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Olympic VR Experience VO

Olympic VR Experience VO




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Voice Overspeechchild speechkid speakingfemale speechwoman speaking

Audio hosting, extended storage and much more

AI Mastering



It's almost your time to shine! Get ready. You're on in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Take a look at your gold medal. Tap and swipe to see the details. Congrats! You've completed the Virtual Champions Park experience. You can now remove your headset. Hey! It's nearly your time to shine. Are you ready? You're on in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Allez! Go on, take a look at your medal. Just tap and swipe to see the details up close. Congratulations! You've completed the virtual experience. You may now remove your headset. Hey! C'est bientôt votre heure de gloire. Etes-vous prêt? C'est à vous dans 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Allez! Jetez un œil à votre médaille d'or. Appuyez et faites glisser pour voir les détails. Félicitations! Vous avez terminé l'expérience Virtuel Parc des Champions. Vous pouvez retirer votre casque.

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