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PodC30 PART TWO 3-19-2023 Pastor Daniel Sandoval -Healling of the heart

PodC30 PART TWO 3-19-2023 Pastor Daniel Sandoval -Healling of the heart

Burning Lamp



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The main ideas from this information are: - The ability to see God in an issue depends on the purity of our hearts and the Holy Spirit helps us develop a pure heart. - Having a devoted heart means being fully devoted to the Lord and anchoring ourselves in Christ. - Keeping our hearts pure is important because areas where our hearts are not pure will leak the life of God out of us. - Devotion means to love fully, separate ourselves for someone or something, and manifest profound acts of worship and prayer. - Devotion is not about religious practices but about yielding our hearts to God and living for His will. - A devoted life is love-centered and overflows with love for our brothers and sisters. - True devotion produces great joy and problems do not alter our devotion to the Lord. - The Lord is calling us to be fully devoted to Him and manifest Jesus to the world. So, the ability to see God in an issue depends on the purity of our hearts, and so Holy Spirit is helping us to develop a heart that is pure. And His desire is that this heart not only be pure, but that it would become fully devoted to the Lord. This is the direction where I am going to teach today. A devoted heart. Are we here? So, we need to anchor ourselves in Christ. We have to prepare ourselves as the bride. We need to have oil in our lamps. We have to keep our hearts pure. Because the areas in our lives where our heart is not pure are going to leak. And the life of God is going to be leaking too. It has an escape route. And no matter how big or how small that area you haven't dealt with, it will leak the life of God out of you. So, His heart is to restore your heart, so that your heart can then become totally devoted to Him. That's another way to steward your heart. That our hearts would be fully devoted to Him. What does the word devotion mean? If you come to this house, take notes. Don't just be a hero of the Word. Be a student of the Word. Then you can go back and meditate in the Word. And that you don't just take it from me, but you take it from the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And you can read it for yourself. What does the word devotion mean? The word devotion means to love fully. It means to separate yourself for someone or something. It means to consecrate yourself. And it's manifested through profound acts of worship. Profound acts of prayer. You don't just pray simple prayers. You are actually in relationship through your prayer life. You hear God. You speak to the Lord. He speaks back to you. Is that possible? 100%. That's always been His heart. It's the zeal for the Lord. Developed through the fear of the Lord. So the Holy Spirit is wanting to raise up a people that would walk fully devoted to God. This is going to be good. Write down this please. The root of a devoted life is the love that God gives us. And when you love Him with that same love back. Let me repeat that. The root of a devoted life is the love that we receive from God. We love Him because He first loved us. So we return back to Him that same love as He loves us. What does it look like to have a devoted heart? Write this down. Thank you for asking. Good question. Devotion is the surrendering of our lives to God. It's learning to delight fully in the beauty of Jesus. A person that is devoted more than service. And they serve with all their heart. More than the development of their gifts. And glory to God because He gives us that we can do that. But their greatest passion is to see Him. That's it. Their greatest desire is to be with Him. To minister to Him. They would prefer to minister to Him than to millions of people. Today we want platforms. We want to minister more to people without ever even ministering to Him. But if you learn how to minister to Him first, you already have the audience that you want. A person that is devoted, the Lord is going to lift up a different type of leadership. Completely different. They will not have ambitions. They will not be self-centered. They are not going to be worried of how many likes or how many followers they have. Their heart is set on Him. And Him alone. Paul said it this way. I consider everything as rubbish. Everything. All the letters that I lifted up. All the miracles. All the signs. All the wonders. All the spiritual sons. All the coverings that I could have given. I consider that as garbage. If I can only get to know more of Him. That's the type of leadership that the Lord is going to lift up. He becomes first in everything. You are totally devoted to Him. You don't want anything else but Him. A devoted life is love centered. And it overflows with your brothers. Don't tell me you love the Lord, but you are in strife with your brother. And you are not devoting your... That's something else. I don't want to get in trouble. I don't want to offend you. You are supposed to love the Lord and love your brothers as you love the Lord. How do I know that you are walking a devoted life? Because as far as you can, you are trying to be at peace with everyone. I know this message is not popular. Yes Lord, I'll say it. This message will get hell out of you. Hell out of you. It purifies you. Because there is nothing else. There is no one else. If I am going to have ministry, but He is not going to be in there, I don't want ministry. If I am going to have a church, but He is not going to be in the church, I am sorry, I don't want anything there. I am going to get in trouble. If I am going to be in a relationship, if I am going to get married, but Jesus is not going to be in there, I don't want anything with it. Because you set your priorities. So it is the bride that is learning to behold the bridegroom. It is the expression of who we will become fully. You may think that that is a lot. But that is the goal. Christ is coming for a wife that is fully devoted to Him. Not a prostitute that on Sundays comes to be with Him, and then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday is with the world. Sorry, the Pentecost came out of that. If you are going to follow Christ, follow Christ. Pick up your cross. Every day follow Him. Jesus said, if you want to follow Me, pick up your cross. Every day go to the cross. Live for Him. Die for Him. There is nothing better than Him. Can I have the worship team? I don't know, all of a sudden something changed. Write