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5-2-24 SUBH Santiam sound

5-2-24 SUBH Santiam sound


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Hello, I'm your host, Buck Wilds, and this is my lovely co-host, Ms. Veronica Seals. And you're listening to KEPWLP 97.3 FM in Eugene, Oregon. We're Peace Works Community Radio. And simulcast online at kepw.org. Oh, yeah. One way or another, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you. One way or another, I'm gonna win ya, I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you. One way or another, I'm gonna see ya, I'm gonna meet you, meet you, meet you, meet you. One day, maybe next week, I'm gonna meet ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya. I will drive past your house, and if the lights are all down, I'll see who's around. One way or another, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you. One way or another, I'm gonna win ya, I'll get ya, I'll get ya. One way or another, I'm gonna see ya, I'm gonna meet you, meet you, meet you, meet you. One day, maybe next week, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya. And if the lights are all out, I'll follow your bus downtown, see who's hanging out. One way or another, I'm gonna lose ya, I'm gonna give you sleep, sleep over here for another, I'm gonna lose ya, I'll trick ya, I'll trick ya. One way or another, I'm gonna lose ya, I'm gonna trick ya, trick ya, trick ya, trick ya. One way or another, I'm gonna lose ya, I'm gonna give you sleep. I'll walk down the mall, stand up in front of the wall, right here I can see it all, find out who you are. I'll beat you to the supermarket, check out who you're with, who's in the back, who's in the front. One way or another, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll get ya, I'll meet ya. One way or another, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll get ya, I'll meet ya. One way or another, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll get ya, I'll meet ya. One way or another, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll get ya, I'll meet ya. One way or another, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll get ya, I'll meet ya. One way or another, I'm gonna get ya, I'll get ya, I'll meet ya. That as well. Yes. Well, we have some guests that we'd like to welcome from Sweet Home. Cal and Clint. Hey, we're gonna get them on the phone right now. And they're gonna be interviewing us while we're interviewing them. So we'll see how this works. It's like a big foursome. It is. It is. Okay, go ahead, Buck. Boy, lady, you're gonna be sore. Gosh, it feels like a Friday already. Buck always is challenged when he's dialing a phone. But he can do it. I know he can. Right, Buck? I'm redialing music. Oh, okay. There we go. Hello. Hello. Is this Clint and Cal? Yeah. Hey, how you doing? We got Chris here as well. Hi, Chris. Welcome. Hey, how are our heroes doing? We're doing really good. Thanks for letting us come on air with y'all and hang out with you guys with Stand Up and Be Heard Radio. Thank you guys for leading by example out here and helping our community. Oh, thank you. Right back at you. Right back at you. You guys rock. We're getting tuned in right now to the Sanium Sound. So thank you guys for coming on air with the Sanium Sound. We got Cousin Cal, Chris, and Stand Up, Be Heard Radio. We're coming here today to bring some awareness to some missing people subject as well as another case, rare case. So that's why we joined in today. And thank you guys. And we're going to let you guys take the floor. Okay. Okay. Well, Buck, that's the floor. Start a dancing. Okay. I guess I'll do a shindig. Where do we want to start? Okay. Well, I'm Veronica. This is Buck. And we're Stand Up, Be Heard. But our heroes are Sanium Sound, as everybody knows. As everybody knows. We have our heroes. Thank you, Sanium. And I'm super proud of what you guys have done for the community to bring awareness to these missing cases. Absolutely. And more than that, just the injustice going on in general over there. Yeah. And the news. You know, you're putting a good, fresh look on news. And the way you guys report, your style, I love it. Oh, thank you so much. We just try to show the sweet side of Sweet Home and all the awesome stuff going on. And as well as the things that happened at, you know, we're not so proud of out here, but we're in it together, right? Yep. It takes a village. It takes a village. Keep that sweet. It's Sweet Home. Sweet Home. Yeah. Well, you know, we noticed that the people at Sweet Home are really good people. There's a lot of, you know, and we never got involved with the Jake Riggs case until we had so many people. I mean, we had, God, Buck, how many? It was way over 20 people. Oh, really? Yeah, that were coming to us stating. The same thing, basically. And they knew different parts of this. You know, none of them knew the other part of the other persons, but they had this little piece of the pie here that they had that really bothered them about this case. And they really cared about Jake, and some of them, frankly, told us they couldn't sleep at night without getting this out. So, you know, and I know there's people out there that want to sue us right now, but. Yeah, I guess for disparagement. But there's a little problem with that. It's only slander if it isn't true. Yep. And the burden of proof is on them. Yeah, amen, Buck. Hey, people are missing and stuff like that, and you guys are just opening up a conversation. Exactly. You know, that's what you guys are doing. It's not like you're out here to cause harm or anything like that. You're just trying to help find missing people and bring closure. And doesn't that make you wonder when somebody would have a problem with that? Why would you have a problem with that? You know, I mean, unless you have something to hide. Right? It's more of, yeah, I totally agree. And that's the scary part about the situation. It's more, I feel like, and we all feel like, a lot of these different things were swept underneath the table. Yeah. The sense of information that we've got that's all alleged. And we don't know who did it. I mean, let's be honest. I don't claim to know. I don't claim to be an investigator. We don't claim to be an investigator. We don't claim to be. I guess a platform for people to say what they've seen, heard, know. And we have documents, text messages. I mean, we have done our due diligence here. And we've gone beyond the call of duty on checking out, you know, what people are saying. And then this is firsthand, very close people to Jake that were in his life, very close. And, okay, here's something we've got to agree on. By the mouth of two or more witnesses is the truth established. Okay. I've always been taught that myself. So, Buck, what happens if there's 10 or more? Well, then you would think that it's probably a little more true. How about 30 or more? Well, even more so. Okay. There you go. So it's not like just one person. I mean, we have documents. We have text messages. We've done our due diligence. And there's still foul in this. And even if it wasn't. I hear this a lot. Let us know if you can hear Veronica then as well, if you can definitely hear him. Oh, yeah. No, no worries. Yeah, we can hear you guys fine. But, you know, the problem is, is that we don't know. So why aren't we out there looking for him? Yes. And that's the hard thing in our community. And doing the Sandium Sound, and we've been doing it for a little over the year, we