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Injury Time 14june2024

Injury Time 14june2024

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‘Injury Time’ with D. Ryan. Broadcast Friday the 14th Of June 2024 https://www.connemarafm.com/audio-page/

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The program is sponsored by Calmore Abbey and Gardens. The host welcomes two All-Ireland winning keepers, Ava Mitchell and Anisha Barry. They discuss their recent win against Cavan and their journey to the All-Ireland final. They talk about their training routines and the challenges of balancing school and sports. They also mention their favorite athletes and the support they receive from their parents. The host praises their hard work and commitment. This program is kindly sponsored by Calmore Abbey and Gardens 095 52001 Good evening guys and welcome to Injury Time here on Connemara Community Radio. It is a Clifton Summer Fest weekend so it is Friday the 14th of June so I hope the weather stays dry for everyone out there and it's been a beautiful week Barry yesterday really so hopefully it can stay dry for the weekend ahead and guys it's a special kind of episode here guys because I am lucky to have beside me two All-Ireland super keepers, All-Ireland winners and it is a pleasure and an honour to have beside me here Ava Mitchell and Anisha Barry and it's great to have two local girls with All-Ireland medals in their back pocket and I'm sure they're still celebrating girls are you? So it's been a tick of the action really with plenty of Gaelic football played with the likes of Leitrim, Sligo, Kildare and Waterford in the quarterfinal and semifinals and then last weekend a big win against Cavan after extra time as well so a really entertaining game 4-15 to 4-11 and it was a really entertaining game and especially after extra time so what do you have to say about the big win, I'll go with Ava first. They were a physical team so they were strong and they were fouling a bit, two players got sent off, one from Cavan and one from our team but they were a good team all right yeah. And Anisha? Yeah they actually were a really good team but it was a really intense game and it was a good walking match to watch to be honest. So guys obviously you play with Gráinne-y-Wales and it's all about trying to get picked for the county really, it's probably your ambition really and obviously you have to play well for a club to get picked for Gráinne-y-Wales so I'm sure it was a delight when you found out that you got selected for the derby on the 14th. So last summer our coach put four or five of us for our trials in September, October time and we went and it was, you get cut down every couple of months so we started in October and you get cut down, there's 200 girls and you just go through the stages of the trials and you play like challenge matches and you go to training and then we were training before Christmas with the, it wasn't the full squad it was 40 and then after Christmas they got cut down in January to the 30 squad and we got picked so yeah that was intense, we like getting the phone call the last, like we got added to a group every month and that's how you know you made it past the first cut and then the last cut you got a call so waiting for that call was fascinating really, I didn't like it at all. That's a huge credit to you, 200 girls to narrow down to 30 and to make that, to make the panel was unbelievable and to rise to three and look where you are now, 12 months later or 14 months later you have an iconic medal and an All-Ireland medal in your back pocket so it's a movement that you've rewarded with your hard work and your commitment so it's great to see it. And going back to, obviously you're both in school and then you're obviously training with Gros Newales and training with Galway, the under-14s, did you find it tough like travelling wise and trying to balance your lifestyle together with school and training? You just get your homework done and you get in the car to go to training and you get home a bit late but you just go to school the next day and it's grand. It's worth it anyway, it's only one Thursday that we have to do it so it's not really too big of a deal anyway. And with the training with Galway, where do you train, is it in Clare Galway? We train in Renmore on Saturdays that we don't have matches and Thursday evenings. And looking at the games, you've obviously won the CONAPT and it's great to see it, CONAPT and people have to realise you've actually a CONAPT medal in your back pocket as well, and an All-Ireland medal so it's not too many around here that would have All-Ireland medals and CONAPT medals and you're one lucky people. And obviously Trevor Clousey is the manager of the under-14s, would you have high respect for him now and keep in contact, no doubt, through the years with the under-14s? Well yeah, he's a good coach, he taught us a lot over the years, like strategies, kick-out plans, all those stuff. And he's always encouraging the team, at halftime he'd always tell us to keep the head up if we were losing, which wasn't very often, but when we were losing he was like, just keep the head, keep going, and just try your best. Yeah, he's really