rather than adopting simplified explanations based on stereotypes. From a sociological standpoint, the impact of Boys in the Hood on society can be perceived positively and negatively. On the plus side, the video promotes awareness of realities faced in unprivileged communities and encourages discussions of themes such as racial injustice and urban poverty. It also humanizes its characters, acquiring empathy and understanding from viewers. However, the film's representation of violence and dysfunction in African-American neighborhoods may reinforce negative perceptions and perpetuate stigma. Also, some critics claim that the video emphasizes violence and ignores structural elements that contribute to societal problems, thereby jeopardizing efforts to address fundamental causes and implement successful solutions. Overall, Boys in the Hood is an effective platform for social awareness and discourse, but its impact on society is discreet and complex. By critically viewing the film via a sociological perspective, we may recognize its strengths while also highlighting its flaws and places for growth in tackling complex social concerns. This is my analysis on Boys in the Hood. Thank you so much for listening.