posted in the past, a buddy of mine that does this, a colleague, Scott here in town, posted about the awesome, well, not awesome, but to bring it back up, awesome to bring awareness to it, right? Yeah. But he brought it back, and he was like, Clint, we got to do this. And I was like, cool, man, let's go for it and do this, man. So we posted up the rigs thing. We posted up Danny Obert's situation. Yeah. So we received messages. We had conversations with people and stuff like that. And we didn't know what we were stepping into. Yeah. It just started flowing, didn't it? Yeah. I mean, the floodgates just come all of a sudden. You almost have to get some people hired just to handle the tips that come in. You know? And it freaked us out to the point where we didn't, you know, as we do recording, it was kind of like what you guys said. We didn't know how to open that door into, like, an investigation or, we're not saying we're investigating, to mediate back to the public. Yeah. We didn't know how to do that on our professionalism side, because we were just going out trying to, you know, highlight the town activities. Yeah. You know, that's what we were doing, too. We were doing Bigfoot stories. Yeah. We never started out doing just this exclusively. But, yeah, so from doing so and such, when you guys came out and we listened to your radio station, this is the crazy part about everything, and this is kind of like how we all come together now, is a lot of those stories from witnesses and stuff like that that you guys were getting were in a lot of the messages that we were getting via Sandwich Sound. Yeah. And that's when we knew right then and there that we had to come out and help out and be there with you guys. Well, we appreciate it. Yeah, because, I mean, even if the parents want nothing to do with looking for their son, we do. Which is highly susceptible to begin with. We want to find him. Yeah. You know, I mean, we can have our opinions, buck all we want, but the facts are we'll go look for him then. Well, as a parent, though, I mean, who would not want to find their child? Yeah, me too. In the community, like, I was in Cal, you and Jake, right? Yeah. Can you give a little bit about how you and Jake and such? So, me and Jake, we met in junior high, seventh grade, and we talked down then, but never really hung out. Uh-huh. And our junior year is when we actually started hanging out. We were in woodshop together. I had a bad weed fall out of my pocket. I put it on, and he had to see it. I picked it back up, and he asked if we could go smoke, and I was all, I couldn't say no, I didn't want to get in trouble, so I was like, yeah, let's go. We became friends. Yeah. Then we started hanging out quite often. So, did you, in your regard, Cal, suspect him to be someone, you know, being suicidal or anything like that, from your opinion? No. This kid was a happy-go-lucky guy. Yeah. And he liked to make everybody laugh. And so, I knew him from a retail store. I worked at the time in Lebanon, Oregon, at Modern Forest in town. And being what you call a butt tender, you get to know a lot of people on a personal level, in a sense. You feel like you're almost a therapist, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. But, you know, they can't obviously partake in sex, so you get more sobriety, more sober conversations. So, what happened was, like, and from my perspective, and I know that's just customer service, but for me, Jake's very uplifting. He didn't see me as somebody that would be like that. So, when that happened, we had a big discussion at our own shop in Modern Forest because we brought that up because we knew about the Danny Olberg situation. Yeah. And we were traumatized. And people don't just jump in the lake and commit suicide. No. We found out that he was a swimmer. Yeah, he's a really good swimmer, from what we've been told. And then, Chris, you knew Jake as well? Yeah, I knew him a little bit in school. I spoke to him a couple times. We didn't really hang out much. I kind of knew him through school, and seeing him around the hallways and whatnot, we never hung out. How was he like in school as a person? He was always pretty happy. He always had a smile on his face. Never had anything bad to say. He was pretty active with the school programs and all that, and sports a little bit. Yeah. Well, see, we have people that came to us and told us that Jake had told them, perbatum, that he was scared to death his dad was going to kill him. Now, our big beef here is, then, why hasn't the sheriff looked into this more? He just went away, he acted like he just dropped off the face of the earth, and it doesn't matter. Now, wait a minute. Don't we have a witness that was at the dock during the time? Oh, here we go. Here comes the can of worms. I'll go in first, but sorry to interrupt, buddy. Oh, no problem. I was just saying that we've come across a witness that was at the dock during the time that he was supposedly folding his clothes neatly and jumping in to commit suicide, and he wasn't there. Yeah. I mean, we're still kind of getting that timeline down exactly, but it's not making sense. So why aren't the police looking into this? And I don't think that they know this information. So what Buck and I do is we get all these leads together, and we take them, and we do give them to the police, you know, of course. But you know what happens to us when we do that? They don't take them. We've done this on case after case after case of missing persons, and they won't even take them. And how long have you guys been doing this? Oh, I've done it for a lot of years. Yeah, well, she's been doing it much longer than the radio show. But it's a sad state of affairs when the police don't even talk to you. Just so you guys know, so we recorded on our old-fashioned sound page that got taken down, and this is the toughest part. Like I tell you guys, a lot of this information, we have messages that have been taken down, right? Yeah, we heard that. But at the same time, you know, we still talk to a lot of people, and we did our due diligence to call people that we talked to in the past. Yeah, I mean, you're reporting on what the community is talking about and saying. I mean, you know, the news, I mean, what people saw. There's nothing wrong with reporting on that. Check this out. We found a body. Well, a treaty service found a body on Highway 20 on mile marker 34, and this body was only less than a mile away from where he was last seen in the vehicle. And they did a search, and they didn't even find the body. And the treaty service people found this body just off the side of the road. So that just tells you guys. Was that recently? Yeah, you guys can look into that, too. It was a holding case. It was something holding. And forgive me for not knowing his first name. You know, that's a creepy stretch of highway there. It really is. We were headed to—we were going for a convention thing for our Bikers Against Bullies, and we were headed to Wyoming and past Wyoming. And so we had everybody in the car, and we're going there, and that was kind of a scary stretch. The hardest part is this, guys. It's one of the most beautiful parts. It is. It is. Yeah. And so I skip the lake because we get a lot of tourists in Sweet Home from Foster to Green Peter. So the goal for us locals and such is to find those hidden gems. So we don't want to put all the hidden gems out there. I know. I love Sweet Home. But it's really great for swimming. It's a beautiful area up there. But