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cover of JS&T S1E4 - It's a Wonderful Christmas
JS&T S1E4 - It's a Wonderful Christmas

JS&T S1E4 - It's a Wonderful Christmas

Christopher GreenChristopher Green



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Jimmy, Sam, and Tommy have reunited in Italy. They accidentally caused the Leaning Tower of Pisa to tip over but were saved by a passing gondola. Sam is still angry at Jimmy and doesn't want to speak to him ever again. Jimmy tries to make amends by playing a Christmas song he wrote, but Sam brushes him off. Sam is focused on his concerto and doesn't want any distractions. Previously on the Jimmy, Sam, and Tommy show... I think you're just jealous of my superior spelling. You know what I think? I think I'm fed up! I think I'll just leave to the other side of the world and never come back! Sam, I really need to get back on the road and search for Sam. Okay, well, have fun. Aren't you coming? I'll catch up with you. I really hope that Tommy finds Sam soon. I can't wait until Tommy and Sam get back. I wonder if Tommy or Jimmy ever gave up looking for me after I stormed out that one day because of that argument Jimmy and I had. No matter. What a marvelous view! Italy is beautiful this time of year. All that snow. I can't believe they actually let me up here on a leaning tower of Pisa. Snow! Snow! Snow! Ah! Hi Sam! What are you doing here? Looking for you! Between the piranhas and the Siberian tigers, I've had to do my share of ducking and dodging on my voyages. You have no idea how glad I am to see you! Give me a hug! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait! What? What's the matter? Stand on the other side. You're going to tip over the leaning tower of Pisa! Listen, I know it's all the foreign food I put on a couple of extra pounds, but I don't think I'm going to tip over the leaning tower of Pisa. You have no idea how delicate this ancient and revered monument is, Tommy. Stay on that side! Well, if it's so fragile, why did they let you up here? Well... Hey, what is that guy down there shouting and weeping, I guess? Is that Tommy weeping, Italy? Hello! A river carries me! Let me make out with the air! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Now who could that be on Christmas Eve? Hello, Jimmy. Hi. Sup? You will be visited by three ghosts. Excuse me, did you just say toasts? That is correct. As in bread? That is correct. This is a dream, right? That is not correct. Jimmy, given the oddity of your life thus far, what makes you think this would need to be a dream to make a visit from three toasts believable? I mean, am I right? True that! But, uh, seriously. Gotcha! That was a good one! Oh, Billy, you are a laugh riot. Uh-huh, yeah, real rib tickler. Actually, I'm delivering you a Christmas gift. Aw, Billy, you shouldn't have. I didn't. Huh? It's not from me. I'm just delivering it. I picked up a couple of extra shifts at Canada Post to earn some Christmas money. Anyways, here it is. Merry Christmas, Jimmy! Merry Christmas, broken-down old house! Hi, are you insulting my house? Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Huh? Wait a minute. Extra shifts? Since when have you been a postman, Billy? I am many things to many people, Jimmy. That boy is a mystery. That, too! Well, I wonder what's in this package anyway. Maybe I'll hike over to the bridge and open my gift there. Wouldn't it look so nice out there on a wintry night? All that snow. Hi, Mr. Stewart. What are you doing at this bridge? Uh, we lost the bank money and everything's gone wrong, see. I just don't know what to do. What are you doing here, Jimmy? I didn't have much to do with my buddies missing, so I thought, why not? I would open this Christmas gift while overlooking the bridge. You know, Jimmy? I see. Well, why don't you open up your Christmas present in my chair of snowflakes? All right, here goes. Is that what I think it is? A yellow telephone? I think it's a banana, Jimmy. Ah, so it is, Jimmy. Jimmy, wait a minute. What? I'm allergic to bananas. Well, what happens when you get around a banana? I don't know. It's never happened until now. Achoo! Achoo! God bless you and your sneezes, Jimmy. Every one. Thanks, Jimmy. Achoo! Hm. It's over. That wasn't so bad. I wonder why the doctor warned me to stay away from bananas. I've got no clue, Pally. Did you just call me Pally, Mr. Stewart, Jimmy? Oh, that wasn't me, Jimmy. That was him. Him who? Him me. Ah! Who are you? Where'd you come from? Relax. I'm your conscience. The name is Archie. Conscience? I don't remember having one of those before. Yeah, well, I only come