nice, and the girls are really nice, and all the coaches are really really nice, they're all really encouraging and helpful. And would he make the training as fun as possible, or is it, when you're with the county, is it that serious? Some of it is serious, but they also make it really fun, like there's no training that wasn't fun. Yeah, we do like just a couple sprinting games at the start after the warm-up and then we'd go into our kick-out strategies and stuff. Good stuff, and obviously two keepers here guys beside me, Nisha I'd say you've followed in your mum's footsteps with Gráinne Wales and Jessica, and I'm sure you plan to be in goal for many many years down the line. And obviously you've played with Gráinne Wales guys, and you also play with West Coast, what is probably your favourite sport, would it be Gaelic football, or do you like to balance, play as much as you can while you're as young as you can? I like playing both, soccer, I play it during the winter and it's just, it's to keep me fit, but I also enjoy it, and Gaelic's obviously my main sport. Yeah, soccer's a bit hard to enjoy because we always lose, but it's fine, Gaelic is more fun though with Gráinne Wales. Yeah, that's very true, and with the manager, obviously we all know Paul Gannon through the radio station here, and he's Gráinne Wales through and through, and he's probably one of the biggest supporters of ladies football in Connemara, and I'm sure he's definitely one of the people to look to within the Gráinne Wales club. Yeah, he is. So guys, a quick one now, obviously your match day routines and all that, obviously you have to be as strict as possible food-wise, going into your system and all that, but would you have a favourite song you listen to before a game, or any kind of rituals that you try to obey before a match or after a match? I'd say the main one is after training and matches, you roll out and stretch and have some protein milk, that's what Trevor always said to us. And looking at your heroes, looking to Irish heroes in the sporting world, obviously Kate Taylor is probably one of my favourite female boxers, would you have any female athletes out there that you look up to, obviously local-wise here, we probably have Niamh Fahey on her doorstep, Captain Liverpool, but I'm sure there's even more local young athletes out there that you look up to. My favourite ladies footballer is probably Roisin Lennard, and I look up to Matthew Tierney as well. I don't really have one, I don't really have one. All good, all good. Yeah, Lennard, she's played with Galway for years, and I think she's currently in a club, but she's played for Galway for many, many years, and I also look at Katie Taylor because Katie Taylor actually played Irish soccer, she actually played Gaelic football as well as far as I know, and now she's a professional boxer, and she's probably one of my main ones I look into now, and she's really an inspiration for the sport really in Ireland, and on the female stage as well, you know. So obviously you play with Cornwall Wales and you play with West Coast, how do you find the switchover on the sports, on the codes, with the changeover of the soccer, are you both in the same position in the soccer, or are you in different positions in the soccer? I play midfield for the soccer, and for club I play midfield, or half ward, so you get your hand-eye coordination, like you get better at kicking and stuff, so the soccer kind of helps with your footwork. Yes, for soccer I play full back, and for Gaelic, for running rails I play full back or half back, and it's not really, I don't really think of it as a changeover, I just do it. Exactly, and you're looking at more heroes close-up by your parents to be a big influence on the football team, and I'm sure you have a special little word to say about them, because they've travelled the tick and tin of the country now with you, and you have to probably say a little thank you to them as well, I'm sure. Yeah, they brought us around, they brought us every training match, and they're always encouraging us behind the scenes, so well done to them, I guess. Yeah, they brought us in every single Thursday and Saturday, and they're actually really stressful though, they just want you to do everything right, and it's so stressful. Yeah, because I was looking through the pictures there, and you're in Rat League and Kinnegad, and there is a fair amount of travelling involved, and we're still an hour and a half from Galway City, so people don't realise when you're travelling to these games, there's a lot of commitment involved, and you've done it this year, and I'm sure you'll do it in the next few years with club and with county as well, and it's great to see it. Looking back at the fixtures, the semi-final against Kildare, 1.15 to 1.10 is probably a tight game, to see you two to the All-Ireland Final, was that probably your toughest game within the group? We knew going into the Kildare game they were going to be physical, because we played them in a challenge game before, but we bet them, but they were still physical enough, but we knew they had improved since then, so we knew going into the game they were going to be good, and we'd have to do our best, and