also, like you guys say, man, there's a lot of back country roads and different things, just history from the Highway 20 situation and on, you know. Yeah. Yeah, I love Green Peter. I used to camp out there when I was a kid, you know, and that gold pan and everything else. I love Sweet Home and that area around there. I think it's the most beautiful area ever. The stars are really bright out there, yeah. Yeah. Right? We want to keep that sweet in Sweet Home, so here we are. Yeah. And my total respect to you, guys, because you're saying, hey, we want our town to stay sweet. You know, enough is enough. Let's bring these cases to a close so that everybody can move on. Yeah. People get closure. Chris deserves it. Chris's father deserves it. Yes. Kennedy deserves it. And so many people that reached out to us in the regard, and about you guys as well, and to say whatever that radio station and what you guys are doing. And from the community, you guys, they want to say thank you as well. We love you too, Sweet Home. We love you, Sweet Home. Hey, now, did you guys know about the Kenneth Oberg situation with the police? So, with Danny Oberg and Kenneth's dad, right? Yes. Well, Ken came on our show, and he was really upset a while back. And we can get you a copy of those shows too, if you'd like. Yeah. We did, like, three shows with him, didn't we? I think maybe, like, five actually. Five, yeah. And we really dove into it. And we're coming up on our shows to come. We're going to do a whole big thing on Danny Oberg. So, we're really, you know, happy to really blow that one up, you know, and get it out there. But the police cited him for a puppy chewing on the tire of the car, and said this four-month-old puppy popped the tire or something, or put a hole in his tire. I mean, that's harassment. I mean, that's just ridiculous. It's a waste of everybody's time is what that is. Yeah, he was coming to Danny's dad's house for some reason, and the puppy was only four months old. How is a puppy going to chew through a tire? And I guess your guy's tire shop there in Sweet Home was talking to Ken, and they said the puppy didn't do that. I mean, you know, that didn't happen. Yeah, and then there was other harassment that the city and the different code enforcement people were doing to Ken. So, we called up the code enforcement guy from our show. We did? We called him at home. We called him at home. Yeah. I forgot his name. I think Hopper. I can't remember. I forgot his name. Crap. But, yeah, they resigned for abusing his power. He was. The sad part of that is really what did he have to gain by doing that? Yeah, just evilness. That's just being a jerk. So, with us, at the city hall, for the most part, they're great people. There's great people in there in the sense, like, from the mayor. They're new in the office. The city hall manager. We did the Paint the Town project in the summer where we got funded, like, $300,000 worth of paint. Oh, that's awesome. Good job. Yeah. Yay. But that's all city hall, right? That's their project. So, you got people in there. That are good people. A lot of this stuff happened in the past, right? Yeah. Yeah. And so, I mean, I know that there are good people in there. Yeah. And we don't want to bash on them if they're good. I mean, I know there's good in their departments and stuff. I do know that. But there is, you know, that underbelly that's picking on these missing families. I mean, what the heck? Yeah, it seems like they're down. I mean, they were giving Kenneth, like, citations left and right for not cleaning up his property. And then when he had somebody come to take the branches away. They said they'd arrest him if I come back. Yeah. They'd tow his car and arrest him and every other thing. From what we hear, too, like, from Kenneth's situation, he's not giving up. And I'm so proud of Danny Obert's dad, Kenneth. Yeah. Because he's very. We love Ken. Yeah. He's a hell of a man and a great guy. We love you. He deserves me. Because we have, you know, in another case, that's not happening. Yeah. I don't know if you know much about the Danny Obert case. But, you know, we get tips and stuff and stuff that comes in here. And, you know, it's information that we have to try to, you know. Sift through. Yeah. We're not investigators, but it's time to pull together as a community and talk about it. So, you know, we heard. Messages from him from when we posted his stuff. Yeah. Messages and stuff like that. So any input you guys want to ask or anything. And then just to give a background from us knowing Danny Obert, like Cousin Kyle, can you go back to talking about how you know Danny? I lived next to Danny for six years. Wow. And when I was six years old, he actually saved my life when I was seven. Really? Oh, wow. What happened? We were riding our bikes by the creek there by the BMX track, and a rat fell in the creek. Oh, wow. And it held on, and it held me underwater. And Danny had to jump in and pull me out. Oh, Danny. Oh, I'm going to tell his dad that. That is really cool. And, yeah, I met Danny when I was a kid. I came out here to visit Calvin. So our family relations together. I'm from Spokane. His mom and my dad are brother and sister. So I'd come up back and forth since we were kids. And I met Danny probably when I was around that age on myself. And I worked at Safeway as a customer. What was he like? Was he a quiet kid? Outgoing? He was kind of a shy kid, kept to himself for the most part. Yeah. But then we brought us back together. Yeah. I worked in this laundry. Yeah. Back then we wasn't legal still, and I ended up buying a lot of weed from him back then. Oh, man. Just weed. Okay. Yeah. He never seen my kids do hard drugs either. Yeah. So when we, you know, I met him as a customer, and, you know, he was always upbeat, up-tempo with me. And I think he, like, I didn't know him at the time, but we knew each other when we were kids. So we had that connection with Cousin Cal. So we always had, like, that love going. Got to hit pretty close to home then for you guys. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. It's one of yours. Yeah, it's one of your own, you know. We posted some information about him, and it was just crazy some of the messages we get and the stories that we get. And, you know, like we said, we don't do this stuff to slander any names or anything. Of course not. No, no. But it's important to get the conversation going. Yeah, because how else are they going to solve it, you know? I mean, if people don't talk about it. Like, specific and families in town, you know what I mean? And it sucks to say that, and it just breaks our heart. You know what I mean? Like, I mean, we don't know anything about it other than it seems like to us that there was a party that happened somewhere in Sweet Home when he went missing that Danny was at. And that's what I'm going to say, you know, and we're going to rip that open so bad and dissect the hell out of it on our shows that are coming up. We have a few party goers that were there. We have a few party goers that were there. We have a few people. I'm pretty sure there was a kid with him named Glenn Hesburgh. He was missing for a few days too, but then he reappeared. And what was his name? Glenn Hesburgh. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I recall that from the last show. He lives out of state and marries and everything. And we heard of their... Now, I know some kids that were around Danny or whatever, their lives had been turned upside down because they missed their friend, and there's been a lot of accusations going back and forth. And, you know, we do understand that these are uncomfortable situations, and we're not trying to point the finger at anybody. But you know what? Somebody is missing, and we don't know where they are. We have an obligation to start talking about it until we find them. You know, their parents are in pain. I think it was strange. Glenn was with them, and then he was gone for a few days, and he ended up reappearing. But, yeah, that was very odd. That is odd. And he has dogs. He was in his car in one area. Yeah, and the car was staged really odd. I mean, like, the seat was set back like they were trying to either they were too tall or really tall. Make sure they didn't drop their phone on the way out. Yeah, yeah. And then some of the things about the phone showing up, how long ago? It was like two months later, I believe. Yeah, something like that. And the police not doing their job right off the bat. And, you know, it's really disturbing. Now, we heard you guys had somebody in your town named Paige Butterfield that was a person that has gone to jail since for another crime. But that person, when they did their spree or whatever, had a list of names on there on a piece of paper that they had issue with. Do you guys ever remember that situation? Chris knows about that? I don't know much about it. I know someone who was affiliated with him for quite some time, and she actually got into quite a bit of trouble with him due to a lot of stuff. And I remember her talking about it quite a bit. But she did have a list with a bunch of names on it, like a hit list. Yeah, yeah, that's what we heard, too. And, you know, you ask the community, do you think that's good that we have people like that running around? I mean, for God's sake, no. I mean, not on the, you know. Well, they just open up and talk about them, because people are already telling us to be careful. That's the weird part. How do you want your world to be? That's what you've got to ask yourself. Am I going to be somebody that lets the old grandma sit there and get knocked down by the bully kid, you know, and not help her back up because I'm scared? Yeah. And what was your son? What was your brother? Yeah. What would you want? What would you want? You know, you've got to have integrity these days, and that's something we left. Sorry to cut you off there, guys. Now, I had somebody bring up a good point with Jake Riggs. What if Jake was in a lot of trouble with somebody and needed help, like somebody was trying to hurt him, so his parents helped him get out of here? Well, that would be great, but he'd still be missing. But what if they did that to get him out of here, so everybody thought he was? Okay. Then what about the years of documented abuse by his father, you know, and he's going to kill me, you know? I mean, he told people. If it wasn't for that, I would say you probably have a very good point, and I did like it when you brought that up. Yeah, I love that alternative point there. You know, that is a good thought. If anything, any of this, I mean, went that direction. But they turned away people looking for him in the water. Yeah. Okay. I mean, that could maybe be because he is in the witness protection, whatever. I mean, maybe that would fall into that. But, you know, I talked to an FBI guy, and I asked him about witness protection and stuff. I went that extra step, and I talked. It's not like on TV. They don't do that stuff, really. I mean, it's really not like it is on TV. Not even close. It has to be so high profile. But if parents had the money to hide you, I would say to Jake, wherever you are, I hope you're having a margarita or whatever, and you're sitting back on a beach and enjoying your life or whatever, but your family, you still have daughters, you know. I mean, that doesn't make sense. I don't think he would leave his kids behind. He wouldn't leave his kids behind, you know. He loved his kids, and he loved, you know, his friends. I don't know about his family, but okay. You know, with that witness, it was crazy what you guys said. So from doing our own research and diving in on these different subjects, what we came across from bringing up some old messages and calling people and doing our due diligence was, yeah, there was a witness there that was actually, we're not going to pinpoint, but they knew the family very well. Yeah, yeah, and we're not going to say their name either. But we know who you're talking about. That vehicle, you know, they said they would know the vehicle and they never saw a vehicle out there. And being that time of year, you know, going into the water, it's just kind of, it was March. It was cold at that time. We were in Sweet Home. Water's lower. It just doesn't make sense what they're trying to sell us. You know, the story that they're trying to sell doesn't really hold. I mean, there's no timeline. Flexibly, your body wants to gasp for air. I mean, even if you try to ground yourself, you will try to kick and get your head above water. And you will snap, too, as soon as you hit that cold water. Oh, yeah, you will. You know. The hardest part is you watch someone like Ken, right, out there. Jake wasn't a suicidal person either. Yeah, yeah. And he was very tall. You'd think, I mean, and what's weird is the clothes looked staged. The clothes looked staged. I mean, it was only like a vest and something else. Yeah, the pants were still missing. I mean, something would have come up. And if you were in a heated argument, would you drive somebody calmly down to the lake and let them go ahead and walk off and try to jump in? Yeah. I mean, if you don't want people talking about it, don't do stupid stuff. I mean, don't go around saying things that don't make sense. You know, the hardest part is, too, is you watch Kenneth up there look for his son every day. I know. And I feel like most of us would be on that kind of same page. And when we listen to your podcast and from the messages that we receive and just how everything went down, it just didn't happen. And Jake was in that lake. The pants, I feel, would not be going and kicking it at the point. Looking out where Jake just drowned, you know. They didn't even come home. You wouldn't think so, no. I mean, and then Jake was crying at the Woods, I think it is the Woods Tavern, or is it a tavern or a restaurant or something? And he was sitting there. The cops turned him away. The cops turned him away. And they didn't leave. They made him leave. He was in tears. And you have to ask yourself, was that because were they... I mean, I have been told, and this is just what we're being told. Now remember, even Oprah had people come on her show and talk about their experiences. So does Dr. Phil. Yeah, hypotheticals are out there, yes. Yeah, I mean... If we'd rather not do it that way, we could talk about what we do know about their character and see how that does not add up to what actually is going on. Rip into it, Buck. Okay, well, okay. For instance, if it was my son, I would be out there looking still. I would not stop. I'd be like Kenny. I would be like Danny's dad. Hey, man. I'd be out there looking every day. Yep. Yep. So that doesn't add up right there. Okay. Okay. Two. Go ahead. People offered their boats, and if my son was missing, and they offered up their boats, I would beg them. I'd lick their face. I'd even lick their toes to be able to beg them to get out there to look for my son. Mm-hmm. Three. He wasn't reported