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official cafe conversations




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The podcast episode is a casual conversation between two friends. They discuss their favorite drinks, bucket lists, happiness balance, future plans for starting a family, pet peeves, beliefs in soulmates, staying friends with exes, red flags in relationships, personal improvements, lessons learned, and hot takes. The episode ends with a reminder to not be stupid. Hey guys, welcome to the first and only episode of a new podcast, Cafe Conversation. Today we'll be having some girl talk where we're going to get to know each other a little more over a cup of coffee. So since we're in a coffee shop, what is your favorite drink? Mine would probably have to be boba in my usual order, depending on what I'm in the mood for. If I want to get milk tea, I'll get a dash of milk tea with brown sugar boba. Or if I'm going for something fruity, I'll have fruit and green tea with boba. My favorite drink is also boba, and I usually stick to one order because I'm scared of trying new things. So I either get a Thai milk tea or a Tamil milk tea with coconut jelly or lychee jelly, extra sugar, light ice, and either white bubbles or black pearls. Usually black pearls. Do you have a bucket list of like top three things? I do. My first thing that I want to do when I get my license is go drifting, which is kind of scary, but it's okay. And I want to do a city picnic at night so you can see the sunset and everything. And I really want to do a lantern festival. How they do it is tangles, because I think it's so cute. What about you? For me, it would probably be skydiving. I want a tattoo, and I want to visit at least four of the seven wonders of the world. I've already been to the Coliseum, so I'm hoping to add three more. What do you describe your happiness balance to me? For me, it's probably finding a balance between a successful career and still having time to raise a family. Because I do want kids one day, and I want to be able to watch them grow up. What about you? Mine is probably when my entire schedule is free and I don't really have anything to worry about. So I can just spend the entire day reading and listening to music because it's just peaceful. You mentioned that you want to start a family. So how many kids do you want, and what names do you think you're going to name them? Ideally, I want four, but I'll take whatever God allows. And for the girls, I was thinking Luella, Cable, Alayah, Blake. And for the boys, I was thinking Malik, Ace, and Milo, Asher. I really like Milo, Asher. I like the middle names for them. I want two kids, hopefully twins. I want the son to be older and the girl to be younger. So specific. Yeah, so specific. And since my name starts with an N, I also want theirs to be with an N. And I was thinking, since I want them to be Muslim, like raise them as Muslim, it's important that they have good meanings. So I was thinking Noor for my daughter and Nubhwan for my son. Oh, those are so cute. Honestly, I love kids, but I can't really stand them past the age of five because that's when they get the most annoying, in my opinion. Would you say that's your pet peeve? I guess, but I have like one main, well, two main ones. The pencil scraping on the plate and unnecessary slurping or chewing noises. Because if I hear that and I'm eating with you, like I'm getting up. Yeah, I love you. My pet peeve is probably when people are like telling a story, but they take so long to get to the point that it just gets boring. You know what I mean? Because it's like, you don't have to say all the unnecessary things. Exactly. Speaking of pet peeves, what's your biggest nick in a guy? I'd say my main one would probably be being too friendly with my friends because it's weird. Yeah. And also like, honestly, you want to make a good first impression. I might get along with them, but don't do too much. Yeah. Mine would probably, it's like kind of unconventional. Mine is when a guy wears skinny jeans. Because as a male in 2024, why are you ever wearing skinny jeans? Because you don't look good in them. I'm going to be straight up. You don't look good in them. You don't look above. Please take it off. Please don't ever. That's fair. Okay. Speaking of, do you believe in foments? I do believe in foments because you know when you look at a couple that's like together and they just look like they're meant to be? Yeah. They just like, you can't see them with anybody else. I feel like that to me is really true. But I don't think I believe in foments for me specifically. I'm the same way. Like, I believe in the right person for you during different parts of your life because your life is constantly changing. And it could be either platonic or romantic. But again, like for me, I don't think I have a foment. Right. That's exactly what I think. Do you think exes can stay friends? Okay, well I'm speaking from personal experience. Obviously this doesn't apply to everybody. But I generally don't think you can stay friends with an ex because there's just so many ties with that person. And staying friends with them just overall might not help you grow as a person. What about you? I agree