around when you have an allergic reaction, see? Ow! The bananas. They make sand. No, it doesn't. This is crazy. Crazy? Yes. Either I'm crazy, or you are, or he is. Hey, watch it, bub. I'm getting out of here. I'm going home. Didn't you come to the bridge for something, though, Jimmy? Forgot it. My life is perfect and normal compared to yours. I'm out of here. Sure, bye. That was random. See, huh. That's not as random as that was. Imagine that. Me, getting a conscience the night before Christmas when nothing was stirring. All right, all right. Enough with the Christmas references. Dude, we have not even begun to reference. And how come you've never come around before? Well, I only just got started at this job. I was working at Canada Post up until recently when some eager beaver took on some extra shift and then laid me off. These young upstars. Tell me about it. Sure. Well, for starters, they're young, and they're upstars. Not literally, Jimmy. Ow. So, what are you doing here, anyway? I mean, aren't consciences supposed to tell you when you do something bad? And I don't know if you've noticed, but I haven't done anything bad. Don't make me laugh! Ha ha ha ha. Why do you think your friends left you? Well, okay, I mean, I know I shouldn't have argued with Sam and all that, but if you're such an all-fire good conscience, why didn't you try and stop me then? You haven't had the banana yet, Pally. Seriously, is that how normal people's consciences are activated? No. But you're not normal people, Jimmy. True that. This does explain a lot of things now that I think of it. Not really. But as long as you're satisfied. So, what do we do now? I mean, what's done is done, right? Not so fast, Jimmy. There's so much more to be done. You've got a lot of apologies to make, capiche? Come, I've got so much to show you. Grab the edge of my parka. That's been meaning to ask you. Why are you wearing that parka? Seriously. I'm wearing a parka in the winter, standing on a yellow surfboard, and you ask me about the parka? Why don't you ask me about the surfboard? Ah, well, I thought it was a banana. Why would you think that? Ah, because yellow. If only life were that simple, Jimmy. Come on, lots to do. Get on the surfboard. Let's go. Does this thing have a seatbelt? Bananas usually do, right? No, Jimmy. It's a surfboard, and it doesn't have a seatbelt. My mom said never to go on a ride with somebody who doesn't have a seatbelt. I'm your conscience for crying out loud. You think I would fly you around the city on a surfboard on Christmas Eve, of all days, if it wasn't safe? My mom told me there'd be days like this. You're kidding, right? My mom has a lot of insight. Yeah, yeah, don't we all. Okay, off the bridge. I want my mommy. This is going to be a long night. All right, now we're back at the mansion, safe and sound. And very wet. Don't remind me. It's a good thing that guy was going by in his gondola just when we accidentally brought down the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's only unfortunate that I fell into the river. Not to mention we destroyed an ancient marvel. Eh, no big deal. I hear they've got a ton of Leaning Towers in the gift shop. Yes. Let us get inside. Open up! Winston, it's cold outside! Oh, Masters Samuel and Thomas. Good of you to arrive. Your parents are getting in from the North Pole after their caribou hunting safari. I have hot cocoa brewing. Yay! I guess things are all back to normal then. I'll just call up Jimmy and... No! You shall do nothing of the kind! Need I remind you the reason I left in the first place? I've had it with Jimmy! Up the hill! Even higher! Winston, give me a boost! Very good, Masters Samuel. Up to... Here! Wow! That's almost as high as the chandelier! Oh yeah? Even higher than the chandelier! Okay, I get the message. Oh, yes. Well, good. You can bring me down now, Winston. I am no longer in need of your services. Very good, Masters Samuel. So... Does this mean you just want a longer vacation before we meet you up with Jimmy again? Or... I don't understand this. Remember when I said I didn't want to speak to Jimmy ever again? Yeah, yeah. What is it you're for? Well, that means... I don't want to speak to Jimmy... Ever... Again! Oh no! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with an unfinished concerto and a cup of hot cocoa around the fireplace, wearing my fuzzy slippers. Ta-ta! You might want to dry off first, Sam. You're kind of leaving puddles. Yes, of course. Why did that guy in the gondola have to pick me up? So, Winston, what are we going to do? I am not sure about yourself, Master Thomas, but I am going to put the kettle on. Well, well, well, okay. Um, well, maybe in a little while I'll just come around the kitchen, you know, we can just, uh, crack out the old cribbage board, you know, have a rematch from a couple months ago before this whole thing about Sam ran off. Can you hear me? Hm. Never speak to Jimmy again? Maybe Sam just needs to simmer down for a little while. Yeah, he just needs some brother time first. Yeah, I get it. Okay, okay. Phew. Hey, Sam, I made a brand new Christmas song. Really? That fast? Yeah, well, you know, I felt inspired by the beautiful weather outside. You know, all that snow. Anyway, shall I play for you? Yeah. Pa-ra-pa-pum-pum. I'm sorry, she what? Nothing, just, you know, pa-ra-pa-pum-pum. No, I'm sorry, didn't quite get that. It's from a song. Oh! Uh, how does it go? You know, uh, sort of pa-ra-pa-pum-pum? Uh... Never mind, it was just a joke. Oh, well, go ahead and do it. Never mind, I have to work on my concerto. Oh, uh, Sam, um, are you forgetting something? The next four bars of my... The next four bars of perfection I was about to write, yes. Oh, uh, um, well, uh, well, Sam, I, um, my song? Oh, did you write a song? Yeah, you know, shall I play for you? Oh, yes, pa-ra-pa-pum-pum and all that trot. Uh, come again? Forget it. I have a lot of work to do, okay? Oh, I see, but do you realize what tomorrow is, sir? Tomorrow is another day to work on my concerto, unencumbered by that person. Oh, surely you don't mean me, sir? Surely I don't. I am referring to Jimmy. Jimmy Stewart? What? You know, Jimmy Stewart. Oh, yes, it's a wonderful life and all that trot. Oh, why, yes, it is, sir. No, no, I just meant... Never mind. Uh, sure, about tomorrow, sir? Oh, humbug about tomorrow. I want to work on my concerto. But, but it's Christmas Day tomorrow. I don't believe you are listening. I have a concerto to complete. Oh, oh, okay. I can see you're under a lot of stress right now. I'll just go and see if I can, uh, find Jimmy. Okay? Yeah, all right. I'm going. Have a nice night. And watch where you're going next time. Thank you, officer. And make sure you get those stickers updated on the back of your surfboard. Yes, sir. All right, don't give me that look. Well, didn't I tell you that Mary Street was a one-way street, didn't I? Yeah, yeah. And didn't I tell you that we need seat belts, didn't I? Yes. And didn't I tell you we were exceeding the speed limit for a surfboard on a one-way street, didn't I? Honestly, some consciences, you can dress them up, but you can't take them anywhere. Hey, I'm new at this, all right? Well, peace on Earth, goodwill towards men and all that. Huh. Does that apply to consciences? Always be good, Jimmy. True that. Now, where are we? The Homer Mansion. The Homer Mansion? My stars, it's been so long, they've really fixed up the place. I really like the flamingos. Come on, grab my parka, we're going up to Sam's room. Well, there he is, Jimmy. You said you missed him. Sam! Sam, I'm so sorry! He can't hear you. You mean, because this is a dream and we're not really here? No, because he's wearing headphones with the volume turned up. Ow. Get those off me. Hi! Somebody's taking off my headphones, and that somebody's still there! Hey, that's not a Christmas reference. Oh. Hello, Jimmy. Listen, before you say anything, I want to say I'm really sorry about the argument we had and all this, you know, stuff. Oh. Well, I forgive you. Thanks. Things would have been mighty boring without you. Well, as much as I don't like to admit it, I can safely say it's been rather bland without you as well. I've discovered it's quite unnerving to complete a concerto without being interrupted even once. Aw, give me a hug. Isn't this great? You, me, and Tommy all back together again. Wait a minute, where's Tommy? He went out to find you. When was that? At precisely three o'clock. Well, that was over three hours ago. We better go find him. How do you know that was three hours ago? My conscience told me. His name's Archie. I don't see anyone. Well, you don't normally see consciences, do you? I suppose not. Well, then there you have it. And never mind about that. It's a long story, but we gotta go. It would be very nice of you to share your igloo with me, Billy. So what? Hark, I think I hear something a-coming. Maybe it's a giant marshmallow. I heard it's a marshmallow world in the winter. Maybe I can catch it for dinner. Sam would be so proud. Here, marshmallow! Marshmallow! Marshmallow! We're over here. Pshaw, that marshmallow sounds like Jimmy. Tommy, can you see us? Check it out! That marshmallow sounds like Sam. I see Tommy. He's over there. Huh? Those marshmallows