we were leading by a good few, and then we let in a goal and a couple of points, and then we had enough of a lead to keep them at bay, so it was alright. Yeah they were really really physical, and you could see the girls on the pitch playing, they were really physical, but it was a really good match anyways, and we're glad that we won. You dug deep, and you got the win over the line, and looking back at the current final, a chance of playing Beacon, one of the finest establishments there in the west of Ireland, and you had a big win against Roscommon, was it a joy to win that as well, to get a Connacht medal under your belt? We played Roscommon in the Centre of Excellence before, we played them on the same day as Mayo, but they were playing their second team, so we just had to beat them to get into the final, and when we did, we went out guns blazing, so yeah we hammered them, and it was a really good feeling, and it was the first win, like a big win for us, so we were really happy, and we hammered them. Good to see it, and obviously you're still very young, you're still under 14, but what advice would you give to people starting out playing Gaelic football, or even the younger players coming through, you know, under 11s, under 12s, under 13s, what advice would you give to them? I'd say just always have the ball in your hand, kicking around against the wall, and just keep practising, because if you keep practising, then you're going to get better, and there's always something to improve on. Yeah, just keep training, just every day, well not every day, but like, you know, keep training, just do your best, and you know, you'll see where it gets you. As most coaches usually say, you always have a ball in your hand, even if you're walking to school, as they say, you know. Guys, thank you so much, and it was a pleasure having you on, and hopefully you'll enjoy the celebrations, and enjoy the moment with your families and friends, and with your club in New Ales as well, and your team mates and all that, and a big thank you to obviously your parents, your management, and all your supporters out there, they've seen you through the tick and tane, and you've got through a current final, and an All-Ireland final as well, so a huge congratulations, and please God, we'll check you down the line again. Thank you. Thank you. Now, thank you to the Under-14 All-Ireland Champions, Ava Mitchell and Nisha Barry, so a huge congratulations to both of you, and there's a special mention guys, all the way from London, it is Ava Mitchell's cousin Natalie, and all her family, and they wanted to wish all the girls and Ava a huge congratulations on behalf of them, and so that's a big shout-out to Natalie and all the family in London, and that is from Ava Mitchell's cousin, so that's a lovely little touch to finish off a lovely interview with the two girls, and it's a fitting song that we're going to play here, and it is We Are The Champions. We are the champions, but committed no crimes, and bad mistakes, I've made a few, I've had my share of bad kicks in my face, but I've come through, and I need to go on, on, on, on. We are the champions, my friends, and we'll keep on fighting till the end. We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers, cause we are the champions of the world. We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers, cause we are the champions of the world. We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers, cause we are the champions of the world. We are the champions, my friends, and we'll keep on fighting till the end. We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers, cause we are the champions of the world. 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Good evening Damien, great to be chatting to you again And saved yourself, it's been a while isn't it? Yeah, yeah, definitely got a bit of time off there now And yeah, like you I'm all excited about this tournament coming up now in an hour's time And looking at the host nation Germany, it's been staged in Germany Which is probably, I think the last time it was played in Germany It was well ran and I'm sure it'll be the exact same I'm sure there'll be a lot of security but it'll be a fun filled few weeks for a lot of the nations And I'm sure for the likes of the Scots, I think there'll be 200,000 in Munich tonight It's going to be a real fun filled couple of weeks for these small nations as well Yeah, I had the pleasure of working in Germany many years ago when it was still called West Germany That's all I am Damien, but one thing they do, they run things really well And they'll have massive fan zones, they won't run out of beer And they'll probably keep everything under control as best they can So we've fingers crossed for them that they run a great tournament Because they normally do, they normally have everything very well structured Very easy to get round to the games And it's a pity you're not there with the Ireland team Yeah, it's a pity and at the minute it's really a team in transition Just a quick glance at the game there against Portugal I was looking at the Portugal bench there and the bench would nearly start And then the Premier League team And looking at the Ireland bench then there