personally. Going from personal experience, I don't think I can stay friends with an ex. Because I tried it multiple times with the same person. And every single time it never worked out because either me or him or both of us eventually started redeveloping feelings that were lost when we didn't talk to each other. Because of like the nostalgia of talking. And yeah, I agree that you can't like really grow from anything. Okay, well let's talk about best flags in a guy and in yourself. A red flag I find in a guy is communication issues. If you don't know how to communicate, I'm not going to get into anything with you. Because it's like every time you guys have a slight argument or disagreement, instead of talking things out, he'll just ignore you and like let all the tension just sit there, you know what I mean? Yeah. And like he's going to ignore you until he calms down or you apologize. For me, I don't apologize ever unless I know I'm wrong. So it's like it's not going to work out. We'd never speak again. What about you? Probably just like when we're hanging out and they're looking at their phone and like around more than they're looking at you and like actively listening. Because that's like a big sign to me that they don't really care about getting to know me. Yeah. And like they just like honestly have, they would rather be doing something else and I don't want to waste my time. Right. So what is the red flag in yourself? In myself, I think probably attachment issues. Because it's like anytime I start talking to someone and I actually like their like company, no matter what they do, I will probably always give them more chances. Like if they mess up. And it takes a lot for me to like step away from that. And even after I step away, I always end up going back to it. So it's really bad. What about you? I think commitment issues. Mostly because I don't want to get hurt and I'd rather like dissociate myself. Yeah. With them before anything bad happens. But it's not even like a guy thing. It's more of like I just have a short attention span because I can't even sit there and watch a show without like taking the show down. Yeah. Because you used to read books and now you can't. Yeah. Okay. Speaking of red flags, what are some improvements about yourself that you think can work on you? I don't think there's anything like immediate improvements. Not because I think I'm a perfectionist. Not because I think I'm perfect. Sorry. But honestly like I'm comfortable where I am right now. But what I will say is that at the beginning of the year, I wanted to work on setting boundaries and like people pleasing habits. And definitely like I would definitely cut that down. Yeah, I can confirm you have definitely been less people pleasing. What about you? I obviously I need to work on my like academic self, right? But like I feel like that like a personal improvement is probably talking about things that bother me instead of like bottling them up. Because then eventually I like let it out in a really unhealthy way. And usually it's on people that like if I'm talking to someone, I usually take it out on them, which I don't like when I do. So I need to work on that. Speaking of, what's the biggest lesson that you've learned so far in life? Probably from my last and only relationship. Because it taught me about like what morals I have and what I believe in. And it got me closer to God, which I'm grateful for. So that's probably the biggest. What about you? Probably to don't give more than you get. Because like at the end of the day, if you only have yourself, and if you keep giving yourself to someone who clearly doesn't want to reciprocate, then you're just wasting your time and like you're just hurting yourself. Something you wish you knew sooner? Probably that silence is better than saying anything at all. I think I wish I knew sooner that the sooner you stop caring about what people think, the sooner you're going to have like a more peaceful life. Because people are too worried about themselves to even say any thoughts to you. But you obviously can't realize that. Let's finish this off with something interesting. What is your hot take? Okay, I think my hot take would probably be like learning to not care is an essential skill that you need in life. There's a lot of things revolve around how other people perceive you. And at times, because I've been there, it can get offensive and I have to learn the hard way. But as you get older like you are, it's never that serious. My hot take is that I think we should normalize going out in pajamas, especially in the morning or in the cold. You need to wear clean. If I'm going somewhere that's right near my house in the morning after I just woke up, I don't want to feel the need to look presentable when I just woke up and it's like early in the morning. And if it's cold outside, I want to be snuggled up, comfy. So yeah, I think we should not stare at people who wear pajamas outside because it's something that should be normalized. Well, that's it for today. Hope you guys enjoyed the only episode you will ever get and getting to know us a little bit more. And one thing before we go, remember to not be stupid. Bye guys!

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