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Session 9

Session 9




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Boots and strips and boots and strips. Nice. I liked it. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. One for each of us. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. I had a problem. But we don't know what it means, though. But we don't know what it means, though. But we don't know what it means, though. But we don't know what it means, though. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. 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But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. But we don't know what it means. Well, I'm not going to say that, but I'll say something nice. Okay, I haven't done this in a while. Something nice. Serafina. It was really nice of you to bring me back from the lightning bolt that just happened. I appreciate and recognize your commitment to my ongoing safety. Good use of IPL statements. That's very good. Shut up, Idaho. Idaho, you are recklessly willing to throw down your life for any one of us. Sometimes when you don't even have to. And that's very good and nice of you. And, Mordred, buddy, you, friends, you got the druid on your side. And that's cool. I don't. I gotta give you a compliment there that you walked back your previous commitment to him. So, good job. Yeah, it seems kind of weird that your compliment... We can build from here. It seems weird that your compliment has, like, a not nice thing in it. But I know it's because you kind of secretly have, like, a lot of adoration deep within. That must be it. So we're just going to share this moment. That's it, man. Yeah. No, it's okay. It's good. You didn't know. You didn't know any better. But now you do. Cool. All right. So let's go down to crying and wailing mother, I think, right? Yeah. You were right. I feel better. That was good. Doran, I'm not going to lie. When I said everyone had to do that, I wanted you to do that. I... I think... I don't want to speak too soon, but I haven't made a paladin out of you yet. Oh, good. Good. That's awesome. We got a ghost to kill, right? Let's do that. Yeah. Well, no. We agreed that we wouldn't fight if we didn't have to. Oh, right. Okay. Mordred, I appreciate how well you keep us on track. Thanks. It's been a day. As we're walking, I just want to turn to Doran and go. That you wrote from deck. I can't admit that. Yeah, well, maybe one day we can find all those letters. I loved his fucking reading. As they're walking... As Doran... Talking to Mordred. As you distracted... Oh, sorry. Yeah, go ahead. I was talking to Mordred, like, oh. I just think that, like, if you can publicly deliver a letter to the Thieves Guild, like, the cops are going to come reeling down on that so quickly. Like, I don't think that that's... Anyway, uh... Yeah, I mean, there's gotta be some, like, municipal government that takes care of bail, right? Like... Yeah, well, it's not really a Thieves Guild if there's no, like, police. It's just people doing stuff. And, like, just as an aside, Thor must have something beautiful to say about me. He's just a little shy, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't worry. That's actually the hardest step to get for that. Don't worry. We'll get there. I just know sometimes he's a little closed off. Yeah, of course. Hey, Mordred, you watch. Over the next few minutes, I will prompt him, and it's gonna happen. You watch. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I really need this right now. I'm just kidding. I got you, man. Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm gonna put a little more pep in my step, yeah. Mordred... I have so much respect and friendship for you. And Mordred does, too. I mean, I... Sorry, I meant to say Doran does, too, but I hope Mordred does, too. Yeah. It's been tough, but, yeah. Because that's the one that matters, you know? That's the one that matters. Yeah. And, like, you know, in spite of all this weird Idaho information I've been getting recently, I have a lot of friendship and love for you, and, you know, if anything goes wrong, you know, we'll go down together. I don't know how to react to that, but I appreciate that, despite the torrent of, you know, people saying stuff, that we're able to stick by each other here. Oh, of course. And you watch. Okay, I'll get that nice thing out of Doran. All right. Great. No, you're good. Okay. And then we opened... The door opens. I thought that was going to be a problem. Yeah. Well, you know, I didn't expect the letters to come out this episode, but... I was going to bring them up whenever you next corrected me on your name. Oh, okay. I know. So. So. My apologies. It took you a long time, by the way. I've had that planned for like a month. You have not been correcting it. No. Now, are we doing... Is this passive perception? No, active. Emotionally? Emotionally, or... Oh, that's a 17. With disadvantage. Disadvantage? Yes. No, physically. I think we have a torch, don't we? Yeah. In our base adventuring kit. I probably have a torch. I have... Are you the only one without darkvision? I think so, yeah. I'm just a guy. Just a dude. Just a dude. I have superior darkvision. 120 feet. 120 feet is the same. Doran, as you're walking and talking and blushing, and you're looking down at the ground all shy-like... I don't know. I don't know. Are you? No, I don't. Yeah, you are. Yeah, you are, you cutie. Aw, Doug. You see on the ground a symbol, and you, being a thief, recognize a small little carving on the ground. Why is Wyatt excited? Well, I just think, I think that thief's tent is a really underused D&D thing I get excited by. Thief's tent works for thimbles and stuff, too. Yeah. This is a common thing. This is a thing that a lot of homeless people do. Yeah, like that hoverboard thing. Homeless people do this as well in big cities. They'll have markings outside buildings, like safety shelter and so on. Anyway, sorry. Essentially, there is a marking outside of, not outside of anything, but there is essentially a marking on the ground here that you recognize. And as you look around, there's a couple more, but this first one is like a danger mark. It's like warning you about something. And from this point, you can kind of hear the streets get louder. And as you look around, there's one or two other markings, one of which is not something you've technically seen before, but essentially, it's like the symbol for light, but cropped out. And the other one is the symbol for loud. Okay, so I throw my arms out. I go, everybody stop. There's some symbols here, thieves' marks. There are thieves here. Yeah, this one says danger. That one says loud. And that looks like light, but it's crossed out. These are the other elements. I don't think so. Harry. Why don't we start by putting that torch out? Hey, can we do that? Can we start by putting the torch out? I can't see you. Yeah, you're going to have to hold hands with Mordred, probably. Why does he hold hands with you? Great question. There's Dina. There it is. I know it's going to pull a great stunt here. I'm going to roll an intelligence saving throw to see if I can realize how stupid this stunt is before I do it. I'm hoping Wyatt, the player, I hope I fail this. Roll with disadvantage. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's a one. That's a one with disadvantage. Not in that one, a dirty one. I'm going to go, okay, I'll put the light out so we can't see. And then I wink at Mordred. I'm going to hear, Serafina, you hold Doran's hand, and Mordred, you hold my hand. And then I quickly plot the locations and link Doran and Mordred's hands together. I completely see him do this. Yeah, but I can't see, so I don't know what to do. Wow, your hand is so good. I'm just holding hands now. I'm wearing his limb. If anyone's holding it, maybe, but... So you link Serafina and Mordred's hands together. No, no, Doran and Mordred. I'm causing friendship. I'm going to lean to Mordred. Mordred, you can see, right? Yeah, I can see. Okay, you're good then. I'm going to let go of his hand. Oh, you guys can see. Yeah, we'll get him to let go. Sorry, I can't see. Do you want to hold my hand? That's why you're going to... Wait, you said it was a symbol for noise. What if I have to echolocate? No, I don't think we should echolocate. Well, the good thing is you can do that without seeing. So you may need to. And if it comes to that, we'll call on you. I think we should... yeah. Would you just recap what the words were? Danger, light, crossed out, and then the last one was noise. Noise or loud, yeah. I don't know exactly what that means, but I guess we should be prepared to make noise. Does anyone have any Thunder Magic? I have Thaumaturgy. Wait, I can... Oh, that might help. Oh, I'm sure we can get loud. I know you can get loud. Hey, ba-da-bing! Do a little jig, a little roll down. What? Right on. Yeah, without getting loud, I don't want to... We'll do a little quiet. We'll put a finger over my lip to go, yeah, not yet though. I guess... Why don't we go in quiet? Okay. We can come reason with her. Mordred, you're the one that wants to reason with her. Why don't I go in with you? Serafina, you stay just outside with Idaho and bring them in if things get noisy. Does that sound alright? Idaho, you good to stay with her? Yes, I am good to stay. And... Doran, it's so good how much you trust Mordred as a battle partner to go in the two of you together. And also, I'm with Serafina. Do you agree with everything I just said? Me? Yeah, I mean, I promised him that I would follow his lead on this one. So, no big deal. Good. Mordred, shall we? Let's go. Okay, Idaho. Can I hold out my hand? I don't... I don't react, I can't see your hand. Oh, right, of course. You have to grab it with both hands. Sorry, I forget that you just can't see in the dark. That's crazy. Doki... That must be really tough. You poor thing. You guys walk forward into the cave a little bit more, or it kind of goes out to the side and becomes like a small little, not cavern, but a small little area. Also, for reference, I'm going to be... Milo! I can resave over this exhibition audio. She's a dog. She's my dog. Yeah. I think she was saying you have fun with the dog. About it or not. You all walk deeper into the cave. The shrieks get louder. Whales get higher pitch. Almost as if they're bouncing off the cave walls. And as you get closer and closer to them, suddenly, the cave goes from a narrow ravine or trench to a bit of a bigger area. Maybe like 10 feet across with a bunch of mushrooms in here. And then it continues on forwards towards the cave. I'm going to take a real good look around. I guess first I kind of want to hide and stay out of sight. You're being stealthy, right? Being stealthy. I'll have you do a stealth check when it matters. Sure. Yeah, just going to examine the surroundings as closely as I possibly can. They're giving an investigation check with disadvantage because it is dimly lit. That's a 14. Okay. Yeah, you see some of these mushrooms look like you could eat them. You don't need an investigation check. You don't know too much about mushrooms. But some of these mushrooms... What can I tell you? The way the mushrooms are set up it's almost as though somebody threw little mushroom boxes that have since spread. Almost as though there were four little mushroom boxes in this cave that have kind of outgrown their box. You see that, Mordred? Those are cultivated. Which means that somebody... I mean, clearly through the yelling somebody lives here. Seems like they're not like a ghost. They're like alive. I don't see any sign of them, though. Do you? No, I think... I don't want to get too loud because there's a chance that if she's screaming this loud she's not going to be the easiest to deal with at first. But I'm sure we could figure something out. I'm getting a little more nervous as we walk through. I'm hearing the screaming get louder and louder. I'm going to grab Mordred by the arm and say, Kate, come on. We need to talk to the others. And shuffle back in there. Guys, I just had a realization. The sign for noise... It's not so that we make noise. It's because she's going to make noise. We need to fill our ears. You think it's like a mist... siren? Well, she's already screaming. It's really loud in there. I don't think it could hurt. I... It will... It's not going to be good for me. What do you mean? I mean, you're a paladin. You're tough. Maybe you could go without. No, I'll do it. I just... I want it on the record. I'm down two senses. Would you like me to put you on a leash? Like a little harness? Why don't you have one of those? I don't, but we could make one. We've got rope, right? I've been waiting to hear you say that since day one. No. I'm kidding. I don't know if I want to be in a leash. I just... Just... I was making fun of you. Just stick with Seraphina. I think, Seraphina, I'm going to hold your hand, and then if you pull me in a way, I'll go that way. And then two short tugs will mean swing my sword. Okay. Two short tugs. And then... do-do, do-do, do-do-do-do-do for time to turn around and go back. How about if I need you to attack, I will tap your... is your... I am ambidextrous, in that they're both kind of dysfunctional. And if we're going to turn back, I will just lead you that way. Okay. We've got a plan. This is going to go great. Nothing that can go wrong with this. Okay, well... Okay, before... Before we go in, I'm going to turn into a spider king. I'm just going to turn into a big spider. I've got to go, hey... It's okay. This way... This way, I can go through the ceiling, and then you can go through the ground, and worst case scenario, I can web her up. It's going to be good. I like all of that. And I'm going to now crawl through the ceiling as we're kind of going through the cave. Hell yeah, as you guys are going through the cave. Also, I'm still... I'm still marking down, like, painting down a map as we're moving along. Before we go into the cave, I'm going to grab a candle out of my bag and ball up some wax and shove it in my ears. For all of us, I assume, right? As would everyone do the same. I offer it around to everyone. I'm a spider. I have no ears. I'm hoping this saves me from the upcoming danger. Spiders have ears. Spiders have ears? Then I plug up my little spider ears. Um, actually, spiders don't have ears like we do. But they can sense sounds. They sense vibrations. They also don't have legs like we do. They're still legs. I'm hoping that whatever weirdness is about to happen, being a spider will make me a-okay. Yeah, on, like, my little sensors. I'll take some of that, Doran. I'll pop it in my ears. I also put some in, um... Here, Idaho. I'm going to put this in your ears, okay? Goodbye. Now, what we're going to do, Wyatt, is I want you to close your eyes and take off the headphones and just make funny jokes sometimes. Okay, I can do that. No, go back. No, go back. We should see you. He can't hear us! Do not go in there! She's right behind me, isn't she? Well, that just happened. Let him tucker himself out. He'll get tired and fall asleep. Check, please! Fair enough. Let's get him back. Okay, do you actually want me to do this? No, no. Come back. We need you back. Do you actually want me to do this or no? Because I can't. I hope... I hope it all makes it in. I hope it all makes it somewhere. Good content. Spider on the roof, Doran sneakily leading the way, and Therafina leading the blind, you all walk forward, back into this mushroom room, and then forward through the mushroom room to the other side. Yeah, go ahead. And I pick up some of the mushrooms. You scoop up a couple and put them in your pouch. You guys continue to walk forward. At this point, the shrieks are loud. And by loud, I