on NAMMIS. Oh, yeah. It was almost two years, not two months. It was almost two years that he was not reported on. And every law enforcement agency is required to put them on there. So why did the police not do that? That scares me. And, you know, the thing is, too, from what we hear with a lot of witnesses that come out and say stuff to us, and I'm just like, why don't you guys pass that on? And the one thing that everybody comes back to is they're afraid. And I understand that. Well, they can't kill us all. Yeah, I mean, okay, if I, you know. Don't you think they would be the first ones looked at if something happened? I mean, you know. I mean, come on. Yeah. You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything. Yeah, you've got to stand for something. And this is wrong, everybody. This is wrong. Coming back to also that witness, you know, saying that they might, you know, have never seen that vehicle from the father there. So, like, if that goes against the law, so we have to figure that out. Yeah. It breaks my heart. You know, that person, if they feel stuff, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And why don't the family come out and say, and be transparent, like, our son was here this time, this time, or whatever, and he passed away. We can't find his body. I mean, there's been rumors that he got caught in the dam. And this is a rumor. I don't know if this is true, if Barbie did this, or if she didn't. I don't know. This I couldn't for sure get. We couldn't verify for sure. But if you're caught in the dam, you'd have to sue, right? Yeah. Yeah. And a body like, you know, it has gases in your body and stuff. But the thing is, is that one person told us that they talked to Barbie when that happened, and she said, there's no point in looking for him because the police already know where he is. He's caught in the dam. And we just, we already know it. That's why we don't look for him. Now, we called up, everybody did their due diligence, and we called up different fire departments, search and rescue, police departments, and guess what? They said they'd still get him out, and they wouldn't stop looking. So right there. And it just drained yearly, does it not? You know, from witnesses and what I was hearing, I heard that her story switched many a times. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean? And grief does weird things. Yeah, so let's examine that. Why would somebody do such a thing? What? Why would somebody's story change? Okay, because they have Alzheimer's? That's one option, yes. They have dementia. That's another. Or maybe they're covering something up. That's another one, too. I'm sure there's several others. Either way, it's not normal behavior. I know that. Yeah, and that brings flags to people. There's no missing posters up. None. Well, and there's people who have deleted, too. Yeah. So, you know, in this day and age, in the sense of social media, a lot of people communicate through messengers or something like that, too. Yeah. Well, the mom supposedly went around and told people to erase their Facebooks, erase their messages, and we've seen text messages where she told the person, you better take this down now, and you better do this, and you better do this. We don't want any pictures of Jake up. We don't want any pictures of him around. We want nothing of Jake, you know, out there. And it really hurt these friends and stuff, you know, and people that loved him, because they wanted to post the pictures of Jake, and they wanted, you know, they couldn't understand why they wanted every bit of him to just disappear. And his kids weren't invited to his funeral. Yeah, that's a big, big one there. Yeah, wasn't the mom in California or something to you at the time? Yeah, she didn't bother to come back early, though. Yeah, she didn't cut her vacation short. Yeah. That's cold. She didn't come up, drop everything, and haul ass home. That is cold, brr. If there's a family emergency like that, airlines will usually let you leave for free with no penalty. Yeah. You know, they're not as great and holy moly as they think they are. I mean, come down off your... Yeah, get off your Barbie elevator. And that falls pretty hard from there. Yeah, you're not in the Barbie dream house. I mean, this is reality. Your son is missing. Care. I'm sorry. We care because we want disclosure on their spirit, right? Yeah. Regardless of the family, they are aggrieved and do what they need to do. Right. Or if they did do something allegedly, you know, we still want a body to be found. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. We need to know there's not a serial killer out there. We need to know that there's closure. Yeah, because if it wasn't them, then it was somebody else. What happens if he's being held or something right now? Yeah. Yeah. He had a lot of friends in this town and a lot of associates. Yeah. Yeah. Like, when my dad was growing up, he went to school here. He went to Foster, and then he graduated from Sweet Home. And, you know, so, like, a lot of people knew him. And then, per se, like, my grandpa, he drove log trucks here in Sweet Home for 40-plus years. Wow. So, like, you know, a lot of people kind of knew us around here. And, I don't know, just for somebody to kind of go out and do something like that. Well, can you explain to our listeners, at least on our end, what exactly the case is about? Because, you know, your case hasn't been really up there, you know, for anybody to know. I know, and it's very interesting. Comfortable, brother, if you want to talk about it. Well, I mean, I won't go into, like, nothing crazy about it. But, so, like, my dad was, like, for, after my sister was born, he wasn't, like, really around for a lot of years. He was still kind of, he was doing a lot of hard drugs at the time. And it was something that was really hard for him to kind of get away from. Like, over the course of several years, you know, he kind of, he got out of it and started coming around and being there for, like, me and my sister. Mainly for my sister, because we have such a big age difference. But, like, it made me feel good that he was finally starting to come around. And, like, after so many years, you know, like, my first, when I was growing up, like, he would go do things with me, but we weren't, like, the closest. And then, after, like, my sister was born, he kind of came around a little bit more and started being more of, like, a father to both me and my sister. And, uh, he, uh, and my mom were kind of wanting to, well, my mom was wanting to kind of work things out and maybe try and get him back in our lives, but the situation he was in, it just, it wasn't really, it wasn't, like, going that way or anything. And he had, uh, he had this girlfriend at the time, um, Cher Wilson. Um, she's also pretty known in Sweet Home and around here. Um, so, allegedly, when it happened, she was with him, um, at the scene. And supposedly, she, she's, we don't know if she's the one that drove down or, I'd imagine she was, because my dad was pretty tore up when it all happened. Uh, he was shot through his car and, uh, hit in the shoulder one time and then shot through the back of the head the second time. Oh, my God. So, that was out, um, out at Wiley Creek here in Sweet Home. And, uh, they drove down and ended up in, uh, one of my known friends' driveways. And they had ran across the street. They were chased down there. And then the vehicle that chased them had turned off and went up over Whiskey Butte. And