was a lot of League 1 League 2 players But we won't say too much about that We'll stay positive and I think we should with our Celtic cousins there across the sea Scotland, you've had a lot of lovely times going to tournaments with Ireland And before you were born they were doing it Scotland actually have the horrible situation Where they've actually never gotten out of the group stage of a major tournament Which is amazing when there's been tournaments where three teams have got out of a four team group And Scotland still have failed in any major tournament to get out of the group So that's their priority number one A nice draw against Germany this evening would go a long way towards that Before they meet the Hungarians and Swiss Who they should not be taking for granted Hungary and Switzerland are going to be pretty tough teams So best of luck to Scotland with those And it's their first time qualifying for two major tournaments in a row as well So they're really on the up and they all get some really talented players And I have the aesthetic of a lot of players, a few Rangers players there So it's Conor McGregor there, Andy Robson from Liverpool They have a fairly strong squad, Tierney there as well So there is a bit of talent in that Scottish team and squad So I'm sure they'll definitely give it a good game against Germany They'll have a big backing off the Scottish fans behind them as well It's a nice game, it'll be interesting I look at the Germany side, they have plenty of youth But then they have plenty of experience there in Muller And obviously the keeper there They're still relying on Guy Havertz as their main striker Which will be an interesting one to see how that goes But obviously it's a big tournament from Germany Their fans will have a lot of expectations And it's their first major title, I think it was 2014 There were a few hit and miss tournaments where the players have been there But they haven't really shown their full potential They've definitely disappointed in the last three tournaments And Germany are just used to doing very well in tournaments regardless They're always a good unit, it's not about individual flair It's about the unit and doing well And most famously winning in 1996 against England in the England Euros Beat England in the semi-finals The England team was full of superstars And Germany barely had anybody that you'd remember But they went on and won that tournament with a goal against the Czech Republic It was in the final So they're a proper unit when they drill Playing well, you still need players that can score the goals So there's no end of service for Guy Havertz But I'm not really sure I don't think Germany should be taking anything for granted in that group as well Like I mentioned with Hungary and Switzerland Our Euros are nearly always, Damon The winners are the teams that worked really well as a unit We saw that in Italy last time We saw that in Portugal the time before that Even the dark horse winners with Denmark and Greece in the past It wasn't about superstars It wasn't about somebody grabbing six or seven goals It was all about the unit And the unit playing well and not giving much away Which makes it more cagey football Than you might get in a World Cup sometimes We know Switzerland, actually, who were in Germany in Scotland's group Put out France in the last tournament That was on penalties Nobody was expecting that And France with all their superstars They were coming off the back of the World Cup win You really want to keep your game up the whole way through And don't drop your heads Really looking forward to seeing who's just got the best unit set up That didn't help, I think, a day or two ago There was talk about a couple of German lads fighting in the camp Now, it was handbags Nothing really happened Just enough, maybe, to upset things As we say, it's 20 years since Wayne Rooney announced himself on the global stage In Euro 2004 We always look out for who will be the next break out there Of this summer's European Championship I think there's 622 players involved in this tournament now It's going to be see who's going to be the next star in the making Obviously, there's a few young lads there with the Croatian side Even the France team have a few young lads as well So it's going to be interesting to see who comes out The Netherlands, they're in the transition as well And you've the Bayern Leverkusen, Florian Ritz He'll be one to look out for in 2021 as well And the fielder for Germany as well So it'll be interesting to see You have George, your Belgian side are all fairly decent as well You still have the old brigade as I say Like in Cristiano Ronaldo with Portugal You can even see Mbappé, I know he's still young But he's a lot of football played But it may be interesting to see who comes out As a once young hero for the smaller nations as well Yeah, it'll happen for sure We've just seen so many great performances, great teams this year And there's young guys on the books with Real Madrid There's one of the Turkish lads there who's their inspiration Turkey actually have a huge They finished third, they're not too long ago in the Euros And then they finished third in the 2002 World Cup Turkey actually, this is going