mean... I don't know if my mic will be picking them up for the rest of the session, so I'm going to do them sparingly. But from this point, you can actually begin to make out words. And loosely, what you're hearing is someone go, My baby! Where's my baby? My baby! Bring it to me! The child! The child! And then go back to Sobs. And kind of cycle this over and over again. Doran, you're the first person to see a floor to the path blocking down some kids out. Not underneath you. I'm going to reword this. You see I've made the dog sit. You see that the path you guys are walking on leads to a large, big cavern. And you can't see the ground yet. But you can go closer and closer. Well, I'm going to creep right up to the entrance and try and get as good of a look into the cavern as I can. See if I can spot the source of the screaming. Can I have a stealth check with Ithac? Yes. This is a 22. Okay. Silent as a fox, which I think are silent. Yep. Walk up to the entrance of this cavern. And you have 120 feet of darkvision? Yeah. Okay. So what you see as you walk up to this cavern is a about 100 to 120 feet long, kind of like circular chamber that goes up and then kind of cones out at the top. It seems to be various stalactites, stalagmites. It's a limestone drip cave and everything in here feels kind of wet. And as you look down, you see that you're about 20 feet up in the air with a kind of path that goes down along the left side, kind of curving around the edge. And below you, a thick mist kind of fills this room. But, where you're standing, a couple things of interest. One, there seems to be some other exits in other key locations. Maybe like three or four that you're seeing here. Two, there's a pool of water down near the end of the ramp. Three, there's stalactites on the ground, kind of 20 feet below you, that look rather sharp. And four, in the center of this room, about 20 feet wide by 40 feet tall is a gray, pale looking denoise in a crouched position with arms from her elbows to the tips of her hands, kind of double the length you would expect. And these are kind of like elbows on the ground, hands over her eyes, crying, sobbing. To the point where it kind of like breaks the mist around just a little bit every now and then when the cries are loud enough that it actually has some sort of sonic effect. But they don't notice you. Okay. This is some like Japanese hotel type shit. I'm gonna creep back to the rest of the group. I'm gonna say, guys, there's an incredibly long woman in the room up ahead. And no one can hear you. And no one can hear me. I'm gonna gesture at Mordred to pull his earplug out. I sort of rub my spider sensors, kind of clearing a little bit of the wax, because I'm a big ass spider right now. Yeah, what's up? Um, there's a long, sad woman in the room ahead, and you said you wanted to try and reason with her. Do you want to have a peek? She's very sad and incredibly long. Yeah, okay. I'll see if we can... Let's get everybody to the edge and maybe I can go and talk to her in like a safe position. And I thought... Um, I'm gonna vote that we keep Idaho and go back a little bit. He's kind of blind, very deaf, and loud. Very fair. He does have a lot of bravado in his voice. Just for a moment. I'll signal if things start to go sideways. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna begin to crawl in. Alright. The two of you begin to crawl forward. Uh, do you think there are fema in Idaho? For now. Crawl forward? Not fully, but... Not to the edge, but yeah, okay, gotcha. Um, like ten feet back. We're ready to go in. For the record, out of character, what I'm trying to avoid is them having to do stealth checks before combat starts. The moment you call for a stealth check on me, Christian, Idaho is letting them loose. He can't hear, he doesn't know how loud it is. He's gonna fart? Yes. Beverly soon as farts out. I get plus seven to stealth as a spider. Ooh. Uh, that is four plus seven, that is 11. You have advantage because you're in the dark. You are so right. That is 18 plus seven. That is so much better on that stealth check. Alright, the two of you silently sneak up the edge of the cap. And you pretty much see everything that Doran saw minus the distance. You can't quite see as far. I can see significantly as a spider. Yeah, so you can kind of, you can see the creature in the center, but you can't quite get all of these other, like the pool of water. You can see the stalactites at the bottom, but everything is encased below you pretty much in thick layers. Yeah, and Doran has found a way to actually crouch hidden smugly, and he's gesturing at this woman to Mordred's ugly spider face. Okay, so I'm gonna well, I'm gonna from the ceiling, I'm gonna project my voice a little bit so it sounds like I could be coming from any direction if I'm like kind of Oh, I like that. You're gonna try to project it to the cave. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm gonna go Hello? The crying stops, and it is suddenly eerily quiet, and there's zero movement in the fog. Hi! You hear some sort of noise, but you can't quite understand what it's saying. Oh! Another language. That could be rough. Nope, you have your ears covered. Oh! Um, I'm gonna rub it off here. I'm gonna get it off my spider tingly senses or whatever. Uh. Hello? Hi! We're just looking to pass by. Are you my child? Well. Are you my child? No, my I have a mom back at home. Um. So not quite. Um, but we're just looking to pass by if that's okay. Who's among you? Just a couple of friends. Just a few of us. Can I see you? Step into the light. Uh. I look around. Is there any light in this room? There is zero light in this room. Hi! There's not quite any light. Also, I'm a little icky looking right now if I'm gonna be honest with you. Please step into the light. Please, I want to see my child. No, I'm not your child. Please see my child. Oh. Boy. Let me see. Do you wish? You wish to pass. Yeah, we do. Show me my child. Step into the light and I shall let you pass. I'm not What does your child look like? Maybe I can find him? Is he like a Is he lost? My child is lost. They're all alone. They need their mother. Hey, maybe we're already looking for a child. Um. Maybe we can help you find them if you just let us through? Perhaps. Can I see you first? I would like to make sure you're not my child. Yeah, okay. Um. But like, it's dark in here. I don't see any light, personally. Did you bring some? Oh, boy. Doran frantically shakes his head from the shadows. Okay, here's what I can do for you. Okay, now I'm gonna go to the top of the room right under her, and I'm going to make a web down. Like Spider-Man. Yeah, you go to the top of the room and start webbing down. And then, once I'm kinda close to her, I'm just gonna give her a little tap on the shoulder. Like, yeah, I'm just like a little spider guy. I'm not With a massive scream, I'm going to need you to do a Oh, you're next to her. I'm so sorry. Yeah, no, I figured something was up. Um. I'm gonna need everyone to roll initiative. Is what I'm gonna need to ask. Am I in combat? I guess I'd roll it anyway. Yeah, that's a 21. 13 for me. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. 