so they kind of stopped down at the bottom of the hill by Riggs Hill there. Went and used the phone. This was, like, 5.30 in the morning or so. Made the phone call. An ambulance came out and got him. And then it kind of went from there. And at the time, none of us family members knew anything or anything that was going on. Yeah, they took him over there to Lebanon Hospital and tried to kind of do everything they could to keep him here. But, um, you know, after so many years of drug abuse and use and whatnot, his body wasn't just, like, strong enough to kind of stay in with us. And then where he was shot, you know, it was pretty vital. So, um, there was just not much they could really do. And, uh... I'm so sorry. They called my... I called my grandpa first, but he's not much of a phone person. And, uh, so they got a hold of my uncle and told him. And then... Hold on. Buddy, buddy. I'm so sorry. You know, we love you, buddy. Yeah, that's a rough one. Yeah. The toughest part is just, um... Not having answers, you know? Yeah. I know my dad committed suicide when I was 13, and that's something you can deal with. But, I mean, for him to be taken from you has got to be a lot worse. Yeah. Tried to get our own answers for ourselves because we know a lot of people here in town. Um... Went up by Cascadia because it's pretty... It's dark in some places up there. And, uh, there's a lot of stuff that goes on. And just, you know, with the vehicle heading back over whiskey butte going that way, it just kind of makes me think that, you know, not that it was somebody in Cascadia, but somebody who's associated with people in Cascadia. And, you know, detectives went out and talked to people and tried to get answers, but nobody wanted to talk or stories would change. And his girlfriend that was with him at the time, she's kind of not all there herself, and she's blind in one eye. They couldn't get a straight... They had to hunt her down a little bit, and they couldn't get a straight story out of her about what happened. Now, I heard there was something peculiar about the bullets in this instance. Is that correct? Uh, I'm not sure. I don't even know what kind of calibrate was shot with or anything. Okay. Maybe that was another case. I apologize. Yeah, we've been doing so many... Sadly to say, there's just so many people out there with the same, you know, needing answers for their loved ones, you know, going missing or being, you know, murdered or whatever. They're just not getting peace in these cases, and the police don't... They need to be doing something about it. They're very close. The person's probably still locked up in a hospital. Oh, most definitely. Yeah. That's what's more disturbing than anything. Yeah, definitely. Oh, my goodness. We're so sorry. And, you know, we're going to do a candlelight thing for, you know, for the families of the missing and the... well, loved ones of the missing in the Riggs case. You know, I mean, the other loved ones, the other people. Oh, really? Yeah, I just don't even know how to handle that case at all. God, I swear. It's a new one for us, this situation. But... There's still a lot more to go through. There's still a lot more. On the table there that we got. And we welcome them to come on, too. Yeah. Monty, Barbie, if you'd like to come on, we would love... We would love to have you. Tell us... Come in the studio, do it by phone, whatever way you'd like to. You could squash all of this if you'd come on and tell... or not even come on, but maybe go on the Sanyam Sound or something and talk about why we should all shut up. You know? Yes. And actually, guys, I'd like to put this out there. I'm not sure if this is 100% true, but I've heard that there's a web browser called Time Machine where you can go back to any period and look at the Facebook or whatever that web page had at that point in time on it. Yeah. So you could go back to before all that happened and see what was on the Facebook. Yeah, whatever she was erasing or whatever people are erasing. And then also for Chris... It's Chris? Is that... Can you guys hear that? Yeah. Chris, are you still there? Yeah. So, Chris, there was a... Right down the road, there were people living there and they didn't want to give up their... I'm going to let Chris say it again. Yeah. So, you know, I'm not going to go about mentioning names or anything because they probably don't want their names mentioned. But, like, leaving where the scene happened, there's a guy there who has cameras and they face out towards the road and the sheriffs and OSP went there and, you know, they asked numerous people up and down why they were freaking out if they had cameras or whatnot. He had cameras, but he wasn't comfortable giving up his videos to bring them in because they were out having a good time in front of his house doing burnouts and whatnot. But, yeah, and, you know, his house was a little ways away from the road. But you would think that, you know, with the technology of cameras... Yeah, does somebody know something? Yeah. It's kind of great to make or make a model of, you know, what was chasing them. Yeah. But nothing about that. You know, we've asked the detectives about it multiple times. And what did the detectives... Are they actively looking? Are they doing anything on it? So, it was Detective Colin Pyle. He's now a Linn County Sheriff. Oh, boy. No, I'm just kidding. I ran into him quite a few months back up there at Green Peter Dam. And he had told me that they had switched over and there's a new detective on the case. But me and my family haven't heard anything or any news of anything about the case in probably the last two years. And May 11th, you know, this month, it will be four years that it's happened now. Wow. Well, all you got to do is say the word, and Buck and I will help you. Yeah. And we'll get it out there and we'll just blow it on up so everybody knows about it. I mean... And if anybody does know anything and would like to come forward and give some information, where would we call? And that's what we, you know, that's what today's episode of Russian Idiot Sounds is about too. Don't be afraid to speak up. You don't have to give your name. I mean, you could even tell Buck and I. You could do whatever you want. I mean, you could call the police, do it. We have yet to give up a source. We have yet to give up a source. We will not give up our informants or our sources. We will not do it. We appreciate what you guys are doing. Yeah, because I think it's closure that we're looking for for the families, not as much justice as closure. Right. I mean... And then going back to Danny's case, I'm like, that was crazy in regard. We were talking earlier, you guys brought up some stuff. I don't know if you guys want to talk about that again. Oh, sure. We'll talk about it. We'll talk about whatever you guys want. I mean, we'll talk about it. We're so transparent about this because you know what? The police have had long enough and they haven't been getting anywhere. So it's time to talk about it. One thing first is if anybody that's interested in putting a case up has a case like this and they need to get it out there, go to solvethecase.org. That's a great website. It's a great website. And what it does is it puts a person's case up there, but it keeps track of all the leads, the tips, and notifies you every time your tip is used. Or a new tip comes in. Or a new tip comes in and it gives you all the, have the forensics been entered? Has anything like that been entered? That's one thing you can do. Another thing you can do is go to NAMIS. Make sure if you have a loved one that goes missing, make sure they're entered on the NAMIS registry. And then check the John Doe's. Yeah, because sometimes there have been John Doe's, you know, that have bodies that have been found that have not been matched up with because the police didn't enter it right or whatever, and then their loved one goes, is really found, but they don't know it. So, I mean... What's his name? I don't know. Yeah, his uncle Chris was just saying his uncle found a body up there on what creek? Sheep Creek, just off Highway 20. And who knows what that body, I don't know. You should be able to go on NAMIS and find that body that he found. It will show up as unidentified body. It will show up as either identified or unidentified. I think she was identified. Was she? Yeah, she was laying outside of her vehicle and all her stuff was there. But it just sucks that stuff like that happens. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, back up. How long ago was that? How long ago was that? I don't know, that was a few years ago. Okay, I think I know the one you're talking about. But you know, that's similar to some of these other, like Tammy Pitkin, you guys really need to look at that case because Tammy Pitkin, that one... Who represented Tammy and all these people, by the way? That's the one that was with Gordon. Can you tell us a little about Tammy's case? Go ahead, Bob. Yeah, she was coming up from California. Her husband and her were going through a bit of a divorce and she was really rich. I mean, she had a really successful real estate business and everything else. Yeah, she had her dog with her and... Her two dogs. Her two dogs, yes. Just like Danny Obert. Yeah, one of the strange coincidences there as well. But one of the dogs ended up turning up and... Just like Danny Obert. Yes, and her car was found left down at Courtsville. Courtsville Road. It was a ways into Courtsville Road, though I guess at a clearing or a... And there's a suspect from Sweet Home in that case, but he's in jail for something else right now. Yeah, in California. Yeah, but he's from Sweet Home and... You guys have any? If we can... It's Fox, isn't it? The last name? Yeah. I don't want to say the wrong name. Yeah, I don't want to say the wrong name either. So what we'll do is we'll... You can go to the Tammy Pitkin... What is it? Finding Tammy Pitkin case. Right. And we'll send you our podcast. Or the radio show we did with her. Yeah, and we'll send it to you. And we'll also get you together with her sister, and you guys can do an interview if you'd be willing, because she really needs you guys' help to find the dog. Her name is Erica Laughlin, and she's great. Yeah, she needs help finding the dog that's still missing. Everybody in our community, whether it's a local business to a local event to this right here. So we're always here to help out. I love that. I love that. And you guys are one of the most beautifulest communities ever. The people have come out to us to help us. And that's another thing. 99% of the town has helped us. Yeah. Absolutely. And that tells us something. That tells us they're fed up. You guys are a good town. Yeah, and people wanted to go back to being the great... Yeah, make it like Mayberry. Yeah, make it like Mayberry. Keep it sweet and freedom. That's my motto. Make it better than Mayberry. Stay sweet to the earth. Yeah. Well, you guys deserve better in your town. I mean, come on now. Well, it's hard, too. It's like a lot of this stuff's happened in the past, right? Yeah. And it's fun, and we're trying to bamf it. But in order to bamf it, we've got to go through this hurdle, too, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I heard you have new sheriffs. Is that true? There's new sheriffs that are kind of on there and stuff that are trying really hard? Well, we got a new chief of police. That's good. They've got good people. I know they might have bad people. Who knows? But allegedly, who knows? Well, don't worry. On our one show, we're going to expose a lot of that. We've met. Yeah. They've done community stuff. They seem really, really good. Yeah. Well, you know, it's hard doing these shows sometimes because we go home and cry. At times, it can get quite emotional. Oh, it's emotional. And, you know, we did the McKenna-Riley. We covered some of the McKenna-Riley. Yeah, that was pretty hard. We became really good friends with Bev and her sister. And when she was found, you know, deceased in the water and things didn't add up and the sheriff screwed up and, you know, they let her go naked in blue rubber. Yeah, under intoxicants. And she said she had been roping, you know, or something, and they still let her go. And then she shows up dead in the water. And two people haven't passed lie detectors. And it's a mess. And there has been an outcry, you know, of what's happening with our police, you know. Why would they let a naked woman go? If it was me up there naked, I would be in prison still probably. Fuck, if it was you naked, we'd all be on a mental hold for a few days. Yeah, I mean, why did they let her go? She's dead now because they let her go. They should have made sure she was safe. I mean, then they try to cover up their liability and make it worse and worse and worse on the family, you know. And it's just heartbreaking. It really is. And we really do care. We're not trying to point our finger at people, but we are holding accountability on different things and actions people do, you know. If somebody doesn't want people calling them out on it, then don't do it. Yeah, 110%. That's the hardest part, right? It's like we're not here to slander people. No. But if people come out and say stuff, like, that's just the way it is. So coming back through, coming back to you in the case of, like, Danny Oberg, so we received messages in the past from multiple stuff. And I don't know if you guys have seen different stuff in the past by people we've involved maybe. Yeah. I don't know if you guys have. Oh, yeah, we heard the name Logan White mentioned more than once. Yeah, on one chain of, you know, things that were going along there. And then we heard some other names that we're going to be saying on the radio on a pre-recorded show that's already been recorded and put in the Dropbox and can't be taken out. So it's already done, done deal. So that will be going out there on that one. I think the hardest part, too, is with all of it is the wife's brother, one of them passed away too soon after. Well, now that's weird because that situation, from what Kenneth told us, is the brother was getting ready to come clean with what he knew about Danny's case. And then he got out of jail. He was heard telling somebody that in jail. And then he gets out and he dies. He commits suicide. I think. That's what people reached out to us with basically saying that that was kind of sketchy. And I was like, oh, man, I'm sorry. Like, that's tough to hear. Because, like, what the information was and being scared, right? Yeah. But on the other hand, we've heard that he had nothing to do with it and that it was a party that was there. And it was really like about four or five different versions. And we do have some really compelling evidence that's never been told before that's going to be coming out. But we just want to have those discussions. Ultimately, people, so if you can, everybody, stand-down viewers, stand-up-and-be-heard viewers, if you hear our