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cover of Romella Chap 2
Romella Chap 2

Romella Chap 2




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The speaker is frustrated with women who stare at him and ask questions about Earth. He prefers being with his friends and doesn't want to be polite. He mentions that some women love someone else and others want to retire. He still has 63 men who desire war and finds peace boring. He is considering joining renegades and plans to go to the holding center with his friends after his morning bath for a chat. Yo, yo, all those women do is stare at me like a rabid wolf is bathing with them, and the brave ones just openly ask me questions about earth. It gets awfully trite after a while, better to be in here with my lads than trying to be polite and do things the right way. All those women do is stare at me like a rabid wolf is bathing with them, and the brave ones just openly ask me questions about earth. It gets awfully trite after a while, better to be in here with my lads than trying to be polite and do things the right way. I know, they love someone else, a few others wish to retire. I still have sixty-three men who desire war. I still have sixty-three men who desire war. Peace has always been boring. Ooh, going to recruit me to some of the renegades. Ooh, going to recruit me to some of the renegades. That could be fun. Tell you what, after my morning bath, I'll skip on down to the holding center with my lads and we'll have a little chat. That could be fun. Tell you what, after my morning bath, I'll skip on down to the holding center with my lads and we'll have a little chat.

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