30, 20. Um... Oh, man. I'm trying to decide whether... This is a gamble. This is a gamble. Okay. I am going to cast... Fairy Fire. So that Mordred, who's just been flung away, is out of range, but she is in range. And so... What does Fairy Fire do again? It lights her up, gives everyone advantage on attacks. And I'm going to have to look up the rest of the rules. But the point is that anyone within the range gets lit up and becomes the source of light. So she would be eliminated. She does a dexterity saving throw. That's it. To try to dodge this. Basically, she proceeds. And it's a 20-foot cube within 60 feet, so that is near her. It's concentration. And it is a bird block, just so you know. Yeah, well, I'm anticipating this will take me out of play in the next turn. Okay. Okay, so what does casting this look like? So I'm going to stand up out of the shadows and reach my hand out and speak my trigger word, Leshach, and off it goes. And we see her... Yeah, the Fairy Fire kind of shoots out from your hand as she rolls an 11. Does that get her out? What's your spell save DC? I think Fairy Fire, you just do it, don't you? No, there's a deck save. I forgot there was a deck save for Fairy Fire. I believe I'm using Intelligence, right? Remind me how this works. I can't remember exactly how I'm supposed to... Plus Proficiency, plus the modifier. It should say it on your character sheet, on the Spells tab. It'll say it at the top. It'll say Spellcasting Ability, Spell Save DC, and Spell Attack. But it's racial, right? Oh, and the Spell tab is not there. No, there's nothing there. Which is weird. That makes sense, because you're playing a drow. That's what's confusing, is it's a racial ability, so I'm not sure how it calculates. Charisma is your innate Spellcasting Ability. Right. But, I feel like we talked about it being Intelligence. I think we did. I've never heard it being Intelligence. I have the same modifier for each. Then we're going to cut this whole part out, and you're just going to tell me a number, and then we're going to go with that. Okay. So, it'll be 8 plus the modifier is 2, is 10, and then... What was the other component? 8 plus the modifier plus Proficiency. Should be plus 2. Am I right? Yeah, so it'll be a total of 12. Well... DC is 12. By 1, she fails. Excellent. So, she's now outlined in this big light, which makes her begin to freak the hell out. She's shedding dim light in this fog, and you can all... Well... Now, even Idaho, if you two get closer, will be able to see her. The big woman. She's here! At the end of your turn, it's Seraphina. Yeah. You see Doran cast the spell. I'm sorry, I was going to use a bonus action to try and hide again. Yeah, sure, you can make another subject. Wait, sorry, Christian, you said, I don't see it right now. I'm still blinded right now. You're just further back from the light. You guys have to move forward. But I don't, but it's still pitch dark for me. Yes, but there's some light in the cave, I guess is the best way to say this. Okay. That you can see, but you just... And I'm at least partially obscured, right? Hm? I'm in darkness. Yeah, I'm in dark. Okay, so that's a 28. Perfect, yeah, you've basically vanished up against the wall. And with that, Seraphina. So just to clarify, Idaho can see, like, light at the end of the tunnel, basically? Yes. Okay. You feel comfortable letting go of Idaho? I'm going to let go of his hand and walk closer. How far down is Mordred? Mordred's been flying... Hey, Mordred, why don't you give me a D12 roll, and I'm going to treat it like it's a clock. And everyone is at six. Eight. Okay, Mordred is off to your left by about... Thinking about circumferences. 5D. 20. Mordred would be about... Half as far. Half as far. 60 feet away... 40 feet away. 45 feet away. Less than 30. Okay. But you could run down towards him. That's the direction. Can I put myself in between... Like, 30 feet in between everybody? Is that a possibility? Yeah, yeah. There's a world you wouldn't be able to see Idaho because you'd still be in the cave, but you could put yourself 30 feet away. Cool. I'm going to do that, and cast Aid on everyone, so you all heal 5 points and gain a max hit point of, like, 5 points. So you, whatever your current is, you go up by 5. And then, like, your total allowable hit points go up by 5. Does that make sense? Yeah. For everyone? Sorry? Yeah, so even if you're... They're just temporary hit points. Yeah. Right? What? Yeah. Aid increases your hit point maximum. It does not... For a limited period of time, it's not temporary. Each target's hit point maximum and current hit point increase by 5 for the duration. That's what I'm reading. It's just saying you get, you just get 5 HP. Yeah, you get 5 HP, and then... That's dope. Thank you. So, yeah, everybody gets 5 more health. Like, they have the allowance for 5. Yeah. Yeah, I just thought it was temporary hit points, but I guess they're classified differently. That's okay. It's the same thing, basically. Okay. Yeah, I'm giving you more points and more positive hit points. It is better, yeah. Okay, cool. That is my action. And then as a bonus action, I turn to Doran and light that fucking bitch up. And I give you Bardic Inspiration. So, using my class abilities. Crazy. And you get... Damn, her personality lit her up, literally. Yeah. I did it figuratively. And you get 1d6 used for ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws. Tell him what you're gonna tell him. Tell him. And now it's Seraphina. Tell him what you told him. Light him up. Light him up. Is that the end of your turn? Yeah, I moved. Yeah, yes, that's it. Sorry, do you guys have to write essays in high school? I'm getting some weird looks here. As you guys are... As you, Seraphina, have made yourself known, and Doran made herself known for an instant, and Mordred flung against the wall and made some noise, do you guys feel around you shadows kind of like rise up from the ground as she screams? My children! I need my children! And spirits of some form that look to be like little babies from Boss Baby but in Corporeal rise up out of the ground kind of around you guys, and they are completely gray except for bright red eyes and big, mashing teeth. And they go to begin attacking you guys, but they're going to go at the end of this initiative where Mordred... Do babies from Boss Baby, are they not babies? No, they're babies from Boss Baby. You couldn't have just said babies? They functionally operate as separate beings, I agree. Yeah, that's true. Have you ever met a baby that's capable of running a multinational corporation? Unless you have, they're not like babies. Are these minions capable of running multinational corporations? Yeah, and biting your heart right out of your chest. Cookies are for closers. They're multi-talented, real renaissance babies. She's going to cry out... Wait, I thought it was my turn. My children! My children! She goes before you in the initiative order, I'm sorry. And with that, she's going to attack where the fairy fire came from. She's going to try to attack you with disadvantage, Doran. Is she moving towards Doran, or is she firing something off? No, you watch as she takes her arm and extends it, basically. Oh no! Nothing's really extending, it's just a massive forearm that rises like 40 feet and can reach now like 60 feet away from her. And she tries to slam it where she thought you were. Okay. That's a 12 to hit. Oh, please give me your AC, it's more than 12. 15. Okay. With a 15, she's still covering her face with her other hand. She slams, it misses, it slams into the wall. She brings that hand back to her face and goes and slams with the other one when she heard Seraphine's voice, so she's going to be attacking you. That's a 20 to hit. Can I clarify something? Does she have a debuff on for being illuminated? You guys get advantage on your attacks against her, I believe. Well, but that's the effect of the spell. But I mean, as a creature, does the light have any actual effect on her, or is it just making her angry? Obviously it caused her to summon a baby army, but no noticeable effect, eh? Yes. Okay. As she keeps screaming and launching her massive arms at you guys, so a 20 hits you, Seraphine? Yeah, that sure does. She's going to attempt to do a grapple on you. Give me an acrobatics or athletics check. Oh, that will be acrobatics, please. 