to feel like a home tournament for them Because there's a huge Turkish population in Germany And there has been, and a lot of the players played there Or families have gone through there So I think it could be a helpful thing for Turkey They'll be in Portugal's group, Czech Republic and Georgia You know, it's a weird one I always think back, strangely enough, Damien You wouldn't have been following that well Because you would have been supporting Ireland in 2016 But Portugal had such a weird tournament and ended up winning it Where they didn't win a game until the semi-finals against Wales They'd drawn all the matches before that Probably could have gone out on the group stage And then Ronaldo gets injured in the final, comes off And they're playing this amazing French team at home in France Who had beaten us and plenty of other sides And Portugal was still able to turn them over So it's a really hard one to predict And I'd say, tell most people to keep the money in their pockets Don't try and give it to the bookies Because there's not much value in it at all Yeah, I was just going to say No, I was just going to say From the England point of view as well We know, whatever else about Southgate I had him as a Middlesbrough manager in the past So, you know, fairness to him He's done so well with England I think to stay in the job this long With the English media and the way the England job is The pressure of it He's done a brilliant job And then he's really taken the risk now Of leaving lads now like Grealish and Maguire out of the team And even left them at home completely And gone with this young unit And he would have been well within his rights To go with the same team that he had in the Euros final last time Against Italy Because they came so close But he's really gone on form He's really gone on young talent When he might not even be in the job At the end of the summer So I'd say fair play to him for that You really need to get some of his star players playing well Which we saw Bellingham having this absolutely amazing season At Real Madrid But then it was pretty quiet at the final At the Champions League And that's one thing they can't afford England Some of these The spine of the team The John Stones, Bellingham, Rice, Harry Kane Just having a fantastic tournament If they want to improve on their position from the last one Yeah 100% When you mentioned a bit of Turkey there There's a Juventus striker there Who will probably be wanting to watch He's a 19 year old Trying to pronounce his name I won't even try you now So he'll be wanting to look out for And as you said Gareth Owens has gone with the youth side of things With Dean Kemp There still will be a lot of pressure on him And obviously the fans will be expecting To be in and out At the final mark as well There always seems to be that added pressure with England Obviously probably with the social media side of things That puts a bit more pressure on them I think this could be Gareth Owens' last tournament as well Yeah it could be He could go out on the absolute high with it I'm not sure what job he's going to get linked with afterwards But yeah you've got to give him credit for what he's done It's mad to think that We talked about Grealish and Maguire not being there Rashford's not there, Lingard's not there Sancho's not there They're all guys that were a big part of Euro 2020 Sorry I'm forgetting as well Jordan Henderson, the Liverpool lads I'll have a go at me forgetting that There's so many in the end that won't be there And a few of the defenders Didn't make it on the fitness point of view So he's trying to trust the team that he has But it's going to be The group stage is feeling each other out Trying to figure out where you are You can definitely lose your first match You can draw your second match and still get out Because it's not just the top two It's the best four out of the next six In the third place The best four of the third place finishers get through So definitely you're allowed to experiment Have a go maybe in the first game But a win for England against Serbia Would be a huge start for them And all the top teams getting three points at the start Does take the pressure off a little bit And just looking at the nations There'll be obviously There's five or six there, the top nations But there is obviously going to be a surprise package I don't think the likes of Georgia and Albania Will be there But you could be looking at the likes of Poland and Ukraine Even Turkey could be a surprise package Czech Republic, Slovakia A few of these could be on the lookout Would you fancy any of these teams Making a shot for Slovakia? Yeah, and it wouldn't be a massive shot Because you can get out of the group so easy It's not 50% out of the group And 50% go home It is more than that So a good result for any of those teams you mentioned I forget that Patrick Schick was one of the Softball scorers in the last tournament I completely forgot that Czech Republic can do well Switzerland pull out a few draws As they usually do They don't get beaten very often Ukraine I'm sure they have something more to play for Than most teams And they get their chance Same as Poland Some really tough groups Like that one you mentioned with