are Jimmy and Sam. Wait! Those orange marshmallows? They're Jimmy and Sam! Jimmy and Sam! I'm coming! Man, I wonder how many times I've just said Jimmy and Sam. Tommy! Jimmy! Tommy! Jimmy! Tommy! Jimmy! Tommy! Jimmy! Tommy! Jimmy! Tommy! Jimmy! Can you two stop talking like that? You're not in slow motion. Aw, man. I'm so sorry about everything, Tommy. Why, it's okay. I prefer you over a marshmallow any day. Good to see you, old pal. And you too, good bunny. I knew you'd come around if you just had a banana. Yeah. What? How did you know my conscience would appear and correct my ways if I had a banana? Pshaw, our best friends just know these things. Anyway... I think Billy is trying to get our attention. He certainly does seem so. Wonder what he wants. I don't know. He sure is waving his arms about a lot, though. Yeah, he better slow down before they come off or something. Don't be ridiculous. You're asking an awful lot, you know. Guys, get over here already! I think he means us, guys. I don't know what all the fuss is about. Maybe he wants to share hot cocoa in friendly conversation with us. Oh, look. Now he's running away. Strange little boy, that Billy. Maybe he wants to ask about the whole banana conscience thing. Maybe he wants to tell us to run from a giant avalanche? Okay, at least mine was plausible. Uh, Jimmy? What? Avalanche! Run! All your slow motion yelling must have jiggled the snow off the top of the mountain. Oh, man. I never thought it would end like this. You mean they're coming a human pancake under these thousands of pounds of snow? No. There's no prize in the bottom of this box of cracker snacks that we're saving for an occasion like this. Where did you get that from? You can't be serious. Seriously, Jimmy? Where did you get that thing? Oh, I see. There's gotta be a prize in here somewhere. Sometimes it gets stuck in the bottom, you know. Where? Oh, man. Right here. This sticker says you can't be stuck inside this box. Are you sure? Yes. Look for yourself. Oh, I am? Don't worry about it. I already hand-noosed this freaking clown. Oh, my God. Oh, no. This is huge. You're joking, Jimmy. How can you tell the difference? Oh, honestly, Jimmy. It's so obvious. I mean, the singing clown, he's a clown. And the king has a crown. Think about it. What am I talking about? We've got to get out of here. Enough of your cracker snacks. Oh, my. Oh, my. What's wrong? Aside from a general being caught in an avalanche thing, my shoe is caught in a spring root. Oh, no. Anything but that. I know, Ross. My best-level shoe. Go on ahead, Tommy. What? You're leaving me here? No. I'm never leaving you again, buddy. But there's no sense all of us getting avalanched. I'm not leaving either. French. Forever. To the end. Back to back. Ear to ear. Yeah. What? Guys, my shoe. Let's get them unstuck, Jimmy. Together. Together. So, does us. Just look at them, Jimmy. See how happy they are? I know. Like old buddies again. I'm just saying, if I were a turtle dove, I wouldn't hide in my shell all the time. And I'm just saying, turtle doves don't have shells. It makes it all worthwhile. Anyway, I can see you have things taken care of now. What? You're leaving? You don't need me right now. I don't need you? Seriously, you're a conscience. Where would you go? Don't worry. I'll be around just when you need me. Well, okay. Jimmy, what are you doing over here? I'll play your lute tune. We're about to sing some Christmas carols. Go ahead, Jimmy. All right. I think I will. Thanks, Archie. Archie? Who's Archie? Ah, never mind. Did you hear that? I sure did, little buddy. It's time for Christmas wonder. This is wonder. Winston says every time a clock dongs, some consciences sing along. He said no such thing. He didn't? Must have been someone else. Must have been. God bless you, Archie. Every one. That was beautiful. I'm so glad the guys are back now. It also makes the credits more interesting, since I don't have to credit Christopher over and over for everything in the production credits. Here we go. This episode was written by Christopher and Natasha Green. Directed and produced by Christopher and Natasha Green for Green Stream Studios. Original music by Natasha Green. Sound design by Christopher Green. Our cast included Christopher Green as Jimmy, Billy, Jimmy Stewart, and a police officer. Natasha Green as Sam, Tommy, and Archie. For more information on Jimmy, Sam, and Tommy, please visit jimmysamandtommy.weebly.com. For more information on Green Stream Studio, please visit greenstreamstudio.ca. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!

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