18 plus three, 21. Ooh. Okay. Seraphine, nobody shall not grab you as you nimbly duck out of the way. But you do take nine damage as her claws still tear into your leg as you're jumping out of the way. Okay. And then she retreats back into the sobbing form. There's big tears, kind of like you see go down her cheeks and onto the ground, forming what was already a pool beneath her. And with that, Mordred. Okay, Christian. As she's moving her hand back, how fast is it? Lightning fast, like it is. Okay. Yeah, I want to have time to react and do something as she's bringing her arms back to her neutral position. I'd let you try, but it would be hard. Okay. Here's what I want to do. I want to shoot a web so it webs up her mouth. Okay. And if not, it's going to web up her hand into her face. I want to generally aim for the face, try to web her down. Do you have a web ability or something? I do. I have web. It's a ranged weapon attack plus five. Okay, what's the range? 30, 60. Okay, so you have to run ten feet closer to her. That's not an issue. Okay. And then you shoot a web. What happens? All right, cool. Let me attempt to shoot a web. Let me web her up. And I get advantage, right? Because she's lit up. Yes, it's a ranged weapon attack, so yes. Cool. That's how that combination works. All right, let me roll one more time. So that is nine plus five. So 14. You're not going to believe me, but that hits. Let's go! Okay, okay. So now I'm going to web her face up. All right, you web her face up. What's the wording on it so that I can have a lower level? Okay, so it's web, recharge, five to six. I think that's five turns to recharge, right? That's what that means? No, you roll a d6 at the start of every turn, and if you get a five or a six, it recharges. Okay. One creature hit. The target is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained target can make a dc12 strength check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed. It's got AC10, five HP, vulnerable to fire. I'm webbing her. I'm Spider-Man right now. So you shoot web at her face, basically. I'm going to say it kind of tangles up her hands and her mouth, and she'll have to use an attack, basically, to remove it. You shoot web all over her face, and she goes, No, you're mean. You're mean just like her. Yes, I'm going to get you. Is there anything else you want to do? I'm going to go back into the darkness of the wall, like sort of kind of crawl up to the wall, and then just kind of try to find somewhere where I'm a little safe. Hell, yeah. You see Spider hide. I like it. And that brings us to Idaho. Okay. So am I still up on, like, a cliff above her? Yeah, it's, like, 20 feet up, and then she's, like, 40 feet away. And there's stalactites below. But you can go around to the left. It's a long way. Or you could try to do something with the stalactites. But I can't jump that. I don't think. Forty feet? Technically speaking, with a dash that's only 50 feet of movement, you could get there. From 20 feet up, too, you get extended distance, right? Extended distance. That's how that works. How do we calculate distance for a jump? Here's the thing, Christian, if I can move with a dash. I'd have you do an athletics check. There's elevation rules for jumping, isn't there? No. Sam, if there are, they're not going to be in my favor here. So I don't want to look them up. I don't want to invoke the rules. I don't want to invoke the rules on a 40-foot jump from a 20-foot cliff. It's the 20-foot jump that's the hard part. You don't have to jump all 40 feet in one jump. Oh, no, I want to land on her. That's what Dark Souls is like. I want to... Okay. Okay. I go to the edge of the cliff, and I see now the big glowing woman from Margaret's memory. Clearly, that's who this is. So I raise my sword. Here, I want to... I don't know what's going on at all. I'd love to do my spell list. And I'm so sad because the most interesting spell I have is Command at any given time. But I can't do that from my character standpoint. I can just do, like, I can blast, I can do Sanctuary, I can do all these fun things. They're not very helpful right now. So I'm going to jump down. All right, yeah, give me that ledge. Sure. You run 10 feet forward, and you go to jump off the ledge, not even looking down at first, and then in the air, looking down at all the stalactites. I roadrunner in the air for a second, you know. That is a natural 1 plus 4 for a total of 5. What did we say? Natural, natural, natural 1! Wah wah! I had a hose. So first off, you trip, falling off the ledge. You're going to take 9 bludgeoning damage from hitting the ground. But there's also stalactites. This is the scene, have you guys seen the other guys? The start, where they jump off, and you think they're going to land a bush, but then they're, like, way, way, way too short. So I'm, like, going towards her in slow motion, and just going straight down, towards, like, spiky fucking stalag- uh, stalagmites. Stalagmites, you jump off with the sword raise, trip, fall down immediately, you hit a stalactite, breaking off the tip, taking 8 piercing damage, and then hitting the ground below, taking another 9 bludgeoning damage. Oh, okay. But, you still have your movement. I'm not curling or nothing? You're right, you're prone. I use half my movement to get up. Alright, you now have 5 feet of movement left. And I move 5 feet towards her. Ah, you're now 35 feet away. And then I dash. Sorry, 25 feet away. And then I make my resinated worker. And I'm in her- she is engaged with me. Guess what, Christian. I have Sentinel. So she attacks anyone else. As a reaction, as you enter- No! Sorry, as a reaction, as you enter the light, you are now so close to her that you can see something that Mordred couldn't, having her on the shoulder, which is, as she turns, like, towards you, Nevermind, let's cover her hands and her face. She goes to make, like, an attack on you. She goes, My child! My child! And she, instead of attacking you, just kind of gets the webbing off of her face. This is giving me, like, a big Barbarian flashback. Anyone seen that movie? Ooh, Weeping Angel. With that, it's time for a little attack. Can I have DC-8 acrobatics or athletics check? I'm going to need, I think, four from Seraphina. Well, also, retroactively, retroactive things, character deals. Your mistakes are- depends. What is it? Well, just I got hit and I could have used Hellish Abuse. I forgot that was a thing. And that is on me, so. Don't hold off on that one. I don't think that's the make or break. Is she making an attack against a target other than me? No, not right now. She did that previous day. No, the little guys are doing it. Ah, gotcha. Oh, and DC-8? Acrobatics? DC-8, and you need to do four of them. 13 plus 3, 16. Uh, uh, I'm a mess. Five plus three, eight. Two! Two plus three is five. 12 plus three, 15. All right, these little guys are all swarming you, and one manages to bite onto your shoulder. You take four piercing damage, and it begins wailing, and this creature, the- what are we calling her? The Sorrowful Mother? The Weeping- The Vengeful Mother? Vengeful Mother. So many different words before Mother. The Mother. The Mourning Mother, I thought was her name. I thought we were going with a little alliteration here. The Mourning Mother fears the weeping, and so she's going to go make an attack against- Wait, wait. Did she roll her d12 strength check to get the webbing off? Oh, you're right. Yeah. Let's not. Guys, I'm not doing very well. She can fail. No, we'll figure this out. Our team, I think, we'll figure this out. I don't want- Well, she got higher than her d12. Yeah. One more hit and I'm down. Oh no! So she goes to attack Seraphina. I get an opportunity attack. Yes, you do. And if I hit a creature with an opportunity attack, her speed becomes zero for the rest of the turn. Interesting. She hasn't moved yet, but interesting. So she's going to attack Seraphina. I mean, I can put a halt to that. But yeah, you get an opportunity attack. Uh... That is a 23 to hit. That hits. No, big women! That's what Mordred said! Boom! And your sword slices into her. Dealing? Dealing, that's going to be... Eight