Albania Spain, Croatia and Italy Your group is just amazing And it's going to take an awful lot For them to get out of that I know And like you mentioned Just the difference of the teams With the Netherlands We can remember watching the Netherlands For so many years And it was all about their attack And goals They were keeping people like Jimmy Floyd Hasselbank on the bench And playing over Malasberg And then back to the others Netherlands is all about their defence this time They've got a really solid Strong defence And you'd wonder where they're going to get their goals from So It's really going to be Who's clicking for that month Who's able to get a few goals But more than anything else Who is not conceding The defences that win this And we saw that Classically by the Italian display In the last tournament Where they came out of the group Without conceding the goal They managed to keep England very quiet In the final Even though they had a very much Asian defence And probably the biggest mistake England didn't play The biggest mistake England made in that match Was not having the young Sancho Sacca's lads Running at the Asian-Italian defence And getting a couple more Free kicks Or yellow or reds They didn't utilise it So It's really going to be interesting We haven't even Like I mentioned the Belgians Still have a great golden generation of players there And I think Croatia is in the same boat They've really performed well In tournaments recently And still have an amazing team And Spain as well So these are all teams That you can really turn it on And do the business when they feel like it That's exactly it It's great to see You have tomorrow now At 5 o'clock A very big game And it's so early in the competition With Spain and Croatia And as you said Croatia have really done the business In the last few tournaments They've hit the heights there For such a small nation Well we keep saying it's his last tournament But he seems to be getting better with age But He'll be starting in the centre midfield For Croatia And you know They really are a team that work for each other And you know They all seem to score goals But they don't concede too many either So it'll be a very interesting game there With Spain and Croatia Spain have a young enough squad as well So it's going to be a very interesting game So early on in the tournament Yeah It really is We know Spain The only team that have won back-to-back Euros 2008 and 2012 Very different Brand of players now Back then they had Crazy solid defence Amazing goalkeeper And then just this wonderful midfield With Villa playing up front in 08 And Torres in 2012 I think they both got top goalscorers Joint top goalscorers in both of those tournaments But I think Morata Would be one of their favourite Most likely to score the goals for them at the moment Which isn't great for Spain But they can still pass the ball into the net When they're on song I'm not sure how it'll go I would not call that group now With scoring Croatia and Italy Like I've said All three could actually get out And into the knockout stages When they can do their damage So it's not It's not an easy one to predict I think it would be lovely If Croatia won the Euros For what they've brought to football Over the last few years And just a strong song for Modric That would be a wonderful story I'm always happy to see new winners In these kind of tournaments And would that be your bet For the tournament? No I definitely won't I'd have a side bet with you But giving money to bookies Is a daft practice I'd do a predicted online one For the crack or something like that I'm always happy to see the best team win Yeah, I'd say Look at the Strangler Nations I think France could be up there again They'll be there about I'm sure England will be there about It'll be a very interesting tournament And if anyone's out there Listening and is travelling over Please feel free to get in touch We'd love to hear from Germany It's always been a great tournament And I've been lucky enough To be in the Euro 2015 in France And it was probably the best Three weeks of my life So it all depends If you're over there as a neutral Soak up the atmosphere As best as you can Because it's an unbelievable Feeling to be in your country For the three or four weeks There it is Memories will always last Forever there Yeah, well said Damien Can't take it for granted It's great to have fans like yourself Going around and supporting teams In the right way And I hope everything goes well For Germany now Especially those England fans Against Serbia The ugly side of it I know they've put a drink ban in place For a low alcohol beer being served But nobody wants to see that And I don't know if you got to see The Netflix documentary recently But it's not right And it should be Able to be enjoyed by all fans 100% I've always kind of I've been to Scotland twice now For the Ireland-Scotland games And the Scottish fans Have been fairly good And it's great to see That a lot of people Have been making a bit of noise And their famous instruments Won't be banned from the grounds I think there was a bit of talk About putting a bit of noise Through the stadiums as well So on a positive note It'll be great to see it And there'll