plea, if you know about these cases, this is your opportunity. Veronica and Buck are amazing people. They take the time and due diligence to actually sit there and have these conversations and go above and beyond to make sure that your voice is heard. And we protect those informants. We protect them. We always protect anybody that says they want to be anonymous. Yeah, we will not give your – I don't care if the police want a strong army. We will not give it up. Second Amendment. And we just want to thank you guys for helping our town. And, you know, like we said, we do all this to not slander anybody. We just pass information that we receive from people, multiple people. If it was just one person, we wouldn't say it. But when it's multiple, we have to, right? Yeah, you have to. I mean, we didn't do Jake's case at first for quite a few months. We kept, you know, putting it off to the side. But once you get to so many people begging us, I mean, I was getting e-mails every day from people, come on, do it, do it, you have to look at this case, you have to, something's wrong. Then that is – we are just giving you the cries of the people and what they're saying. Right, we're just presenting the information. Yeah, our disclaimer is we don't know. We don't know who did it. But now let's talk about it. And as we go out there, you know, we just want to do our part in our community just to keep helping. You know, and that's why we do all this. We just want to help make this the most best sweet town it can be, just for our youth too, for our community. We all deserve it. And we're going to be starting a petition for Jake to get that case re-evaluated by an outside agency. And so I would love – We would pass that information on via Sandy and Sam. When that petition's ready, we'll help you guys. And it's not against the family or anything. It's just for a new agency to look at this case. We're working on t-shirts. We got some t-shirts coming in the works. Right on. Jake ain't in the lake. That's a fantastic idea too. You don't make no profit or anything. It's just you pay for costs. We're going to have a link for that eventually. But we're going to have that for Chris's father. We're going to have that for Danny. I love that. I love that. That's a great idea. I love that. And you know what? We will actually help you get that going if you want money-wise. Or doing and helping you get some of that finance with sponsors if you need help. Oh, thank you so much. We got a great person working on it. And they're totally down. I love that. I love that. Good job, guys. I apologize for misspeaking earlier. I said 2nd Amendment. I meant the 1st Amendment. But the 2nd Amendment is great too. The 2nd Amendment is great too. I do believe in guns. Oh, yeah. But if it's okay with you guys, we hope that we can continue to review your guys' radio show as you guys go along. Yeah, please. And we want you guys to have a radio show at our station. Yeah. We want you guys to get a radio show. You can even do it remotely. Yeah, you can do it remotely, whatever. But we want to put you in with our station manager and get you in here. Oh, thank you. For your own show, your very own. Well, if we can make a partnership and do side-by-sides from time to time too because we're all about teamwork. Yeah, we are too. We are too. Sounds like a good plan to me. And do you guys have a lot of, you know, when you talk about Jake's case, have you had any repercussions from it or anything like that? Well, we've had repercussions of basically, well, to be honest with everybody out there, basically people telling us to be careful, to be safe. And that's a nice thing to say, but, you know, at what point do you say enough? Tell the truth. Just tell the damn truth. We see Chris right here, right? Yeah. And I'll be damned to not do my part to help Chris out. Exactly, exactly. I can't live with myself not doing something. Well, so let's thank you guys, and you guys are that outlet. So we are grateful for you guys. We always got your back. If you guys are involved in this case or know any information, please get a hold of also Veronica and Buck. And they'll protect you, they'll keep your identity safe, and they will pass that information on to good people that can actually help us out. It will go to the sheriff, but without your name if you want it that way. I mean, at this point, they need tips, they need help to get this one more step further. And apparently Lane County is a little more receptive to hearing tips than Lane County is. Yeah, they are. That's a plus you got going for yourself right there. Yeah, you guys have a good county there that can, you know, let's say that Lane County has a new group in there now of sheriffs or whatever. You know, maybe, you know, when we take all this stuff to them, maybe they, let's hope and pray, they'll be more receptive, like you said, Buck. Right, or maybe they're more shocked about it. Maybe they'll hear it and they'll say, hey, wait a minute, that doesn't sound good. They already have heard it, actually. They're quite shocked. What we do is we do a citizen's perspective of the news, right? Yeah. So this is basically citizen's perspective of helping cases. It's not going to get handled the way that we think it should have been handled. We'll do our due diligence, but do it ourselves. Yeah, and we've had enough people that have given us written request forms to request that we do this. And so, you know, if there's just majority rules. Yeah, we're giving what the listener wants. I mean, we are not investigators. We are just human beings. They care and are fed up with seeing these families in this much pain. Too many people are going missing. Yeah, the numbers are staggering and it's a small of an area, you know. Something's going on. I mean, and if the police aren't doing their jobs, then that needs to be looked at, too. I mean, there's a lot of good officers. Yeah, don't get us wrong, there are. But gosh darn it, you know, come on. If we can do it, why aren't they? You know, I mean, we're just too... We call upon our community to help us out in this case. Yeah, that's right. And treat Kenneth Oberg... I want people to be kind to Kenneth. Let's help each other out. Yeah. And just, you know, let's help find these bodies. Let's help find this suspect as well. And Chris's case. And let's, you know, after then, rejoice, come together, and keep making this town sweet. I love that. I love that. We want to thank you for having us on air. We are so grateful for y'all. And we're looking forward to the next conversations and what you guys put together. And thank you for letting us reach out and give you information. Anything. And sound via your radio station as well. Stand up and be heard, which y'all need to go follow. Yes? 97.3. And Sandy M. Sound for all you listeners. Yeah. I suggest you follow. Yep. We love Sandy M. Sound. Yeah. Let's shout out a hand to the police. Police helping our small towns. We own Oregon. Again, this is client Chris and our boy Calvin with the Sandy M. Sound. Today's guests were Veronica and Buck. Thank you guys so much for what you do for our community and beyond. And God bless you with unconditional love, healing, protection, energy, and humble peace of blessing abundance. Thank you guys so much for everything. Right back at you, my friend. Thank you. Happy and safe. Stay sweet, everyone. Back to you, Scotty. All right. Stay sweet. Love that. Most guys. Great people. There you go.

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