slashing. Oh yeah, dealing eight slashing damage as you slice into her. And you see... Yeah. You see your sword kind of just cleaves through skin like it's... Almost like it's old paper that's held together with a leather-bound tone. It kind of spreads it apart more than normal. And... Don't get any blood, but you do some damage. And she cries because she's upset. But she was still in the way to attack Seraphina. But she can't move. Doesn't have to. Damn! How far away is Seraphina? Holy shit! Sixty feet. Yeah, she's a big... So to be clear, did she actually take damage? Yes, she did. Her crying doesn't bother me because I can't hear. She has advantage because of the screams of her child. That is a 24 to hit. That certainly hits. Does my retroactive... Did you say yes to the retroactive Hellish Rebuke? I will let you Hellish Rebuke this one. Well, I can't if I'm downed. So I'm asking if the retroactive... I will let you do it while the attack happens. Just to make everything. Okay. It's hard to retroactively do something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I need to roll damage. You take... 9 bludgeoning damage as the hand slams into you. As the hand slams into me, I cast Hellish Rebuke. Which means she needs to do a save. Let me pull up which it is. It is a... There's going to be a lot of editing in this episode. I don't know how long it's been since we've done combat. Easy 14 death, babe. Okay, she fails. Okay, so on fail, she takes 2d10 fire damage. Okay. Okay, okay. Whoa. So that's going to be 17 fire damage. Oh my god. So with 17 fire damage... However... You do see... That for some reason, as it lights her hand up on fire... It doesn't take as much damage as it seems like she should. And with that... I release this Hellish Rebuke and fiery... Trail of... Anger, and I am down. So down. And with that, it's a... Whose turn is it? Feels like it should be mine. Doreen. Okay. Oh, Doreen, you have an ally attack. You also have Bardic Inspiration, don't forget. I know. Um... I will say, you see the little guys stop lighting you as you go down and go unconscious. And begin looking for their next target. Um... Whew. I don't know if I should take a gamble that... The little fellas are going to disappear if I get rid of the light. We only have 30 minutes left of recording. We gotta try stuff. Yeah. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna, um... Ah, you got a couple turns before you're gonna die. Um, I'm just gonna get up... So Doreen's gonna stand up out of his hiding spot and fire an arrow. What angle do I have on this lady right now? Uh, vertically. So you're up like 20 feet, and then she's over 40 feet. No, like, what, how is she standing? Um, her shoulder's kind of to you. And she's like sitting, almost. She's facing me. Kneeling's a better way. No, uh, shoulder to you, facing... Away from you. To yourself, she's facing left. Oh, Faerie Fire gives advantage too, right? It does. I should have rolled out of the way. Uh, do you want to roll? No, uh, okay. Um... Yeah, so anyway, I'm just gonna go for a spot that's as close to her, like, her jugular as I can go. Um, and I'm gonna fire away... With my bow. Oh, Christian. Love you, thank you for doing that. What was that? Sorry. Um, so, I'm gonna step out from hiding and fire my bow at, uh, just behind her ear. Near where the soft spot is at the edge of her jugular. Oh, aim behind the ear, make an attack with advantage. That's right. Um, that's 22. 22 easily hits. I assume so, that's 15 damage with my sneak attack. Your wave, that's my best. 15 damage with your sneak attack. Uh, and it seems to do a normal amount of damage as you pierce into her leathery flesh. Uh, and she screams out in pain. Damn, she's really mad. She's mad. She's barking up a storm, my god. Okay. Leathery flesh! As she screams out in pain, um, as you, uh, loose the arrow into her. Uh, with that, it's Serafina's turn. Serafina. Oh, I'm hiding again. Quick, quick hide. Listen, do your check. Let's see if you don't roll a nat 1, but you have advantage. 28. Oh, that's a nat 20! Riggity-raggity-be-roll! Hell yeah! Uh, you're banished. Serafina, however. Uh, what? What? What? Um. Ah. How do death saving throws work, by the way? I have not ever had to roll one. Roll a d20. Oh my god. If it's over 10, you pass. Okay, just flat roll, Carla? Yeah, you just roll a d20. Over 10, you pass. Uh, under 10, you'd fail. Just don't crit fail. Yeah. Okay. I'm not the only healer, right? I'm a healer in theory, but... Okay. I think it should be fine. Kill her. The problem is that I have to unturn from a spider. So I'd have to use a turn to unturn until a spider gets healed. I have full faith that this is gonna be fine. Maybe I should. I might heal you as well, but I don't have, like, healing word. Yeah, the problem is I have healing word, but your ears are plugged up. True. Um, does that matter? I think Renan... You have to say it! I don't know if she has to hear it. I don't think you have to hear it. I don't think you have to. I don't think so. That would work. But also, I think we have bigger fish to fry. No, it's gotta work, because if it doesn't work like that, then holy shit, you can just avoid power word kill. Yeah, you just have to be able to see them. You just have to be able to see them. That's it. The wording of the spell is a creature of your choice that you can see within range, not a creature of your choice that can hear you within range, which is some spell. It's like Toll the Dead, I believe. What were you gonna say, Christian, before? Seraphina, would you please make a death saving throw? That is one thing. Okay. Better than a one. With that, we go to, uh... Four. Three more little babies kind of show up around you, looking for flesh teeth. Who's up next? That would be... Uh-oh. It's her turn. She's going to... Sensing Idaho run of her, she's going to try to grab Idaho. Okay. That's going to be a grapple check, so acrobatics or athletics. Oh, I get to choose? Athletics. Yeah, when you're defending, you do either. When you're attacking, you only do athletics. Athletics. That's a 20, non-net. Ooh, let's go. My boy grapples. I grapple, baby. I remember my position around the dragon. That's going to be... Oh my god. I'm keeping the form. I'm keeping the formation. I didn't remember the dragon fell on you as she goes to slam you with her hand, and it does nine slashing damage. To hit? What's the hit? Uh, 25. Okay. Yeah, that does hit. The 25 hit does nine slashing damage as you dodge the grapple, but she just gets you with her claws. And she goes, No, you're my child. You're just like me. You're Idaho. Idaho. I'm here. And you physically sense this thing probing into your mind. I don't like that at all. I can't hear her say my name, so I'm not bothered at all. You actually can. She is loud enough that you can make out her words, but most of what she's saying is muffled. I've only got one mom. And that's my mom. Fair. Yeah? No, I get it. What a statement. Alright, she's going to try to grab you again. She's going to make another attack. She has so many turns, dawg. She has two attacks. Um, with a 25 to hit. Wait, but she gets two attacks and two grabs. Uh, her attacks are grabs. So three attacks. What? Because she grabbed and then attacked me. Oh, her attacks are grabs. Oh, that's not, I don't like that at all. I'm sorry. Can I, can I, can I veto that? What if we did do that? 17 athletics on my second turn. With a 17, you dodge more closely, um, as she does three slashing damage. You're not my real mom! You're just like me, Idaho. You're lost. You're all alone. No one's ever loved you, Idaho. I could be your mom. Idaho, you're my child. Idaho! Idaho! Uh, and with that... That's what Paula Trading said in Doom 1. Um, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to crawl by. First I'm going to roll my d6. I'll roll a 5 or a 6. I get my, my webbing back. That's a 6. Hey, let's