What is Human body is compared to Pancha bodhas
What is Human body is compared to Pancha bodhas
Our body is made up of five elements: bones and flesh, blood, body temperature, breath, and life force. To maintain good physical health, there must be harmony between the body and soul. There are three circulations that link the body and life force: blood circulation, heat circulation, and air circulation. If these are disturbed, it can lead to pain, disease, or death. Regular physical exercise is necessary to maintain a harmonious relationship between the body and soul. Our body has three parts: the physical body, the astral body (which contains the life force), and the causal body (which contains formative dust particles). We also have bio-magnetism within us, which helps our sense organs function. This bio-magnetism converts energy into action, similar to how electricity is converted into different forms of energy. Be blessed by the Divine, As we learnt earlier our body is made up of Panchaputas your bones and flesh, blood, body temperature, your breath and your life force forms the Panchaputas. To have a better physical health there should be harmony, a cordial relationship between your body and soul and there are three circulation that links a relationship between your body and life force. Those are blood circulation, heat circulation and air circulation. If any of these gets disturbed or stagnated or change in direction or the rate is disturbed then the harmony gets spoiled and this is transformed into pain, disease or even death. As I mentioned it before to have a cordial relationship between your body and soul a simplified physical exercise is mandatory to practice every day. Also we have three functional parts of our body. One is the physical body that everyone can see and the next is the astral body. Astral body is nothing but Akash that is a self rotating particle inside your body which cannot be seen or measured by any instrument and that is called your life force otherwise called Vim or Vir. There are crores and crores of dust particles that has been present in our physical body and the last is your casual body or otherwise called as Pranav and this is the formative dust particle and there are millions of dust particles in our body which spins by itself and it's called the bio-magnetism like how our entire universe our earth has magnetism on its own even we human also have bio-magnetism within us and this bio-magnetism helps our sense organs to work in such a way they can see, they can smell, they can feel, they can hear and they can taste. How an electricity is converted to how an electricity is converted into a light energy or a heat energy or a mechanical energy that you see in fan. So electricity is the Akash, the Vim and what converts this electricity into the five senses is your bio-magnetism. With the help of bio-magnetism the energy is converted into action.