this down. Devotion is not about religious practices. But it is about the yielding of our hearts. It is the giving of our hearts to the only one that deserves our hearts. When you live a devoted life, you don't have an own will. You live for His will. It is a profound love exchange. It is the true nature of the bride. The bride is devoted to the bridegroom. The bride desires the bridegroom. So more than your biggest preaching, teach people to love Jesus. Teach them to fall in love with Jesus. Let your gift be stored in a way that they can see Christ. I am going to get in trouble. People use their gift so that that can open up a way for them. It is biblical. But when it is done with the right heart. Your gift should not be so that you can be puffed up and people can admire you. Your gift should be so that you can lead people to Christ. Your calling is that you can lead people to Jesus. That is what we are called to do. He gives us, He empowers us to do so. Pastor, you are upset. No, I am not upset. I am against the religious spirit. But you I am excited for. Because I know. Man, if there could be just 10 devoted ones. Just 20 devoted ones. There were 12 devoted ones. There were 12 at one point. That were devoted. They turned the world upside down. And the world is still being impacted by those 12 and the devotion of those 12. What can 10 do in a city? What can 20 devoted ones do in a city? What if there were a lift up of people that would be fully devoted to the Lord? We are not talking just about Jesus. But we go to the streets. And we manifest Jesus. And people know who Jesus is. That is what He is calling you for. There is a delight in the heart that has become devoted unto Jesus. True devotion produces great joy. Can I give you wisdom? Can I give you 27 years of walking with Christ? Can I give you wisdom? When you live a devoted life to Jesus. Problems do not affect you. They are there. But they do not alter your devotion to the Lord. Your eyes are fixed on Him. And that is why you have joy. That is when you understand Scripture. Rejoice when you are in the middle of tribulations and trials and afflictions. You become a blazing fire. When you are devoted. Song of Solomon. Chapter 8. Are you receiving? Lift up your hands. Say, Lord, He is here. Lift up your hands and say, Lord. Make me one of your devoted ones. Come on, tell Him, make me one of your devoted ones. Song of Solomon, Chapter 8. Can you read it? Chapter 6. Next verse. Come on. In English it says, set me as a seal upon your heart. A seal upon your arm. I don't want just to be in your heart. I want everything of you to have that seal. For love is strong as death. Jealousy is fierce as the grave. It flashes or flashes a fire. The very flame of the Lord. And many waters cannot quench love. Neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised. Say it with me. Make of me a blazing fire. That you burn for love. Right there. Song of Solomon, Chapter 5. Verse 2. I prophesy this word over you. I believe this is what the Lord is doing now. Upon you. The very first thing, I slept. I believe a lot of people are sleeping right now. This is the bride speaking of the bridegroom. I slept, but my heart was awake. A sound of my beloved is knocking. Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one. For my head is wet with dew and my locks with the drops of the night. I had put off my garment. This is the bride speaking. How could I put it on? I had bathed my feet. How can I soil them? Verse 4. My beloved put his hand to the latch. Just by seeing his hand, my heart was thrilled within me. I really believe this is what the Lord is doing. He's knocking at the heart, the door of your heart. He wants to arouse, awaken that love for him again. You would fall again in love with him. When was the last time your heart was thrilled for him? You came early to church because you knew he was going to visit. You were strict with your time to pray because you knew he wanted to visit. There are two major functions. There's more, but I'll give you two of those that have devoted us. Number one, they are devoted to their calling. They enjoy doing the work of the Lord. They enjoy serving God. They don't just come and sit. They fulfill their calling. They have a heart to extend the kingdom of God. You see, I believe that a lot of people got burnt here. They came off because you were working for God. Working, working, working. That's an aspect of the Lord. Jesus said, Let's go there real quick. Luke chapter 10. This is Jesus. Jesus empowered his disciples. He empowered 70. He sent them out. They come back. Luke 10, 17. The 72 returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us. And he said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning. Behold, I've given you authority. It's not yours. It's mine. I've given it to you. I've given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you. Choose the balance of a devoted heart. Go to verse 20. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in that the spirit of the subject rejoiced. What is he saying? Is power important? Of course it is. That's how we expand the kingdom. Are miracles important? Of course it is. Does Jesus still do miracles today? Of course he does. He's the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. Does he still deliver today? Of course he does. He's the same today, yesterday, and forevermore. But what he's saying is, don't put emphasis on ministry. Don't put your emphasis on power. Don't put your emphasis on what you're doing, on how people are touched. Make sure that your eyes are still fixed on him, that this way your name will be written in the book of life. I believe the Lord is awakening a people, those that only confess Jesus, but don't devote their life for Jesus. I question your salvation, because we are supposed to follow him. We're supposed to go after him. Glory to God for the miracles. Glory to God for what he does in the past. Glory to God that you've got a prophetic word. Glory to God that you have a word of wisdom, but it's not about you. It's not about you. It was in your power. It was not your wisdom. It was not your strength. It was the Holy Spirit in your life. So Jesus tells us, don't rejoice for that. Don't worry about that. That's going to be natural. But make sure that your name is written in the book of life. True devotion. A son that is truly devoted doesn't just preach the gospel out there, but they are face to face with God. Beholding the Lord. Looking at the Lord. Loving the Lord. Knowing the Lord.

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