go. Um, god, this is, well. When she did it, when she undid the webbing, did she feel like it took a lot of strength, or did she feel like it just kind of ripped right through? She just kind of ripped right through it. Okay, new plan. I'm going to come down close to, um, Serafina. I'm going to use my bonus action to undo Wild Shake, turning back into Mordred. Um, and then I am going to, uh, launch a moonbeam into her. Um, so I'm going to make a circle in such a way that, uh, Idaho is outside the circle and she's inside the circle. So Serafina's at the edge. Mm-hmm. Idaho's 40 feet away. Ooh, okay. Then I will prioritize getting close enough to where I can moonbeam in such a way that, um, Idaho will not be hit by the moonbeam. Who are you trying to hit with the moonbeam? It's only a 5-foot radius. Her. The lady. Serafina. No. The lady. I would never... Why am I... I would not try to kill Serafina. Christian, moonbeam is an offensive spell. It sounds like a healing thing, but it's an offensive spell. Hey, hey, Wyatt. I did know that. That's why I was so concerned. Okay. Um... Um, all right, yeah. You, uh, you cast, uh, moonbeam on the big, uh, woman. Uh, what happens? Uh, okay. So a silvery beam of pale light shines down in a 5-foot radius. Uh, give me a... Da-da-da-da-da. Constitution saving throw, please. Okay. DC 13. Um, she has a 20. Cool, so it's 2d10s. She takes half as much, then. So it's 5 damage. And again... 5 what? Uh, radiant damage. Radiant damage. Uh, you light this fish up, um, and you do 5 radiant damage, and she seems very weak to it. Okay. Um, okay. And that stays there. If she's a shape... By the way, if she's a shapechanger, it shows her original form. She's not. Cool. Um, yeah. You see she's just super lit up at this point. Between the moonbeam, the fairy fire, um, she is easier to hit and target and focus, uh, and is just kind of, like, towering more and more and crying in, like, anger and frustration. So it's one of those that it's the first time they are hit, or that their turn starts there, by the way. It's concentration that's persistent over her. Um, and that is my bonus action and my action. Uh, I will end my turn. Okay. That brings us to you, Idaho. You are in her clutches, basically, but not literally. She's grappling. It's like a real... I'm having a real Dark Souls moment. Very good, uh... Keep her in there. Keep her in there. Um, cook her in the moonbeam. You're surrounded by me. Uh, you're not grappling me, I'm grappling you. I, um... So I can hear her when she talks, when I'm at this distance. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to ask one question, and then I'm going to attack, depending on the answer. It's... Who is your... What town is your town? No, uh... What... What is the name of your first child? You give me a... My logic here is she's having some, like, oh, we're all her children, but clearly she's missing a child. Yeah. And I don't want her to give me some bullshit. This is a hard poll that you're making me figure out. This is an insight check, is what I'm going to have you do this time. Ooh, okay. And do it with advantage, because she can't hide this one. Dirty 20. Okay. On a dirty 20, uh, you say this, and as she's probing, like, your mind a little, you can kind of, like, get, like, an insight, and you push back a little. I probe back. This is me when my energy beam meets with the villain's energy beam, and my energy beam, oh, no, I'm going to be energized, and then I push back. It's exactly that. You push back, and then you're inside her mind for a moment. And with a 20 insight check, uh, you... you kind of just know, like, a couple things, one of which is the fact that she doesn't have a child. This is someone who wants to be a mother, but is not. And you also realize that for some reason, this is her downfall. This is her doom. This is her curse, or whatever it is. It's this fact. And that's a free action, baby. Okay, for my next free action, I stand up and down from Krone. This is not Baldur's Gate. Uh... Okay. One second. 15 minutes left on the recording. This is important. In the fealty of the God Emperor, and the grace of the Golden Throne, I hereby sign the death warrant for an entire giant woman, and consign her soul to oblivion. Oh. I don't actually say that, but Wyatt wants to say that, because I'm going to do my first Divine Smite, I'll campaign. Let's go! Yeah. Please... oh, fuck. God, I really jinxed this. No, no, no. That is an 18. That hits. And I'm blowing, I think... How many spell slots do I have? I have three spell slots to blow on this. So I think I just get to do it three times, right? Like, add the Divine Smite three times? Is that how that works? You can Divine Smite once per attack, using any spell slot. So what spell slots do you have? They're all first level. So you use the first level, which would be 2d8... I can't blow all of them? I thought that was the best thing you could do. No. That would be insane. That's just how... this is why guns are so good as a paladin, is you can blow all your spell slots. You can choose after a crit whether or not to do a Divine Smite, so basically, if you save it for crits, and you're attacking all the time with advantage... Yep. Okay, but I can only use one. Yeah. Okay. So that'll be a... and that's just whatever... it doesn't matter the level of the spell slot. Oh, I see. It's 2d8 for first level. Gotcha. Yeah, 2d8. Plus 1d8 if they're undead or a construct. Yeah. But they're not undead. Yeah. But more importantly, my 2d8 is Radiant. Terrible Radiant roll, but 12 damage, 8 slashing for Radiant. All right. Again, the Radiant... so the slashing itself seems to cut into her pretty good, but the Radiant itself opens up the wound as you're basically cutting deeper and deeper in the same spot, and she looks pretty damaged. You see the Radiant Havoc has done significant work, as has the arrow that pierces through multiple levels of skin. And with that, is that the end of your turn? That's my turn. She's going to look at you in shock and go, Please don't hurt me. My child. And the little guys are going to look around, and they're going to do a Perception check. Okay. Mordred, you're not hidden, are you? I'm in the darkness of the room. Okay. You see a couple of them look around and notice you. And then four of them are going to therefore still have actions enough to run at you and try to jump on you. So can I have you do four DCA's, Gremlin 10? Cool. And that's Athletics or Acrobatics. So I might not be good at any of that stuff, to be honest with you guys. Okay. How many? Four? Yeah. One pass. I got an 11 on the first one. Oh, yeah. Two pass. Got an 11 on the second one. Woo! Three pass. Got a 15 on the third one. Dodging. Come on, let's go! And a 5. Okay, I had a 5 on the last one. Right into you. Yeah. I get chomped on. That's not what I wanted. Wait, this is a King's Fighter? Does that mean you have... I turned back. I turned back in order to cast Moonbeam. Oh, okay. Right. Four damage and Constitution saving. Okay, what's the Constitution save for? Moonbeam. Okay, that's what I figured. That's what I was going to ask. I rolled a 15. Okay. So you take four damage, you pass that, and then as a legendary action, or legendary reaction, he's going to attack you now that the baby's bitten you and is wailing. So she's going to make an attack roll now. Does that trigger Sentinel? I believe that triggers Sentinel. God never fell flat. Yeah, if you want to just... And you can do it on the... Yeah, if you want to... Come on! That hand might never reach me! Fight the bitch! Light her up! Light her up! You're not my real mom! I'm your real mom! 16 to hit? 16 to hit. Boom. And boom. 14, flashing, 9 radiant. Holy... Why is it blue? Oh, I got a 1 and an 8. Oh, that's so cute! That's awesome, actually. I've never seen that before. What is it? I don't mean either. On this site, it's green if it was the highest