be plenty of football Matches ahead So I'm sure a lot of people Will be out there to enjoy The next three to four weeks Of football And if you're a married man I'm sure the wives Won't be too happy to see Too much football on the TV But you'll enjoy it And we've been lucky enough We were in France During the Euros When you were travelling around And they definitely joined in The buzz and the fun of it all So hopefully it's Inspirational stuff on the pitch Perfect, thank you David It was an absolute pleasure To have you on And hopefully we'll get you Down the line again Cheers David, talk soon Thanks very much And the first game Will be at the host nation Germany who play Scotland So that'll be an entertaining game On a Friday evening So hopefully that'll be A good game to look forward to And a big win for Galded Eiders, close to home guys They won 3-0 on a Thursday evening Due to the Euros Kicking off this evening So all the League of Ireland games Kicked off last night at 7.45 And Galded Eiders played Against Drogheda United And they had a big win A big 3-0 win Stephen Walsh with 2 goals And Conor O'Keefe with the 3rd goal In injured time So a big win for Galded Eiders They had 2 losses in a row 2 away games Unfortunately they lost A way to St. Patrick's Atlantic And a way to Derry City So nice to go into the Mid-season break with a win Which will see them in the Top 6 at the minute And they have a couple of games At hand so they could easily Jump up a couple of places Into 3rd I think If results go their way And they win their games at hand So a really very positive start For John Coffin's men They've started the season Really really well They've picked up some fantastic Wins away to Derry At home to Shelburne There's a few big wins there And they are back on a Thursday evening again Against Bohemians So hopefully they can Recharge their batteries Get a holiday in And it's great to see it And a nice mention to Alex Murphy Who attended the game Last night Who signed a new contract For Newcastle United And at the end of the season He made his debut Against the Allendale men Who came through the academy With Galway United And made his debut at the age of 16 At left back there for Galway And under John Coffin He was a starlet in the team In the first division But he's moved on very well With Newcastle United And we wish him all the best From all Good American Media And hopefully we might get him On the show down the line He also comes back And we wish him all the best And he's signing a new contract And we hope to see him In the Premier League In the coming season I'm sure he'll be there He's met a bench a few times So he's going in the right direction And just recently, last week He made his debut for the Ireland under-21s I think he was centre-back there For the 2-0 draw against England In Croatia there now So we wish him all the best And he's just finished Their scrap metal collection And it was a huge success And we want to thank everyone That donated any bit of scrap metal That is going to be recycled And it's great to have Cleared West Connemara Of a lot of scrap metal And a lot of waste there So thank you for everyone That donated and dropped off Pieces of scrap metal as well We thank you for that And obviously the cash for The club is still in Lillefrack And I'm sure there is Many duvets Sorry, they don't accept duvets But there's shoes, boots, curtains Bed linens and unwanted clothing Is definitely wanted in the Clothes banks as well The club is also doing A summer camp as well Don't forget to log in To the Facebook page There's a link there Towards the summer camp in August And it'll be great to see It's back on the weekend Kicking off on a Friday afternoon It's also a great weekend as well There's usually over 130 kids Which is great to see So hopefully that will be Another success for West Coast United So we'll just have a go With a bit of music And we'll be back very shortly To talk all things GAA I guess I'm a dreamer But I'm a dreadful leaver What's meant for you and me Will never pass you by I'll get to where I'm going But first there's not knowing What's written in the stars I'm last to leave the bar To spend the weekend With my friends And I'm sure there's A lot to say And I'm sure there's A lot to say I'll get to where I'm going But first there's not knowing What's written in the stars I'm last to leave the bar To spend the weekend Over drinking Monday and overthinking Will I find a better plan Will I try my best And I'll try my best It's just the way I am I earn a ton of living With the cards I've been given If only I could see What lies ahead for me If I wake up in the morning And I hear the doorbell calling I'll give it all I've got Never mind the fines and shots Spend the weekend Over drinking Monday and overthinking Will I find a better plan Will I try my best And I'll try my best It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am I spend the weekend Over drinking Monday and overthinking Will I find a better plan Will I try my best And I'll try my best It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the way I am It's just the 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way I am

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