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Not knowing is courage. Many people search for random answers or make guesses when they don't know the answer to a question. However, admitting "I don't know" shows honesty and humility. Guessing can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect information. Saying "I don't know" gives us the chance to learn and find the right answers. It's the true starting point for learning and self-development. Not knowing is courage. When faced with questions we don't know the answers to, many people tend to search for random answers or make guesses. However, responding with I don't know is actually another option that demonstrates courage. Admitting that you don't know the answer is not something to be ashamed of, rather it shows honesty and humility. Answering questions by guessing or finding random answers can lead to misunderstandings or incorrect information which may result in even bigger problems. On the other hand, having the courage to say I don't know gives us the opportunity to learn and seek the correct answers. Therefore, when you don't know the answer to any question don't be afraid to show your courage by responding with I don't know because that is the true starting point of learning and self-development and that is the meaning of not knowing is courage. If you like this, hit the like button. If it resonates with you, hit share. With love, Coach Lion.

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