value of the dice and red if it was the lowest, but since I had two dice together, I got the highest and lowest, so it's blue. Idaho, you guys watch... Not their game. The rest of you guys watch as Idaho blade lights up with the palette of vengeance and slashes into this creature, cutting open so much skin, and you see that it kind of falters for a minute as its hands kind of fall down, trying to grab at what is injured, like a person grabbing at a wound. You can see for the first time that she has no eyes, but there's these two big holes of craters where eyes should be, and all that she has on her face is injured. And... that... she is on death's door. Not quite dead. And is going to finish out her attack on Mordred, which is a 22 to hit. Without hits? Not going to try to grab it. She's doing this without moving? Yeah, just launching the big arms forward. Mordred, that's going to be... 13 damage. Well, I turned back, so I'll hold it. Full heal chance. Okay, so minus 13 and minus 13. Yeah, 13 and then 4, yeah. Yeah, and she slams into you. Give me another constitution saving throw to try to maintain concentration on Moonbeam as you're being slammed around. For clarity, what off the hit here? 10. Okay. I have 12. Okay. Yeah, I'm fine. Alright. Moonbeam saved. Now, does she take... Actually, never mind. And with that, we're back to the top of the initiative. Doran. Oh, because that was a legendary action. Has that been... How's Seraphina been doing? Just, can you remind me how her... where her death saving throws are? She's bleeding out, but slowly. I had one failure. That's the only thing I've rolled. Yeah. I think it's fine. I think I can finish her off. Just as a reminder for how death saves work, a natural 1 counts as 2 fails. Okay. So if you have 1 fail, you have a 1 in 20 chance of dying. It's fine. Oh, I think I can finish her off. Okay. So, with a moment of indecision, Doran decides to run over to Seraphina and try and stabilize her. Hell yeah. Give me a medicine check if that's an action. Run over and look at the big woman and then... That's a 9. A 9 would not cut it. You have bardic inspiration. I have bardic inspiration. Bardic inspiration! Hit me with some of that! Let's go! 15. How about that, baby? No, that's a 1d6, right? Not quite a 15. You gotta roll. You gotta roll. That's all you need. Oh, good. Then we're in. Let's do it. I gotta roll it anyway. Just roll for 5. Well, no, if I don't, then the dice will be mad at me. That's a 4. 13. A 13 medicine check is enough. You stabilize Seraphina. You stop the blood from coming out, and you take a moment, having been inspired by Seraphina herself, how to do it. Still has a bonus action. I'm assuming that took me out of hiding, so I'm just gonna... No? Okay. In that case... I don't think I have much I can do with a bonus action. You go back into hiding. You can sit there for a minute. I think the battle's almost over. Yeah, that's it. I'm just gonna sit tight, make sure Seraphina's okay. Oh, yeah. Seraphina, you're not doing a death saving throw. You've been stabilized, which means you have 0 HP, and are still technically unconscious, as you're just kind of laying there, drifting in and out of consciousness, and you look up to see Thorin, and you don't have your full vision, but blurry-eyed, you kind of see Thorin, kind of just making sure that you're okay. And you get a flashback to being high on mushrooms. That's been happening. Nice. Not for like a couple days. So, that's my turn. Unfortunately, that's stabilization. With that, Big Woman is going to attack Idaho again, as she goes, Idaho! Actually, you know what? She's gonna try to do a mind push. Can you give me a wisdom saving throw? Is she not starting her turn in the Moonbeam? She is. Oh, no. Yeah, no. She gets Moonbeamed. Yeah. She gets Moonbeamed. I go, take this Moonbeam, bitch! She does the con save? Yeah, do a con save. It's 2d10, half on a fail. She catches a 2d10 right now? That's it, I rolled a 2. She takes 11 damage from my Mooncrush Buster. Radiant, just smiting her down. I tried to freeze it with you! You really did. Idaho! And as her body is withering away, as the radiant damage sears through her, her screams call out, and they go, Idaho! Idaho! Idaho! And Idaho, in your head, with the cries out loud, you still hear her, in your brain, for a minute go, just to you, and nobody else can hear it, go, the big woman you spoke of, she's the one that cursed me. She'll do the same to you. She hates us, Idaho. Goodbye, child. And her soul is gone. She's next. Oh, and the little babies all dissipate into smoke. Okay, yeah. And with that, the cavern is silent for half a second. Oh. Oh, that's the last time I- Oh, but it's dark again, right? No, but, yeah. Oh, no, there's a moonbeam. There is a moonbeam creating dim light. Mordred, get over here. Sarah's gonna need your help. Yeah, can I run over and I go, oh, I'm so sorry, Sarah. I really tried, I really tried, I really tried. I'm gonna cast Healing Word. Yeah, cast Healing Word. Yeah. The first level, so that will be 1d4. Plus wisdom modifier. Oh, plus my wisdom modifier, so I'm just 1d4 plus 3 or something? Yeah, 1d4 plus 3, so... 6 health. Alright, Sarah, can you pop back up with the HP? Oh, god, um... Is it over? Is she gone? Are we safe? Yeah, yeah, we got her, and we're even. I guess we are. Wait, did she bring me back? I thought I'd bring her to Mordred. Ah, a little calm A, a little calm B. I think... I think it was all Doran. Thank you, buddy. Thanks, buddy. Nice work with that web back there, by the way, that was great. Yeah, no problem. You know, sometimes violence is the answer. You know? At least she's a Mord mother, as opposed to a Mordang mother. RIP. That's fair, I'm glad you came around. I'm gonna look over... what's Idaho doing in the dark over there? Idaho's the only one in any light. I'm just looking at the moonbeam, it's the only thing I can see. I don't know where anyone else is. He's got a wax in his ears, right? Yeah, he does. I'm gonna run over. I'm gonna cast Dancing Lights. That is a cantrip, should be able to illuminate things a little better for our buddy here. Hell yeah, a couple lights floating around. Oh, I guess I can retorch up now to see. Because we're done with that fight. Okay, I de-waxed, I de-all these things, you know? Now we've got four torch-sized lights surrounding us, so we should be pretty well illuminated. You guys can see each other, standing here in this cave. See the entrance you came from, the large, mostly burnt-up corpse of the mother. And this is a big cave, and you see a couple other exits on the walls. And infinite potential. Where do we go next? I just got hung up on by my dad. Or not my dad, the father. Not my dad. And I just killed the one who wanted to be my mother. But you guys are all the family I need. That's what I like to hear. I jump, thinking it's the lady in my head again. Fuck! I know you're fine. And I think that's where we're going to end the session. Thank you, everyone. That was a good fight. That was fun. I love the last five minutes of D&D podcast when we're just looking for a button closer line. And we were all just looking at it, like, oh, do you want, oh, okay. I was fully prepared for you to make another line joke or something. For that to be the closer. I was thinking of something, but I couldn't think of anything good. It's hard. It's also hard when I don't have an NPC with you guys also add to it. Or just confuse you up for something. I was trying to think of, okay, she was not... I don't know, I hardly know her. Fuck, I should have done that. Oh, I'm not... I didn't get hit. I was hiding the whole time. I'm at 9 out of 38. I'm at 22 HP because I'm built like a shit brick house. Yeah. Yeah, so I'm actually at 15, but only because I got hit by lightning earlier. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

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